What is it with Liberal Progressives Anyways
So just out of curiosity, what are you guys getting out of batting Inuyasha around? I'm honestly curious, I mean I can barely get through his posts myself, yet I see multiple people painstakingly fisking them as if there were actual points that needed refuting in them. If I've learned anything from nearly 3 years of posting in PPR, it's that not everything I disagree with needs to be rebutted, in fact the majority of posts I have a problem with are so obviously wrong or blatantly biased that I can confidently ignore them without fear. Somewhat counter-intuitively, it's actually the more reasonable sounding posts that I feel the need to engage with when I disagree on the merits since they might actually sway someone's opinion, where as the more polemical screeds only tend to appeal to people that already agree with the premise to begin with.
I guess I can see the appeal of an easily rebutted opponent from an ego standpoint, but I can't imagine that some of the stronger debaters I'm seeing engaged here could really be getting that much satisfaction out of the whole exercise. Basically I'm seeing a colossal waste of time here, even if Inuyasha is posting here in a genuine capacity, his posting style is exactly that of a troll. I've tried to engage with him, earlier in this thread and elsewhere to no avail, I've had more productive exchanges with spam bots. He doesn't learn, he doesn't consider any points that are raised, he simply disregards information he doesn't agree with and restates his argument and/or floats a red herring or Fox/Beck quote. Troll or not, I don't see much to be gained by continuing to feed him with in depth responses.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
@ Dox47
Actually there are two possibilities: they either can't stand dissenting opinion or I've struck a nerve and they feel threatened by what I posted. It actually explains the behavior to attempt to completely shut me up or discredit me. The behavior that they demonstrate is actually why more and more people consider Fox News to be a credible source. Cause it looks like they have struck a nerve and people in power feel threatened.
I have yet to see them post valid sources when they make statements. Instead they use sites that are known to receive money to specifically smear conservatives, have used bogus documents in the past (the font not having been in existance when the document had supposedly been made for instance), and/or have lost a lawsuit because they slandered someone. Sure I pay attention to Fox News, but I also pay attention to Drudge Report which is considered to be more reputable than the AP. The attacks on drudge are laughable because it posts links to stories, the site doesn't give its own opinions.
A source where their people get shivers up their leg and want to sleep with Obama and have his babies isn't a valid source. I don't know how to put it more obviously for people here. Sad thing is this includes nearly all American Media outlets.
I know I can come across as being extremely annoying, however that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.
@ xenon13
How about you post the uneditted version then in its entirety, because somehow I doubt that it was just editted for time constraints.
The original speech is full of filler and lasts about an hour, that's why. Condensing the important posts might "strengthen" the objectionable tone of it but aside from that there is little difference. I did not put in the part where he ludicrously says that Progressives and Communists are the same.
There's another part where he compares the Republican Party to an alcoholic addicted to government spending and he brings up the Theodore Roosevelt business to show that some Republicans are Progressives in disguise. This is a clever ploy to claim that all that the Republicans and Bush did wrong was Progressivism because he cannot admit that everything was perfect under their misrule. This allows him to cast himself as the outsider and of his movement also as outsiders. I think this can be seen in the parts left in - but who wants to see Beck make stupid jokes about Tiger Woods? I don't.
@ Inuyasha
I just wrote a lengthy post encouraging people not to respond to you, so I'll keep this brief. Your posts are damaging to the conservative cause, the board liberals love you for being a living breathing strawman for them to knock down and then claim they've refuted conservatism. People who think you're trolling don't think you're trolling the liberals, they think you are a liberal, a provocateur pretending to be the worst sort of conservative ideologue so that the liberals look good in comparison. I you really cared about promoting conservatism and changing people's attitudes towards it, you'd either stop posting or step up your game, as it is you're doing more harm than good to your purported cause.
Personal disclaimer; my criticism here is not to be taken as endorsing or condemning either liberalism or conservatism, as a libertarian I share common planks and profound differences with both ideologies, I'm strictly criticizing an individual poster who's either lost or not what he presents himself as.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
There's another part where he compares the Republican Party to an alcoholic addicted to government spending and he brings up the Theodore Roosevelt business to show that some Republicans are Progressives in disguise. This is a clever ploy to claim that all that the Republicans and Bush did wrong was Progressivism because he cannot admit that everything was perfect under their misrule. This allows him to cast himself as the outsider and of his movement also as outsiders. I think this can be seen in the parts left in - but who wants to see Beck make stupid jokes about Tiger Woods? I don't.
Again, post the entire speech, so we can decide for ourselves whether or not it is relevant.
@ Dox47
I know I'm not very good at getting points across, however I'm not going to just sit here and watch people use sources that are known to be dubious at best without calling them on it either. Fox News was really the only major media outlet that actually bothered to vet Obama instead of having a slobbering love affair. They constantly bash Fox News while refusing to acknowledge the fact that the sources they use (when they actually bother to even give them) have records that make the National Enquirer like a reputable news outlet.
A few million dollars which they have tried to dismiss going to their left wing sources as chump change is a lot of money and their double standard is so blatantly obvious I'm at a loss as to how they can't realize that fact. I know they are otherwise intelligent people, but still didn't anyone ever teach them to consider that their first impression may be wrong.
For the record, I used to watch MSNBC, then it took a sharp curve to the left and I stumbled across Fox News. I found I liked their style of reporting and how they divided their news segments up (they seperate their News portion from their opinions portion), and stopped watching MSNBC.
I guess I can see the appeal of an easily rebutted opponent from an ego standpoint, but I can't imagine that some of the stronger debaters I'm seeing engaged here could really be getting that much satisfaction out of the whole exercise. Basically I'm seeing a colossal waste of time here, even if Inuyasha is posting here in a genuine capacity, his posting style is exactly that of a troll. I've tried to engage with him, earlier in this thread and elsewhere to no avail, I've had more productive exchanges with spam bots. He doesn't learn, he doesn't consider any points that are raised, he simply disregards information he doesn't agree with and restates his argument and/or floats a red herring or Fox/Beck quote. Troll or not, I don't see much to be gained by continuing to feed him with in depth responses.
In a forum as popular is this there are sure to be a few lurkers who are more open to reason. If the audience was Inuyasha alone I agree there wouldn't be a point.
Also, if nothing else Inuyasha is good source for sampling the propaganda of the right, especially for someone who doesn't watch network news television or read political blogs. Maybe from the outside it only appears that I'm trying to "slap him around" but really I am a curious guy. I feel like I need to address certain attacks and propaganda coming from "the other side" because there is often a grain of truth that needs addressing behind all the spin and hyperbole. Since I am myself in the field of climate science (though my area is in the less politically charged field of shorter-term natural modes of variability), I was very interested in addressing the issues surrounding the "climategate" scandal. I've actually spent some time doing my own research to try and get to the bottom of the issues, but I haven't shared anything on here because I couldn't get Inuyasha or anyone else on the "skeptic" side to play ball and go into specifics with me.
I don't think anyone believes they have refuted conservatism simply based on demonstrating that Inuyasha is off his rocker. I think virtually everyone on this board recognizes that Inuyasha lives in a bubble fantasy world and has no credibility or ability to engage other ideas.
As to why I keep responding... I dunno, I guess I am just an excessively stubborn person.
Actually this is the kind of stuff that makes people think you are a troll. You should leave the psychoanalysis to your shrink as you aren't very good at it.
@ marshall
I'm sorry that I don't believe the far-left's talking points and can actually think for myself. I know you are intelligent marshall so I know you can think for yourself.
Anyways xenon13 posted the Beck transcript which kinda destroys the Beck is a crazy person argument.
We have a right to fail. We have a right to fail – no, no, this is a God-given right. We have a right to fail. Without failure there is no growth. Fifteen years ago, I was completely broke. I was completely out of control. I had no answers in my life, none. I was living in a little one-room apartment, I lost my family, everything. My whole life was spiraling out of control. I was on the fetal position of my – of my apartment. Am I going to die? Or I’m going to figure it out, and live. Because no one was there, if somebody would have been there to hold me up, I wouldn’t have been down here enough (drops to knees) to be able to dust myself off and say no, I’m not going to spend my life here, I’m going to stand up on my own two feet (stands), figure it out, and because of that failure I can stand here today.
Without failure, there is no sweetness in success; there’s no understanding of it. And we’re – we’re saying that there – these people are too big to fail. When did we become the country that says the big guy needs to be – if you’re a bank and you didn’t know you shouldn’t give a loan to somebody who can’t even present a check or a piece of identification – you should fail.
Conservatives believe that we are guaranteed the right to pursue happiness. We’re not guaranteed happiness; who can guarantee you happiness? Tiger Woods wasn’t happy. No one is guaranteed happiness. You can pursue it. But if you happen to find success along the way, on that road to happiness, conservatives believe you shouldn’t be demonized or penalized for it.
We believe in the right of the individual. We believe in the right of the individual. We believe in the right, you can speak out, you can disagree with me, you can make your own path. But I’m not going to pay for your mistakes, and I don’t expect you to pay for my mistakes. We’re all going to make them, but we all have the right to move down that road. What we don’t have a right to is: health care, housing, or handouts. We don’t have those rights.
Every time the government grows we lose more of who we are. When you give up your right to struggle, when you – you say, here, you’re giving more of your freedom away. There – every time it grows, they have to raise the price – they raise the price of the American dream through taxes or through massive debt. We are destroying our children’s future. Look, anybody who thought that George Bush was spending and it made any kind of sense was a madman. There comes a point where you must stop and realize that we cannot do this. We’re pricing ourselves out of the American dream.
http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.actio ... 4978060978
Bah share anyways, it might be interesting.
Bah share anyways, it might be interesting.
Agreed if you have something please do share, if you have sources I would like the sources too.
Bah share anyways, it might be interesting.
Agreed if you have something please do share, if you have sources I would like the sources too.
Again, you are acting like a troll. Why can't you simply accept that there are people in the world who disagree with you on some basic moral/philosophical principals?
Again, you are acting like a troll. Why can't you simply accept that there are people in the world who disagree with you on some basic moral/philosophical principals?
If I was behaving like a troll, I wouldn't bother posting sources. Maybe that's cause I don't have your level of experience at trolling huh.
Again, you are acting like a troll. Why can't you simply accept that there are people in the world who disagree with you on some basic moral/philosophical principals?
It's more likely that he simply has no functioning theory of mind, rather than actual trolling.
Again, you are acting like a troll. Why can't you simply accept that there are people in the world who disagree with you on some basic moral/philosophical principals?
It's more likely that he simply has no functioning theory of mind, rather than actual trolling.
I understand that people can have a difference of opinion Orwell, I actually don't think you are an evil person. You may know a lot that just isn't so, but I don't think you are evil.