Why use guns for killing
You can make a fairly powerful explosive with chemicals that anyone can buy if you mix them in the proper proportions. From there, a small length of pipe and you have a very effective way to clean out a room.
The issue isn't access, it just takes more work and more preparation. Also, a lot of people who are unhinged enough to open fire on a crowd want the "glory" of it as well. They want to be remembered. Bombings aren't as memorable as shootings.
A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
You'll gain your just reward.
We'll not rest until the purge is complete
You will reap what you've sown.
Last edited by abacacus on 28 Jul 2012, 11:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Ah yes, the legendary tolerance and open-mindedness of progressives...

He doesn't like Raptor and probably with good reason, what does that have to do with his politics
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do
If you are one of those NRA jackasses, they don't want to take away your guns because they don't like guns. They want to take away your guns because you are an obnoxious jerk. You make people want to punch you really hard in the head.
You sound like a hypocrite.
Quite frankly, I'm fine with our gun laws the way they are. I don't have any fear of being shot by someone. I feel that I am more likely to be struck by lightning, and that's that. If respectable people want to have toys to play with or some useless security blanket to carry around, that's fine. If it's really that important to them, I won't deny them the pleasure.
But I don't give a crap about the "second amendment rights" or whatever of some douchebag NRA jackass. I'd cut away their "rights" just because I don't like them. Their gigantic entitlement complex makes me want to beat them to death with a nine iron. I bloody hate their guts, you hear?
WilliamWDelaney wrote:
In a nutshell you can't piss me off. I can effortlessly cause your tail to be tied in knots but you cannot do the same for me. About all you did with your little tirade above is to once again demonstrate your irrationality and incivility along with a newly revealed desire to stick things, a corn cob in this case, up my butt and drive staples in my eyes.
Hell, I look forward to your fiery, vulgar little tirades for their entertainment value as I'm sure others do.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
In a nutshell you can't piss me off.
You cannot deny that this is perfectly logical. In fact, the reason the mods are not going to intervene, here, is that, by your own boast, you are thoroughly unfazed by the abuse. I think everyone else, many of whom hate your guts as much as I do, finds it entertaining.
Hell, I look forward to your fiery, vulgar little tirades for their entertainment value as I'm sure others do.

In a nutshell you can't piss me off.
You cannot deny that this is perfectly logical. In fact, the reason the mods are not going to intervene, here, is that, by your own boast, you are thoroughly unfazed by the abuse. I think everyone else, many of whom hate your guts as much as I do, finds it entertaining.
Hell, I look forward to your fiery, vulgar little tirades for their entertainment value as I'm sure others do.

Always waiting for more of your colorful rants.
The insensitive wild hog
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
In a nutshell you can't piss me off.
You cannot deny that this is perfectly logical. In fact, the reason the mods are not going to intervene, here, is that, by your own boast, you are thoroughly unfazed by the abuse. I think everyone else, many of whom hate your guts as much as I do, finds it entertaining.
Hell, I look forward to your fiery, vulgar little tirades for their entertainment value as I'm sure others do.

Always waiting for more of your colorful rants.
The insensitive wild hog
Let me tell you, my husband and I made this gumbo recipe two nights ago.
Let me tell you, it was filling as hell and delicious. I did just like Justin Wilson said. I cooked that roux on low until it looked like dutch chocolate. It was worth the wait. Tonight, my husband and I are going to have some of the leftovers on some slider buns and nom on them while we watch Judy Dench being awesome again. No Saturday night is complete for us without Judy Dench.
DC - how exactly do you want to kill me while sprayed? Do you think I spray you and keep standing at same place waiting for your actions? Even road dust in your eyes is enough for average guy to escape, or kick your ass.
fire arms are easier to source than explosive (unless you know how to make explosives, even then it is hard to make good/powerful explosives) and they are easier to deploy effectivly, though I wish these idiots stopped using guns, it gives people who use them properly a bad name.
existence is your only oblitgation
Quietly fighting for the greater good.
I'm not sure what your point is, I say that CS gas is not an effective way of stopping an attacker.
You say it is and post a video of a guy being sprayed in the face and then completing a 3 minute assault course where he effectively wields a club and fights multiple opponents.
Isn't that kind of proving my point?
In the scenario of big nasty rapist/mugger/murderer armed with a club or knife VS poor little girl with CS gas, the little girl will probably come off badly especially if the attacker is on an adrenaline high, it is quite possible that the lowered pain response means he will barely notice the CS gas.
I would love to see you post a video of someone doing that much activity after taking six bullets to the chest.

Point is he barely done anything to his first opponent. Fighting with crippled vision is really hard and very uneffective. Many times you miss opponent completely even if he is standing at same place.
And... I am talking about OC gas/antibear spray, not CS.
I am talking about shock effect - not expecting the gas, not mentaly preparing for it and not having eyes closed and breath held.
And thanks god I don't live in a country where shooting someone six times is legal, so I don't even take this into consideration.
And... I am talking about OC gas/antibear spray, not CS.
The jury is out on which is worse, pepper or CS and it seems to depend on personal experience. Quite often the people that say pepper spray is worse have never really experienced proper exposure to CS gas.
CS gas exposure induces uncontrollable vomiting and in high doses, death. A somewhat more serious effect than pepper spray.
Anticipation of pain usually makes the perception of pain much worse.
By contrast high levels of adrenaline (i.e. real life danger scenario instead of simulated ones) makes the perception of pain much lighter, in some people adrenaline has enough of an effect on the pain response to basically render people completely impervious to pain during the high.
This is a thread discussing the use of guns to kill people.
The exact scenario that I was responding to was:
A pepper spray would probably be enough to stop the intruder. A Molotov cocktail would be more interesting.
I.E. a direct comparison between the efficacy of gun vs spray in the hands of a lone woman trying to protect herself and her baby from a big nasty male attacker.
What exactly was the point of posting if you didn't consider the use of a gun, in a scenario comparing gun vs spray on a thread about killing people with guns?

Don't know how much "usually" is, but if you concentrate, you can walk on fire or take stomach punch. If I surprise you, you react much differently. Adrenaline is not important, because it is there regardless on the weapon we use.
So, should this women escape using the spray?
means shooting someone 6x is not a reasonable force. It is murder.

Joined: 22 Mar 2009
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Posts: 4,456
Location: The shooting range
means shooting someone 6x is not a reasonable force. It is murder.
It can be reasonable force. Even in California there is no limit on how many times you can shoot someone in self defense up until they no longer pose a threat. It is well documented in police reports (and suicide charges and terrorist insurgents in wars) that people high on certain drugs are not easily stopped, even by gunfire, and it's especially true with 9mm or .38 special and smaller calibers. Pain compliance tools such as pepper spray, gasses, tazers, rubber bullets and beanbags, and even batons are dangerously ineffective in those circumstances. The determination of such people seeking out a means to get their fix should not be underestimated either.
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."
- Unknown
"A fear of weapons is a sign of ret*d sexual and emotional maturity."
-Sigmund Freud