Everyone Hates Feminists
Vigilans wrote:
While the NRA does have a noticeable political lobby I think their rhetoric is directed more at purchasers who will take them at their word and go spend more money on weaponry
What you're missing is that people like me want to buy guns, we'd buy them regardless of the NRA, and the real limiting factor for most of us is money, as shooting is not a cheap hobby. We buy weapons that the Democrats want to ban because we want to own them, or, more cynically, because we know that the prices will go through the roof when demand outstrips supply, not because we're being wound up by the NRA. We oppose gun control because we like guns, and because we can and do read our history, to say nothing of the anti gun people's own web sites, and we know what they intend, again, independent of the NRA. What the NRA is really good at is applying political pressure to politicians and focusing our wrath upon those that offend us, and it is for that purpose that most of us grudgingly support them, in spite of their many flaws as an organization.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
Dox47 wrote:
LKL wrote:
I'm sure you're familiar with the term, "arms race."
Where do you draw the line? With a muzzle-loading pistol? With a 6-shot revolver? With a 12-bullet semi-automatic pistol? With a sniper rifle that can kill something from 3 miles away? With a 30-round magazine?
Do you draw it, like a former facebook frenemy of mine (who rage-quit FB over a gun argument) who thought that he needed automatic weapons shooting bullets big enough to penetrate at least two walls and still kill someone, with magazines as big as possible, 'in case his house was invaded by a gang of thugs with AR-15s and he needed to defend his family (whom, he claimed, he always knew the location of)'? With the previously discussed shoulder-fired grenade launcher (my apologies if this list isn't technically accurate, but I'm sure you get the point anyway). 'Cause the criminals will always be better armed, don'tcha know, them being criminals and all, and not respecting lines.
Where do you draw the line? With a muzzle-loading pistol? With a 6-shot revolver? With a 12-bullet semi-automatic pistol? With a sniper rifle that can kill something from 3 miles away? With a 30-round magazine?
Do you draw it, like a former facebook frenemy of mine (who rage-quit FB over a gun argument) who thought that he needed automatic weapons shooting bullets big enough to penetrate at least two walls and still kill someone, with magazines as big as possible, 'in case his house was invaded by a gang of thugs with AR-15s and he needed to defend his family (whom, he claimed, he always knew the location of)'? With the previously discussed shoulder-fired grenade launcher (my apologies if this list isn't technically accurate, but I'm sure you get the point anyway). 'Cause the criminals will always be better armed, don'tcha know, them being criminals and all, and not respecting lines.
Seriously, enough with this one crazy person you used to know, if you want to go tit for tat on that I can provide a long list of obnoxious liberals of my acquaintance with crazy ideas that are just as frightening and offensive, and they're just as irrelevant as this one time "frenemy" of yours.
Why do you worry so much about things that aren't really used in crime? Firearms that use magazines that large don't conceal well and aren't generally suited to crime, neither are expensive and cumbersome precision rifles, or any of the other bugaboos that you're so worked up over. There are millions of AR15 variants alone out there, and yet rifles as a whole still barely make blip on the crime stats, as criminals don't use them for the myriad of reasons that I've listed repeatedly. Most murders with pistols don't involve dozens of shots, but capacity is important to someone carrying for self defense, as they have limited space to carry spare mags, and it's impossible to know how many you're going to need in advance. Have you ever heard of a murder involving a truly long range shot? The only example I can think of is the Texas tower shooter in the 60's, and he was a trained army marksman using a hunting rifle. This is not a rational argument, it's an emotional one based on fear, not reality.
Most of the arguments from pro-gun people are based on fear, not reality (Obama's gonna take yer guns!); and, seriously: the argument that 'I have to be armed because the criminals won't pay attention to gun restrictions' argument is a literal argument for an arms race. That's not fear or hyperbole on my part, it's the false assumption that 'a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun,' the false assumption that you're safer if more people are armed, and the false assumption that one person armed with weapon x is equal to another person armed with weapon x, and that you'll be safer if you have more firepower.
The one frenemy that I mentioned was an extreme case, but that was largely because he posted while drunk; the things that he said were things that are hinted about and talked around in other pro-gun discussions that I've lurked through and joined in on.
Why? Even in the gun awash US, plenty of murders are already carried out without firearms, in fact more murders are carried out with hands and feet than are carried out with the rifles you're so afraid of, shotguns either for that matter. Guns don't make people want to kill each other, they might make it a bit easier, but they don't drive violence in and of themselves, social and economic factors do that, and those are what you should focus on if you're so concerned. Further, you're completely failing to account for the 100,000+ by the most conservative estimate times a year guns are used for self defense, far in excess of the number of times they're used to commit violence. Factor that in, and you're really getting into more harm than good territory.
Because I care as much about attempted murders as murders, and attempted suicides as suicides. If you try to kill yourself with a gun, you'll probably succeed; if you try to hang yourself, you'll probably succeed but not necessarily; if you try with a knife, you'll probably fail (unless you know a little bit of anatomy, or go for your gut samurai-style, in which case you'll probably die of infection a week or so after your initial attempt). Likewise, if you want to murder your spouse, you're going to have to get closer, get your hands bloodier, experience the act of killing in a much more visceral way, and take longer to kill them - which gives them time to try to escape or fight back. If you go on a killing rampage, you're going to end up killing a lot fewer people if you use a knife than if you use a gun.
Again, I don't think that all guns should be banned, but the idea that guns don't make murder and suicide easier is just stupid on an academic level.
Just the ones you find scary for reasons having nothing to do with reality.
Just the ones that have more killing power than the average person needs to take down the average mountain lion. I will defer to you, as the weapons expert, on what those are.
You've still yet to show me an example of these policies working. Also, you live in Cali, correct? Are you familiar with your state gun laws? Why should I believe that it would stop with these two policies on a national level if the Democrats got their way, and they weren't simply the first step? I've seen what's happened in your state where there's virtually no opposition, I've seen what's happened in other countries with incremental encroachment leading to ever stricter policies leading to eventual confiscation. I've learned from history, I won't see it repeated here.
Are there universal background checks in California? I don't think so. I know that, in my county alone, there are quite a few people who had registered firearms, who became disqualified from owning them because of spousal abuse or other factors, and who didn't subsequently turn in their guns.
http://www.northcoastjournal.com/humbol ... id=2185512
It's pretty hard to prove that something works when it's never actually been tried and enforced.
As for why it wouldn't go further, do you think that the NRA would let it? Maybe if we're envisioning the end of the gun-rights lobby along with the total capitulation of the Republicans, it would go further, but I don't think that either of those things would happen. In addition, there are a lot of Democrats who see guns as useful tools.
Evidence, please? When I trash the anti-gun groups, I can provide specific evidence of their malfeasance, I expect the same from people wanting to trash the NRA. Further, what are you "handing over" to the NRA? If the Dems renounced gun control, what do you think that would do to the NRA? If they're the big bad fear mongers you think they are, wouldn't taking away their chief bogeyman be a mortal blow to them? You also seem to less interested in achieving anything than in opposing a group you don't like personally, which is never a good reason for pursuing a policy IMHO.
Oh, I have goals, and I've stated them several times: universal background checks, limits on firepower, and mandatory waiting periods. You knew this, so why do you accuse me of 'only disliking the NRA'?
As for why I dislike the NRA:
1)they oppose linking the terrorist watch list into the background check system.
2)they oppose even reasonable limits on killing capacity.
3)they supported legislation that gave gun manufacturers total immunity from being sued for their products along the lines of the tabacco companies.
4)they support legislation that prevents the release of gun death statistics to the public
5)They oppose universal background checks.
6)their mailings to their members often imply that 'the gub'mint is cummin fer yer guns!' or 'the gub'mint gonna ban guns made after time x, so buy now!' (yes, I have read these myself).
7)they think that arming teachers will make for safer schools.
they attack any politician who dares to support even reasonable gun legislation.
9)they promote the idea that people need to be armed 'patriots' so that they can 'rise up against the central government' if it becomes too tyrannical. 'The government should fear its citizens, not the other way around,' as if a single guy with an AR-15 (or even a backwoods 'militia' unit) could take on a unit of US Marines.
10)they claim to represent gun owners, but their positions are far more extreme than the vast majority of gun owners in the country.
off the top of my head.
For some more reasons why I dislike them:
http://crooksandliars.com/david-neiwert ... ras-parano
http://www.salon.com/2013/05/07/must_se ... onvention/
http://www.motherjones.com/politics/201 ... ds-history
http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/dav ... y-not-ban-
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... nt/267244/
http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/opi ... rs-647595/
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/1 ... 34142.html
http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/ ... story.html
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/12/1 ... e-NRA-has#
http://www.salon.com/2013/01/14/the_nra ... n_control/
http://guncontrolnowusa.wordpress.com/2 ... s-america/
Dox47 wrote:
Vigilans wrote:
While the NRA does have a noticeable political lobby I think their rhetoric is directed more at purchasers who will take them at their word and go spend more money on weaponry
What you're missing is that people like me want to buy guns, we'd buy them regardless of the NRA, and the real limiting factor for most of us is money, as shooting is not a cheap hobby. We buy weapons that the Democrats want to ban because we want to own them, or, more cynically, because we know that the prices will go through the roof when demand outstrips supply, not because we're being wound up by the NRA. We oppose gun control because we like guns, and because we can and do read our history, to say nothing of the anti gun people's own web sites, and we know what they intend, again, independent of the NRA. What the NRA is really good at is applying political pressure to politicians and focusing our wrath upon those that offend us, and it is for that purpose that most of us grudgingly support them, in spite of their many flaws as an organization.
Several of my conservative colleagues at work went out and bought a few thousand dollars worth of guns after Obama's first election, and then a few hundred more after the second election, because they were sure that Obama was going to ban them. They don't use these guns for sport or anything else, and they put them on their credit cards.
LKL wrote:
1)they oppose linking the terrorist watch list into the background check system.
I'll get to the rest of this after work, but I just couldn't let this one go. Seriously? Do you not know how seriously flawed the watch list is, or do you know but not care so long as it's being used against gun owners?
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
LKL wrote:
If guns aren't available, the average murderer is going to go for a knife or poison instead; both are easier to treat than a gunshot wound.
The average murderer doesn't use a gun they use their hands feet blunt or bladed weapons and usually kill the person before medical attention can e given. On the other hand guns are used much more to stop violent criminals by normal non law enforcement. So the number of home invasions is going to go up as will murder and rape this is very evident in the fact that places that have strict gun control have much higher violent crime statistics.
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LKL wrote:
Seriously? You think it's ok to keep people from being able to fly, but not ok to keep them from being able to buy as many guns as they want?
Or am I misinterpreting you - do you want to do away with the terrorism watch list altogether?
Or am I misinterpreting you - do you want to do away with the terrorism watch list altogether?
There are almost a million people on the Terror Screening Database, Nelson Mandela was actually on the list until 2008. It's a joke and doesn't make us safer. We're all in some database now it seems.
redriverronin wrote:
LKL wrote:
If guns aren't available, the average murderer is going to go for a knife or poison instead; both are easier to treat than a gunshot wound.
The average murderer doesn't use a gun they use their hands feet blunt or bladed weapons and usually kill the person before medical attention can e given. On the other hand guns are used much more to stop violent criminals by normal non law enforcement. So the number of home invasions is going to go up as will murder and rape this is very evident in the fact that places that have strict gun control have much higher violent crime statistics.
I don't think those are accurate statements, and even if they were, it wouldn't change the fact that a murder or suicide attempt is more likely to succeed with a gun than with some other weapon.
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LKL wrote:
9)they promote the idea that people need to be armed 'patriots' so that they can 'rise up against the central government' if it becomes too tyrannical. 'The government should fear its citizens, not the other way around,' as if a single guy with an AR-15 (or even a backwoods 'militia' unit) could take on a unit of US Marines.
That is one thing I don't quite understand about favoring guns, I wouldn't think all the armed civilians of the U.S.A would stand a chance against their Army.
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill
LKL wrote:
redriverronin wrote:
LKL wrote:
If guns aren't available, the average murderer is going to go for a knife or poison instead; both are easier to treat than a gunshot wound.
The average murderer doesn't use a gun they use their hands feet blunt or bladed weapons and usually kill the person before medical attention can e given. On the other hand guns are used much more to stop violent criminals by normal non law enforcement. So the number of home invasions is going to go up as will murder and rape this is very evident in the fact that places that have strict gun control have much higher violent crime statistics.
I don't think those are accurate statements, and even if they were, it wouldn't change the fact that a murder or suicide attempt is more likely to succeed with a gun than with some other weapon.
Which statements you are going to have be specific. It will change the fact that guns are the only defensive tool a child can use to stop a full grow adult in a home invasion situation same with most women. You want to criminalize people who haven't done anything to stop idiots from doing what they will do no matter what laws are in place. That makes no logical sense things are getting worse not better around the world and one of the only advantages of being in America is we can defend ourselves. People like you want to take that right and ability away piece by piece because you want to make you fantasy world reality that fantasy is a thousand years away at least. Both sides have real issues to deal with that are being put aside to deal with things that wont have solutions for a very long time or weren't even real problems to begin with.
Shatbat wrote:
LKL wrote:
9)they promote the idea that people need to be armed 'patriots' so that they can 'rise up against the central government' if it becomes too tyrannical. 'The government should fear its citizens, not the other way around,' as if a single guy with an AR-15 (or even a backwoods 'militia' unit) could take on a unit of US Marines.
That is one thing I don't quite understand about favoring guns, I wouldn't think all the armed civilians of the U.S.A would stand a chance against their Army.
Actually we are the one of the biggest threats the military could face for lots of deferent reasons war isn't as simple as we have big bombs and guns and you don't.
You'd be better off living somewhere else rather than the US when the 2nd amendment goes kaput. China has a pretty good corporate tax rate I hear.
The 2nd is what keeps us who we are. No other country has it, and if one does, tell me.
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redriverronin wrote:
Actually we are the one of the biggest threats the military could face for lots of deferent reasons war isn't as simple as we have big bombs and guns and you don't.
What does that have to do with anything? I think I'll wait for Dox to help me answer that one.
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill