I don't use the local range much, it's easier to shoot on my land and I don't need to remember the current combination to the ranges lock at the fence.
I own 10 acres of empty property 5 minutes from the gun range buttressed against a mountain. I can slidefire, use explosive targets and shoot messy zombie targets there... where if I did it at the gun range, I'd get banned/arrested. That said, I'm only using it in the late spring into early winter and that's why I'm building a micro-gun range into my new home.
More accurately a "shooting parlor" up to 22LR/25acp that will be about 90 feet long to plink in the off months and when I'm bored. It's will be heavily vented with two industrial vents and I'll use mostly green ammo for breathing safety. It will accommodate up to two shooters at a time, mostly my wife and myself.
Some folks have backyard archery ranges, a backroom shooting parlor is a similar concept. A good bullet stop, proper venting, soundproofing of the room and making sure it's legal in your area is pretty much it. It's not an expensive build, and a garage or basement can be used in suburbia if not a backroom. Lucky for me we have a storeroom planned behind the garage and south wing of the house where it will be discretely tucked away.
A 22.cal revolver shooting 22 LR Super Colibri has no gunpowder, and makes very little noise and unlike a automatic does not need gunpowder to cycle the weapon. Wax rounds are another option for revolvers, and much greener as no lead will get airborne, and lastly low powder 22 and 25acp rounds are possible though I'd try to get lead free, or reduced lead. Be aware that sounds are much louder indoors, and even with hearing protection it's best to stay with light calibers, or wax rounds so to protect your ears. Not to mention, it also works as an indoor airgun range, crossbow range and archery range..
Kind of a new take on home on the range...
"I don't care half so much about making money as I do about making my point, and coming out ahead."
"What do I care about law? Ain't I got the power?"
Cornelius Vanderbilt