faithfilly wrote:
I'm a Calvinist Christian, who sees the Church Age as being over and the Great Tribulation Period as being presently in progress.
Interesting. Have you read much of the book of Revelation? There is a thread on it somewhere in this forum, though you probably will not appreciate some of the comments. Your imput might be much appreciated; there are relatively few Christians discussing it there. Are you a premillennarian, postmillennarian, or what? (For some of the other users, these are terrms relating to different interpretations of the thousand year reign of Christ and contemporaneous imprisonment of Satan before being set loose for a time and the ultimate and eternal triumph of God in Christ). Please correct me if I got that wrong, faithfilly.
Both the Presbyterians and Huguenots were influenced by Calvin's ideas (as well as Dutch Calvinists). His achievements at Geneva were interesting. He was certainly less antiSemitic than Luther, though his role in the execution of Servetus (who admittedly had few defenders; most of Europe was convinced that he was a dangerous heretic - same sort of ecumenism that made Lutherans, Zwinglians, Calvinists and Roman Catholics unite in hating the Anabaptists, though not all of latter were violent or polygamous). Where do you stand on predestination - Arminian or Gomaran? Calvinist ideas and the ideas of Calvin are not synonymous here. St Paul's, Augustine's and Luther's ideas could be discussed here, along with Erasmus, Arminius and Wesley.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."