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20 Nov 2006, 10:19 pm

Hazelwudi wrote:

I guess it is hard for me to see it that way, mainly because I was sheltered throughout my life. Most people I had a chance to interact were my mohter's friends, so I obviously felt welcome. But still it didn't stop me from actively resisting my mom each time she tried to make me spend time with her friends, because that would be a "disraction to my studies". Also, I never viewed my mother's firends as any kind of exception. On the contrary, I was taking their behavior as normal and was assuming that everyone would treat me that way.

I'm driving more at your interaction with those your own age. How you were treated by the other children at school, for example. You say you were teased... did this not set up a negative expectation of how those your age would treat you?

I guess the thing is that I don't really see my girlfriends as same-age. Rather, I see them as a parent-figures from whom I seek approval. I guess what have happened is that any kind of same-age interaction have ended at 14 when I moved to USA. So between 14 and 21 I was only interacting with my mom and her friends, all of which were adult. So I guess my mind simply forgotten a category of "same age peer" so that I automatically started to put all the same-age people into "adult" category. And I guess it is easy to do because the same-age category were only used up untill I was 14 when I left Russia. So obviously same-age peers back then were much younger than same-age peers right now.

By the way, you brought a good point. Because speaking of whether or not I have "the same validity as others", back in Russia when others were my peers indeed that is how I thought and I never took what they had to say personally. So may be what have changed is that right now, as an adult, I no longer view anyone as peers, but instead view them as authority figures.

Hazelwudi wrote:

This is probably why I was hurt so much on that mailing list. Since I was expecting everyone to shelter me the way my mohter's firends did, I obviously felt betrayed the moment it turned out not to be the case. From where I am sitting right now, I was only on htat list for less than 2 weeks so the whole thing wasn't such a big deal on the first place. The only reason that I was so much hurt was really the fact htat it was the first time in my life I EVER had a chance to feel hurt.

One wonders... did you ever resent being sheltered?

I do resent being sheltered by my mom, but like you said, anyone would.

But I am not sure whether or not in this particular sentence you were sarcastically referring to something else; please clarify.

Hazelwudi wrote:

The children in russia are even worse than those here? What do they do, have a daily "set fire to the cat" session during recess, or something? The mind boggles...

Well basically in Russia there is no detention room. They would simply make you stay in hallway if you misbehave during the class. But as far as misbehaving during the break, there is nothing teachers can do about it unless it is something really extreme. Well, yes they did have these discussions I mentioned, but the point is that they would never actually do any disciplinary action or anything. Also speaking of behavior in class the same thing it would take much more to be kicked out of class in Russia than in USA. In fact even during midterm sometimes teacher left classroom and then my bullies were making threats in order to get me to help them with their test. Whenever teacher came back and they were caught, she didn't fail anyone or anything, she simply gave them a different problem.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Did you experience any sort of culture shock when you moved to the US after being in Russia for so long? I'm curious now

I guess mainly I was disoriented for a few years due to not knowing English. I guess the whole thing about not knowing anyone's names and faces also dates back to when I moved to USA. Probably because the American names weren't familiar to me the way Russian ones were, so I haven't been remembering them for the few years it would take me to familiarize myself with them. And then after the few years were over, I lost the habbit.

The other part of the equation might be that in Russia there is no such thing as choosing classes, everyone is assigned the same classes. So in Russia I have spent several years with the same old kids which made it easy to remember them.

As far as differences between Russia and America, I guess I mainly noticed whatever affected me the most. So when I moved to America my parents became extremely overprotective and won't allow me to walk alone on the street. They told me that it is American culture that children under 18 don't walk alone. I guess I have heard here and htere that may be it is true, but I think the fact that my parents are overprotective is the biggest part of the equation, especially since right before I moved to America I lost my way in a forest when I went running. So I think THAT was why they did what they did as opposed to American culture. But since they blamed it on American culture I just took it at face value and noticed a lot of other things such as the fact that in America children weren't allowed to walk home from school unless parents gave teachers a permission to let them go home, and stuff like that. So I guess this might be attributed to culture shock.

Hazelwudi wrote:

On top of that, during some of the literature classes in Russia sometimes the subject was to discuss interaction of kids with each other, and for obvious reasons in many cases it involved me. It was always spelled out that there is nothing wrong with me other htan the fact that I am "different" and the bullies are the ones who need to grow up. Given that the teacher was an authority as opposed to my bullies, I weren't taking any bullying personally either.

It still can result in social anxiety and a low self esteem.... the proof isn't just in real life, but also all around us, on these boards.

What are you referring to by 'all around us, on these message boards"

Hazelwudi wrote:

Once again, may be part of my problems right now is that I am used to viewing these discussions as "normal", but right now there is no one who would engage in them. At the times when I did do something wrong, I would always be told in a lot of detailes exactly why I shouldn't have done it -- and this is true both in Russia as well as with my mother's friends well after I moved to USA. Furthermore, every single time I was told I did something wrong, it was always an example of bad behavior as opposed to social ignorance.

Was your social ignorance considered "bad behavior", then? It's not as if you could help it, really.

No what I mean by bad behavior is that I was doing it on purpose in order to pull people's knees. So basically I have learned that no one gets mad at me unless I specifically DECIDE to make them mad because it is fun. So when in "real life" I started seeing people being mad at me WITHOUT my deciding to make them mad, it was a shock.

Hazelwudi wrote:

The rest of the world is not going to be as forgiving as your mother and her friends... one would imagine that the other children in school would have shown you that much?

Well, I guess even though I was teased A LOT in Russia, it is still true that the kids were "forgiving" in a sense that since I was viewed as screwed up in a head there was no reason to get mad at me. Personally i would rather be back in Russia than now, because the kind of thing I am facing right now hurst much more.

Hazelwudi wrote:

"Bad" in this case is a moral judgment.

I was just making a comparison with how back in Russia my parents told me to dismiss some kids as "bad" which was no longer an option now in Jewish club. So I just used the word "bad" in order to make comparison.

Hazelwudi wrote:

He probably assumed that as an adult you'd already know this stuff, and therefore attributed your behavior to malice, at least originally.

It is unfortunate, but even if he realized that it was not malicious at the end... most people don't want to have to take the time to teach other people the social skills that they believe the person ought to have learned years ago.

Just to correct the Jewish club dirrector was "she" and not "he". And the thing is that I told her I have Asperger and yes she took it seriously. But the point is that telling her that I have Asperger made it WORSE rather than better. Because what she said is that since I have Asperger, and it is lifelong condition, how would i possilby learn social skills? And if I can't learn them, then she can't let me on that trip.

Hazelwudi wrote:
It's far less effort to just ostracise them or encourage them to go elsewhere.

Even though it is less effort, still consider the fact that few weeks of effort will have MUCH LONGER benefits. So the only rationale for saving efforts is when someone is 100% sure it won't work. So thats what makes me feel I am worthless. If after knowing me for few days they know 100% that no ammount of effort would work,then it really has to be very obvious.

Hazelwudi wrote:

You have many facets, just as anyone else does... why not let them live a little, too? For example, here you are, all up into physics... and yet you come here, reaching a hand out into the darkness in hopes that someone will understand, rather than pinning that hand to the wall with a knife. You have multiple needs and goals..

The thing is that when I say I DIDN"T want friends (notice the past tense) I am referring to time prior to 2001. And right now when I came reaching for hand it is after 2001. So what I am trying to say is that the mailing list AT 2001 basically changed my whole attitude about everything. And I wish I could go back to the time before that mailing list and go from there; then I am sure would of had ph.d. by now since I won'ot have been so disracted by these thoughts.

Hazelwudi wrote:

Ah. (And ouch.)

For me, it was specializing that was the difficulty... my interests run so deep in so many different areas of the social sciences that it was VERY hard to not try and run in several different directions all at once. lol.

I guess in my case it is somewhat similar. I don't INITIALLY intend to sidetrack, but the point is that I can't just take certain things on faith value. So I go much deeper into them which leads me into a host of other things that end up being sidetracks. I have several unpublished work that I haven't even shown to my professors because I felt like I only did it in order to clarify some things and LATER come back to what I have to do. But then when it got to the point that I was nearly kicked out of school for lack of progress I was basically forced to try to make something out of what I did in the past, and I found a professor at another school that is willing to do it with me (NO it is NOT the one close to home). But otherwise I would of never done it because I was scared someone would steal my ideas, and at the same time I felt too busy to published them. The whole fear of my ideas being stolen went away because when I was in real danger of being kicked out last spring it was a kind of shock treatment to help me see what my priorities are.

Hazelwudi wrote:
It is better to not share the methodology of your personal experimentation with the oversensitive. The data, yes. The methodology, no. Well, not unless you're actively wanting to bother them, which is confessedly amusing at times.

I've long since lost track of the number of times I've been called a monster or accused of inhumanity over that, rofl.

In Jonathan's case... quite frankly, I think that autistics are roundly underestimated by most researchers, in terms of their capacity to understand. *shrugs*

Like I said, since I haven't had much experience with the internet I viewed people in the internet as "abstract" so I developed a habbit of being overly honest with them since abstracts can't hurt me.

The unfortunate part of it is that after I was, in fact, hurt in 2001, I haven't figured out a way of breaking that habbit, simply because I have practiced it for few years so it was ingrained into my system. So I guess now I have two parts to me: the part that was comming from "real world" where I keep things from everyone, and the part that comes from internet where I am overly honest.

But then when it comes to NEW people I meet, such as my girlfriends, these two parts get confused with one another so at some points I am way too open and honest with them and hten I go and say "wait a second I have to take back everything I said no matter how tiny" and this causes a lot of conflicts. But the irony of the situation is that if I remember my thoughts WHILE I was saying unwanted things to my girlfriends, these were NOT accidents; quite the opposite I wanted to pull their legs to test their reaction, and then after their reaction isn't the one I want it to be, then I have to take it back and it comes to the point that I FORGET the fact that I was testing them and sincerely feel it was an accident. And why does it happen this way? Because I practiced it too many times while on the internet.

So yah, that goes towards saying that I have to go back much further than that mailing list, and actually all the way back to when I first used internet, at 18. Prior to that I don't think I was EVER been so open and honest with anyone. Everyone was "real", there were no abstracts, etc. Sure I didn't have friends because they were "waste of time" and sometimes I hurt people's feelings on purpose, but this was all consistent with my mindset of what was important and what was "waste of time", so I don't remember a single thing I did before I started using internet which I came to regret later. I had far better self esteem and I felt a lot healthier.

Hazelwudi wrote:

In the social sciences, a given theory sometimes bears the indelible stamp of the personality and "issues" of the person who created it. (There are exceptions... physiological psych is the least affected by this. Second would be the most hardcore of behaviorism.) It is unfortunate, but it cannot be helped. Researchers are human, and as such have their own share of inner conflicts, odd notions, and so on. No one comes into the world studying quarks, the lifecycle of batholithic marine life, or whatnot... but everyone has had to interact with others as a child, at least somewhat.

For example of a dovetailing between the theorist and the theory, do you recall Erik Erikson... he who proposed the (at the time relatively novel) idea that the personality continues to grow and develop throughout the lifespan, and introduced multiple binary stages? Erikson was not in fact his birth surname. He had serious issues with his father. In changing his name... Erik Erikson (think about that for a moment -- Erik, son of Erik ) he effectively obliterated his father's heritage from himself, and his theories were a denial of the (prior to this, unquestioned) idea that a child's personality is formed at a very young age, largely by his parents.

Yah right now I agree with what you are saying. But the funny thing is that back then no matter how many times I was told that I couldn't EVER agree. I only started to agree with it when I learned it on my own, all through my own independant trials and tribulations after 2001.

Hazelwudi wrote:

You bring up an interesting point there. There is often little difference between a mystic and a madman, if you want to be honest about it... it as if they are both thrown into the same psychological sea. The mystic finds he can swim, whereas the madman cannot and is drowning. This isn't exclusive to Jews, though... you can see that sort of thing in most cultural groups, really..

Yah I agree that it can be true about most cultures. But another thing to note is that there are more then one mental illness. So may be DIFFERENT mental illnesses are influencing different cultures. For example, Christianity might be influenced by schizophrenia, at least in terms of its conspiracy theories. So in light of that picture I can say that Judaism is the culture that is influenced by autism AS OPPOSED to other mental illnesses.

As far as mystic finds he can swim while madman won't, I would even question that. Society is the one that judges who is swimming and who doesn't, so may be it is more about social norms of a time as opposed to what happends inside a person that is judged by the society. For instance, in what way are the rituals of autistic any worse than rituals of Jews? Neither is self-damaging. The only difference is that 20-th century tolerance teaches us not to view any cultural phenomenon as pathological, hence Jews are viewed as normal and we are left with autistics being the only "madman" ones. But if we go back to middle ages, then Jew-rituals were just as much inappropriate and damaging to ones life as autistic-rituals are.

Hazelwudi wrote:

I don't know if I'd go that far... if ancient records are to be believed, the ancient Hebrews were quite the marauding band of desert barbarians in their day. In order to be a marauding barbarian, you have to have a certain baseline level of athleticism... and this is a trait that autistics are hardly known for. They would have had to have changed, once they settled down and became more "civilized" as a people.

But mutation can happen. Especially since Jews are isolated in terms of gene pool, this leaves plenty of room for mutation to occur.

Appart from that, due to the fact that 10 out of the 12 tribes of Israel were lost, it is possible that these two tribes are the autistic ones, while the lost ones are the "balanced" ones that are today's Whites. And finally some of the new genes might have been carried into Jewish gene pool upon the conversion of Khazar tribes for example.

Hazelwudi wrote:

Many of them tried desperately to fight, though... consider the Warsaw Ghetto, for example. As for the camps... your number one priority is in saving your own life, or at least prolonging it as much as possible. Yes, if every inmate were to charge the Germans, they might liberate the camp. However, the odds are excellent that those in the front line of the charge are going to be mown down by gunfire. You don't want to be shot, so you don't initiate a charge. And if everyone is thinking that too... then there's no charge. :/.

I understand what you are saying. But the same is true for dozens and dozens of non-Jewish groups with similar fates. Yet throughout history Jews are the only ones that NEVEER succeeded rebelling against hteir opressors. So statistically Jews are weaker.

Hazelwudi wrote:

I can see why they'd react negatively... most people would interpret your analysis as anti-semetic, yes?

They did, and then I defended myself by saying that I am Jewish myself, but everyone ignored that statement as if they haven't read it or something.

Also, you have to note the fact that I said that Jews have SUPERIOR skills in math and science. So as far as math and science I am pro-Jewish, and as far as fighting I am antisemitic, which kind of balances out. Plus the fact that I am a physicist should suggest that I would typically put more importance on science part.

I guess people have mental filters so that the pro-Jewish pieces aren't noticed while antisemitic ones are. So in the balanced 50/50 presentation, one naturally looks antisemitic since these are the things that people's mind gets stuck on. The same applies to blacks.

So I guess it would be much more fair to say that the people who have these mental filters are anti-white. But then their defense is that White ppl enslaved blacks and perssecutted Jews. Okay fine, so if it is okay to be anti-White because of what Whites did, why should it not be okay to be anti-semitic because of racist things in Talmud?

I am not saying I am supporting the above view. On the contrary, as a scientist, I want to do honest analysis of facts without ever holding grunges against anyone. But when it comes to OTHERS accusing me of something I am not guilty of, I have to point out that they, too, have double standarts in their thinking.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I consider it that autistics and NT's tend to be good at different things, really. I would certainly not want to see an autistic diplomat, an autistic peacekeeper, or an autistic policeman, fireman, or soldier. All of these jobs require at least one skill that autistics are notoriously deficient in (social skills, athleticism, or both). At the same time, autistics tend to excel in fields that confessedly have all the 'warm n fuzzy' humanistic appeal of a particularly nasty industrial accident... most branches of science, mathematics, technology, etc. If we lacked either type, I think our species would probably still be in the caves.

I agree with what you are saying. In fact I said myself how Jews both GOOD in sciences and BAD in fighting, both because of autism. So I reflected what you were saying. And like you said in the last sentence, we need both autistics and NT-s, and thats why Whites (as opposed to autistic Jews OR ultra-NT blacks) were most successful because being "in the middle" they have both autistic and ultra-NT members to fulfill all the range of functions.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Such comments regarding blacks are generally construed as racist by the population at large, though..

But if something is offensive it doesn't make it non-true. What Galileo said about earth revolving around the sun was also offensive to his contemporaries.

Hazelwudi wrote:

I think the individual variance is too broad to fully justify the generalization that race is destiny, as it were... I've known a few blacks over the course of my life who were quite good at such things

I never denied individual viarence. I personally know one black girl from UC Berkeley who was one of the smartest ppl in class. What I am trying to say is STATISTICALLY things happen the way they do. And, if you ask yourself why European civilization is more advanced than African, the statistics is what matters, becase if there are FEW individual blacks in Africa who are very smart their NUMBER isn't enough to create a culture.

If you read my theory carefully, I also appealed to the individual variation when I said that Whites have both autistics and ultra-NTs. Okay lets assume for a second there is NO variation. So we have autistic Jews with one set of skills, ultra-NT blacks with other set of skills and "average" whites with yet another set of skills. All three groups only posess ONE set of skills with the exclusion of all the others. So there is no need to say that ANY of them is more limitted than any one else. They are all equally limitted.

ON THE OTHER HAND let now remind ourselves that there is variation. Just to make an illlustration, lets just pick random numbers for that effect. So, among Whites we have 10% ultra NT-s, 10% autistics, and 80% averages. Among Jews we have 2% ultra NT-s, 28% autistics and 70% averages. Among blacks we have 28% ultra NT-s, 2% autistics and 70% averages.

First note this: I have just said that Whites have 80% averages, while both Jews and blacks have 70% averages. In other words, the proportions of averages don't differ too much, so I am by no means stereotyping either blacks or Jews.

But now lets look at something else. If we are strictly interested in science and nothing else, we would want to single out autistic members of all three groups. So among Jews we have 28% autistics, among whites we have 10% autistics and among blacks we have 2% autistics. So this means that the proportion of Jewish scientists is 3 times bigger than the proportion of white scientists, which in turn five times bigger than proportion of black scientists.

Once again, I never made any statement about comparing INDIVIDUAL members of each group. In particular, it is entirely possible that some of the people among 2% of black autistics are better in science than some of the ppl among 10% of white autistics. But the point is that THEIR NUMBERS are much fewer. So, no matter how smart they might be, if there are so few of them they can't build the mathematics and science in the whole African continent from scratch all by themselves. So this have set a stage for blacks to be enslaved later on in history which brings them to where they are at now.

The moral of what I am saying is that up untill the second half of 20-th century, races were playing against each other as teams. So of course within each team we can have as much variation among the strength of its players as we want. But due to the setup of a game, the fate of every single member of a team ultimately depends on the AVERAGE strength of a team as a whole. So, due to the fact that ON AVERAGE blacks are not as good in science as Whites are, all of them ultimately had to suffer for it through slavery which would of never happened if there were more science and technology in Africa prior to that.

Speaking of Jews, I can say similar thing. Of course their autism didn't help them in terms of competting with other teams. But there is something else that went on. Namely, due to the fact that the percentage of Jewish scientists is three times higher than White scientists, this set a stage for the emphasis on education in Jewish culture. And then, the emphasis on education within a culture ultimately influenced all its members to some extend.

Likewise, thanks to 28% of Jews who are autistic, we have the Talmud which advocates exclusivity. Once we do have Talmud, it is then being taught to all the Jews from infancy, and so it is ingrained into heads of Jews who are otherwise perfectly NT, thanks to the autistic ones that made it possible. So the education, which is also culturally based, again divides different racial groups into "teams" which makes it possible for all the individuals to be affected by some extend by the fact that they have a certain PROPORTION of autistics.

So my theory very much DOES appeal to proportion. If there were no variation, then it won't matter exactly where the racial group is. After all, like you said both being autistic and being NT has its own advantages and disadvantages. The ONE thing that makes it important of being in the middle (i.e. White) is VARIATION. Precicely BECAUSE OF VARIATION Whites are both blessed with 10% aspies AND with 10% ultra-NT-s.

If there were no variation, Whites would of had 0% autistics, and 0% ultra- NT-s, which means they would of been bad BOTH in science AND in sports (after all, NONE of us would of been good in science if not for Isaac Newton). BUT, precisely BECAUSE we have variation, Whites end up being in a big advantage over both Jews and blacks, since DUE TO VARIATION, the Whites become the unique group that has ENOUGH people on both ends on the bell curve (and when I said the word ENOUGH I was asknowledging that the other two groups have them too).

Hazelwudi wrote:

Well, that was one way to do it. Let me guess, you were accused of being racist and of having read The Bell Curve one too many times, right? lol...

Yah, thats exactly what the accusation was.

Hazelwudi wrote:

If you knew you were going to get a negative reaction for the "racist post"....

.... then why did you post it? :P

Like I said, UP UNTILL I was hurt on that list, I was viewing all the people in the internet as "abstracts" so all their anger wasn't dirrected at me, but only at abstract Roman. After I was hurt my whole outlook had changed and I felt horrible. But there was no way for me to be able to predict that.

Hazelwudi wrote:

Heh, well... your taste is different than mine, I'll say that much. As opposed to the pure "knight in shining armor" type, I'd sooner have a knight whose armor has been somewhat blackened and dented... that way, I know that he's actually used it and it's not just for show.

I don't even understand why girls are interested in "knights in shining armor" to start with. I simply don't see what is there romantic about that. What does romance have to do with fighting? That is why I totally feel judged each time a girl evaluates me by these means, which is the original topic of this post.

And by the way, it is quite possible that I am doing it to myself when I deliberately show my sensitive side each time I am in love with someone by deliberately exagerating all of my weaknesses and downplaying my strengths. THe thing is that no matter how much I understend INTELLECTUALLY that women aren't attracted to that, I can't help wanting to do that every time I am attracted to a woman. I mean, the only way to change it is to change the way I am attracted to women, which I can't help.

And to illustrate just how common is the confusing of love and fighting, just look at the following expressions: "HIT it off", "have a CRUSH on ... ", "leading ... on", etc. ALL suggesting some kind of physical action, which has nothing to do with any kind of feelings if you simply stare at the words HIT, CRUSH, LEADING, etc. On the other hand being FRIENDS with someone means no chance on earth, as opposed to stranger who can "HIT it off" within few days.

Hazelwudi wrote:

You had a crush on her... some social mirroring often goes on as a result of that. Hehe.

Yah thats what happened. But due to my total social ignorance, I haven't heard any terms such as "social mirroring" which caused me to think that I am the only person in the planet who does that. I guess it goes back to what you were saying that I have to immerse myself into real world a little bit more.

Hazelwudi wrote:

From what you're saying, Dawn's reactions keep being out of all proportion to what was done and said. I wonder what her deal is?

She was a lesbian so she had issues with any kind of "bigotry", and then she was reading it into everything even when it wasn't there. Typically I would of said that she is the one with the issues; but again due to the whole thing about having crush on Sarah, I was thinking that even a fly would be important if it happends to fly between me and Sarah.

Hazelwudi wrote:
At the very least, you would provided an interesting diversion from the typical "same s**t different day" of messageboards.

It wasn't "same s**t different day". After all, during all the days prior to that I was hurting ppl over and over again over describing my experiements with the autistic/down kid, and I was NEVER hurt by negative reaction. So this definitely wasn't the same day. And what made it different is probably Sarah.

Hazelwudi wrote:
So then I was dwelling for the full few months on the thing that I weren't treated fairly from the perspective of that poem. Of course, after a lot of thinking I started to tell myself over and over that may be I didn't "care about Sarah" but instead cared about the mental image of Sarah. But it was really a hard work to convince myself of that, and I never succeeded untill I was in a relationship two years later which served as re-bound. I guess it also helped that the name of my first girlfriend also happened to be Sarah, so that way the name was weared out in my mind and lost all of its mystical qualities, so this ultimately helped me to forget about the Sarah on the list.

But up untill that time it really put me through hell on earth. Okay, so at least for a few months I was preoccupied about that poem. So in order for things to be "fair" I was supposed to "not care about my friends" in order to be ignored. My friends, of course, are no one other than Sarah. Therefore, at some point Sarah was supposed to email me, and I was supposed to curse at her untill she shuts up. Furthermore, I was sure Sarah WILL email me, I mean I was just attacked on the list, and Sarah is always on my side, so sooner or later she would write me something to try to make me feel better, and that would be a good time to yell at her. But then it turned out that she never emailed me, so I was totally surprised about it.

You wanted to yell at her... for ignoring you?

No, I wanted to play 100% opposite to what I was feeling inside. So inside I was feeling that I cared about Sarah so much, but Down and Clare was standing in a way, which wasn't fair. So, as a defense mechanism, I wanted to pretend that I DIDN"T "care about Sarah so much". In order to do it, I had to yell at Sarah for pestering me. So basically I wanted Sarah to write to me so that I can make up a reason to ask her to never contact me again. And then I wanted Sarah to continue to pester me so that I can continue to ask her to never contact me again. That way I would of been "even".

But then in October I realized that this particular dream wasn't healthy so I decided to go back from defense mechanism to being real me, and that was when I started to look at different message boards so that I can find a way to get back in touch with her FOR REAL.

Hazelwudi wrote:
If your department heads, deans, etc. are anything like the ones I've known, they probably would have told Clare to stop wasting their time with trifles, or not even dignify the complaint with a response at all. It's an internet messageboard... you don't get much more informal than that. If they can't manage it competently and resolve disputes in a mature fashion, how is that your school's problem?

Yah right now I 100% agree with you. But back then I was far more naive.

Hazelwudi wrote:
See, at this point I would have laughed in her face over the whole school thing, waited a few months so I wouldn't be the first one suspected, then started actively seeking ways to cause her trouble. When it comes to sheer entertainment value, taking pompous, self-important b*****s down a peg... or two... or two hundred... might not be #1, but it's definitely in the top five. :twisted:

Again, I agree with you. But back then I was far more naive and I didn't have anyone to tell me that.

Hazelwudi wrote:
No offense intended, but life would probably be btter if you were to live a little more outside your head and a little less in it, you know?

Yah that is exactly right. But what am I supposed to do? I mean that is what Asperger IS about: living in one's own head. So I am wondering how come in this whole Asperger message board I am the one who lives in my own head the most, even when Brina Siegel said in 1997 that my Asperger was mild.

Hazelwudi wrote:
A shame, on that latter. One of my hobbies is the occult, so that's why I asked hehe.

But didn't you say you only believe in what is RATIONAL? I was thinking this would imply that you are atheist or at most agnostic, which would rule out occult.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Perhaps it would be more beneficial to you if you were to work at the problem from the opposite direction? Rather than girlfriend ==> friends, perhaps friends ==> girlfriend might be better. Back when I was still in the dating pool, I'd never get anyone when I was actively looking... only when I was like "to hell with it" and going on with my life. lol :P

I agree, but the question is how can I "stop looking" if I am surrounded by people where I am constantly reminded how most of them are in a relationship and I am not?

Hazelwudi wrote:
I was trying to tell that to myself, too. But it doesn't work. I mean once my mind believes in something, choosing to ignore it is like trying to convince myself that red is not really red but blue.

You know it is true, though. If you do that and lose that one person's regard, then you have lost everything... and humans are notoriously fickle, self-interested creatures.

Yah thats what I was trying to tell you.

Hazelwudi wrote:
If you don't have a life, maybe you should go about getting one? I know that sounds trite, but it's also the logical conclusion.

Okay, back in Fall 2001 I went to the Jewish club to try to get one, and it didn't work too well. And by the way back then I weren't looking for a girlfriend, I was only looking for friends, just like you suggested, but still didn't work out. So that is where it is circular. Due to the fact that I don't have life, people don't accept me, which stays in my way of getting one.

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20 Nov 2006, 11:13 pm

Hazelwudi wrote:
You're not going to learn about it if you don't get out there and immerse yourself in it. I know the prospect is daunting, but there it is. Improvement by socializing over the internet is possible, but it tends to be much slower.

That is exactly what I was thinking back when I first came to Jewish club. But obviously others didn't allow me to "immerse myself in it". So it is circular: in order to have good social skills, I have to practice, but in order for others to allow me to practice, I need to have good social skills from the start.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Frankly, from what I can deduce she's not attracted to your lack of confidence and wants to be free to pursue romance elsewhere, hence why she doesn't want to be 'tied down' by already having you as a boyfriend.

But you see, from my perspective the whole thing about confidence even being part of an equation of whom you are attracted to, is very judgemental. That is the point I was trying to make in the original post.

Furthermore, I also disagree with the fact that she judged MY confidence by my mom, when the point is that I can't control my mom. And even if I could, I can't change a past, either.

Hazelwudi wrote:


1)She definitely didn't want me to move away from home. In fact she went as far as saying that I should stay undergraduate for one more year so that I could get in some place closer to home. I DIDN"T LISTEN TO HER AND WENT TO SCHOOL AWAY FROM HOME ANYWAY.

2)The way I am reminded of it is that RIGHT NOW which is over five years after I moved away from home and I was taking it for granted, when all of a sudden the subject comes up all over again. In particular when I found a professor outside of University of Michigan who is better match for my interests, the question was why don't I instead contact a couple of professors close to home whom my mom have found. And I KNOW that she meant more than simple convenience, because I seen her email to one of the professors where she was saying how I was screwing up my situaiton at school and that she feels I would be doing better if I were to live at home. But SHE IS WRONG. The reason I am doing worse is because of that mailing list and also because of lack of experience of doing research. Okay fine I keep the whole mailing list business from her. But still the part about courses verses research implies that demands in graduate school are very different. So may be the issue is NOT that I left home but rather that I started graduate school. It HAPPENED so that I was at home as an undergraduate, hence the coincidence. But the point is that IF it was in reverse and if I were away from home as an undergraduate and at home as graduate, it would of looked like being in home stays in a way.

It's not her life, it's yours. Contacting professors to whine about your choices? Who the hell does she think she is? Frankly, if my parents were all over my life like that, I'd tell them to butt out in no uncertain terms.

3)Speaking of my problems at school, she also tried to arrange speach therapy for me apparently because she lumped together my social and academic problems to the point that she was thinking that by "fixing" one she would "fix" the other. This is nothing but prejudice. Anyway, she was insisting on paying for it whether I show up or not. But I still chose NOT to show up, so after 4 sessions she finally stopped paying.

Again, you need to educate your mother on the difference between your life and her life. Harshly, if need be.

4)She was worried that I am overloading myself with coures. I guess it was true, but the point is that she didn't tell me "hey instead of taking maximal number of coures, lets take average number of courses". No, she insisted that I take the SMALLEST number of courses possible. Also, she didn't respect my right as an adult because she kept pushing me to drop courses for first few weeks in a semester, and often she would only stop at the point when dropping courses is no longer allowed.

The single best thing about college is finally getting away from that BS.

5)She always worries about me every time I either go to a new place or whatever. For example, when I was in Student Orientation in Michigan my mom was afraid I would forget to look up the name of the hotel they wanted me to be in

And even if you forgot, that again is not her problem or her concern, and she needs to be apprised of the fact.

6)She was constantly asking me about my progress at school with my advisor because she was afraid I won't stay on track

And you didn't tell her precisely where she could shove it, after such a performance? *boggles*

7)She was assuming I never talk to my advisor (WHICH WAS WRONG) and for that reason kept pushing me to spend longer time in California during winter and summer breaks (when I confronted her that I do see my advisor she would give me some lame reasons such as "may be" seeing him isn't necesery -- yah right she is the one who was pestering me if I see him often enough). Her assumption that I never talk to my advisor was traced to a SINGE incident at the end of my first year in graduate school where she


I agree with every single thing you said so far. But here is my question for you: WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? How can I change another person?

Actually, this falls in the same category as the question of what am I supposed to do about women not liking me. There is something about me that makes people think I am inferior. In case of people who care about me, this would come in a form of them thinking I won't survive unless they shelter me. In case of women, this comes in a form of them rejecting me. But the bottom line is the same: due to the fact that I am different from others, people jump to conclusions that aren't true, and I am stuck here thinking what am I suppose to do to change their mind?

Even if I do learn the "rules of the game" (which I highly doubt I would due to Asperger), there is another question: what should I do to change a past? My mom is judging me based on the past. I mean, I weren't living with her ever since 2001, so obviously the reason she babies me now is because of whatever happened PRIOR to 2001 when I was infantile, but there is nothing I can do to change the past.

Hazelwudi wrote:
No offense intended (she is your mother, after all) but she sounds like a domineering, controlling woman who is constantly ragging on you in an effort to avoid having to think about (or do anything about) her own shortcomings. That tendency is a great deal of the reason why I tend to despise most other women..

Okay here are few things:

1)It is NOT just my mom, it is EVERYONE in my family (both my mom's mom, and also my dad was even worse prior to the time he left back to Russia). Appart from that, my mom's landlord (who is UC Berkeley professor) is helping her out each time I am rebelling against her.

2)If I compare it to the way I turn girls off, this seems to be part of bigger picture of my mis-representing myself due to Asperger. But I do say MIS-REPRESENTING because the single problem that Asperger causes me is inability to make GOOD IMPRESSIONS; thats why I so wish people weren't basing their judgement so much on their impressions.

3)Yes she has a job to do and she is often very busy staying late hours and such, and she also has to care for her mom who is 79 years old.

4)What am I supposed to do about all that? I can't control other people's minds.

Hazelwudi wrote:
8)She worries about my health in general, and scoliosis in particular. So she keeps pushing me to go swimming every day AND to find myself a swim coach to correct my strokes or whatever. Now I am not lazy or anything -- I am long distance runner. The reason I am not doing it is simply that I am preoccupied with school and other htings, so the whole swimming business is unimportant.

Again, there's that inability to understand your life != hers....

Same as above

Hazelwudi wrote:
9)Speaking of "health in general" part, she is into the whole healthy eating business. I guess this isn't just about me but about the whole family, but still it is quite extreme

Well, that presents you with a relatively easy way to spite her. :twisted:

No, because that is something I am equally pissed about.

Hazelwudi wrote:
10) Even though I keep all of my girlfriends from her, the first ex was pissed off about it and deliberately called when my mom was home. So anyway my mom reacted with shock. Obviously later she acted like she wanted me to be with my ex just to please me, but the bottom line is that she was viewing me as a child, even though I was 24 years old at that time.

You need to stand up to her. Badly.

Well every second time we talk, I swear at her. So when I do that she appologises, but then the next time we talk she again talks to me in that exact controlling way.

Hazelwudi wrote:
What you tell her about your life is entirely up to you. With my parents, I largely tell them the truth because it spares me the effort of having to remember/back up lies. And if (when) they disapprove, I couldn't care less, a fact that's readily apparent. lol

Well in my case I can't simply DECIDE not to care what her opinion is, because I do. So thats why I am forced to keep things from her.

Hazelwudi wrote:

12)When I first moved to Minnesota my mom wanted to call me every day. Only two years after I moved from home did she gave up on the whole thing when she learned that for the most part I won't return her calls. Other than that, she also visits me every two months or so.

And you put up with that? *blinks* Amazing.

Okay what is your step by step instruction on how NOT to put up with that?

Hazelwudi wrote:

1)She didn't give me keys from her appartment. Probably that was because during the initial stages of relationship I was telling her how I take random busses at random dirrections just to "excape" the environment I am bored with, so she was afraid I would do that while at her place .

Maybe. Or maybe it was something else?

Whatever it was, the point is that she jumped to conclusion. And then Anne judged me based on the conclusion of some girl she doesn't even know.

Hazelwudi wrote:
2)Whenever we were at a loud place she was asking whether or not it was too loud for me, because she read how some autistics are oversensitive to noises. I was telling her many times how this particular symptome never applies to me, but it never worked.

Present your personality as just that... your personality, rather than framing it as an easily stereotypable 'disorder'. I take issue with the notion that Asperger's is a "disorder" in general, honestly... to me, all it means is that you start a bit stronger in impersonal endeavors and weaker in interpersonal ones, compared to most people.

The reason I talk about Asperger is purely practical. If they don't know I have Asperger they would take my behavior as rude. But then when I do tell that I have Asperger, they start jumping to other kinds of conclusions which are equally unwanted. So that is catch 22.

Hazelwudi wrote:
3)She never introduce me to her friends because she was afraid I won't be able to handle it due to Asperger. Well, to be more exact, she DID bring me to see her friends at Old Chicago, but she only did it to please me, and she didn't do anything to help me find things to talk to them about. I guess this is also a form of sheltering because this goes alone the lines of her thinking I won't be able to handle something.

Imo, she should have tried to socially include you (in terms of the conversation) a bit more..

The reason she didn't is that she assumed that my social skills are so poor that there is no need of trying since she knows for the fact it won't work. This is the same way as other girls know for a fact that the relationship with me won't work before they ever tried. And this is also similar to my mom knowing for a fact I can't take care of myself despite the fact that over 5 years I was living on my own.

Hazelwudi wrote:
4)When I was moving from Minnesota to Michigan she asked me how did I pay for UPS, even though it was self-obvious that I had to pay "somehow".

Maybe she was honestly curious? I don't know....

She was afraid that I would forget to pay, in hte same way as my mom was afraid I would forget to look up the name of the hotel. Both fears are completely wrong, so this is a proof that due to my Asperger I have a tendency of making bad impressions on others and misrepresenting my true abilities.

Hazelwudi wrote:
1)She WRONGLY assumed that the fact that my mom and my ex shelters me, that is the kind of thing I need. The truth is that I HATED when either of them treated me that way, I simply didn't know how to stand up. But Anne, mistakenly, thought that I like this kind of treatment.

Standing up is easy. You know in your heart of hearts that what they do is unjustified and wrong. Good. Now correct the situation, and enjoy making them pay for their transgressions. You know where their weakest points are, psychologically speaking. Strike, and teach them the errors of their ways.

Like I said, I DO yell at my mom, but this only changes her behavior for half an hour at most. The reason I told Anne that I can't stand up is that with my first girlfriend, Sarah, that little thing that only "took 5 minutes to say" involved the fact that i yelled at my mom back in high school. So how much worse would it be if I were to say that I yell at my mom right now? So it is no win situation. If I say I yell at my mom, it is bad. If I say I can't stand up, it is also bad. So what else should I say?

And especially, what Anne assumed is that my mom's opinion of me is to be trusted. She even wanted to meet my mom in person in order to discuss my simptoms (the only reason she didn't is that I told her I was keeping her from my mom). So, her problem was NOT that I didn't stand up. Her problem was that

my mom shelters me ==> I need sheltering ==> that is something she can't handle

The underlying assumption in the first "==>" is that my mom is right, and like you said it isn't true. So thats why the whole thing isn't fair. I know myself much better than my mom, so why not ask ME whether I really appreciate what my mom does or not.

Hazelwudi wrote:
2)When I finally mentioned part 1 to her, she told me that isn't it still lack of confidence/independance that I couldn't stand up

To be brutally honest, I wouldn't be interested in a guy who couldn't stand up to his mother, either. When you refuse to stand up to your mother, you come across as a child... as a boy. When women are looking for romance, they don't generally want boys. They want men.

Suppose I was a man. How would this have enabled me to control other people's thoughts? I mean, that is what it would take. Yelling at her doesn't work. So I would have to somehow psychically control her thoughts or something.

As far as man verses boy, isn't it judgemental? So, after all, you DO agree with other people's judgement, despite the fact that you were telling me previously not to take them seriously. So now that you DO agree that there are boys and there are men, does it mean that you also suspect that I might have been right when I said I was inferior to others?

Hazelwudi wrote:

3)She had to feed me because otherwise I were forgetting to eat regularly. Again, she was wrong. What was happening was that I was spending with her all day long in the library, so I didn't feel comfortable saying "excuse me, I have to go get something to eat". Furthermore, I weren't told that it was her concern; I was vieweing her feeding me as simply a friendly gesture with nothing behind it.

Your eating habits are your own concern, not hers. Eat when you require food.

Well this time it is Anne, and not my mom. I weren't requiring food, so I weren't eating, simple as that. But Anne somehow decided that it means that I am not independant.

Hazelwudi wrote:
4)she offered to do laundary for me because my clothes were dirty

5)She once had to remind me to take a shower

When you behave as this, you reinforce the image in her mind of being like a boy rather than a man.

Just like with eating, I didn't expect her to help me here either. I don't have a habbit of taking a shower, and somehow I survive. So it is Anne who thought that I wasn't self-sufficient or whatever. This is no different from my mom when she looks at the mess in my room and decides I can't find a name of hotel. Well the reason I have mess in my room is that it doesn't change a thing about anything, and my mom is the only one who thinks it is important. On the other hand, with hotel OF COURSE I have to find its name, just like with studies OF COURSE I have to stay on track. But somehow this distinction totally escapes my mom, she thinks if i can't be an adult in things that don't matter, then I can't function in things that matter either. Same with Anne. Anne decided that since I am not taking a shower and forgetting to eat it means that I am not indepentant, but for me these are simply not the things I would care about.

Hazelwudi wrote:
In my case, somehow knowing that it is hardware rather than software only seems to stress its validity. I guess it is difficult to convince myself that everyone is mentally ill.

It's not mental illness, it's a tendency to ingroup/outgroup mentality and all the cruelty to the outsider which goes with it. It was an evolutionary survival advantage for a very long time to be that way. It still is, in some places.

If it is evolutionary, why can't the RATIONAL human beings sit down and re-evaluate it? Okay you say they don't have time. But it only takes few hours to do some extra thinking here, and it can possibly save the LIFE of mistakes. So the fact that they aren't re-evaluating it implies that they see it as fact as opposed to their biological tendency.

Hazelwudi wrote:
So I guess the recipy for happiness is to apply Cartesian doubt to everyone EXCEPT myself, and this is very difficult because I am not a smartest person in the planet.

I'm not either, it's irrelevant. Most people... they're driven by generally cruel and very self-serving instincts, not insane. There's a difference.

Even if they are self serving, won't it be to their advantage if they spent another half an hour with me to find out that they were wrong and actually I am the man of their dreams? That would of helped them, as self serving as they might be. On the other hand, if they are right, what do they have to lose by spending another half an hour? Thats why i am saying htey should test their assumption even if they are 99% sure they are right. And this argument goes through even when they are self serving.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Exactly, and it is perfectly reasonable, after all why should I think I am smartest person on the planet? If I stick to genetics, I am just part of a gene pool so I shouldn't have any more "vote" than others.

I guess the other part of it is that if I will justify why I feel better by quoting MYSELF as a source, this wouuld become circular reasoning. So in order not to be circular I have to quote something outside of myself. So lets go back to when I had girlfriends, they were still small minority, but at least I weren't being circular when I was "quoting" THEM as opposed to myself.

You don't have to consider yourself "the smartest person on the planet", but yes indeed... if you are intelligent and mentally stable, you do indeed get far more vote than the unintelligent and/or neurotic. :)

If I am "more intelligent" as opposed to "most intelligent" then I am sure there are people like me. So how come I am not in a relationship with one of them?

Hazelwudi wrote:
But if you want to go deep into it, then what IS the truth anyway? It is always about what others expect. So if I will meditate-away this mindset, then I would meditate-away my whole purpose of life, after all even my physics career is about getting approval from others.

In this particular case, the truth is that you're not going to get respect from others until you learn to respect yourself. If even you don't respect yourself, why should anyone else respect you?

That is unfair. I would say the fact that I don't respect myself implies that I am MORE HONEST than most people. So why should they choose some arrogant jerks over someone honest?

Hazelwudi wrote:
You probably shouldn't talk about your Asperger's to these women. When you do, most NT's interpret it as you saying, "I'm really f****d up in the head." This is not the take-home message you want them to have about you.

But if I won't tell them about Asperger, then they would take my conversation style as "rude".

Hazelwudi wrote:
Don't get involved with women that aren't 100% completely single. That never ends well, lol. :P

I agree. I guess I am simply desperate thats why I would get into relationship with anyone and everyone that comes my way.

Hazelwudi wrote:
You can't be. Every romantic relationship requires some degree of trust, though. *shrugs*

Yah, and thats my problem. If I can't be 100% sure about things in the other person's head, this leaves a room for a possibility that I said something that changed their thinking in some way. And in this case I would be constantly dwelling into every single thing I said to them for the past few weeks.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Don't do that... if you behave as if you're obsessed with looking like you're not cheating, she'll naturally assume you've got something to hide, i.e. that you're cheating. It's counterproductive lol.

I agree. Thats why I hide that obsession by faking as if I am pursuing some obsession OTHER THAN that.

Hazelwudi wrote:
So anyway, a couple of weeks before I met Anne, I again planned on meeting Megan, so she needed to know my phone number. But the point is that I am not that good at remembering numbers -- in fact I only memorized my own cell number AFTER that bad experience since that was when I learned my lesson. So anyway, I was going to call someone next to me so that they could see what number is being printed on a phone. So I asked Megan to wait for half a minute while I am calling. Then she asked me WHOM am I calling to. I said I am just calling someone random. She w

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20 Nov 2006, 11:19 pm

Hazelwudi wrote:

Well, Anne was graduate student in math department, but I blew that one. Yes there are three women in physics department. But the point is that I am very isolated in terms of studies so I haven't been talking to ANYONE in physics department within last year or so, which would make it weird for me to start approaching women out of the blue. Plus of course it is possible that they have boyfirends, or are simply not looking for relationship. After all there are only three of them.

Don't you ever talk to people in the hallway and whatnot? Or did you as a result of your classes?

No I never talk to people in hallway. As far as my classes, the only reason I ever talk to people is to help me with finding my math mistakes in homeworks, and in most cases that only drove them crazy.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Well I am 26 year old, so I already passed that age. Plus in general I am more attracted to the face, and to the whole body style in general. I also like looking at their skin. But I don't actually remember wanting to look specifically at tits.

Hmm... It might be due to my own personal characteristics on my part, admittedly. I've got a D cup, and in my experience there's no age at which men completely stop looking. They just strive to make it less obvious. :P

Well, personally I simply am not attracted to big breasts. Actually I like women with average to smaller breasts simply because it makes them look skinnier.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Yah but from my perspective the fact that 10 people in a room would always pick someone to hate, implies that perhaps its true that one out of every 10 ppl is "inferior" which only justifies my own inferior status.

No. It says that it's human nature to hate and fear that which is different, it says nothing about you being inferior in some way.

But the fact that they don't take time to sit down and re-evaluate their nature implies that they are sure their nature is right. After all, re-evaluating of one-s nature takes far shorter time then potentially much better life that follows.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Okay I mean suppose I won't judge myself based on other ppl's perceptions. Then what else should I judge myself on? Whatever it will be, it will always be chemistry of the brain, if not other ppl's brain, then my own brain. So I "better" put a brain in a position where its chemistry is in charge. Otherwise there won't be a point to life.

Chemistry... you think that's all there is to you? You, who don't have sex before marriage for religious reasons?

No by chemistry I weren't referring to sex. What I meant was that if a person acts in a way that they are biologically wired to act (such as picking someone to hate, etc) then thats chemistry in their head that makes them do that. So in these terms your argument is "don't worry, that is only chemistry", and my answer is "but isn't everything chemistry, even my desire to impress my professors? So what would be the point in life if I ignore it?"


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21 Nov 2006, 3:26 am

Maybe you're just not driven in the same way you're trying to be driven?


Sex doesn't have to be important, it can be something you enjoy rarely, or not at all, it all depends on what you know you want and need.

I went over 8 months with no sex, which according to my previously unusually strong sex drive seemed impossible, but resulted in huge amounts of learning and creativity.

Be what you are! If you don't know, you are alive and you have the chance to find out.

However you can't really define something always changing and learning into a box, its easier to define it in terms of pursuits and desires, that way you can simply be yourself yet always grow.

Yes chemistry defines a lot of aspects of ourselves, but there has to be a point where willpower comes into it, a point where you tell yourself what you're good at, and pursue it.

Meaning yes you are programmed to be good at what you're good at, but the fact is many people tend to avoid that out of fear, or not bother to find out, which means your potential is simply going to waste.

If people hate you, instead of trying to change the hate, how about changing your perception of the hate?

"I love you my enemy, for without you I would only be fighting myself"

All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!


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21 Nov 2006, 3:26 am

Roman wrote:
By the way, you brought a good point. Because speaking of whether or not I have "the same validity as others", back in Russia when others were my peers indeed that is how I thought and I never took what they had to say personally. So may be what have changed is that right now, as an adult, I no longer view anyone as peers, but instead view them as authority figures.

Everyone as authority figures now? But what authority do most people have over you?

I do resent being sheltered by my mom, but like you said, anyone would.

But I am not sure whether or not in this particular sentence you were sarcastically referring to something else; please clarify.

No, I was not being sarcastic. I (and most people I've known) surely would have been frustrated and resentful in that situation. I was just wondering if it struck you that way too, or if you had a different emotional reaction to it.

Well basically in Russia there is no detention room. They would simply make you stay in hallway if you misbehave during the class. But as far as misbehaving during the break, there is nothing teachers can do about it unless it is something really extreme. Well, yes they did have these discussions I mentioned, but the point is that they would never actually do any disciplinary action or anything. Also speaking of behavior in class the same thing it would take much more to be kicked out of class in Russia than in USA. In fact even during midterm sometimes teacher left classroom and then my bullies were making threats in order to get me to help them with their test. Whenever teacher came back and they were caught, she didn't fail anyone or anything, she simply gave them a different problem.

That's unfortunate... kids like that should be punished imo, not that sort of behavior let slide.

As far as differences between Russia and America, I guess I mainly noticed whatever affected me the most. So when I moved to America my parents became extremely overprotective and won't allow me to walk alone on the street. They told me that it is American culture that children under 18 don't walk alone. I guess I have heard here and htere that may be it is true, but I think the fact that my parents are overprotective is the biggest part of the equation, especially since right before I moved to America I lost my way in a forest when I went running. So I think THAT was why they did what they did as opposed to American culture. But since they blamed it on American culture I just took it at face value and noticed a lot of other things such as the fact that in America children weren't allowed to walk home from school unless parents gave teachers a permission to let them go home, and stuff like that. So I guess this might be attributed to culture shock.

That's not true really... kids under 18 walk around without their parents all the time.

What are you referring to by 'all around us, on these message boards"

The tales of bullying from other people on these boards, and how it affected their self-esteem is what I was referring to. Whether taken seriously or not, no one likes being bullied.

No what I mean by bad behavior is that I was doing it on purpose in order to pull people's knees. So basically I have learned that no one gets mad at me unless I specifically DECIDE to make them mad because it is fun. So when in "real life" I started seeing people being mad at me WITHOUT my deciding to make them mad, it was a shock.

Are Americans more negative towards an absence of certain social behaviors than Russians, or was it mainly an effect of your increasing age? "He's X years old, he ought to know that by now." sort of thing?

How was it, to be in Russia during the Cold War and its end? Being born and raised in America, I am not certain that I have an accurate picture of it... during the Cold War, propaganda was rife on both sides.

Well, I guess even though I was teased A LOT in Russia, it is still true that the kids were "forgiving" in a sense that since I was viewed as screwed up in a head there was no reason to get mad at me. Personally i would rather be back in Russia than now, because the kind of thing I am facing right now hurst much more.

So you were viewed as screwy, but there was less rejection... or the rejection was somehow less "personal" over there?

I was just making a comparison with how back in Russia my parents told me to dismiss some kids as "bad" which was no longer an option now in Jewish club. So I just used the word "bad" in order to make comparison.

Well, you're not bad. Confused as hell, but evil? You do not strike me as having any more capacity in that direction than anyone else. *shrugs*

Just to correct the Jewish club dirrector was "she" and not "he". And the thing is that I told her I have Asperger and yes she took it seriously. But the point is that telling her that I have Asperger made it WORSE rather than better. Because what she said is that since I have Asperger, and it is lifelong condition, how would i possilby learn social skills? And if I can't learn them, then she can't let me on that trip.

They can be learned eventually, in much the same way as other people might learn to play a violin. They're just not instinctive.

But yeah, the second virtually anything normally falling under the label of "Pervasive Developmental Disorder" comes up, people tend to react with attitudes that it's hopeless, that this person is not their problem... basically, they incorrectly view it as a critical and largely irreparable defect and they don't want to have to deal with it. It is far less off-putting to NTs to speak of how you are as just being your personality, rather than the results of something like that.

Even though it is less effort, still consider the fact that few weeks of effort will have MUCH LONGER benefits. So the only rationale for saving efforts is when someone is 100% sure it won't work. So thats what makes me feel I am worthless. If after knowing me for few days they know 100% that no ammount of effort would work,then it really has to be very obvious.

Humanity is generally very self-serving... expecting them to take spend weeks of time and effort to benefit someone else rather than themselves is generally a futile expectation.

The thing is that when I say I DIDN"T want friends (notice the past tense) I am referring to time prior to 2001. And right now when I came reaching for hand it is after 2001. So what I am trying to say is that the mailing list AT 2001 basically changed my whole attitude about everything. And I wish I could go back to the time before that mailing list and go from there; then I am sure would of had ph.d. by now since I won'ot have been so disracted by these thoughts.

Heh, man may not live by science alone, you know... you'd probably have only been postponing this same process until a later date. It was bound to happen sooner or later, I think.

But then when it comes to NEW people I meet, such as my girlfriends, these two parts get confused with one another so at some points I am way too open and honest with them and hten I go and say "wait a second I have to take back everything I said no matter how tiny" and this causes a lot of conflicts. But the irony of the situation is that if I remember my thoughts WHILE I was saying unwanted things to my girlfriends, these were NOT accidents; quite the opposite I wanted to pull their legs to test their reaction, and then after their reaction isn't the one I want it to be, then I have to take it back and it comes to the point that I FORGET the fact that I was testing them and sincerely feel it was an accident. And why does it happen this way? Because I practiced it too many times while on the internet.

In close relationships, one has to be very subtle about such testings, or not do them at all. Or if they drink, do it when they are drunk. Not only will they sometimes not remember it later at all due to alcohol-induced memory failure, but past a certain point of inebriation, the self-censor clicks off and the truth comes out. Of course, if they don't drink already, don't try and make them... they'll just think you're f'ed up and weird.

So yah, that goes towards saying that I have to go back much further than that mailing list, and actually all the way back to when I first used internet, at 18. Prior to that I don't think I was EVER been so open and honest with anyone. Everyone was "real", there were no abstracts, etc. Sure I didn't have friends because they were "waste of time" and sometimes I hurt people's feelings on purpose, but this was all consistent with my mindset of what was important and what was "waste of time", so I don't remember a single thing I did before I started using internet which I came to regret later. I had far better self esteem and I felt a lot healthier.

If socializing on the internet is that hard on you, perhaps you should seek the social contact you desire elsewhere?

Yah right now I agree with what you are saying. But the funny thing is that back then no matter how many times I was told that I couldn't EVER agree. I only started to agree with it when I learned it on my own, all through my own independant trials and tribulations after 2001.

*shrugs* Most psych undergrads come to that realization as freshmen, sophomores, or juniors... but that was not your major. Ah, we used to have such fun dissecting the theorist. lol :P

Yah I agree that it can be true about most cultures. But another thing to note is that there are more then one mental illness. So may be DIFFERENT mental illnesses are influencing different cultures. For example, Christianity might be influenced by schizophrenia, at least in terms of its conspiracy theories. So in light of that picture I can say that Judaism is the culture that is influenced by autism AS OPPOSED to other mental illnesses.

Jews were also supposedly seeing burning bushes that talked... this would augur for schizophrenia too. :P

As far as mystic finds he can swim while madman won't, I would even question that. Society is the one that judges who is swimming and who doesn't, so may be it is more about social norms of a time as opposed to what happends inside a person that is judged by the society. For instance, in what way are the rituals of autistic any worse than rituals of Jews? Neither is self-damaging. The only difference is that 20-th century tolerance teaches us not to view any cultural phenomenon as pathological, hence Jews are viewed as normal and we are left with autistics being the only "madman" ones. But if we go back to middle ages, then Jew-rituals were just as much inappropriate and damaging to ones life as autistic-rituals are.

I tend to privately judge them by where they fall on Global Assessment of Functioning. So long as they're able to hold down a job, have friends, have a romantic life, aren't a danger to self or others, etc. I really don't care if they think there's little green men living behind the refrigerator. Then again, I'm not a clinician. lol :P

It's the rituals of schizophrenics which really disturb me. Ever read some of the older "in the trenches" psychoanalytic stuff, like Karl Menninger's Man Against Himself? Ick, lol. I mean, people convinced they're jesus to the point where they're trying to crucify themselves... you name it. Of course, this makes one automatically wonder how they would manage to get the last nail in, but that's beside the point. :P

But mutation can happen. Especially since Jews are isolated in terms of gene pool, this leaves plenty of room for mutation to occur.

Yes, but that far over only a few thousand years? Life was hard back then, what survival advantage would there have been in not being physically adept and minutely aware of your surroundings?

Appart from that, due to the fact that 10 out of the 12 tribes of Israel were lost, it is possible that these two tribes are the autistic ones, while the lost ones are the "balanced" ones that are today's Whites. And finally some of the new genes might have been carried into Jewish gene pool upon the conversion of Khazar tribes for example.

An entire tribe of autistic people? It is thought provoking, but I still question the survivability of such a group.

I understand what you are saying. But the same is true for dozens and dozens of non-Jewish groups with similar fates. Yet throughout history Jews are the only ones that NEVEER succeeded rebelling against hteir opressors. So statistically Jews are weaker.

I can think of one... what about Egypt?

They did, and then I defended myself by saying that I am Jewish myself, but everyone ignored that statement as if they haven't read it or something.

Also, you have to note the fact that I said that Jews have SUPERIOR skills in math and science. So as far as math and science I am pro-Jewish, and as far as fighting I am antisemitic, which kind of balances out. Plus the fact that I am a physicist should suggest that I would typically put more importance on science part.

I guess people have mental filters so that the pro-Jewish pieces aren't noticed while antisemitic ones are. So in the balanced 50/50 presentation, one naturally looks antisemitic since these are the things that people's mind gets stuck on. The same applies to blacks.

So I guess it would be much more fair to say that the people who have these mental filters are anti-white. But then their defense is that White ppl enslaved blacks and perssecutted Jews. Okay fine, so if it is okay to be anti-White because of what Whites did, why should it not be okay to be anti-semitic because of racist things in Talmud?

I am not saying I am supporting the above view. On the contrary, as a scientist, I want to do honest analysis of facts without ever holding grunges against anyone. But when it comes to OTHERS accusing me of something I am not guilty of, I have to point out that they, too, have double standarts in their thinking.

Since the Holocaust people have been very sensitive to any sort of anti-Jewish sentiments. Even now, if you asked a random person on the street to name the worst, most horrible person in history, how many of them would say Hitler?

As far as the Talmud goes... every culture fancies themselves superior and the one that god (or the gods) like best. You can see that stuff practically everywhere. lol.

I agree with what you are saying. In fact I said myself how Jews both GOOD in sciences and BAD in fighting, both because of autism. So I reflected what you were saying. And like you said in the last sentence, we need both autistics and NT-s, and thats why Whites (as opposed to autistic Jews OR ultra-NT blacks) were most successful because being "in the middle" they have both autistic and ultra-NT members to fulfill all the range of functions.

All "geek" stereotypes aside, does skill in science and technology automatically mean a predisposition to autism, though?

But if something is offensive it doesn't make it non-true. What Galileo said about earth revolving around the sun was also offensive to his contemporaries.

To me, it goes back to pragmatism. Unless you're actively seeking to cause people trouble, there's no point in saying something unless something good will come of you doing so.

For example, let's say there's a woman standing there. She's only average height, but must weigh at least 350 pounds. Yes, by any objective standard this woman is morbidly obese. She obviously has a serious weight problem. But what's the point of telling her how fat she is? Will it help the situation? No. She's just going to get pissed off, everyone else will be pissed off too, you'll roundly be considered a total as*hole for saying it, and she will still be fat. The only logical thing to do in this instance would be to just keep your mouth shut.

But now lets look at something else. If we are strictly interested in science and nothing else, we would want to single out autistic members of all three groups. So among Jews we have 28% autistics, among whites we have 10% autistics and among blacks we have 2% autistics. So this means that the proportion of Jewish scientists is 3 times bigger than the proportion of white scientists, which in turn five times bigger than proportion of black scientists.

Yes, but are all autistics scientists? Some, maybe. But all? Hell, some autistics can't do much but stare at the wall and flap their hands, that would not stand them in good stead to make a contribution in science, you know?

If there were no variation, Whites would of had 0% autistics, and 0% ultra- NT-s, which means they would of been bad BOTH in science AND in sports (after all, NONE of us would of been good in science if not for Isaac Newton). BUT, precisely BECAUSE we have variation, Whites end up being in a big advantage over both Jews and blacks, since DUE TO VARIATION, the Whites become the unique group that has ENOUGH people on both ends on the bell curve (and when I said the word ENOUGH I was asknowledging that the other two groups have them too).

I see what you're saying regarding racial variance, but it brings up an interesting question... the ancient people of Egypt developed a fairly advanced civilization. One cannot help but wonder where those genes went.

I don't even understand why girls are interested in "knights in shining armor" to start with. I simply don't see what is there romantic about that. What does romance have to do with fighting? That is why I totally feel judged each time a girl evaluates me by these means, which is the original topic of this post.

Because if he can't or won't fight, I'm simply uninterested. There's no compatibility there. You've probably noticed by now that my own personality is confrontative, stubborn, and not the sort that takes much s**t from people. A man who does not like brawls would simply not be a compatible match... I'd end up running right over top of him, whether I meant to or not.

Not only that, but I require a man who will stand shoulder to shoulder with me in the face of whatever onrushing hellstorm must be met, rather than hiding behind me and leaving me to deal with it alone.

And by the way, it is quite possible that I am doing it to myself when I deliberately show my sensitive side each time I am in love with someone by deliberately exagerating all of my weaknesses and downplaying my strengths. THe thing is that no matter how much I understend INTELLECTUALLY that women aren't attracted to that, I can't help wanting to do that every time I am attracted to a woman. I mean, the only way to change it is to change the way I am attracted to women, which I can't help.

And to illustrate just how common is the confusing of love and fighting, just look at the following expressions: "HIT it off", "have a CRUSH on ... ", "leading ... on", etc. ALL suggesting some kind of physical action, which has nothing to do with any kind of feelings if you simply stare at the words HIT, CRUSH, LEADING, etc. On the other hand being FRIENDS with someone means no chance on earth, as opposed to stranger who can "HIT it off" within few days.

I think deep down, you are looking more for a woman who will take care of you... hence why you play up your weaknesses and downplay your strengths, in an effort to get her to do so. Honestly, you'd probably be better off if you portrayed both your strengths and your weaknesses realistically.

Yah thats what happened. But due to my total social ignorance, I haven't heard any terms such as "social mirroring" which caused me to think that I am the only person in the planet who does that. I guess it goes back to what you were saying that I have to immerse myself into real world a little bit more.

Oh, social mirroring's just the fancy term for it. You can watch people interact and get the same general idea.

She was a lesbian so she had issues with any kind of "bigotry", and then she was reading it into everything even when it wasn't there. Typically I would of said that she is the one with the issues; but again due to the whole thing about having crush on Sarah, I was thinking that even a fly would be important if it happends to fly between me and Sarah.

One wonders why she deemed the interaction between you and Sarah to be her business like that at all.

It wasn't "same s**t different day". After all, during all the days prior to that I was hurting ppl over and over again over describing my experiements with the autistic/down kid, and I was NEVER hurt by negative reaction. So this definitely wasn't the same day. And what made it different is probably Sarah.

Lol, I mean that the reactions to your experiments and so on were an interesting diversion from standard messageboard procedure. The flame wars are the most interesting bits, imo. Then again, I'd think so. 8)

Yah that is exactly right. But what am I supposed to do? I mean that is what Asperger IS about: living in one's own head. So I am wondering how come in this whole Asperger message board I am the one who lives in my own head the most, even when Brina Siegel said in 1997 that my Asperger was mild.

You live in your own head, because the world outside your head bewilders you and gives you pain. Is it not so?

But didn't you say you only believe in what is RATIONAL? I was thinking this would imply that you are atheist or at most agnostic, which would rule out occult.

I didn't just get the hotheaded streak which was typical of the Celts... I also ended up with their tendency to impassioned oratory, and their tendency to see that which goes bump in the night. When the reality of what one is seeing keeps being validated by later experience, it becomes illogical to doubt there's an underlying reality there. 8)

Like anything else in my environment which engages my curiosity, it too serves as a field of experimentation for me.

I agree, but the question is how can I "stop looking" if I am surrounded by people where I am constantly reminded how most of them are in a relationship and I am not?

For me, I just was finally so disgusted with the whole damn scene that I stopped. What's especially ironic is that years later once I was already in a relationship, several of the guys I knew back then shamefacedly admitted to me that they had feelings for me back then. Apparently, I'm considered "intimidating"... :P

Then again, back then I think that in spite of their bluster and bravado, most of them were practically scared of their own shadows.

Okay, back in Fall 2001 I went to the Jewish club to try to get one, and it didn't work too well. And by the way back then I weren't looking for a girlfriend, I was only looking for friends, just like you suggested, but still didn't work out. So that is where it is circular. Due to the fact that I don't have life, people don't accept me, which stays in my way of getting one.

Are there any sort of clubs for Asperger's people or other folks who are "weird" nearby, something like that?

Last edited by Hazelwudi on 21 Nov 2006, 5:33 am, edited 2 times in total.


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21 Nov 2006, 4:35 am

Just some thoughts

"Yah that is exactly right. But what am I supposed to do? I mean that is what Asperger IS about: living in one's own head. So I am wondering how come in this whole Asperger message board I am the one who lives in my own head the most, even when Brina Siegel said in 1997 that my Asperger was mild.
Ok, living in your own head, that DOESNT prevent you from relating to others, anxiety, miscommunication, and fear does. I think the best thing I can say is if you can pursue your own interests, as opposed to worrying about what those around you want and need, you might find your interests simply aren't "getting a partner" or "getting lucky"

Wouldn't you rather someone love you for yourself, as opposed to because you managed to create an image they like?

"Like anything else in my environment which engages my curiosity, it too serves as a field of experimentation for me."

This is beautiful, treating people themselves like an experiment for your own thoughts and interests, through this I found a way i could even help others, or inspire strangers, despite the communication gap.

Though sometimes it seems the language is totally different, its simply a more subtle form, we are (a lot of the time) pushed to the extreme edges of emotion, but it doesn't mean its pointless, in fact use this to give yourself confidence in your strength of mind.

"I agree, but the question is how can I "stop looking" if I am surrounded by people where I am constantly reminded how most of them are in a relationship and I am not?
Like I said above...

Also, my mum and dad are together, my sister and brother both have partners, so I've always spent all my energy trying to gain and maintain one. Until recently I realised its simply not a priority for me, maybe it isn't for you either?

Maybe focusing on something that feels even more important to you than this is essential, if you have such a drive?

All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!


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21 Nov 2006, 5:13 am

Roman wrote:
That is exactly what I was thinking back when I first came to Jewish club. But obviously others didn't allow me to "immerse myself in it". So it is circular: in order to have good social skills, I have to practice, but in order for others to allow me to practice, I need to have good social skills from the start.

Aye. Maybe start with psych theory and later ally the books with real world experience, or perhaps social gatherings of "weird" people who would be less apt to reject you?

But you see, from my perspective the whole thing about confidence even being part of an equation of whom you are attracted to, is very judgemental. That is the point I was trying to make in the original post.

Can people really help what they're attracted to, though? I mean, you can tell me that I "should" be attracted to men who shave their body hair and are high maintenance for instance, but I still simply not attracted to them.

Furthermore, I also disagree with the fact that she judged MY confidence by my mom, when the point is that I can't control my mom. And even if I could, I can't change a past, either.

True, but you can stop allowing her to have say in your life.

I agree with every single thing you said so far. But here is my question for you: WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? How can I change another person?

My mother was domineering and disagreeable too. She and I fought constantly, because she was too neurotic to chill the f**k out and leave me alone. Hell, I was in my early 20's before we could be in the same room for more then 5 or 10 minutes and remain even vaguely civil to each other. In my early 20's, she realized I was going to sever all ties if she didn't stop. Sheer pragmatism forced her out of most of it.

And what about your father? Has she no husband to ride herd on her, or is he too mild-mannered and unassuming to?

Actually, this falls in the same category as the question of what am I supposed to do about women not liking me. There is something about me that makes people think I am inferior. In case of people who care about me, this would come in a form of them thinking I won't survive unless they shelter me. In case of women, this comes in a form of them rejecting me. But the bottom line is the same: due to the fact that I am different from others, people jump to conclusions that aren't true, and I am stuck here thinking what am I suppose to do to change their mind?

Even if I do learn the "rules of the game" (which I highly doubt I would due to Asperger), there is another question: what should I do to change a past? My mom is judging me based on the past. I mean, I weren't living with her ever since 2001, so obviously the reason she babies me now is because of whatever happened PRIOR to 2001 when I was infantile, but there is nothing I can do to change the past.

Take care of your own business, don't portray yourself as weak, and whenever someone crosses the line in terms of interference in your life, point it out and tell them to back the hell off.

It privately amazes me that you didn't learn that as a child... when I was a child, coming across as "weak" in any way was practically considered a standing invitation to be cruel to me. In this, my upbringing was actually more far akin to that of most males in this culture than most females. When a little girl displays weakness, most people privately think that since she's a girl, she's just too psychologically fragile to help it. When a boy does, he's sat on and made fun of until he learns to "hang tough".... and so was I.

Hazelwudi wrote:
No offense intended (she is your mother, after all) but she sounds like a domineering, controlling woman who is constantly ragging on you in an effort to avoid having to think about (or do anything about) her own shortcomings. That tendency is a great deal of the reason why I tend to despise most other women..

Okay here are few things:

1)It is NOT just my mom, it is EVERYONE in my family (both my mom's mom, and also my dad was even worse prior to the time he left back to Russia). Appart from that, my mom's landlord (who is UC Berkeley professor) is helping her out each time I am rebelling against her.

2)If I compare it to the way I turn girls off, this seems to be part of bigger picture of my mis-representing myself due to Asperger. But I do say MIS-REPRESENTING because the single problem that Asperger causes me is inability to make GOOD IMPRESSIONS; thats why I so wish people weren't basing their judgement so much on their impressions.

3)Yes she has a job to do and she is often very busy staying late hours and such, and she also has to care for her mom who is 79 years old.

4)What am I supposed to do about all that? I can't control other people's minds.

You can't control other people's minds, but you can determine the level of BS you'll put up with before you give them more hell than they can handle.

It's none of my business, but are you financially self-sufficient? If you were to somehow end up estranged from your family, would you be able to support yourself?

No, because that is something I am equally pissed about.

Why? We're all going to die someday, why not enjoy yourself while you can?

Well every second time we talk, I swear at her. So when I do that she appologises, but then the next time we talk she again talks to me in that exact controlling way.

Ever just hang up on her when she does that? Back when I was an undergrad, hanging up on each other in disgust was practially a sporting event. lol :P

Well in my case I can't simply DECIDE not to care what her opinion is, because I do. So thats why I am forced to keep things from her.

Why do you care? Christ, I stopped giving a damn about the opinions my parents had of me before I was even old enough to shave my legs.

Okay what is your step by step instruction on how NOT to put up with that?

Tell her not to come. Stand up for yourself. And if she shows up anyway, make it look like you're not home and don't let her in. Later on, tell her that you were at the library or with friends or something... make it clear that she's no longer the numero uno priority of your life, and that if she wants to interact with you, it'll be more on your terms and less on hers.

The reason I talk about Asperger is purely practical. If they don't know I have Asperger they would take my behavior as rude. But then when I do tell that I have Asperger, they start jumping to other kinds of conclusions which are equally unwanted. So that is catch 22.

Better to be considered rude than irreparably defective, which is how a lot of NT's view anyone afflicted by a pervasive developmental disorder.

The reason she didn't is that she assumed that my social skills are so poor that there is no need of trying since she knows for the fact it won't work. This is the same way as other girls know for a fact that the relationship with me won't work before they ever tried. And this is also similar to my mom knowing for a fact I can't take care of myself despite the fact that over 5 years I was living on my own.

This is unfortunate. You'll need opportunities to observe and interact in order to learn.

She was afraid that I would forget to pay, in hte same way as my mom was afraid I would forget to look up the name of the hotel. Both fears are completely wrong, so this is a proof that due to my Asperger I have a tendency of making bad impressions on others and misrepresenting my true abilities.

And yet, in your other post you said you intentionally downplay your strengths and play up your weaknesses. If you want people to give you credit for being an independent, takes-care-of-his-own-shit sort of person, this downplaying is counterproductive.

Like I said, I DO yell at my mom, but this only changes her behavior for half an hour at most. The reason I told Anne that I can't stand up is that with my first girlfriend, Sarah, that little thing that only "took 5 minutes to say" involved the fact that i yelled at my mom back in high school. So how much worse would it be if I were to say that I yell at my mom right now? So it is no win situation. If I say I yell at my mom, it is bad. If I say I can't stand up, it is also bad. So what else should I say?

Stop relying on others to tell you what is moral and what is not moral. You're not ret*d or sociopathic, you know what is moral and what is not. What do you need their two cents for?

Imo, you need a woman who is far less fragile than Sarah was... someone who takes conflict and struggle as a natural part of life, doesn't take s**t off people, and doesn't expect others to take s**t off people. She couldn't even say "f**k", you said. I mean, come on... by her age, most people have been cussed and had others cuss them to the point where it barely even fazes them anymore.

And especially, what Anne assumed is that my mom's opinion of me is to be trusted. She even wanted to meet my mom in person in order to discuss my simptoms (the only reason she didn't is that I told her I was keeping her from my mom). So, her problem was NOT that I didn't stand up. Her problem was that

my mom shelters me ==> I need sheltering ==> that is something she can't handle

The underlying assumption in the first "==>" is that my mom is right, and like you said it isn't true. So thats why the whole thing isn't fair. I know myself much better than my mom, so why not ask ME whether I really appreciate what my mom does or not.

Stop pretending to be defective in order to get people to take care of you, and then getting mad when they try to. You're not, so why the charade? What do you get out of this behavior that makes it worth engaging in?

As far as man verses boy, isn't it judgemental? So, after all, you DO agree with other people's judgement, despite the fact that you were telling me previously not to take them seriously. So now that you DO agree that there are boys and there are men, does it mean that you also suspect that I might have been right when I said I was inferior to others?

No, because they don't realize that you pretending to be weak is a silly charade. I do. :)

As for the whole mother dynamic... where do you think I got the scotch-irish temper from? (It wasn't from my father.) For someone to not stand up to their mother... it just floors me. I had to, to get any peace at home whatsoever. She'd just pick pick pick pick pick and try to start s**t to the point where I'd turn around and say something so heartlessly cruel and at the same time so indisputably true that she'd be literally stunned rigid for a moment. If she tried to retaliate, I'd strike again, in another vulnerable spot. Eventually, she'd crawl off to sulk and lick her wounds, and I could get some goddamn peace for a change.

See, my parents divorced the summer before I turned 13. My mother, brother, and I moved away to another state, to be near her parents who were getting on in years. My mother, who had been on Librium for years, believed that "since the reason why I needed that stuff is gone (my father) I don't need Librium anymore."

Needless to say, things were very... interesting... at home as a result. When she wasn't trying to start s**t with me, she was bitching and whining in general. When she wasn't engaging in these activities, she was either watching tv or asleep. She was not employed, nor was she interested in being employed... we lived off a combination of child support and alimony payments and the charity of her parents. I did all the housework, and was her new favored target for BS, seeing that my father was gone. She said she hated me, and frankly this was probably true. I had long since ceased to give a damn at that point... as far as I was concerned at the time, there was nothing wrong with the family dynamics that I couldn't have very effectively cured in about 5 minutes with an axe.

Why didn't I? Pragmatism. I could either just deal with it for a few more years and get out when I turned 18, or I could pull a Lizzie Borden and potentially end up with a life sentence in a prison somewhere. So I waited, counting the days until I would go off to college and get the f**k out.

Well this time it is Anne, and not my mom. I weren't requiring food, so I weren't eating, simple as that. But Anne somehow decided that it means that I am not independant.

But you said you weren't comfortable with telling her that you needed to go get something to eat. Why not?

Just like with eating, I didn't expect her to help me here either. I don't have a habbit of taking a shower, and somehow I survive. So it is Anne who thought that I wasn't self-sufficient or whatever. This is no different from my mom when she looks at the mess in my room and decides I can't find a name of hotel. Well the reason I have mess in my room is that it doesn't change a thing about anything, and my mom is the only one who thinks it is important. On the other hand, with hotel OF COURSE I have to find its name, just like with studies OF COURSE I have to stay on track. But somehow this distinction totally escapes my mom, she thinks if i can't be an adult in things that don't matter, then I can't function in things that matter either. Same with Anne. Anne decided that since I am not taking a shower and forgetting to eat it means that I am not indepentant, but for me these are simply not the things I would care about.

Don't you hate it when your hair gets greasy though? When it's like that, touching it feels nasty. I've been told that the scalp will start to itch real bad if you let it go long enough, too... it makes sense, what with all the dead skin buildup and whatnot.

If it is evolutionary, why can't the RATIONAL human beings sit down and re-evaluate it? Okay you say they don't have time. But it only takes few hours to do some extra thinking here, and it can possibly save the LIFE of mistakes. So the fact that they aren't re-evaluating it implies that they see it as fact as opposed to their biological tendency.

It is hardwired in the meat, and most people don't bother to question it, any more than they question eating a meal or taking a dump. lol :P

Even if they are self serving, won't it be to their advantage if they spent another half an hour with me to find out that they were wrong and actually I am the man of their dreams? That would of helped them, as self serving as they might be. On the other hand, if they are right, what do they have to lose by spending another half an hour? Thats why i am saying htey should test their assumption even if they are 99% sure they are right. And this argument goes through even when they are self serving.

They stereotype you, and then react more to the stereotype than the person. And the stereotypes of Aspergers really aren't good.

If I am "more intelligent" as opposed to "most intelligent" then I am sure there are people like me. So how come I am not in a relationship with one of them?

Just like with any trait which falls along a normal bell curve, you've got a lot more people closer to the mean than on the extreme ends. This also applies to intelligence.

That is unfair. I would say the fact that I don't respect myself implies that I am MORE HONEST than most people. So why should they choose some arrogant jerks over someone honest?

Because people overwhelmingly prefer pleasant lies to the brutal truth. They don't want honesty, they want to feel good.

Yes, it sucks... but it's the truth.

But if I won't tell them about Asperger, then they would take my conversation style as "rude".

What precisely happened in the Jewish club that made them think you were rude, anyhow?

I agree. I guess I am simply desperate thats why I would get into relationship with anyone and everyone that comes my way.

You're worth more than that, so stop pretending you're not.

Yah, and thats my problem. If I can't be 100% sure about things in the other person's head, this leaves a room for a possibility that I said something that changed their thinking in some way. And in this case I would be constantly dwelling into every single thing I said to them for the past few weeks.

That's counterproductive, though.... it makes you look very anxious.


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21 Nov 2006, 5:26 am

No I never talk to people in hallway. As far as my classes, the only reason I ever talk to people is to help me with finding my math mistakes in homeworks, and in most cases that only drove them crazy.

Why don't you casually shoot the s**t with them, though? There's got to be some who have a good sense of humor and enjoy this sort of thing.

Well, personally I simply am not attracted to big breasts. Actually I like women with average to smaller breasts simply because it makes them look skinnier.

You like the lil delicate ones, eh?

But the fact that they don't take time to sit down and re-evaluate their nature implies that they are sure their nature is right. After all, re-evaluating of one-s nature takes far shorter time then potentially much better life that follows.

It doesn't even occur to them to re-evaluate usually... people mostly rely on cognitive heuristics in my experience, because going on a case-by-case basis takes a lot more time and effort.

No by chemistry I weren't referring to sex. What I meant was that if a person acts in a way that they are biologically wired to act (such as picking someone to hate, etc) then thats chemistry in their head that makes them do that. So in these terms your argument is "don't worry, that is only chemistry", and my answer is "but isn't everything chemistry, even my desire to impress my professors? So what would be the point in life if I ignore it?"

Perhaps there is a way for you to not set off the cognitive heuristics in people's heads you're setting off now?


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21 Nov 2006, 11:38 pm

Hazelwudi wrote:
Roman wrote:
By the way, you brought a good point. Because speaking of whether or not I have "the same validity as others", back in Russia when others were my peers indeed that is how I thought and I never took what they had to say personally. So may be what have changed is that right now, as an adult, I no longer view anyone as peers, but instead view them as authority figures.

Everyone as authority figures now? But what authority do most people have over you?

I haven't consciously realized that untill our conversation right now when you were talking about htenm being my "pears".

Hazelwudi wrote:
That's not true really... kids under 18 walk around without their parents all the time.

If you read what I said I haven't said it was true. I said thats what my parents did to me.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Are Americans more negative towards an absence of certain social behaviors than Russians,

I can't compare because back in Russia it wasn't my concern so I didn't pay attention. But logically, this should be true if you take things that are part of American culture but not part of Russian one. For example, in Russia people don't smile as much as in America. So my guess is that the fact that I don't know how to chit chat might cause me more problems here in America. But again thats just a guess.

Hazelwudi wrote:
or was it mainly an effect of your increasing age? "He's X years old, he ought to know that by now." sort of thing?

Well might be. Probably something alone the lines "she is X years old so her opinion is to be taken seriously".

Hazelwudi wrote:
How was it, to be in Russia during the Cold War and its end? Being born and raised in America, I am not certain that I have an accurate picture of it... during the Cold War, propaganda was rife on both sides.

Well I seen a lot of communist propaganda in textbooks when I was in elementary school, but then obviously around 1990 it all ended and they had different textbooks.

I think though that speaking of all these discussions teachers had about how students treat each other this was probably in line with communism because back in communist days their deal was to change people. So I have heard that actually it was quite common in jobs and stuff to openly criticize and teach people. In fact I even heard that if member of communist party was to cheat on their partner they would make a party meeting where they would openly criticize that person's behavior.

This should be contrasted with "social politeness" in America where people just wouldn't confront each other. In Russia open confrontation is far more common then here -- I was living in 5 story house and I kept hearing different people that lived in the house sitting in the bench and arguing with each other.

On the other hand, the "alternative" way of dealing with people, such as complaining to dirrector of Jewish club is NOT popular in Russia. Ever since Stalin's time it became a taboo for people to complain against each other or especially punish each other based on such complains simply because this reminded them too much of Stalin and they were tired of this sort of thing. So in Russia it was always encoraged to talk to a person openly as opposed to complaining behind their backs, whereas in America it is visa versa.

So I guess that is probably why teachers weren't eager to punish kids for whatever they did to me. But personally I would MUCH rather be confronted than to have to GUESS what other people's problem is. At least that way I can defend myself, and also I won't be feeling like others are dishonest with me. But then again this is something all aspies would say, regardless of the country they live in.

Hazelwudi wrote:
So you were viewed as screwy, but there was less rejection... or the rejection was somehow less "personal" over there?

There were NO rejection. Looking back, my bullies were only bullying me some of the time, while other part of the time they were trying to be my friends, although I haven't realized it back then. I don't remember a single person who made it a point not to talk to me. Personally I would rather be bullied than rejected -- at least that way I can defend myself and also I don't have to sit and guess just why did the other person "forgot" to call me.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Well, you're not bad. Confused as hell, but evil? You do not strike me as having any more capacity in that direction than anyone else. *shrugs*

I never said "evil". I said BAD. And from people's actions it seems that being "confused" is even worse than being "evil", so I am bad for being confused.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Just to correct the Jewish club dirrector was "she" and not "he". And the thing is that I told her I have Asperger and yes she took it seriously. But the point is that telling her that I have Asperger made it WORSE rather than better. Because what she said is that since I have Asperger, and it is lifelong condition, how would i possilby learn social skills? And if I can't learn them, then she can't let me on that trip.

They can be learned eventually, in much the same way as other people might learn to play a violin. They're just not instinctive.

But yeah, the second virtually anything normally falling under the label of "Pervasive Developmental Disorder" comes up, people tend to react with attitudes that it's hopeless, that this person is not their problem... basically, they incorrectly view it as a critical and largely irreparable defect and they don't want to have to deal with it. It is far less off-putting to NTs to speak of how you are as just being your personality, rather than the results of something like that.

So if social skills can be learned even for ppl with Asperger, why don't NT realize it?

Hazelwudi wrote:
Humanity is generally very self-serving... expecting them to take spend weeks of time and effort to benefit someone else rather than themselves is generally a futile expectation.

Why "benefit someone else"? I thought it would benefit THEM if they will find out that after all I am a saint.

Another thing: if htey are self serving, why would they judge me based on my personal characteristics? How will it be hurting THEM that I am "weird"? So obviously they aren't 100% self serving, otherwise they wouldn't mind my differences as long as they don't affect THEM.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Heh, man may not live by science alone, you know... you'd probably have only been postponing this same process until a later date. It was bound to happen sooner or later, I think.

Well, things would of been much better if it were to happen after I had my ph.d.

Hazelwudi wrote:
If socializing on the internet is that hard on you, perhaps you should seek the social contact you desire elsewhere?

I didn't say socializing on the internet is hard for me. What I said was that internet changed my personality and this new personality stays in my way, whether I am on the internet or not. So right now it is too late to get off the internet because it is already ingrained into my system. I have to go back and unlearn it somehow.

As far as actual socializing I would say on the internet it is easier, as far as the fact that difficulties of starting and continuing conversation are removed.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Jews were also supposedly seeing burning bushes that talked... this would augur for schizophrenia too. :P

If you want to be religious, it was God so it isn't schizophrenia. If you want to be secular, then they didn't see them; their grandchildren fantasized it. Now fantasy is common among little kids and autistics are known to be younger than their age.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I tend to privately judge them by where they fall on Global Assessment of Functioning. So long as they're able to hold down a job, have friends, have a romantic life, aren't a danger to self or others, etc. I really don't care if they think there's little green men living behind the refrigerator. Then again, I'm not a clinician. lol :P

See, you have included friendship and romantic life, and that is entirely up to the way OTHERS judge them because these are the doors others can either open or close. So back at the time when Jew-rituals were looked down upon, the Jews weren't able to have too many non-Jewish friends. Sure, they had Jewish friends, but so do autisics have autistic friends, so it is all similar.

Hazelwudi wrote:
It's the rituals of schizophrenics which really disturb me. Ever read some of the older "in the trenches" psychoanalytic stuff, like Karl Menninger's Man Against Himself? Ick, lol. I mean, people convinced they're jesus to the point where they're trying to crucify themselves... you name it. Of course, this makes one automatically wonder how they would manage to get the last nail in, but that's beside the point. :P

Lets take Schizotypal Personality Disorder which is considered milder variant of schizophrenia. So these people are a little less social, a little more superstitious and a little more paranoid, and thats it. No hallucinations, nothing too extreme. So as for the superstition part, it is part of most cultures. Thats why DSM 4 had to spell out that it shouldn't be attributed to specific culture the person is from. And that is where the line is drawn that isn't there on the first place. Why is it any more wrong to be superstitious in your own way as opposed to doing the same exact thing as part of the group? So the point is that whoever wrote DSM 4 have DECIDED where to draw the line based on the prejudice towards the ppl who are part of the group and against the ppl who aren't. But if you take prejudice away, it is entirely possible that groups of people were affected as a whole.

Now as far as global assessment and such, well consider the fact that the way person functions in life is affected by other people they are surrounded with that either help him or stay in the way. So if person A and person B are equally ill but the particular simptoms of person B are less socially acceptable, then OF COURSE person B would be the one not having friends and not being able to hold a job. But when the whole society is affected by mental illness, then it automatically becomes socially acceptable so they do much better. So your question on how can autistic tribes survive has a very easy answer.

Hazelwudi wrote:
But mutation can happen. Especially since Jews are isolated in terms of gene pool, this leaves plenty of room for mutation to occur.

Yes, but that far over only a few thousand years?

Yes that is plenty of time for mutation. It was shown that if we isolate a gene pool to small village we would have a zoo after only few generations. That is why a lot of cultures disapprove of incest because when similar mutations come from both sides they become far more influential. Now Jews are bigger than small village so instead of few generations it took few thousand years for mutations to occur.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Life was hard back then, what survival advantage would there have been in not being physically adept and minutely aware of your surroundings?

As far as advantage, we are only comparing Jews with other cultures that survived. We can't comare them with the cultures that died out because we don't know what they are. And clearly to say that every single culture that survived had evolutionary advantage over its peers that also survived would be a contradiction.

So, it is fine for them to be in disadvantage as compared to others who also survived, as long as Jews are survivable. And yes autistics are survivable. First of all, in my discussion about percentages I stated that only minority of Jews are autistic; it is simply that autistic minority of Jews is larger than autistic minority of non-Jews. Secondly, high functioning autistic CAN live independantly. What stays in their way is prejudices of NT-s, which won't be so strong if the whole culture is autistic.

Hazelwudi wrote:
An entire tribe of autistic people? It is thought provoking, but I still question the survivability of such a group.

The reason today's autistics are donig so badly is that they are surrounded by NT-s who close all doors to them. If the society was mostly autistic it would of been the other way around, NT minority would of been ostracised and NT-s would of been the ones doing badly.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I understand what you are saying. But the same is true for dozens and dozens of non-Jewish groups with similar fates. Yet throughout history Jews are the only ones that NEVEER succeeded rebelling against hteir opressors. So statistically Jews are weaker.

I can think of one... what about Egypt?

1)If you want to be religious, then it doesn't count because God did it for them; if you want to be secular, you have no evidence that this thing ever happened on the first place.

2)Given that 10 of the tribes of Israel were lost and today are known as Europeans, the majority of ppl who left Israel were White. Only 2 of the 10 tribes are the ancestors of today's Jews. And even their genes are different from genes of today's Jews given the Khazar conversion to Judaism.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Since the Holocaust people have been very sensitive to any sort of anti-Jewish sentiments. Even now, if you asked a random person on the street to name the worst, most horrible person in history, how many of them would say Hitler?

As far as the Talmud goes... every culture fancies themselves superior and the one that god (or the gods) like best. You can see that stuff practically everywhere. lol.

I agree that every culture fancies themselves, but in case of Jews it is far more extreme since they are the only ones who were never obsorbed into their host cultures.

Now, lets forget who did what. Lets just look at Mein Kampf and at the Talmud side by side. They look pretty similar. So then lets ask ourselves a question: if they were so similar to start with, how come Hitler was the only one able to materialize it? Well probably because Jews are weaker than him. Now look at this:

Jews are weak ==> Hitler AS OPPOSED TO Jews was able to materialize his hatred ==> people started to feel sorry for Jews ==> antisemitism became a taboo ==> in particular it became a taboo to say that Jews area weak

Now, look at very first and very last items in the above chain:

Jews are weak ==> it became a taboo to say that Jews are week

To make it more general

X is victim ==> it is taboo to criticize X ==> it is taboo to say that X is weak

So ... are all victims STRONG? This would fly in the face of pure logic.

Lets be even more general

A is truth ==> we are tired of dealing with A ==> it is a taboo to say A

So in other words it is taboo to say the truth. This means that political correctness is anything BUT the truth. It isn't an accident that political correctness doesn't always matches truth. But there are REASONS why it should 180% contradict truth. After all if people have to face truth over and over, some aspects of it become painful, so they have to deliberately turn away from it. But if it is a lie, hten even if it isn't a very nice lie, people aren't tired of it yet, so they don't mind it.

Jesus himself said "But because I speak the truth, you do not believe me" (John 8:45)

And by the way speaking of Jesus, we all know that we can't be antisemitic for the fact that Jews killed Jesus because none of the today's Jews were alive at that time. So, in light of this logic, why is it okay to be anti-German based on what Hitler did before any of the today's Germans were born? Another reason for not blaming Jews for the death of Jesus is that only few of them were present in the crucifixion scene. Fine, in this case how about the fact that only few of Germans had any say during Hitlers time, and and also how about the fact that only a minority of Americans were slave owners?

So in light of these comparisons we see that the situation in case of Jews verses other groups is very similar: in both cases some great crime is committed (whether it be death of Jesus or the holocaust), in both cases only few are guilty and only at particular time, and in both cases the question is whether or not to blame everyone else who is in that group. So how come it is more politically correct to be anti-German than anti-Jewish? Strictly because Jews are weaker, which goes back to the "paradox" presented earlier.

And here is another similar paradox. How come is it more hateful to say that Jews killed Jesus than it is to say that Romans did? Well, because historically Jews were persecutted for it more than Italians were. And why is it? Probably because Jews were the guilty ones. In other words

X is guilty for the death of Jesus ==> X is persecutted ==> People feel sorry for X ==> people blame anyone BUT X for the death of Jesus

Again ... an example of where politically correct tends to be OPPOSITE (rather than independant) to the truth, for very predictable reasons.

By the way this also relates to the discussion we had earlier in this thread about TODAY"S men suffering because of the fact that htey held the most cards historically. Well most of todays men weren't alive at the time. So, if you shouldn't blame Jews for what their ancestors did to Jesus, why should you blame men for what their ancestors did with women?

Hazelwudi wrote:
I agree with what you are saying. In fact I said myself how Jews both GOOD in sciences and BAD in fighting, both because of autism. So I reflected what you were saying. And like you said in the last sentence, we need both autistics and NT-s, and thats why Whites (as opposed to autistic Jews OR ultra-NT blacks) were most successful because being "in the middle" they have both autistic and ultra-NT members to fulfill all the range of functions.

All "geek" stereotypes aside, does skill in science and technology automatically mean a predisposition to autism, though?

I was being vague just to save space. What I meant is that STATISTICALLY there are more scientists among Jews, and like I was trying to spell out, as far as society as a whole, statistics is all I am concerned with.

Hazelwudi wrote:
But if something is offensive it doesn't make it non-true. What Galileo said about earth revolving around the sun was also offensive to his contemporaries.

To me, it goes back to pragmatism. Unless you're actively seeking to cause people trouble, there's no point in saying something unless something good will come of you doing so. For example, let's say there's a woman standing there. She's only average height, but must weigh at least 350 pounds. Yes, by any objective standard this woman is morbidly obese. She obviously has a serious weight problem. But what's the point of telling her how fat she is? Will it help the situation? No. She's just going to get pissed off, everyone else will be pissed off too, you'll roundly be considered a total as*hole for saying it, and she will still be fat. The only logical thing to do in this instance would be to just keep your mouth shut.

Okay, saying to woman she is fat has no reason. It neither proves nor refutes any theories. On the other hand, as far as my discussion of blacks it had very good THEORETICAL motivation to it. As a physicist, I can tell that if a theory only explains ONE thing, then it looks like it was manipulated just for that one experiement, so no need to believe it. But if it explaines MANY DIFFERENT THIGNS then yes it makes you think that it is more than coincidence. So the PURPOSE of my theory was NOT any kind of racial superiority, but rather an illustration of how shaddow traits of autism can affect culture. BUt in order to provide IMPERICAL SUPPORT for that theory, I had to dwell on all the other topics in order to show how it explains seemingly unrelated things. So that was my only motivation. And, as a theorist, I have no political agenda. I neither support nor oppose affirmative action. All I am interested in is how the world works, and I am leaving a question of what to do with it to others.

Hazelwudi wrote:

But now lets look at something else. If we are strictly interested in science and nothing else, we would want to single out autistic members of all three groups. So among Jews we have 28% autistics, among whites we have 10% autistics and among blacks we have 2% autistics. So this means that the proportion of Jewish scientists is 3 times bigger than the proportion of white scientists, which in turn five times bigger than proportion of black scientists.

Yes, but are all autistics scientists? Some, maybe. But all? Hell, some autistics can't do much but stare at the wall and flap their hands, that would not stand them in good stead to make a contribution in science, you know?

There were studies that have shown that while people with classical autism have right hemisphere stronger than left one, people with Asperger have it visa versa. So autistic ppl have performance IQ higher than verbal while aspies have verbal higher than performance. In light of this, I can claim that there are two different underlying pathologies, and autistic cultures are affected strictly with Asperger. In fact that is what I DO say. After all, my argument is that autistics have larger brains than NT-s and that is why races with bigger brain have higher IQ. THe immediate objection to that is that 80% of autistics have lower IQ. So why am I saying that bigger brain races have higher IQ? Because my hypothesis is that they are affected strictly by Asperger.

This is very much in line with the fact that some of the recent studies have shown that Asperger is 5 times more common than autism, and it is only less known because of many undiagnosed cases. So, in light of this, if both autism and Asperger have separate shaddow simptoms, then one fifth of autistic cultures would be less gifted while 4/5 will be more gifted, which means that statistically they will be more gifted.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I see what you're saying regarding racial variance, but it brings up an interesting question... the ancient people of Egypt developed a fairly advanced civilization. One cannot help but wonder where those genes went.

In order for Egyptians to have time to develop their culture, they should first prosper economically. True, economic prosperity is also determined by genes, but the other part of the equation is which genes are being favored in which environment. In fact, even when i was saying that Whites do better because they are "in the middle" of autism -- NT range, I was still taking for granted that bell curve is centered around most favored spot, which is of course due to evolution, which means environment is part of the equation.

So what happened with Egyptians is the following:

Environment had changed ==> Egyptian genes are no longer favored in terms of survival ==> Egyptians don't have as much time to devote to their culture.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Because if he can't or won't fight, I'm simply uninterested. There's no compatibility there. You've probably noticed by now that my own personality is confrontative, stubborn, and not the sort that takes much s**t from people. A man who does not like brawls would simply not be a compatible match... I'd end up running right over top of him, whether I meant to or not.

Not only that, but I require a man who will stand shoulder to shoulder with me in the face of whatever onrushing hellstorm must be met, rather than hiding behind me and leaving me to deal with it alone.

Okay what you just said is that you don't want a man to be WEAKER than you. In other words, you are looking for an equal. If such were the case for most women, then a man doesn't have to be strong in order to be equal in strength to his girlfriend. So I guess the deal is that women want men to be much stronger than they are themselves as opposed to simply equal and this doesn't make sense. In fact, like title of the thread says, it makes women sexist against themselves because they want to be the weaker partner as opposed to equal.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I think deep down, you are looking more for a woman who will take care of you... hence why you play up your weaknesses and downplay your strengths, in an effort to get her to do so. Honestly, you'd probably be better off if you portrayed both your strengths and your weaknesses realistically.

There are several reasons why I do that

1)Since my social awkwardness is very extreme, it is very easy to make an understatement unless I make an effort not to. But whenever I make an effort to avoid understatement I end up unintentially exagerating it. I guess may be the deal is that if I say X then the other person would hear anything within a bell curve centered at X. So the only way to avoid miscommunication in one direction is to shift bell curve in the opposite dirrection which would guarantee the opposite kind of miscommunication. But the point is that BOTH miscommunications are bad. After all, I don't want a woman to expect me to be albe to do any of the things I am not capable of, such as holding a conversation.

2)When I write college essay one of the recommended techniques is to bring up as much evidence as possible TO THE OPPOSITE of the desired conclusion, and then refute that evidence. I guess I probably am doing it subconsciously in real life. I would first dwell in all of the ways in which I am NOT compatible with a given girl in order to establish the fact that I am honest, and then once my honesty is established I would slide in some of the positives here and htere, and they will all be believed since I am "honest". I was actually doing the same thing in school when I was looking for ph.d. thesis advisor and this made it extremely difficult to find one because whenever I were asked what my intrests were I would start off by deliberately talking about something OTHER than what the given professor's research is, just so that he won't be thinking I am making it up. And then after I am done, I would twist it in order to make a lame claim of some similarities. And then I would be rejected on two different accounts. First becausse my interests don't match. And secondly because my twisting them to make them match suggests that I have problems with comprehension or something. But no matter how many times I learned a hard way NOT to do that, I couldn't help that. I was only lucky that I finally run onto someone who was nice enough to take me on despite my full admission that I have no interesst in what he does.

3)Whenever I actually succeed in making a girl like me, I start feeling that she is going to like me no matter what. So then I decide to "celebrate" it by deliberately repeating some of the mistakes made with previous girls in order to be able to say to myself "see, I am doing the exact thigns I did in the past, but now I FINALLY found someone who is accepting of these". In fact, it works for quite a while. She would be telling me that having Asperger is okay, and that she accepts me for who I am. THe time when she had enough of it would occur at the most unexpected moment, so my problem is that I am not told ahead of time just where the line is.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Oh, social mirroring's just the fancy term for it. You can watch people interact and get the same general idea.

I understand. I was just trying to make an illusration of my mindset BACK THEN, not now.

Hazelwudi wrote:
One wonders why she deemed the interaction between you and Sarah to be her business like that at all.

Probably becaues she was mad at me, and decided to hit me at the most sensitive spot.

Hazelwudi wrote:
It wasn't "same s**t different day". After all, during all the days prior to that I was hurting ppl over and over again over describing my experiements with the autistic/down kid, and I was NEVER hurt by negative reaction. So this definitely wasn't the same day. And what made it different is probably Sarah.

Lol, I mean that the reactions to your experiments and so on were an interesting diversion from standard messageboard procedure. The flame wars are the most interesting bits, imo. Then again, I'd think so. 8)

I think you confused mailing list with messsage board. I was talking about my experiements in 1998 -- 1999 on message board. But the whole Down and Sarah business happened in 2001 on mailing list. The way the two are related is that the list owner, Clare, happened to have participated on that message board, so that was why she made life hard for me on the mailing list (by first refusing to send me list of intros, then banning me, and finally threatening to contact my new school) . But Clare (the list owner) was the only one from the list who participated on that message board, so she neither Dawn nor Sarah knows about these experiments. But of course, they know about my racial theories since that is what I was busy with while on the list.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Yah that is exactly right. But what am I supposed to do? I mean that is what Asperger IS about: living in one's own head. So I am wondering how come in this whole Asperger message board I am the one who lives in my own head the most, even when Brina Siegel said in 1997 that my Asperger was mild.

You live in your own head, because the world outside your head bewilders you and gives you pain. Is it not so?

Yah, but the same applies to other aspies, which brings me back to original question of why am I worse off than them?

Hazelwudi wrote:
But didn't you say you only believe in what is RATIONAL? I was thinking this would imply that you are atheist or at most agnostic, which would rule out occult.

I didn't just get the hotheaded streak which was typical of the Celts... I also ended up with their tendency to impassioned oratory, and their tendency to see that which goes bump in the night.

I am not sure what are you referring to by steak and other things. Please clarify.

Hazelwudi wrote:
When the reality of what one is seeing keeps being validated by later experience, it becomes illogical to doubt there's an underlying reality there. 8)

Are you saying magic was validated by experience? Please clarify.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Like anything else in my environment which engages my curiosity, it too serves as a field of experimentation for me.

Okay, but after you experimented for a while you should have seen how it didn't work.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Okay, back in Fall 2001 I went to the Jewish club to try to get one, and it didn't work too well. And by the way back then I weren't looking for a girlfriend, I was only looking for friends, just like you suggested, but still didn't work out. So that is where it is circular. Due to the fact that I don't have life, people don't accept me, which stays in my way of getting one.

Are there any sort of clubs for Asperger's people or other folks who are "weird" nearby, something like that?

I never heard of such a thing as club for aspies. Asperger isn't that common for one thing.

Last edited by Roman on 22 Nov 2006, 1:33 am, edited 3 times in total.


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22 Nov 2006, 12:37 am

Hazelwudi wrote:
Roman wrote:
That is exactly what I was thinking back when I first came to Jewish club. But obviously others didn't allow me to "immerse myself in it". So it is circular: in order to have good social skills, I have to practice, but in order for others to allow me to practice, I need to have good social skills from the start.

Aye. Maybe start with psych theory and later ally the books with real world experience,

Well I am doing psych theory right now on this message board

Hazelwudi wrote:
or perhaps social gatherings of "weird" people who would be less apt to reject you?

Never heard of such gatherings.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Can people really help what they're attracted to, though? I mean, you can tell me that I "should" be attracted to men who shave their body hair and are high maintenance for instance, but I still simply not attracted to them.

Well, if Anne simply "couldn't help" the fact that she were turned off by my lack of confidence, then at least she didn't have to specifically ask me more and more questions to find out an info that would control her feelings against her will.

Hazelwudi wrote:
And what about your father? Has she no husband to ride herd on her, or is he too mild-mannered and unassuming to?

It has nothing to do with that. The reason she is domineering is that she thinks I won't be able to survive otherwise. And in fact probably the biggest reason why my mom and my dad were separated is that they both were way overprotective and were thinking I won't do well unless I do it their way. Now the problem is that their ways weren't the same so they kept fighting over what they believed was best for me.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Take care of your own business, don't portray yourself as weak, and whenever someone crosses the line in terms of interference in your life, point it out and tell them to back the hell off.

Well, when I live on a different side of USA from my mom I typically don't obsess about her. I take it for granted that that problem is solved and the only thing I have to deal with is find a girlfriend. And then AT THE MOST UNEXPECTED MOMENT, my mom comes back in and brings up something I believe was LONG SETTLED. Who could predict that over 5 years I lived happilly away from home all of a sudden that issue is back again? Same goes for other things.

Hazelwudi wrote:
It privately amazes me that you didn't learn that as a child... when I was a child, coming across as "weak" in any way was practically considered a standing invitation to be cruel to me.

Yes up until 18 I definitely viewed "weak" as something i have to hide. But after 18 when I started using internet, I made it a point to display my weaknesses because they are all abstracts. That is one reason I said that internet thing had ruined my personality.

Another thing is that the particular way I am attracted to women is that I want to "surrender myself" to them by portraying all of my weaknesses. And, precisely because these are NOT the things I would share with anyone OTHER THAN women, thats why it feels so good. Also, part of my attraction is wanting to be "like them" which would imply affeminite. So, being weak is something I would do specifically in front of women.

When I am in company of men I would most definiely want to look strong. Sometimes I was even fantasizing of world being split in two halfs so that when I want to be weak I can go strictly to where there are only women without any men seeing me, and when I want to be strong I can go to male half. So yes I konw that being weak is bad. But when I am one on one with woman i am attracted to, this becomes an exception.

Now, prior to the time I started using internet, I never acted on these feelings. After all, what if the one woman I decide to confide to would talk to others about my weaknesses? So, prior to 18 I was acting strong with everyone, no exceptions. But once I went on the internet, then i started talking about my weaknesses with some of the ppl whom I perceived as females, and I guess it went from there.

By the way, this is the biggest reason I keep girlfriends from my mom. Because I associate being attracted with women with being "weak". On the other hand, since I knew my mom BEFORE I ever started using the internet, she is part of teh world from which I hide all of my weaknesses. So thats why I have to hide from her (and everyone else who knew me back than) that I have a girlfriend, when/if I do.

Hazelwudi wrote:
You can't control other people's minds, but you can determine the level of BS you'll put up with before you give them more hell than they can handle.

It's none of my business, but are you financially self-sufficient? If you were to somehow end up estranged from your family, would you be able to support yourself?

But there is no way my mom would EVER abandon me no matter what. It is the opposite, she refuses to give me ENOUGH space because she feels I won't survive or something.

Hazelwudi wrote:
No, because that is something I am equally pissed about.

Why? We're all going to die someday, why not enjoy yourself while you can?

No what I meant was that it is entirely separate challenge to perswade my mom of that. So I don't see how would it help perswading my mom of X by simply bringing up Y which is equally difficult a challenge.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Ever just hang up on her when she does that? Back when I was an undergrad, hanging up on each other in disgust was practially a sporting event. lol :P

I did, and I lied to her that it was because batteries of my cell phone died.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Why do you care? Christ, I stopped giving a damn about the opinions my parents had of me before I was even old enough to shave my legs.

If I don't like apples I can't simply decide to start liking them. It is the same thing, excpet much more extreme.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Tell her not to come.

It isn't that simple because she works at the school for the deaf and sometimes she get invitations from other schools for a conference, and one of them is near where I live. Of course, she was the one who established this kind of relaitonship with some schools rather than others. But how can I just tell her to go back and tell the school not to invite her?

Hazelwudi wrote:
Stand up for yourself. And if she shows up anyway, make it look like you're not home and don't let her in.

She won't "show up anyway" if I tell her not to come. But I don't think it would help me much because there are still all the other ways she is nosing into my life.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Later on, tell her that you were at the library or with friends or something...

I can't do that, because I am trying to deceive her into thinking that nothing had changed since the time prior to that mailing list. So back then I was studying all day long and it was a huge effort to make me take any breaks. So why would I right now be spending time with friends?

Appart from that, she has keys from my appartment so if I am not there she would come in anyway. And since she would spend there few days, I don't see how I can arrange sleeping at my office in school without her calling police to look for me.

Hazelwudi wrote:
make it clear that she's no longer the numero uno priority of your life, and that if she wants to interact with you, it'll be more on your terms and less on hers.

Well she knows she isn't my number one priority since I am not returning her calls and stuff. But that doesn't change a thing becausse it isn't about "interaction" of me and her, it is about her worrying that *I* would mess up if left unsupervised.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Better to be considered rude than irreparably defective, which is how a lot of NT's view anyone afflicted by a pervasive developmental disorder.

Regardless of which is better and which is worse, both will lead to rejection. So what should I do in order to actually find a successful relationship?

Hazelwudi wrote:
This is unfortunate. You'll need opportunities to observe and interact in order to learn.

Thats why I keep asking on how to break the cycle. No one gives me these opportunities.

Hazelwudi wrote:
She was afraid that I would forget to pay, in hte same way as my mom was afraid I would forget to look up the name of the hotel. Both fears are completely wrong, so this is a proof that due to my Asperger I have a tendency of making bad impressions on others and misrepresenting my true abilities.

And yet, in your other post you said you intentionally downplay your strengths and play up your weaknesses. If you want people to give you credit for being an independent, takes-care-of-his-own-shit sort of person, this downplaying is counterproductive.

But when i talk about my weaknesses I only talk about A, B, and C, but others decide it is A through Z. On the other hand, if I don't talk about A, B, and C it is also bad because then I would be expected to act like NT which I am not.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Like I said, I DO yell at my mom, but this only changes her behavior for half an hour at most. The reason I told Anne that I can't stand up is that with my first girlfriend, Sarah, that little thing that only "took 5 minutes to say" involved the fact that i yelled at my mom back in high school. So how much worse would it be if I were to say that I yell at my mom right now? So it is no win situation. If I say I yell at my mom, it is bad. If I say I can't stand up, it is also bad. So what else should I say?

Stop relying on others to tell you what is moral and what is not moral. You're not ret*d or sociopathic, you know what is moral and what is not. What do you need their two cents for?

Imo, you need a woman who is far less fragile than Sarah was... someone who takes conflict and struggle as a natural part of life, doesn't take s**t off people, and doesn't expect others to take s**t off people. She couldn't even say "f**k", you said. I mean, come on... by her age, most people have been cussed and had others cuss them to the point where it barely even fazes them anymore.

You are confusing two different women named Sarah. The one who couldn't say f**k was Sarah Roberts, while the one who was my first girlfriend was Sarah Jergenson. I met Sarah Roberts in 2001 and we only talked for 2 weeks I was on the list; although of course I was obsessed about her for another couple of years. On the other hand, I met Sarah Jergenson in 2003 and we were in a relatinoship untill 2004. As for Sarah Roberts, she was in a committed relationship with someone else, but I didn't care about it because of my idealistic state of mind. So Sarah Jergenson was the one who was turned off by what I told her about yelling at my mom, while Sarah Roberts is the one who couldn't say f**k. So these are two different people.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Stop pretending to be defective in order to get people to take care of you, and then getting mad when they try to. You're not, so why the charade? What do you get out of this behavior that makes it worth engaging in?

But I AM defective in a sense of my social skills, so I better make that part clear in order not to face NT expectations; saying I am shy won't solve it becuasse even shy NT-s know how to hold a basic conversation which I can't do.

The problem is that when I say I am defective in A, B, and C, other people decide that it is also in D, E, and F, which is wrong.

Hazelwudi wrote:
As for the whole mother dynamic... where do you think I got the scotch-irish temper from? (It wasn't from my father.) For someone to not stand up to their mother... it just floors me. I had to, to get any peace at home whatsoever. She'd just pick pick pick pick pick and try to start s**t to the point where I'd turn around and say something so heartlessly cruel and at the same time so indisputably true that she'd be literally stunned rigid for a moment. If she tried to retaliate, I'd strike again, in another vulnerable spot. Eventually, she'd crawl off to sulk and lick her wounds, and I could get some goddamn peace for a change.

See, my parents divorced the summer before I turned 13. My mother, brother, and I moved away to another state, to be near her parents who were getting on in years. My mother, who had been on Librium for years, believed that "since the reason why I needed that stuff is gone (my father) I don't need Librium anymore."

Needless to say, things were very... interesting... at home as a result. When she wasn't trying to start s**t with me, she was bitching and whining in general. When she wasn't engaging in these activities, she was either watching tv or asleep. She was not employed, nor was she interested in being employed... we lived off a combination of child support and alimony payments and the charity of her parents. I did all the housework, and was her new favored target for BS, seeing that my father was gone. She said she hated me, and frankly this was probably true. I had long since ceased to give a damn at that point... as far as I was concerned at the time, there was nothing wrong with the family dynamics that I couldn't have very effectively cured in about 5 minutes with an axe.

Why didn't I? Pragmatism. I could either just deal with it for a few more years and get out when I turned 18, or I could pull a Lizzie Borden and potentially end up with a life sentence in a prison somewhere. So I waited, counting the days until I would go off to college and get the f**k out.

Well, since your mom expectd you to do all the house chores, obviosly she was NOT viewing you as a child; my mom does. She is opposite from yours, she won't make me do chores even if she has to because she doesn't think I can handle a thing.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Well this time it is Anne, and not my mom. I weren't requiring food, so I weren't eating, simple as that. But Anne somehow decided that it means that I am not independant.

But you said you weren't comfortable with telling her that you needed to go get something to eat. Why not?

The point is that I am not that much into the eating verses not eating business anyway. So why should I bother her for no reason? If I am on my own, sure I might as well eat something just because. If I am with someone, then I won't bother that other person.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Don't you hate it when your hair gets greasy though? When it's like that, touching it feels nasty. I've been told that the scalp will start to itch real bad if you let it go long enough, too... it makes sense, what with all the dead skin buildup and whatnot.

No, nothing llike that happends to me. Sure my mom and my grandmother freak out every time I come to California because they are obsessed with my hair and each time they are surprised that it is much dirtier than they thought it is. But as for me I can do just fine with my hair the way it is.

Hazelwudi wrote:
If it is evolutionary, why can't the RATIONAL human beings sit down and re-evaluate it? Okay you say they don't have time. But it only takes few hours to do some extra thinking here, and it can possibly save the LIFE of mistakes. So the fact that they aren't re-evaluating it implies that they see it as fact as opposed to their biological tendency.

It is hardwired in the meat, and most people don't bother to question it, any more than they question eating a meal or taking a dump. lol :P

Okay but what if it is pointed out to them, what would they say?

Hazelwudi wrote:
That is unfair. I would say the fact that I don't respect myself implies that I am MORE HONEST than most people. So why should they choose some arrogant jerks over someone honest?

Because people overwhelmingly prefer pleasant lies to the brutal truth. They don't want honesty, they want to feel good.

Yes, it sucks... but it's the truth.

So then why doesn't it work if I go back and tell them "I didn't mean A, let me tell you B".

Hazelwudi wrote:
But if I won't tell them about Asperger, then they would take my conversation style as "rude".

What precisely happened in the Jewish club that made them think you were rude, anyhow?

I didn't know how to approach people or hold a conversation. So typically I would sit in the corner waiting for someone to approach me and no one would because they think I am not interested in talking. And then the fact that I weren't talking to anyone for a long time made them think I am angry person. On the other hand, in few rare occasions when someoen did approach me, I won't know how to continue the conversation. So my only two options were either to stare at them and not say a word, or to dwell on the topic that they brought up. The former made it seem like I am mad at them, the latter made it look like I was "accusitory" because I would keep questioning and questioning something lame (like their year and major in school) just to grasp at the straws to keep conversation going.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I agree. I guess I am simply desperate thats why I would get into relationship with anyone and everyone that comes my way.

You're worth more than that, so stop pretending you're not.

Even if I am worth more than that, I can't GET more than that. So my choice is either to stick with something less than I am worth or something MUCH less than I am worth. So I choose "less" over "much less".

Hazelwudi wrote:
Yah, and thats my problem. If I can't be 100% sure about things in the other person's head, this leaves a room for a possibility that I said something that changed their thinking in some way. And in this case I would be constantly dwelling into every single thing I said to them for the past few weeks.

That's counterproductive, though.... it makes you look very anxious.

I can't help it, though.


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22 Nov 2006, 12:41 am

Hazelwudi wrote:
No I never talk to people in hallway. As far as my classes, the only reason I ever talk to people is to help me with finding my math mistakes in homeworks, and in most cases that only drove them crazy.

Why don't you casually shoot the s**t with them, though? There's got to be some who have a good sense of humor and enjoy this sort of thing.

I don't have that ability. I can't think of a place to start, or what to bring up. Thats why I was ostracized in the Jewish club.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Well, personally I simply am not attracted to big breasts. Actually I like women with average to smaller breasts simply because it makes them look skinnier.

You like the lil delicate ones, eh?

Like I said, I tend to like the whole body. I don't overfocus on any part of it.

Hazelwudi wrote:
But the fact that they don't take time to sit down and re-evaluate their nature implies that they are sure their nature is right. After all, re-evaluating of one-s nature takes far shorter time then potentially much better life that follows.

It doesn't even occur to them to re-evaluate usually... people mostly rely on cognitive heuristics in my experience, because going on a case-by-case basis takes a lot more time and effort.

But the "time and effort" would eat up less time than the rest of their life when they miss someone valuable.

Hazelwudi wrote:
Perhaps there is a way for you to not set off the cognitive heuristics in people's heads you're setting off now?

I don't know what is that way. That heuristics is based on little things I can't control as opposed to one big thing.


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22 Nov 2006, 7:07 am

Roman wrote:
I haven't consciously realized that untill our conversation right now when you were talking about htenm being my "pears".

Yes, but you view them as authority figures, instead? What authority do they have over you?

Hazelwudi wrote:
That's not true really... kids under 18 walk around without their parents all the time.

Roman wrote:
If you read what I said I haven't said it was true. I said thats what my parents did to me.

I know, but I just wonder why they would do that... an excuse to keep you under the thumb, maybe?

Well might be. Probably something alone the lines "she is X years old so her opinion is to be taken seriously".

I'd prefer to think that the validity of the view they express determines whether or not it is to be taken seriously, not their age. lol

Well I seen a lot of communist propaganda in textbooks when I was in elementary school, but then obviously around 1990 it all ended and they had different textbooks.

I think though that speaking of all these discussions teachers had about how students treat each other this was probably in line with communism because back in communist days their deal was to change people. So I have heard that actually it was quite common in jobs and stuff to openly criticize and teach people. In fact I even heard that if member of communist party was to cheat on their partner they would make a party meeting where they would openly criticize that person's behavior.

This should be contrasted with "social politeness" in America where people just wouldn't confront each other. In Russia open confrontation is far more common then here -- I was living in 5 story house and I kept hearing different people that lived in the house sitting in the bench and arguing with each other.

I'd imagine it was easier in some ways, in such a society... being able to openly criticize people whenever you thought of it. Then again, I could see where it would be harder, too... people would do the same to you also.

On the other hand, the "alternative" way of dealing with people, such as complaining to dirrector of Jewish club is NOT popular in Russia. Ever since Stalin's time it became a taboo for people to complain against each other or especially punish each other based on such complains simply because this reminded them too much of Stalin and they were tired of this sort of thing. So in Russia it was always encoraged to talk to a person openly as opposed to complaining behind their backs, whereas in America it is visa versa.

So it's ok to b***h at people for doing things you consider inappropriate or stupid in Russia, but telling on people is considered wrong?

So I guess that is probably why teachers weren't eager to punish kids for whatever they did to me. But personally I would MUCH rather be confronted than to have to GUESS what other people's problem is. At least that way I can defend myself, and also I won't be feeling like others are dishonest with me. But then again this is something all aspies would say, regardless of the country they live in.

Yeah, unless a person has just beyond pissed you off, here it is more the custom to just avoid/ostracize a person, rather than getting up in their face over it. I think it has to do with our attributions... we tend to attribute the person's behavior to their personality, and tend to regard the personality as largely immutable... ie. no amount of bitching is going to change their personality, so why bother?

There were NO rejection. Looking back, my bullies were only bullying me some of the time, while other part of the time they were trying to be my friends, although I haven't realized it back then. I don't remember a single person who made it a point not to talk to me. Personally I would rather be bullied than rejected -- at least that way I can defend myself and also I don't have to sit and guess just why did the other person "forgot" to call me.

Ah, ok.

I never said "evil". I said BAD. And from people's actions it seems that being "confused" is even worse than being "evil", so I am bad for being confused.

And what is the difference to you, between being evil and being bad? Evil is active malice, and being bad is just making mistakes, sort of thing?

So if social skills can be learned even for ppl with Asperger, why don't NT realize it?

Because Aspergers people who have learned social skills are still somewhat eccentric, but they've mostly integrated themselves into the social fabric. Aspergers people who have not learned social skills stick out like a sore thumb and are far more obvious.

Why "benefit someone else"? I thought it would benefit THEM if they will find out that after all I am a saint.

A saint, yet. lol, you have the same capacity for cruelty and horror as anyone else. :P

Look at the problem from their perspective. "I can either labor mightily in an effort to reform this person, or I can just ignore this person and still have plenty of other friends." Why would they bother? It's far easier to just write you off as being "not their problem" and shut you out.

Another thing: if htey are self serving, why would they judge me based on my personal characteristics? How will it be hurting THEM that I am "weird"? So obviously they aren't 100% self serving, otherwise they wouldn't mind my differences as long as they don't affect THEM.

Because most people want to hang out with people who are like themselves, not people who vastly differ from themselves. Because being surrounded with people akin to yourself makes you feel validated and comfortable... in short, it makes you feel good. Yes, this is indeed self-serving.

Well, things would of been much better if it were to happen after I had my ph.d.

Why? Then you'd have to multitask your entrance into the social arena with getting a job in the private sector and dealing with all the demands on you there, or with trying to get tenure as a professor in a university (most of which are 'publish or perish' these days).

I didn't say socializing on the internet is hard for me. What I said was that internet changed my personality and this new personality stays in my way, whether I am on the internet or not. So right now it is too late to get off the internet because it is already ingrained into my system. I have to go back and unlearn it somehow.

As far as actual socializing I would say on the internet it is easier, as far as the fact that difficulties of starting and continuing conversation are removed.

How come you would have difficulties having this conversation in real life? Is it due to social evaluation anxiety, or something else?

If you want to be religious, it was God so it isn't schizophrenia. If you want to be secular, then they didn't see them; their grandchildren fantasized it. Now fantasy is common among little kids and autistics are known to be younger than their age.

I think high functioning autistics just have it arranged differently... they're usually older than their age in terms of intellectual matters, but younger in social and physical matters.

Hazelwudi wrote:
I tend to privately judge them by where they fall on Global Assessment of Functioning. So long as they're able to hold down a job, have friends, have a romantic life, aren't a danger to self or others, etc. I really don't care if they think there's little green men living behind the refrigerator. Then again, I'm not a clinician. lol :P

See, you have included friendship and romantic life, and that is entirely up to the way OTHERS judge them because these are the doors others can either open or close.

Yes, but those are also doors that THEY can open and close themselves. What would you say about someone who is so bitter and cynical they refuse to let even a couple of others get close to them? Is this person happy, let alone well-adjusted? Hell no.

So back at the time when Jew-rituals were looked down upon, the Jews weren't able to have too many non-Jewish friends. Sure, they had Jewish friends, but so do autisics have autistic friends, so it is all similar.

To me, it just goes back to wanting to be around people like yourself. It's easier to deal with people whose expectations and values are similar to your own. *shrugs*

Lets take Schizotypal Personality Disorder which is considered milder variant of schizophrenia. So these people are a little less social, a little more superstitious and a little more paranoid, and thats it. No hallucinations, nothing too extreme. So as for the superstition part, it is part of most cultures. Thats why DSM 4 had to spell out that it shouldn't be attributed to specific culture the person is from. And that is where the line is drawn that isn't there on the first place. Why is it any more wrong to be superstitious in your own way as opposed to doing the same exact thing as part of the group? So the point is that whoever wrote DSM 4 have DECIDED where to draw the line based on the prejudice towards the ppl who are part of the group and against the ppl who aren't. But if you take prejudice away, it is entirely possible that groups of people were affected as a whole.

They had to put that line in there regarding culture and religion, because by a purely empirical standard the beliefs of virtually all religions are delusional at best. Think about it... some "Big Daddy" figure living somewhere "up there?" (The Freudians alone would have a field day with this.) Believing that some dude died for your "sins" 2,000 years ago, with no proof? Without excluding culturally valued religious beliefs, nearly everyone would qualify for the madhouse.

Now as far as global assessment and such, well consider the fact that the way person function in life is affected by other people they are surrounded with that either help him or stay in the way. So if person A and person B are equally ill but the particular simptoms of person B are less socially acceptable, then OF COURSE person B would be the one not having friends and not being able to hold a job. But when the whole society is affected by mental illness, then it automatically becomes socially acceptable so they do much better. So your question on how can autistic tribes survive has a very easy answer.

It would have to be a very high functioning type of autism... a society of people who just stare at things all day and flap their hands would starve to death in short order.

Yes that is plenty of time for mutation. It was shown that if we isolate a gene pool to small village we would have a zoo after only few generations. That is why a lot of cultures disapprove of incest because when similar mutations come from both sides they become far more influential. Now Jews are bigger than small village so instead of few generations it took few thousand years for mutations to occur.

I'd question that... if ancient records are to be believed, the Hebrews often killed the males of conquered groups, and then took the wives and daughters in the conquered group for mates. This would draw in a great deal of genetic material from outside, and thus introduce far more genetic variance into the population. And they bred like rabbits.

As far as advantage, we are only comparing Jews with other cultures that survived. We can't comare them with the cultures that died out because we don't know what they are. And clearly to say that every single culture that survived had evolutionary advantage over its peers that also survived would be a contradiction.

So, it is fine for them to be in disadvantage as compared to others who also survived, as long as Jews are survivable. And yes autistics are survivable. First of all, in my discussion about percentages I stated that only minority of Jews are autistic; it is simply that autistic minority of Jews is larger than autistic minority of non-Jews. Secondly, high functioning autistic CAN live independantly. What stays in their way is prejudices of NT-s, which won't be so strong if the whole culture is autistic.

But if the whole culture is autistic, how would NT members "fit in" to that culture?

The reason today's autistics are donig so badly is that they are surrounded by NT-s who close all doors to them. If the society was mostly autistic it would of been the other way around, NT minority would of been ostracised and NT-s would of been the ones doing badly.

But without a LARGE percentage of NT's, how would the ancient Hebrews successfully wage war? Most people I've known on the spectrum are pretty clumsy in terms of motor coordination... either fine motor, gross motor, or both.

I agree that every culture fancies themselves, but in case of Jews it is far more extreme since they are the only ones who were never obsorbed into their host cultures.

This is something I've often wondered about... the lack of absorption. Why? Especially since it has rendered them easily discriminated against?

Now, lets forget who did what. Lets just look at Mein Kampf and at the Talmud side by side. They look pretty similar. So then lets ask ourselves a question: if they were so similar to start with, how come Hitler was the only one able to materialize it? Well probably because Jews are weaker than him.

In a weaker position at the time, perhaps. But as I've said, they were quite the marauders way back when. Not just according to the Old Testament (that is your Torah, is it not?), but according also to some of the other cultures who came into contact with them. lol :P

So in other words it is taboo to say the truth. This means that political correctness is anything BUT the truth. It isn't an accident that political correctness doesn't always matches truth. But there are REASONS why it should 180% contradict truth. After all if people have to face truth over and over, some aspects of it become painful, so they have to deliberately turn away from it. But if it is a lie, hten even if it isn't a very nice lie, people aren't tired of it yet, so they don't mind it.

As I said before, people don't want the often inconvenient, painful truth. They want lies that make them feel good and justify their preconceived notions.

I would defy you to find one person who hasn't at some point thought something "racist" about at least one ethnic group. But at the same time, look what happens when those sorts of ideas are carried to their logical conclusion. Yes... atrocity, extermination pograms, and so forth. Human ash filling the skies, and mountains of starved bodies rotting in the rain.

Philosophically, one might contend that "argument from consequences" is a logical fallacy, but in this case the consequences are so repulsive and disgusting that they simply must not be allowed to happen, at all costs.

So how come it is more politically correct to be anti-German than anti-Jewish? Strictly because Jews are weaker, which goes back to the "paradox" presented earlier.

The concentration camps and Hitler's "Final Solution" are comparatively fresh in the public mind... there are even still people alive today who remember these things. This is why people associate Germans with this behavior these days, we've got a relatively fresh example.

Any marauding the ancient Hebrews have done happened thousands of years ago and are more a matter for theologians and historians. (Also, Christianity -- I'd imagine Judiasm also -- tends to encourage people to not consider ruthless marauding on the part of the ancient Hebrews to be precisely that... ruthless marauding.)

And here is another similar paradox. How come is it more hateful to say that Jews killed Jesus than it is to say that Romans did? Well, because historically Jews were persecutted for it more than Italians were. And why is it? Probably because Jews were the guilty ones. In other words

X is guilty for the death of Jesus ==> X is persecutted ==> People feel sorry for X ==> people blame anyone BUT X for the death of Jesus

Because Jesus was a Jew, people expect his own people to have more sympathy and fellow feeling for him than they would expect outsider non-Jews to have for him. His own people to wish him dead is considered more remarkable than for an outsider to wish the same.

Again ... an example of where politically correct tends to be OPPOSITE (rather than independant) to the truth, for very predictable reasons.

By the way this also relates to the discussion we had earlier in this thread about TODAY"S men suffering because of the fact that htey held the most cards historically. Well most of todays men weren't alive at the time. So, if you shouldn't blame Jews for what their ancestors did to Jesus, why should you blame men for what their ancestors did with women?

I don't blame all men, but I dislike it when I meet men who have the same chauvinistic attitudes which contributed to the oppression of women back then. I blame specific men for their attitude, rather than all men living today for things which occurred before they were even alive.

Okay, saying to woman she is fat has no reason. It neither proves nor refutes any theories. On the other hand, as far as my discussion of blacks it had very good THEORETICAL motivation to it. As a physicist, I can tell that if a theory only explains ONE thing, then it looks like it was manipulated just for that one experiement, so no need to believe it. But if it explaines MANY DIFFERENT THIGNS then yes it makes you think that it is more than coincidence. So the PURPOSE of my theory was NOT any kind of racial superiority, but rather an illustration of how shaddow traits of autism can affect culture. BUt in order to provide IMPERICAL SUPPORT for that theory, I had to dwell on all the other topics in order to show how it explains seemingly unrelated things. So that was my only motivation. And, as a theorist, I have no political agenda. I neither support nor oppose affirmative action. All I am interested in is how the world works, and I am leaving a question of what to do with it to others.

Even a scientist must take his audience into account, as to how he presents information. You can't teach freshmen in the same way you write journal articles and expect to be an effective teacher.... you'll go waaay over their heads and bore the living hell out of them, to boot. You can't socialize in the same way you teach freshmen, or people will rightly view it as condescending and tell you to piss off. You can't write a journal article in the same way as you would socialize, because the style is nowhere near formal enough.

This is very much in line with the fact that some of the recent studies have shown that Asperger is 5 times more common than autism, and it is only less known because of many undiagnosed cases. So, in light of this, if both autism and Asperger have separate shaddow simptoms, then one fifth of autistic cultures would be less gifted while 4/5 will be more gifted, which means that statistically they will be more gifted.

I remember reading somewhere that Einstein's brain was no larger than ordinary brains, but had many more sulci and gyri... perhaps it is not just size that matters?

Environment had changed ==> Egyptian genes are no longer favored in terms of survival ==> Egyptians don't have as much time to devote to their culture.

But the environment really hadn't changed... in terms of climate, isn't modern Egypt much the same as it was back in the days of the Pharoahs?

Okay what you just said is that you don't want a man to be WEAKER than you. In other words, you are looking for an equal. If such were the case for most women, then a man doesn't have to be strong in order to be equal in strength to his girlfriend. So I guess the deal is that women want men to be much stronger than they are themselves as opposed to simply equal and this doesn't make sense. In fact, like title of the thread says, it makes women sexist against themselves because they want to be the weaker partner as opposed to equal.

Women are raised to consider themselves weak and inferior, they grow used to the role, and want to continue in that role because that's how they see themselves and what they have grown used to. See?

I wonder if you haven't grown used to the notion of being "inferior" somehow, yourself... and feel that behaving otherwise would take you out of the comfort zone created by your self-concept and your habits.

1)Since my social awkwardness is very extreme, it is very easy to make an understatement unless I make an effort not to. But whenever I make an effort to avoid understatement I end up unintentially exagerating it. I guess may be the deal is that if I say X then the other person would hear anything within a bell curve centered at X. So the only way to avoid miscommunication in one direction is to shift bell curve in the opposite dirrection which would guarantee the opposite kind of miscommunication. But the point is that BOTH miscommunications are bad. After all, I don't want a woman to expect me to be albe to do any of the things I am not capable of, such as holding a conversation.

Bah, BS. You're capable of holding a conversation, it's just that you've not learned how to hold one in a face-to-face manner.

2)When I write college essay one of the recommended techniques is to bring up as much evidence as possible TO THE OPPOSITE of the desired conclusion, and then refute that evidence. I guess I probably am doing it subconsciously in real life. I would first dwell in all of the ways in which I am NOT compatible with a given girl in order to establish the fact that I am honest, and then once my honesty is established I would slide in some of the positives here and htere, and they will all be believed since I am "honest". I was actually doing the same thing in school when I was looking for ph.d. thesis advisor and this made it extremely difficult to find one because whenever I were asked what my intrests were I would start off by deliberately talking about something OTHER than what the given professor's research is, just so that he won't be thinking I am making it up. And then after I am done, I would twist it in order to make a lame claim of some similarities. And then I would be rejected on two different accounts. First becausse my interests don't match. And secondly because my twisting them to make them match suggests that I have problems with comprehension or something. But no matter how many times I learned a hard way NOT to do that, I couldn't help that. I was only lucky that I finally run onto someone who was nice enough to take me on despite my full admission that I have no interesst in what he does.

Stress similarities over differences, it makes people a lot more comfortable. People want to be around those like themselves. (And in terms of establishing your honesty, that's done fairly easily by keeping your word, not sharing secrets they tell you with others, and so on.)

3)Whenever I actually succeed in making a girl like me, I start feeling that she is going to like me no matter what. So then I decide to "celebrate" it by deliberately repeating some of the mistakes made with previous girls in order to be able to say to myself "see, I am doing the exact thigns I did in the past, but now I FINALLY found someone who is accepting of these". In fact, it works for quite a while. She would be telling me that having Asperger is okay, and that she accepts me for who I am. THe time when she had enough of it would occur at the most unexpected moment, so my problem is that I am not told ahead of time just where the line is.

Unconditional love is largely a myth, unfortunately.

I think you confused mailing list with messsage board. I was talking about my experiements in 1998 -- 1999 on message board. But the whole Down and Sarah business happened in 2001 on mailing list. The way the two are related is that the list owner, Clare, happened to have participated on that message board, so that was why she made life hard for me on the mailing list (by first refusing to send me list of intros, then banning me, and finally threatening to contact my new school) . But Clare (the list owner) was the only one from the list who participated on that message board, so she neither Dawn nor Sarah knows about these experiments. But of course, they know about my racial theories since that is what I was busy with while on the list.

Both messageboards and mailing lists fall into "same s**t different day" ruts pretty quickly in my experience, and need the occasional flame war to spice 'em up and make them more interesting. 8)

Yah, but the same applies to other aspies, which brings me back to original question of why am I worse off than them?

Because many of them they venture out of their heads more often than you do?

I didn't just get the hotheaded streak which was typical of the Celts... I also ended up with their tendency to impassioned oratory, and their tendency to see that which goes bump in the night.

I am not sure what are you referring to by steak and other things. Please clarify.

In this case, "streak" is an informal and colloquial expression for personal tendencies in this culture. "That person has a serious dishonest streak." means that they've got something in their nature that makes them tend to be dishonest, for example.

Impassioned oratory is self-explanatory... think of rhetoric. I've always had a tendency to engage in that, and a sociology minor only served to hone that tendency.

"Things that go bump in the night." is a colloquial expression for ghosts, spirits, and things like that.

Are you saying magic was validated by experience? Please clarify.

When a person can correctly guess what number between 1-10 someone picked more often than chance would indicate, for instance.

When you meet a ghost who tells you his name and where he is buried, and then the next day you go to that unfamiliar cemetery the ghost mentioned, and find it exactly where he said.

When you become extremely angry with someone, and then suddenly all your emotion drains away, and you coldly state that they deserve X severity of punishment... and then it is as if you feel completely drained of energy. Shortly thereafter your emotions flood back in a rush, inducing euphoria, but your joints are so stiffened and hurting that even walking is a chore. Later the same day, all hell breaks loose in the person's life at that precise severity level.

Pick a day when the sky has discernable clouds in it, not a sheet of iron-grey miles thick. Watch a cloud. Focus completely on one part of the cloud. Now, think of hot stuff... blast furnaces, bonfires, etc. Watch that part of the cloud dissapate. (Focusing like that and thinking of cold things tends to make it grow, instead.)

My life is a strange one, I never said it wasn't.

Okay, but after you experimented for a while you should have seen how it didn't work.

Ah, but not all of it fails to work. If even most lower animals shy away from places which are haunted, what higher senses must humans be capable of?

My main quandry is why it only seems to work for some people who try it, instead of everyone who does. I've been privately testing and theorizing about this difference in my off time for years. I wonder if it is biologically linked... certain abnormalities keep showing up in the sample, one of the more interesting ones being patches of red and orange in the iris.

Widow's peaks are not a proper indicator, in spite of medieval lore... I've met many mystically inert people who have a widow's peak, and I've met many people who aren't mystically inert who lack a widow's peak. It seems to have no predictive value anymore, if it ever did.

Another commonality seems to be near-death experience. Not every person who is not mystically inert has had one, but a highly disproportionate number of them seem to have. Drowning, heart failure, overdose, particularly bad car accidents... the causes are legion. Sometimes people don't stay dead. The ones that don't seem to all have one thing in common... extremely strong wills.

There is also an observed tendency for this sort of thing to run in families... they did get that much right, in medieval lore. I've yet to meet one whose family is normal. You usually have a fair number of either other mystics, madmen, or both in their family line.

For all of that, it seems to be linked with a certain quality of soul, also. Not everyone who is born in such a family turns out that way, and when we die, the ghosts seem to exhibit a remarkable self-possession compared to most ghosts of the same age and era. My current hypothesis is that souls with this proclivity purposely choose to incarnate in families where this sort of thing will be, if not nurtured, then at least vaguely accepted.

I never heard of such a thing as club for aspies. Asperger isn't that common for one thing.

I'm sure you could find enough aspies in with people like goths and so on to suffice, though?

Last edited by Hazelwudi on 22 Nov 2006, 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Nov 2006, 8:05 am

Maybe its slight differences in the genes, that actually give a person greater succeptibility to hallucinations/delusions/fantasy/extra perception...

Not saying this is it for you, but it seems to make more sense than a dead soul following a person around.

I'm not your pear, I'm your peer (:P)

"I'd imagine it was easier in some ways, in such a society... being able to openly criticize people whenever you thought of it. Then again, I could see where it would be harder, too... people would do the same to you also. "

This is the beauty of it if you can find a good medium or forum, you can criticise others, and expect the same of yourself, learning much in the process.

All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!


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22 Nov 2006, 8:26 am

Hazelwudi wrote:
or perhaps social gatherings of "weird" people who would be less apt to reject you?

Roman wrote:
Never heard of such gatherings.

The local goths, punks, and random "weirdos", lol. Surely your university has such a thing?

Well, if Anne simply "couldn't help" the fact that she were turned off by my lack of confidence, then at least she didn't have to specifically ask me more and more questions to find out an info that would control her feelings against her will.

Well, she wanted to know more before she decided.

It has nothing to do with that. The reason she is domineering is that she thinks I won't be able to survive otherwise. And in fact probably the biggest reason why my mom and my dad were separated is that they both were way overprotective and were thinking I won't do well unless I do it their way. Now the problem is that their ways weren't the same so they kept fighting over what they believed was best for me.

And their refusal to realize that you can indeed survive without it is... what? Feeling needed is nice... perhaps too nice to make people want to realize when they are needed no longer.

Why did they break up, do you know? I'm curious now.

Well, when I live on a different side of USA from my mom I typically don't obsess about her. I take it for granted that that problem is solved and the only thing I have to deal with is find a girlfriend. And then AT THE MOST UNEXPECTED MOMENT, my mom comes back in and brings up something I believe was LONG SETTLED. Who could predict that over 5 years I lived happilly away from home all of a sudden that issue is back again? Same goes for other things.

Yes, because she wants to reinforce in her mind that she's needed, when she's not.

Yes up until 18 I definitely viewed "weak" as something i have to hide. But after 18 when I started using internet, I made it a point to display my weaknesses because they are all abstracts. That is one reason I said that internet thing had ruined my personality.

Another thing is that the particular way I am attracted to women is that I want to "surrender myself" to them by portraying all of my weaknesses. And, precisely because these are NOT the things I would share with anyone OTHER THAN women, thats why it feels so good. Also, part of my attraction is wanting to be "like them" which would imply affeminite. So, being weak is something I would do specifically in front of women.

The problem being that women are generally not attracted to weakness, and even if they're willing to tolerate it, they then proceed to act as if they were the guy's mother and he a child. This is probably not what you want.

Perhaps you should consider adopting a cat or a dog? So long as you are kind to them, they tend not to condemn, attack, or try to control. That way, you can be as sensitive as you want around your four footed friend, and indulge that part of yourself that way.

Now, prior to the time I started using internet, I never acted on these feelings. After all, what if the one woman I decide to confide to would talk to others about my weaknesses? So, prior to 18 I was acting strong with everyone, no exceptions. But once I went on the internet, then i started talking about my weaknesses with some of the ppl whom I perceived as females, and I guess it went from there.

By the way, this is the biggest reason I keep girlfriends from my mom. Because I associate being attracted with women with being "weak". On the other hand, since I knew my mom BEFORE I ever started using the internet, she is part of teh world from which I hide all of my weaknesses. So thats why I have to hide from her (and everyone else who knew me back than) that I have a girlfriend, when/if I do.

Perhaps it's a matter of degree. Everyone occasionally wants to whine about their problems, talk about how hopeless they feel, etc. sometimes... but doing it constantly seriously puts other people off. Maybe this is something to be done only once in a rare, rare while.

It's none of my business, but are you financially self-sufficient? If you were to somehow end up estranged from your family, would you be able to support yourself?

But there is no way my mom would EVER abandon me no matter what. It is the opposite, she refuses to give me ENOUGH space because she feels I won't survive or something.

I'm asking because if at some point you get so tired of her behavior that you cut all ties with her... well, starving on the street is a bad thing.

I did, and I lied to her that it was because batteries of my cell phone died.

Nah, we'd do it to each other on purpose and make no secret of it. As you've no doubt guessed, my family dynamics were perhaps not all they could have been, lol. :P

If I don't like apples I can't simply decide to start liking them. It is the same thing, excpet much more extreme.

You'd be amazed what time, rage, and disgust can do to a person. There was a time, when I was very young, that I did indeed give a damn. This was effectively burned out of me during a bitter, protracted four year period prior to their divorce. Pretty damned sad when the only person in the house who behaves as an adult is about four feet tall and 9 years old...

It isn't that simple because she works at the school for the deaf and sometimes she get invitations from other schools for a conference, and one of them is near where I live. Of course, she was the one who established this kind of relaitonship with some schools rather than others. But how can I just tell her to go back and tell the school not to invite her?

She can get a hotel, you know.

She won't "show up anyway" if I tell her not to come. But I don't think it would help me much because there are still all the other ways she is nosing into my life.

Even the longest journey begins with a single step.

I can't do that, because I am trying to deceive her into thinking that nothing had changed since the time prior to that mailing list. So back then I was studying all day long and it was a huge effort to make me take any breaks. So why would I right now be spending time with friends?

Why not just be yourself, and when she objects, tell her to piss off because it's your life and not hers?

Appart from that, she has keys from my appartment so if I am not there she would come in anyway. And since she would spend there few days, I don't see how I can arrange sleeping at my office in school without her calling police to look for me.

Change the lock.

Well she knows she isn't my number one priority since I am not returning her calls and stuff. But that doesn't change a thing becausse it isn't about "interaction" of me and her, it is about her worrying that *I* would mess up if left unsupervised.

It's about control of you making her feel validated and needed. That's her problem, not yours, so don't allow it to be made your problem.

Regardless of which is better and which is worse, both will lead to rejection. So what should I do in order to actually find a successful relationship?

I would start by increasing your control of your life... wouldn't you have more confidence that way?

Thats why I keep asking on how to break the cycle. No one gives me these opportunities.

That's why I recommended doing it in groups of people who are more tolerant of "geekiness". Does your college have any gaming clubs or things like that?

But when i talk about my weaknesses I only talk about A, B, and C, but others decide it is A through Z. On the other hand, if I don't talk about A, B, and C it is also bad because then I would be expected to act like NT which I am not.

Don't talk about A, B, and C then, and try to strike a compromise between being yourself and stepping on too many toes.

Imo, you need a woman who is far less fragile than Sarah was... someone who takes conflict and struggle as a natural part of life, doesn't take s**t off people, and doesn't expect others to take s**t off people. She couldn't even say "f**k", you said. I mean, come on... by her age, most people have been cussed and had others cuss them to the point where it barely even fazes them anymore.

You are confusing two different women named Sarah. The one who couldn't say f**k was Sarah Roberts, while the one who was my first girlfriend was Sarah Jergenson. I met Sarah Roberts in 2001 and we only talked for 2 weeks I was on the list; although of course I was obsessed about her for another couple of years. On the other hand, I met Sarah Jergenson in 2003 and we were in a relatinoship untill 2004. As for Sarah Roberts, she was in a committed relationship with someone else, but I didn't care about it because of my idealistic state of mind.

I was meaning Sarah Roberts when I said it, and your attraction to her.

So Sarah Jergenson was the one who was turned off by what I told her about yelling at my mom, while Sarah Roberts is the one who couldn't say f**k. So these are two different people.

And yet, Sarah Jergenson viewed you as not confident? Well, she can't have it both ways... a guy who will give in to domineering people and a guy who won't. That's silly, lol. :P

But I AM defective in a sense of my social skills, so I better make that part clear in order not to face NT expectations; saying I am shy won't solve it becuasse even shy NT-s know how to hold a basic conversation which I can't do.

You are no more defective for your social skills than I am defective because I've never gotten around to learning to play the guitar. If we could not learn, then we would be defective, but we can.

The problem is that when I say I am defective in A, B, and C, other people decide that it is also in D, E, and F, which is wrong.

Don't even bring the topic of conversation around to there, then. Just talk about interests you share with the other person. Beyond physics, Aspergers, and Judiasm, what are your interests?

Well, since your mom expectd you to do all the house chores, obviosly she was NOT viewing you as a child; my mom does. She is opposite from yours, she won't make me do chores even if she has to because she doesn't think I can handle a thing.

No, I had the worst of both worlds... the responsibilities of an adult with the rights of a child. I was doing all the damn work but still wasn't allowed to go anywhere or do anything, and had my life micromanaged. You have no idea how glad I was to get the hell out of there.

The point is that I am not that much into the eating verses not eating business anyway. So why should I bother her for no reason? If I am on my own, sure I might as well eat something just because. If I am with someone, then I won't bother that other person.

I assume you are biologically capable of feeling hunger. If you can, then why not eat when you're hungry?

No, nothing llike that happends to me. Sure my mom and my grandmother freak out every time I come to California because they are obsessed with my hair and each time they are surprised that it is much dirtier than they thought it is. But as for me I can do just fine with my hair the way it is.

Ok, let me put it like this. When you've gone more than a few days without taking a shower, it starts to look like you just aren't taking care of yourself. People react accordingly, and that's not how you want them to act.

Okay but what if it is pointed out to them, what would they say?

From what I've seen, here's the four most common potential responses...

1) They look at you like you need your head examined and edge away.

2) They tell you that "it's just the way it is" and shrug.

3) They use it as an opportunity to justify their lifestyle based on evolutionary validity.

4) They tell you that living this way makes them happy, and to leave them alone.

So then why doesn't it work if I go back and tell them "I didn't mean A, let me tell you B".

Because it just makes you look like you're trying to "unsay" A because you realize that saying A isn't acceptable, not because you don't believe A.

For example, imagine that you're talking to someone who is going on about how he hates physics.

You respond negatively to this, and consider him to be a dumbass.

Later he comes up and says that he actually really likes physics.

What would you think?

... yes, that he still hates physics, but doesn't want to pay the social penalty for it... you viewing him negatively.

I didn't know how to approach people or hold a conversation. So typically I would sit in the corner waiting for someone to approach me and no one would because they think I am not interested in talking. And then the fact that I weren't talking to anyone for a long time made them think I am angry person. On the other hand, in few rare occasions when someoen did approach me, I won't know how to continue the conversation. So my only two options were either to stare at them and not say a word, or to dwell on the topic that they brought up. The former made it seem like I am mad at them, the latter made it look like I was "accusitory" because I would keep questioning and questioning something lame (like their year and major in school) just to grasp at the straws to keep conversation going.

One continues a conversation in real life the same way you're doing it here, on this thread... by simply responding to what the other person said. I think you know how to do that already, you just a little fuzzy on how to generalize that skill to real life. Is it anxiety that gets in the way, or what?

Even if I am worth more than that, I can't GET more than that. So my choice is either to stick with something less than I am worth or something MUCH less than I am worth. So I choose "less" over "much less".

Don't just settle for s**t... you'll end up feeling even more miserable than you feel now, and that's probably not what you want.

Yah, and thats my problem. If I can't be 100% sure about things in the other person's head, this leaves a room for a possibility that I said something that changed their thinking in some way. And in this case I would be constantly dwelling into every single thing I said to them for the past few weeks.

I can't help it, though.

Ok then, why do you worry? You worry that they do not like you, is that it?

Last edited by Hazelwudi on 22 Nov 2006, 4:43 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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22 Nov 2006, 8:36 am

Roman wrote:
I don't have that ability. I can't think of a place to start, or what to bring up. Thats why I was ostracized in the Jewish club.

Broadly speaking, the more interests and experiences you have, the more people you'll be able to hold a conversation with. Also, the more common a certain interest or experience of yours is in the population, the more people you'll be able to hold a conversation with.

But the "time and effort" would eat up less time than the rest of their life when they miss someone valuable.

I've found that most people don't care about this really... they just go on surface impressions, make a snap decision, and act on it.

I don't know what is that way. That heuristics is based on little things I can't control as opposed to one big thing.

If you'd lost all hope, would you even have come to WrongPlanet to start with? No. 8)


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22 Nov 2006, 8:39 am

Scintillate wrote:
Maybe its slight differences in the genes, that actually give a person greater succeptibility to hallucinations/delusions/fantasy/extra perception...

Not saying this is it for you, but it seems to make more sense than a dead soul following a person around.

I have considered the possibility, but too much of it is externally verifiable to write it off as delusions or hallucinations. There's different areas of talent, too... much as with more material endeavors, not all of us are good at the same things.

This is the beauty of it if you can find a good medium or forum, you can criticise others, and expect the same of yourself, learning much in the process.

And troll for brawls! Woot, brawls! :D