Joker wrote:
Vigilans wrote:
Joker wrote:
athiests are a group bigger in numbers then Theists are.
wtf are you talking about?
Look up the facts about how many people in the world are christian jewish or muslim then look up at how many non theists their are and you will notice that their are more non theists in the world and they are a bigger group.
Utter nonsense.
Atheists were virtually nonexistant in the human race until the mid 20th centurey.
Even today there are two billion christians, two billion muslims. Over a billion Hindus.Most of the billions of people in rurul villages of the vast hinterland of the third (Africa, china,etc) have some form of spirit worship or theism.
The religious vastly out number than non religous.
Although atheism and non standard theisms are only now becoming the norm in some parts of the industrialized world (like Canada and western europe). But not in the USA, and not in the world at large.
@Joker: There have never been Dictators mass murdering in the name of atheism.
Its not what you're saying so much as the way you're saying it.
The way to state it is that "Yes, religion has alot to answer for because the pages of history have been bloodied in the name of religion ( principly by Christianity and by Islam), but in the twentieth centurey SECULAR POLIICAL ideologies have murdered even more people. So secular political beliefs can be even more homocidal than religion.
Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, et al- each by himself murdered more people than all the crusades and jihads put together.
Now it is true that Marx branded religion as "the opiate of the masses" so (in some interpretations of marxism but not all) atheism is a tenet of Marxism. But Stalin murdered in the name marxism not of atheism per se. Obstaining from meat on Fridays used to be a tenet of Catholicism, but nobody claims that the Inquisition tortured people in the name of the seafood industry.