BazzaMcKenzie wrote:
the Koran is NOT subject to interpretation. It is the "infallible word of god".
Much of the Qu'ran is somewhat vague, even in the original Arabic text.
Some time ago I was pointed to
this site, which aims to point out flaws in the traditional religious arguments over homosexuality.
I believe that government-sanctioned marriage is unnecessary and flawed. I believe that the law was instated with certain benefits with the belief that both parties would raise offspring, but even with heterosexual couples this is not always so. It is not necessary in this day and age for a couple to, or be able to be able to produce offspring.
I believe if the government is to sanction marriage, they must do so for all types of relationships and for all types of beliefs: heterosexual, homosexual, and polygamous. What consenting adults do is their own business, and if they need the benefits, then they all need to have the same opportunities. Anything further is pretty much a matter of religious debate.