TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
Oodain wrote:
Moog wrote:
blunnet wrote:
religion is made up stuff.
A table and chair is made up stuff.
in a way yes but they are completely objectively verifiable by anyone with most of their senses intact(depending)
I'm pretty sure religion exists.
it does but that does not prove nor hint at the excistence of any divine entities, anyone can make up a similar story, see the flying spaghetti monster.
even if such an entity existed it wouldnt in itself mean it is a god, if a god is the creator of the universe, it might simply be another form of conscoiusness.
now there are a multitude of polytheistic religions where this argument is blurred as there would indeed be many entities of varying power and even some where the creation of the world is not entirely dependant on the gods themselves but on similar yet conceptual entities before.
even fiction has it's lessons to teach, they are just better thought with a critical mind.
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.