Vexcalibur wrote:
krazykat wrote:
My mom made the first move by either asking the hospital chaplain to pray with her, or accepting the offer made by the chaplain.
That is not something every Agnostic cancer patient is ready or willing to waste time on, and some would not be converted even if Jesus showed up with balloons and a bouquet of flowers in front of the nursing staff.
It was my mother's choice to take that chance.
So, is your claim that every agnostic cancer patient that calls a chaplain to pray with her/his will get cancer cured by a revelation that will also as a bonus ensure she/he will not go to hell as will never doubt of God again?
I make no such claim as it would be an easily nullified argument.
The opposite of every is some will not, and I can tell you right now not everyone who prays is going to be cured. Not everyone is going to receive a revelation. I'm sure there could be a blatant Athiest who recovers from a stage IV metastasized cancer death-sentence spontaneously with no appeal to divine intervention at all.
My mom did not live long enough to form any doubts about what happened, she died of congestive heart failure a week after being declared cancer-free.
Even then, it is perfectly healthy and natural for Christians to have doubts.
I could not even be sure of my own existence if I did not doubt it first as doubting leads to
cogito ergo sum.
I only made a statement about what I saw happen around the last week of my mom's life and the impact it had. I'm not arguing anything, take it or leave it.
Drug-addled hallucination or not, my mom died happy and I was pushed in the direction of becoming a Christian.
I gained a clarity of thinking I never had before, I KNOW why the world is the way it is.
I wish I could explain it, but it would be like trying to explain to a crowd of belligerent blind people what the experience of the color blue is like.
So, that is my answer to the OP's topic of why I am a Christian.
I will now take my leave of this thread and you guys can have fun with your derail-fest
How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog, To tell ones name the livelong day To an admiring bog!
-Emily Dickinson
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