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11 Mar 2014, 6:45 am

Shrapnel wrote:
You don't hear of many deer devouring people, but I suppose it happens.

Deer kill more people than bears or sharks. Even if you take out the vehicle accident fatalities. Stay away from deer during rutting season.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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11 Mar 2014, 9:55 am

Raptor wrote:
BTW, in the past three years here in PPR I've come to enjoy the label of evil conservative and all the connotations the left associates with it. :D
Just call it the "win their hearts and minds or burn their damn huts down" mentality of the Vietnam era and accept that we've been in the hut burning phase for a few years now. :twisted:

Do you mean that the right has been metaphorically burning the lefts "huts" down by strategically eliminating environments in which leftist principles can flourish?


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11 Mar 2014, 10:15 am

No ones going to burn my liberal hut down,I can use the SYG defense in Arkansas. :P

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11 Mar 2014, 12:06 pm

Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
BTW, in the past three years here in PPR I've come to enjoy the label of evil conservative and all the connotations the left associates with it. :D
Just call it the "win their hearts and minds or burn their damn huts down" mentality of the Vietnam era and accept that we've been in the hut burning phase for a few years now. :twisted:

Do you mean that the right has been metaphorically burning the lefts "huts" down by strategically eliminating environments in which leftist principles can flourish?

It was metaphoric.
In this case it means that I'm past the point where I'm trying to win any liberal's hearts and minds over to the right. I just play the heartless conservative and leave it at that.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
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11 Mar 2014, 12:08 pm

Raptor wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
BTW, in the past three years here in PPR I've come to enjoy the label of evil conservative and all the connotations the left associates with it. :D
Just call it the "win their hearts and minds or burn their damn huts down" mentality of the Vietnam era and accept that we've been in the hut burning phase for a few years now. :twisted:

Do you mean that the right has been metaphorically burning the lefts "huts" down by strategically eliminating environments in which leftist principles can flourish?

It was metaphoric.
In this case it means that I'm past the point where I'm trying to win any liberal's hearts and minds over to the right. I just play the heartless conservative and leave it at that.

Is that what you've been doing? For a long time, I thought you were a .poe


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11 Mar 2014, 12:17 pm

Shrapnel wrote:
TheGoggles wrote:
Actually, it's so the animals don't associate humans with food so they don't approach people and, you know, try to eat them. Read a book sometime. Your grandpa's forwarded emails don't count.

I'm curious, do you find that gratuitous and bullying insults lend credence to your assertions? And to the point which you've unwittingly proven, it's referred to as a conditioned response. You don't hear of many deer devouring people, but I suppose it happens.

“In politics, few talents are as richly rewarded as the ability to convince parasites that they are victims. Welfare states on both sides of the Atlantic have discovered that largesse to losers does not reduce their hostility to society, but only increases it. Far from producing gratitude, generosity is seen as an admission of guilt, and the reparations as inadequate compensation for injustices – leading to worsening behavior by the recipients." ~ Thomas Sowell

No, I usually save them for logic so patently absurd that it doesn't warrant a gentle rebuttal. Also, deer can and will attack humans if you get too close to them. The males can absolutely kill you, especially if you catch them around mating season.

I also like how you followed that up by calling people on government assistance parasites, and then implying that my naughty, naughty language came about due to my own reliance on welfare (which I don't use).


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11 Mar 2014, 12:34 pm

Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
BTW, in the past three years here in PPR I've come to enjoy the label of evil conservative and all the connotations the left associates with it. :D
Just call it the "win their hearts and minds or burn their damn huts down" mentality of the Vietnam era and accept that we've been in the hut burning phase for a few years now. :twisted:

Do you mean that the right has been metaphorically burning the lefts "huts" down by strategically eliminating environments in which leftist principles can flourish?

It was metaphoric.
In this case it means that I'm past the point where I'm trying to win any liberal's hearts and minds over to the right. I just play the heartless conservative and leave it at that.

Is that what you've been doing? For a long time, I thought you were a .poe

Most people just come out say *troll since it's perfectly legal for a liberal to call a conservative a *troll with total impunity here.

*Troll: PPR-speak for a conservative or libertarian who is quippish or sometimes harsh in their beliefs or in criticism of liberal beliefs. :P

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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11 Mar 2014, 12:45 pm

Raptor wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
BTW, in the past three years here in PPR I've come to enjoy the label of evil conservative and all the connotations the left associates with it. :D
Just call it the "win their hearts and minds or burn their damn huts down" mentality of the Vietnam era and accept that we've been in the hut burning phase for a few years now. :twisted:

Do you mean that the right has been metaphorically burning the lefts "huts" down by strategically eliminating environments in which leftist principles can flourish?

It was metaphoric.
In this case it means that I'm past the point where I'm trying to win any liberal's hearts and minds over to the right. I just play the heartless conservative and leave it at that.

Is that what you've been doing? For a long time, I thought you were a .poe

Most people just come out say *troll since it's perfectly legal for a liberal to call a conservative a *troll with total impunity here.

*Troll: PPR-speak for a conservative or libertarian who is quippish or sometimes harsh in their beliefs or in criticism of liberal beliefs. :P

Actually, you'd be a "troll" by definition if you posted things for the sole purpose of making people react negatively. Especially if you followed up those posts by saying that your only desire is to provoke people instead of contributing anything of value to the discussion.

But nobody here would know anything about that, would they?


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11 Mar 2014, 5:50 pm

billiscool wrote:
do,Conservative have rights any more,or do
only Liberals have rights now a day.
Why do Liberals hate conservative opinion,
so much,That any time a conservative disagree
with a Liberals.Liberals try to censored them.

If its true that liberals hate conservative opinions so much, I would say its because the opinions of many conservatives seem to be based not on fact, hard evidence, or observations of world around them, but instead on a lose combination of religion and what they want/wish were true. I would respect the opinion of anyone who formed an opinion via interpretation of the facts available. But someone who sets aside the facts and the evidence in order to simply reach a pre-desired conclusion its hard to respect the opinion of.

i.e. recently Fox news anchor Megan Kelly said something like "Santa Clause is white. He just is." Ok, really? How do you know?

Then there was the Republican who recently opined that women's bodies naturally react to non-consensual sex in such a way that pregnancies from such sex are not possible. Ergo, if a woman is raped and a pregnancy results, it was not really rape because the pregnancy is evidence that she did, in fact, want the sex.

Or then there's the doomsday reactions to gay marriage - it will destroy the family, straight marriages etc. When they are confronted with facts to the contrary, they wilt but they retain the same opinions.


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11 Mar 2014, 6:00 pm

TheGoggles wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Stannis wrote:
Raptor wrote:
BTW, in the past three years here in PPR I've come to enjoy the label of evil conservative and all the connotations the left associates with it. :D
Just call it the "win their hearts and minds or burn their damn huts down" mentality of the Vietnam era and accept that we've been in the hut burning phase for a few years now. :twisted:

Do you mean that the right has been metaphorically burning the lefts "huts" down by strategically eliminating environments in which leftist principles can flourish?

It was metaphoric.
In this case it means that I'm past the point where I'm trying to win any liberal's hearts and minds over to the right. I just play the heartless conservative and leave it at that.

Is that what you've been doing? For a long time, I thought you were a .poe

Most people just come out say *troll since it's perfectly legal for a liberal to call a conservative a *troll with total impunity here.

*Troll: PPR-speak for a conservative or libertarian who is quippish or sometimes harsh in their beliefs or in criticism of liberal beliefs. :P

Actually, you'd be a "troll" by definition if you posted things for the sole purpose of making people react negatively. Especially if you followed up those posts by saying that your only desire is to provoke people instead of contributing anything of value to the discussion.

But nobody here would know anything about that, would they?

Yes, I know what a troll is by definition. I was being somewhat facetious.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
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11 Mar 2014, 7:13 pm

ScrewyWabbit wrote:
billiscool wrote:
do,Conservative have rights any more,or do
only Liberals have rights now a day.
Why do Liberals hate conservative opinion,
so much,That any time a conservative disagree
with a Liberals.Liberals try to censored them.

If its true that liberals hate conservative opinions so much, I would say its because the opinions of many conservatives seem to be based not on fact, hard evidence, or observations of world around them, but instead on a lose combination of religion and what they want/wish were true. I would respect the opinion of anyone who formed an opinion via interpretation of the facts available. But someone who sets aside the facts and the evidence in order to simply reach a pre-desired conclusion its hard to respect the opinion of.

i.e. recently Fox news anchor Megan Kelly said something like "Santa Clause is white. He just is." Ok, really? How do you know?

Then there was the Republican who recently opined that women's bodies naturally react to non-consensual sex in such a way that pregnancies from such sex are not possible. Ergo, if a woman is raped and a pregnancy results, it was not really rape because the pregnancy is evidence that she did, in fact, want the sex.

Or then there's the doomsday reactions to gay marriage - it will destroy the family, straight marriages etc. When they are confronted with facts to the contrary, they wilt but they retain the same opinions.

"If its true that conservatives hate liberal opinions so much, I would say its because the opinions of many liberals seem to be based not on fact, hard evidence, or observations of world around them, but instead on a lose combination of feelings and what they want/wish were true."
made some changes for the problems with the other side. Throw facts at these people and they call us names, or threaten us. They can't even respond logically cause their whole ideal has no logical facts backing it.

why do you watch fox news?
so one person says something and now its true for millions and millions of people? Clearly that person is just stupid, crazy or a as*hole. Ive not met any christian conservative who believes that. I've also met more liberal Christians then conservative Christians. I really think the whole religion thing is over played. precept maybe in California and the south.

I've heard liberal democrats say some crazy bulS***t stuff. It makes me laugh a little but more upset that those people are allowed to make laws for us. this is scary.
so be it a crazy republican or a crazy democrat, how the F**k do they keep getting elected. Why do we let such crazy stupid people into office. Also why are most our senators like 90 year old, been in office for most their life's. They don't understand the people of our generation yet they make the decisions. should be either a age limit or term limit on the sent and house.
like one of them being like shut up you new guy I've been here for 50 years I'm more important. what, so the guy that is new and more connected with the population is less important then you who is connected with how the population was in 1950's

I've never heard doomsday reactions to gay marriage except from that small hate church that hates just about anyone and anything. God made them gay, why would we hate someone for how god made them. God loves them , so I see no reason to hate anyone. now not to say I haven't meet Christians from California who hate gays, but they also think smoking is a sin. I've meet some who think if you have a drink of even a little liquor you go to hell. Please refrain for judging all Christians as the same. and all conservatives as the same.


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11 Mar 2014, 11:44 pm

TheGoggles wrote:
deer can and will attack humans if you get too close to them. The males can absolutely kill you, especially if you catch them around mating season.

Your original point was this:
TheGoggles wrote:
it's so the animals don't associate humans with food so they don't approach people and, you know, try to eat them.

See what you did there? You shifted from hungry animals to horny animals. And the Thomas Sowell quote was to the point, not to you.


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12 Mar 2014, 12:41 am

Shrapnel wrote:
TheGoggles wrote:
deer can and will attack humans if you get too close to them. The males can absolutely kill you, especially if you catch them around mating season.

Your original point was this:
TheGoggles wrote:
it's so the animals don't associate humans with food so they don't approach people and, you know, try to eat them.

See what you did there? You shifted from hungry animals to horny animals. And the Thomas Sowell quote was to the point, not to you.

Holy pedantry, Batman! The point is that if an animal has 0 fear of humans, there's a chance that it will attack just about anyone unlucky enough to cross paths with it. And the underlying point to all of this animal murder talk is that your goofy-ass analogy is ignorant at best, malicious at worst.


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12 Mar 2014, 8:11 am

billiscool wrote:
do,Conservative have rights any more,or do
only Liberals have rights now a day.
Why do Liberals hate conservative opinion,
so much,That any time a conservative disagree
with a Liberals.Liberals try to censored them.

What's inevitably displayed is the liberal tendency to stifle debate through intellectual elitism and condescension. So arrogant in their belief that there is only one side to any argument since they view all conservatives as toothless, knuckle dragging, drooling, illiterate oafs. Even going so far as cite psychological theories of political attitudes to use pejoratively against conservatives, they see their condescension as justified. That people unlike them need not be taken seriously seems intrinsic to liberals. And it is exactly this manifestation of liberal condescension that suffocates the public debate that could help to unite Americans of all persuasions. It may be erroneous to assume that is the goal.


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12 Mar 2014, 8:20 am

Shrapnel wrote:
billiscool wrote:
do,Conservative have rights any more,or do
only Liberals have rights now a day.
Why do Liberals hate conservative opinion,
so much,That any time a conservative disagree
with a Liberals.Liberals try to censored them.

What's inevitably displayed is the liberal tendency to stifle debate through intellectual elitism and condescension. So arrogant in their belief that there is only one side to any argument since they view all conservatives as toothless, knuckle dragging, drooling, illiterate oafs. Even going so far as cite psychological theories of political attitudes to use pejoratively against conservatives, they see their condescension as justified. That people unlike them need not be taken seriously seems intrinsic to liberals. And it is exactly this manifestation of liberal condescension that suffocates the public debate that could help to unite Americans of all persuasions. It may be erroneous to assume that is the goal.

Using many of your own words:
What's inevitably displayed is the conservative tendency to stifle debate through a misplaced divine authority and condescension. So arrogant in their belief that there is only one side to any argument since they view all liberals as communist, mentally ill, anti-American, and godless. Even going so far as cite psychological theories of political attitudes to use pejoratively against liberals, they see their condescension as justified. That people unlike them need not be taken seriously seems intrinsic to conservatives. And it is exactly this manifestation of conservative condescension that suffocates the public debate that could help to unite Americans of all persuasions. It may be erroneous to assume that is the goal.

I'm really just saying that neither side has the moral high ground here.

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche


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12 Mar 2014, 8:39 am

sonofghandi wrote:
I'm really just saying that neither side has the moral high ground here.

I thought I was trying to say that as well, in the end. We seem to butt heads frequently sometimes even trying to make the same point. I'm obliged to point out that as an agnostic, religion has never clouded my perception of life. My conservative concerns are purely economic.