When did you grow weary of liberals?

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That's what I mean - you're stuck in that mid point between being a conservative and humankind hater. Though it can be said a conservative and a misanthrope are pretty much the same thing.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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I think it safe to presume that with liberal you mean as it means in the present American political context, where it cover all label for generic center left.
Indeed, being a liberal requires a strong believe in the good of the free-market. If one becomes skeptical of it one can no longer be a liberal. Since a supporter of liberalism would also subscribe to the line of the freer the markets, the freer the people. and ignore the potential harmful effects it might have (outside the sphere of economics).
I thought it was the libertarians that where all for free market and no government regulations whatsoever even if they are regulations designed to help the population always has striked me as a more right wing sort of mindset. From what I understand I thought liberals and libertarians where differnt, liberals being the less right wing of the two.
We won't go back.

That's what I mean - you're stuck in that mid point between being a conservative and humankind hater. Though it can be said a conservative and a misanthrope are pretty much the same thing.

Conservatives are misanthropes? No, more like they are pragmatic whilst their political opposites labor under illusions of misguided little hearts.
I have a new theory.

I think that liberals never outgrew Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

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That's what I mean - you're stuck in that mid point between being a conservative and humankind hater. Though it can be said a conservative and a misanthrope are pretty much the same thing.

Conservatives are misanthropes? No, more like they are pragmatic whilst their political opposites labor under illusions of misguided little hearts.
I have a new theory.

I think that liberals never outgrew Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

I grew up with Mr Rogers, and he was a sweet guy. And incredibly brave, too, as he had stormed the beach at Normandy with allied forces during WWII. No shame in wanting to emulate Mr. Rogers.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

That's what I mean - you're stuck in that mid point between being a conservative and humankind hater. Though it can be said a conservative and a misanthrope are pretty much the same thing.

Conservatives are misanthropes? No, more like they are pragmatic whilst their political opposites labor under illusions of misguided little hearts.
I have a new theory.

I think that liberals never outgrew Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

I grew up with Mr Rogers and he was a sweet guy.
Oh, you're from Latrobe?
He wasn't in any war. I've also hear that he had been a SEAL team leader in Vietnam but that's not the case, either.
And I was referring specifically to Mister Rogers' Neighborhood of make-believe, not the man himself.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

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I actually don't want to see anyone's rights trampled, either, but the sad fact of the matter is, never have the "have not" won out against the "haves" (despite what tea baggers might tell you). All I'm talking about is a hand up offered to the needy, even though conservatives claim they're losing so much to have some tax money diverted to help them
The middle class "tea baggers" are being squeezed. I can fully understand why they would want the burden of taxation off their backs.
What is your end game ? Everyone is living in poverty ?
The Democrats only want to raise taxes on those earning the most. And even then, they will be taxed at the same rate as the middle class for all earnings up to the threshold. This raising taxes BS is pure imaginary propaganda. If you want to hate a political group, pick something real to hate them for.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche
Libertarians used to count as left wing when the right was occupied by supporters of absolute monarchy.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.

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I guess I never really grew weary of liberals (if by liberals you mean Democrats, which is what it sounds like in the OP). I started out that way. In the last 5-6 years I have been leaning more and more to the left. Not so much because I have become less conservative or more liberal, but because the Republicans have shifted so far to the extreme right that they have begun to pull the Democrats more toward the center on many issues. Like Obamacare. It was a great idea when the Heritage Foundation came up with it back in 1989. It was a great idea when the Republicans pushed it as an alternative to the Clintons' proposals for healthcare reform. It was a great idea when Romney implimented it in Mass. It was a great idea when the Democrats pushed it through congress. I find it amusing that the Repubs thought it was the greatest thing ever and the Dems thought it was the most terrible thing ever until the name "Obama" got attached to it.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche

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That's what I mean - you're stuck in that mid point between being a conservative and humankind hater. Though it can be said a conservative and a misanthrope are pretty much the same thing.

Conservatives are misanthropes? No, more like they are pragmatic whilst their political opposites labor under illusions of misguided little hearts.
I have a new theory.

I think that liberals never outgrew Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

I grew up with Mr Rogers and he was a sweet guy.
Oh, you're from Latrobe?
He wasn't in any war. I've also hear that he had been a SEAL team leader in Vietnam but that's not the case, either.
And I was referring specifically to Mister Rogers' Neighborhood of make-believe, not the man himself.
Okay, I just looked up the Wikipedia entry on Mr. Rogers, and indeed, he had not served in the military. I was basing that misinformation on what my daughter's Godfather had told me.
BUT... he was in fact a Presbyterian minister, and so being a man of God counts for something (especially as a clergyman in a mainline denomination), I think.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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And by the way, Mr. Rogers was just plain cool, as he's been dead for all these years, and people still know who he was. If his kindness and wishful thinking was in any way reflective of liberalism, then I'll take that any day over the cynical or hardhearted right.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Joined: 17 Apr 2007
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The tricky thing is that there are social conservatives, social liberals, and social moderates.
There are political conservatives, political liberals, and political moderates.
There are fiscal conservatives, fiscal liberals, and fiscal moderates.
There are foriegn policy conservatives, foriegn policy liberals, and foreign policy moderates.
There are dozens of different philosophical schools to throw in there (utilitarian, legalitarian, altruism).
There are dozens of religions (and lack thereof) to toss into the mix.
And all of this can come in a myriad of combinations and in different levels of priority.
The whole "my side-your side" or "liberal-conservative" thing is ridiculous in so many ways. It is just simpler to think of everything as go/no go. It saves on all that pesky thinking.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" -Nietzsche
The tricky thing is that there are social conservatives, social liberals, and social moderates.
There are political conservatives, political liberals, and political moderates.
There are fiscal conservatives, fiscal liberals, and fiscal moderates.
There are foriegn policy conservatives, foriegn policy liberals, and foreign policy moderates.
There are dozens of different philosophical schools to throw in there (utilitarian, legalitarian, altruism).
There are dozens of religions (and lack thereof) to toss into the mix.
And all of this can come in a myriad of combinations and in different levels of priority.
The whole "my side-your side" or "liberal-conservative" thing is ridiculous in so many ways. It is just simpler to think of everything as go/no go. It saves on all that pesky thinking.
That is why the US needs more political parties and a system of proportional voting.

Not a very good straw man.
Work on it!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

Not a very good straw man.
Work on it!
If you actually sat down and tried to work out where people are coming from, instead of assuming it all that time, I think you will find that your differences are mainly semantical in nature.
Last edited by Stannis on 16 Jul 2014, 8:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
You like to go back and edit your posts a lot, don't you?

I watched the show when I was a little kid but couldn't find much entertainment in the neighborhood of make believe part of it.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
Last edited by Raptor on 16 Jul 2014, 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.