ripped wrote:
I'm only here to inspire constructive debate, not to change anyone's mind on anything, but how can anyone else die for your sins?
Redemption of an entire system that took a strange turn. Wasn't a person who died for our sins but the very being who created the hierarchy from which the situation started and essentially, in receiving a bowl of his own wrath (or the Fathers if you'd phrase it as such) it meant that said deity came into perfect atunement (and atonement) with empathy as the effects of all lives lived had to be taken up to the Godhead. This also gave the Godhead (trinity) full experience of the problem, what went wrong, etc., essentially gaining the information to rectify this once and for all so that such a battle or chess game never has to happen again.
Something that Issam Nemeh said that seemed fascinating to me - the battle triggered by the challenge put forward to the wayward angels in creating Adamic man as higher than them was to call out those who would disobey God and call back those who'd gotten lax and saw the challenge for what it was. Its not that part that gets me but the added understanding that by the role that the son (Jesus) plays in the trinity that if he had not come down and died on the cross the events here and the corruption of the fallen angels would have reflected themselves back up and there would have been very real danger of the Son being polluted/corrupted (the Son has to reflect the father perfectly).
This reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend and his brother who were big in to at least mind-over-matter metaphysics and they explained something: ie. God, a reflection, and then the world/universe that we know being the reflection of the reflection. Tying that to what's said above it makes perfect sense.