a wrote:
All I am doing is telling the truth.
Wrong! all you are doing is parroting a
MEMEa wrote:
And I have found a lot of the people here really offensive (you know who you are.)
please enlighten us.......
a wrote:
I have said nothing offensive to anybody at all, and merley suggested that people should not be posting on these forums,
Personaly, I'm offended by your sugestion that I should'nt post here.
a wrote:
if you are going to badmouth christianity, islam or any good religion.
None of the religions you mentioned are good. Monotheism has killed, maimed or oppressed more people than any other blight humanity has ever faced.
a wrote:
I don't really understand, aspies are supposed to be on the same side but this is just stupid.
I agree... pull you head out of your butt, look at the light of day and realise the truth.
Christianity is a sick, perverted, man-made religion.
BTW, If you think I'm merely "bashing" christianity by saying that, I'll back it up with biblical quotes to prove what a psycopath Jehova and Jesus are.
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !