DentArthurDent wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
I have no problem with trees being thousands of years old, but that's still a long ways away from millions or billions. As I stated earlier, every piece of data has to be interpreted; fossils and stars don't come with dates stamped on them. There's only two ideologies to choose from when interpreting that data: either the supernatural is possible, or its not. Whichever you start with determines how you react to observable science.
And with statement you demonstrate the parlous state of your scientific literacy, which judging by this and previous posts you have made is practically non existent. The level of scientific literacy you display in this age where so much rigorous science is available to you in very understandable language is to my mind inexcusable. For pities sake the information you need to understand why the above statement is so wrong, is literally at your fingertips. The problem with all YEC's is that you guys are so determined that nothing can falsify genesis it does not matter what evidence is presented you will simply dismiss it out of hand. This alone I find baffling, but what I find as atrocious is the continued teaching of your beliefs to the young and ignorant, this I see as a form of intellectual/mental abuse.
Mr flamin' Dent! I must give you credit for being a most persistent Snake Oil salesman. As with all charlatans flogging defective wares to an unsuspecting public you are very quick to claim the "poor me, I'm a victim of ad hominem" defence as if it were a perfect excuse for stuffing impressionable young minds with impossible nonsense.
Your ideology is no more a practical possibility than the Flat, Hollow Earth model. Is it any wonder that the only youth who have any "respect" for "science" are narcissistic types who can kid themselves that facts are whatever they want them to be and only because that's what they want them to be.
Your ideology doesn't even get a start in the circle of circular reasoning.
It is you lot who
it does not matter what evidence is presented you will simply dismiss it out of hand.
because you have surreptitiously re-defined "science" to be whatever is convenient to your ideology and anything inconvenient to your ideology is simply dismissed as "religion". You have not, and cannot, produce any evidence that Materialism is even a remote possibility.
Go away, Artie. You could only convince your Mum and your Missus and children that you are knowledgeable and clever. (Other than the plethora of egotists that
want to believe your ideology even if it is impossible nonsense.