And barack Obama wins!
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As I recall, during that presidential campaign, Pat Buchanan had also run for President, and appealed to the very worst in his supporters - racism, homophobia, nativism. Had Colin Powell won the Republican nomination, I have absolutely no doubt that Buchanan and company would have walked out of the convention, and ran a counter campaign.
And by the way, I'm certain you must know that Powell has been an Obama supporter these last two elections. Something which Republicans have taken him to task for, accusing him of only supporting Obama because they share the same skin color.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
The Republicans have drilled holes in their own heads and have let their brains leak out through the holes. This is not the Republican party of Barry Goldwater.
I am 48 years behind the curve.
Yes, I know. My daughter's Godfather had been a life long Reagan Republican, but now votes Democrat, as his own party has since become unrecognizable.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Yes, I know. My daughter's Godfather had been a life long Reagan Republican, but now votes Democrat, as his own party has since become unrecognizable.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Ronald Reagan was a good natured liar. He is one of the reasons for my disgust with the Republican Party. We was delivering $.175 worth of government for ever $1.00 of tax collected. He lead the large charge into permanent and irrevocable deficit.
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Yes, I know. My daughter's Godfather had been a life long Reagan Republican, but now votes Democrat, as his own party has since become unrecognizable.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Ronald Reagan was a good natured liar. He is one of the reasons for my disgust with the Republican Party. We was delivering $.175 worth of government for ever $1.00 of tax collected. He lead the large charge into permanent and irrevocable deficit.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
And the Dow has been taking a proverbial nose dive, lots of places are saying the WILL NOT HIRE ANYONE for the forseeable future, lots of people are losing their jobs or seeing their hours slashed, and the poverty rate has skyrocketted (which was conveinently not reported until after the election).
As an American, I don't see anything to celebrate here Kraichgauer.
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As an American, I don't see anything to celebrate here Kraichgauer.
Well, welcome back. I was afraid for the worst when you hadn't chimed in immediately after the election.
But you know, for employers to make such a claim, and then to carry it out are two very different things. And as Jon Stewart had observed, it didn't take Obama's reelection for employers to act like dicks.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
As an American, I don't see anything to celebrate here Kraichgauer.
Well, welcome back. I was afraid for the worst when you hadn't chimed in immediately after the election.
But you know, for employers to make such a claim, and then to carry it out are two very different things. And as Jon Stewart had observed, it didn't take Obama's reelection for employers to act like dicks.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Kraichgauer, pointing out the fact that the costs of Obamacare exceeds the current net profit of a Restaurant for example with the current level of employees and therefore the boss has to fire some employees and raise prices is not behaving like a dick, it's telling the truth.
2 + 2 = 4; I know left wing politicians like Obama and the left wing media love to basically claim that 2 + 2 = 5, 11, or some other numbers but that doesn't change the facts (well aside from the fact that politicians in general seem to be unable to do basic math.
Reason you haven't seen me for a while is because I was very angry as well as disgusted. I'm very scared about where this country is going, I'm scared that I may lose my job in the coming months due to Obamacare and other economic factors, etc.
Kraichgauer, I'm not a wealthy individual despite what many of you often seem to believe. What I have done is receiving invoices, I know that despite what people often believe, businesses generally don't have that big of a profit margin.
To give you a rough idea a small retail store has the following expenses (and this isn't a complete list):
Rent of land (and building if someone else owns the building which is possible believe it or not), if the business owner owns the property, he pays property taxes
Electricity bill
Water bill (only if in city, if you are on a well you don't have this bill)
cost of goods you are going to sell
cost of advertising
cost of maintainence of building (sometimes this is partially offset by the building owner)
cost of paying employees
cost of insurance for the store (partially in case of being sued)
cost of paying for security system monitoring
Some states also have inventory taxes.
I didn't throw sales tax into this either.
Then there are any contractual obligations that the business has to any local group, like a University for instance (sometimes this benefits the company, sometimes the University is hosing the company).
A good analogy to Obama's redistributionist policies and why they are unethical.
You have a 5 year old kid whom on Halloween night goes up and down 3 neighborhoods collecting candy. It's a pretty big haul, and the kid is very happy about it. Suddenly you have the neighborhood bully (which represents big government redistributionists), shoving the smaller kid around and taking well over half the candy cause the little kid "didn't earn that," and then the bully hands it around to other kids that are his cronies and never made the effort to go trick or treating themselves.
The little 5 year old kid is someone whom you and a few others here would dismissively call "the rich," they put in a ton of effort only for some bully to come along and take away what they worked for.
Fact of the matter is, the bully and his cronies didn't earn that candy, they stole it from the person that did. Redistributionist philosophy is unethical for the same reason that stealing from a 5 year old kid and leaving said kid with a bloody nose in the process is unethical.
I know some of you would try to claim that the bully is "the rich," however considering you can choose not to shop at a business, if a businessman tries to use force in order to get you to "buy" a product they can get arrested, there is no way "the rich" could be the bully in the scenario.
Oh and Obamacare is back in court:
U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton granted a preliminary injunction sought by Tyndale House Publishers, which doesn’t want to provide employees with contraceptives that it equates with abortion.
Btw, the publishing company primarily prints copies of the Bible, so this looks like a 1st Amendment issue.
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As a matter of fact, with Obamacare, employers may never have to worry about paying for medical coverage for their employees again.
And that so called redistribution? It's more a matter of releasing money hoarded by the super rich, so that the little guy - who has seen his wages and job opportunities diminish for the benefit of filling the pockets of the said super rich - can have what should have been coming to him all this time.
And I never thought you were rich. In fact, as you're in the same boat as me, I often find it hard to understand why you vote against your own economic interests.
As for the matter of the Bible salesmen being forced to provide medical coverage for their employees contraceptives - it ought to be remembered, it's not the Bible company providing the service, but the insurance company. On top of that, how soon will it be for employers to be able to claim providing medical coverage for their workers at all is a violation of the tenants of their faith if this trend continues?
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
There is no such thing as a free lunch Kraichgauer, someone is always footing the bill (in the case of "single payer" it is taxpayers).
And that so called redistribution? It's more a matter of releasing money hoarded by the super rich, so that the little guy - who has seen his wages and job opportunities diminish for the benefit of filling the pockets of the said super rich - can have what should have been coming to him all this time.
Kraichgauer, I'll think about raising taxes on the "rich" after we see companies like General Electric actually pay their share of taxes, and we see government cut spending. Fact of the matter is the year where the Federal Government took in the most revenue in American History wasn't during the Clinton Years, it was during George W. Bush's 2nd term, specifically 2007.
Because I don't just look at the short term, I look at the long term, as well as what would be best for the country overall. Long term, I could see that voting for Obama was potentially more destructive to myself and for my children if I ever have children; than a Romney Presidency.
Again Kraichgauer there is no such thing as a free lunch; Obamacare is forcing the Insurance Company to provide abortion coverage, you are correct in that statement. The catch is you are missing a key part of the equation: Obamacare is forcing the Bible publisher to buy insurance from an insurance company that provides abortion coverage.
So in effect Obamacare is forcing the Bible Publisher to pay for abortions via the money they have to pay for the insurance coverage.
Someone always pays for the lunch, you just may not always know whom had to pay the bill Kraichgauer, remember that.
The Bible Publisher actually has a very strong case and if they lose this case, our 1st Amendment is essentially meaningless.
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There is no such thing as a free lunch Kraichgauer, someone is always footing the bill (in the case of "single payer" it is taxpayers).
And that so called redistribution? It's more a matter of releasing money hoarded by the super rich, so that the little guy - who has seen his wages and job opportunities diminish for the benefit of filling the pockets of the said super rich - can have what should have been coming to him all this time.
Kraichgauer, I'll think about raising taxes on the "rich" after we see companies like General Electric actually pay their share of taxes, and we see government cut spending. Fact of the matter is the year where the Federal Government took in the most revenue in American History wasn't during the Clinton Years, it was during George W. Bush's 2nd term, specifically 2007.
Because I don't just look at the short term, I look at the long term, as well as what would be best for the country overall. Long term, I could see that voting for Obama was potentially more destructive to myself and for my children if I ever have children; than a Romney Presidency.
Again Kraichgauer there is no such thing as a free lunch; Obamacare is forcing the Insurance Company to provide abortion coverage, you are correct in that statement. The catch is you are missing a key part of the equation: Obamacare is forcing the Bible publisher to buy insurance from an insurance company that provides abortion coverage.
So in effect Obamacare is forcing the Bible Publisher to pay for abortions via the money they have to pay for the insurance coverage.
Someone always pays for the lunch, you just may not always know whom had to pay the bill Kraichgauer, remember that.
The Bible Publisher actually has a very strong case and if they lose this case, our 1st Amendment is essentially meaningless.
No, there's no free lunch, but having social programs funded by the pooling of taxes, such as social security and medicare, etc. has proven to be indispensable to the American people. Obamacare will ultimately prove to be the same.
And I have absolutely no problem with GE paying their fair share. Just because GE owns MSNBC hardly means that they reflect the same liberal ideology. Far from it - GE CEO Jack Welch is one of Obama's severest critics, and had been a hardline Romney supporter.
As for seeing the long term - I simply don't see things improving under the Republicans. Jobs had continued to leave our shores under their aegis - and with their blessing (something which Obama has been critical of them for). And quite simply, trickle down economics has yet to improve life for anyone save for the super rich. And with the cutting of social services, I simply don't see a bright future for my daughter who is autistic.
As for the Bible Publisher - like I had already written, if successful, then employers could conceivably claim providing medical coverage to their workers at all violates the tenants of their faith. If that sounds far fetched, I'll remind you how dead beat dads had tried getting out of paying child support by claiming that as born again Christians, they didn't believe in it (I know, it doesn't make any sense to me, either).
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
So in effect Obamacare is forcing the Bible Publisher to pay for abortions via the money they have to pay for the insurance coverage.
Someone always pays for the lunch, you just may not always know whom had to pay the bill Kraichgauer, remember that.
The Bible Publisher actually has a very strong case and if they lose this case, our 1st Amendment is essentially meaningless.
No, there's no free lunch, but having social programs funded by the pooling of taxes, such as social security and medicare, etc. has proven to be indispensable to the American people. Obamacare will ultimately prove to be the same.
And I have absolutely no problem with GE paying their fair share. Just because GE owns MSNBC hardly means that they reflect the same liberal ideology. Far from it - GE CEO Jack Welch is one of Obama's severest critics, and had been a hardline Romney supporter.
As for seeing the long term - I simply don't see things improving under the Republicans. Jobs had continued to leave our shores under their aegis - and with their blessing (something which Obama has been critical of them for). And quite simply, trickle down economics has yet to improve life for anyone save for the super rich. And with the cutting of social services, I simply don't see a bright future for my daughter who is autistic.
As for the Bible Publisher - like I had already written, if successful, then employers could conceivably claim providing medical coverage to their workers at all violates the tenants of their faith. If that sounds far fetched, I'll remind you how dead beat dads had tried getting out of paying child support by claiming that as born again Christians, they didn't believe in it (I know, it doesn't make any sense to me, either).
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer[/quote]
The main problem with the Republicans (and this could be fatal) is that, as a party, they have become morally and intellectually bankrupt. We need sound thinkers with some creativity and outside the box talent to become an antedote for the pinko stinko collectivist poison that is destroying the United States.
Liberals are the disease. Unfortunately the Republicans are NOT the cure.
Actually Obamacare gives government the ability to dictate just about everything we do in our lives under the guise of it's health oriented.
Uh, Jack Welch hasn't been CEO of General Electric since 2001, Kraichgauer. The head of Obama's Jobs council is Jeffrey Immelt, he is the head of General Electric.
As for seeing the long term - I simply don't see things improving under the Republicans. Jobs had continued to leave our shores under their aegis - and with their blessing (something which Obama has been critical of them for).
Obama hit Romney as being responsible for supporting things like that when it was the decisions a "blind trust" made and Romney doesn't have much control over it, and Obama actually has investments in the same companies.
Kraichgauer, I really don't see anyone benefitting from 4 more years of Government picking winners and losers where the "winners" are simply people getting money from government because they were big Obama donors, and the losers are everyone else including you and your daughter.
As I pointed out in another thread, the year in which we saw the largest intake of government revenue was 2007, under the Bush tax rates.
I consider our religious liberty being trampled (something which our 1st Amendment is supposed to protect), to be far worse than your scenario. Btw, did you know that quite a few businesses don't offer insurance to employees because they simply cannot afford it and Obamacare is going to force them to lay people off and raise prices. This is basic math Kraichgauer.
Furthermore, I don't see why I should have to pay for someone's abortion considering:
1. I'm a guy
2. I'm a virgin, that means I've never put a woman in a position where they could potentially get pregnent.
3. I'm pro-life for religious among other reasons.
If this business loses this case then the 1st Amendment (including free speech) is meaningless and not worth the paper it is printed on.
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Actually Obamacare gives government the ability to dictate just about everything we do in our lives under the guise of it's health oriented.
Uh, Jack Welch hasn't been CEO of General Electric since 2001, Kraichgauer. The head of Obama's Jobs council is Jeffrey Immelt, he is the head of General Electric.
As for seeing the long term - I simply don't see things improving under the Republicans. Jobs had continued to leave our shores under their aegis - and with their blessing (something which Obama has been critical of them for).
Obama hit Romney as being responsible for supporting things like that when it was the decisions a "blind trust" made and Romney doesn't have much control over it, and Obama actually has investments in the same companies.
Kraichgauer, I really don't see anyone benefitting from 4 more years of Government picking winners and losers where the "winners" are simply people getting money from government because they were big Obama donors, and the losers are everyone else including you and your daughter.
As I pointed out in another thread, the year in which we saw the largest intake of government revenue was 2007, under the Bush tax rates.
I consider our religious liberty being trampled (something which our 1st Amendment is supposed to protect), to be far worse than your scenario. Btw, did you know that quite a few businesses don't offer insurance to employees because they simply cannot afford it and Obamacare is going to force them to lay people off and raise prices. This is basic math Kraichgauer.
Furthermore, I don't see why I should have to pay for someone's abortion considering:
1. I'm a guy
2. I'm a virgin, that means I've never put a woman in a position where they could potentially get pregnent.
3. I'm pro-life for religious among other reasons.
If this business loses this case then the 1st Amendment (including free speech) is meaningless and not worth the paper it is printed on.
I had actually meant call call Welch the ex CEO, but forgot to put in the ex. But my main point was, GE is hardly a leftist company.
And I'm not talking about Romney's personal investments, but in the Republican party's policies, in which either companies leaving our country were turned a blind eye to, or even had their actions justified. Obama and Democrats have in fact attacked these companies for deserting their country.
As for to trickle down vs. not to trickle down - the government in fact did great under Clinton, who hardly was a defender of supply side economics - the President simply wants to go back to that. And picking winners and losers? Not really - it's more a case of those who have pay a little more - that's hardly picking them out to lose. As long as Obama keeps special education alive and well with continued funding through taxation, my daughter wins.
I hardly see the government as controlling our medical destinies through Obamacare. That's just right wing Bullshiting. And even if we surrender any choice, at least far more people who weren't covered will have medical coverage, and that's in my opinion far more important of a consideration.
As far as the Bible publisher is concerned - tax money goes to government funded abortions already, so I hardly see this as radically different. As far as I'm concerned, this has more to do with opposition to Obamacare on the part of cultural conservatives (which probably also includes the Bible publishers) in general, so I think it's all more than a bit disingenuous. I should also mention that this is about more than just abortions, but also about simple coverage of contraceptives - and most Americans who are pro-life think that's going overboard.
And if you choose to be a virgin, then more power to you. I for one never supported the war in Iraq - but I never got to decide if tax dollars went to a war I opposed. Like it or not, tax money is still going to abortions and contraception, regardless if you like it or not.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
I'm not so sure about that though - Canada allows seal hunting under the most atrocious circumstances![/quote]
I did not know that.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer