The 2016 Republican Field

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Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
Mostly countries I want nothing to do with emulating, Canada will have to change this policy eventually as well but they have the added benefit of not sharing a border with a third world country. They better hope its never Americans coming over the border since there wouldn't be a Canada much longer. Jus soli is a pretty ridiculous policy and not one possible with the modern entitlement state; sure we could have open borders if we had no social security, no food stamps, no public schools, no minimum wage laws, no labor protections, no public anything, otherwise you have to manage and make sure who enter this country fit our best interests. People that whine about needing all this cheap labor should realize what they're saying is that American workers are paid too much and receive too many benefits because that is what is ultimately being achieved by these scab workers. The great Chicano activist Cesar Chavez shared a similar opinion, unrestricted immigration punishes the poor and dwindling middle class while the rich benefit. We need to help the people already here before we start worrying about inviting even more of the world's problems here.
As if it just popped up as a third world country and the U.S's historical invasive actions didn't play a role in making it that way. Also perhaps those who stay in this country should also fit our best interests, it means a lot of corporate elites should have their citizenship revoked for hogging resources, evading taxes, moving work over seas in the name of cheap labor because they can't bear to pay their employees a decent wage or abide by having safe working conditions. Also if we need to help the people already here what are we doing gallivanting around in the rest of the world and using our resources trying to be the world police?....I thought that was the U.Ns job, not that they do a great job but I thought they where supposed to be the world affairs people.
You won't find me disagreeing on much of that, I think step one with Mexico is to legalize all drugs which would strip these criminal cartels of their and thus power but that would mean a few alphabet soup agencies(and couple other we've never heard of and probably don't even have names) would have to divest from their illicit activities and fund their black budgets some other way. I think we should stop giving aid to corrupt foreign governments, Mexico was essentially a one party state until 2000 and the PRI are back in power again anyway with Pena Nieto.
Securing the border is imperative, immigration needs to be metered and managed responsibly so it doesn't overwhelm the system or upset or displace the QOL of the native population. Big business exploits this and the way to punish them is to take it away. The reality is if we allowed everybody in the world to move here then we'd have like a billion people moving here and it and it wouldn't be America anymore, open borders is an impossible suicidal policy. Resources are limited, we need to take care of our own people first. If I were one of the 1% then perhaps I wouldn't care since I'd be immune from the consequences and would maybe even benefit on the back end of it.
Our military shouldn't be fighting anybody else's wars and we should start respecting the golden rule as to our foreign policy a bit more and start thinking about the effects of actions even if well intended. I don't like the UN either, the US is the biggest contributor to its budget too. Our founders warned us about entangling alliances; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all is the way to go. Leading by example is the best way to spread our ideas, make this country great and the world will follow.
Well of course everyone in the world can't move here...that is why I think it is important the U.S starts looking at its impact on the world and role in world poverty. I mean this is part of why I can't just coldly say 'deport em all back to mexico' because I know in a lot of ways the conditions south of the border can be partially blamed on our corporate elite, history of stealing North America probably never gave effective reparations or anything, and the war on drugs...its like we perpetuate the conditions down there then complain because people won't stop coming north of the border. So if the U.S wants to effectively address immigration it will have to end our contributions to the heinous conditions down there in my opinion.
The issue does need addressing, as well as border secured(though that terminology is a bit strong for me I mean its not like an armed invasion its desperate people trying to sneak across a border) but simply building a wall and trying to go isolationist is the cowardly band aid solution...with the way this country has more or less contributed to the over all problem in various ways.
We won't go back.
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Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
Mostly countries I want nothing to do with emulating, Canada will have to change this policy eventually as well but they have the added benefit of not sharing a border with a third world country. They better hope its never Americans coming over the border since there wouldn't be a Canada much longer. Jus soli is a pretty ridiculous policy and not one possible with the modern entitlement state; sure we could have open borders if we had no social security, no food stamps, no public schools, no minimum wage laws, no labor protections, no public anything, otherwise you have to manage and make sure who enter this country fit our best interests. People that whine about needing all this cheap labor should realize what they're saying is that American workers are paid too much and receive too many benefits because that is what is ultimately being achieved by these scab workers. The great Chicano activist Cesar Chavez shared a similar opinion, unrestricted immigration punishes the poor and dwindling middle class while the rich benefit. We need to help the people already here before we start worrying about inviting even more of the world's problems here.
As if it just popped up as a third world country and the U.S's historical invasive actions didn't play a role in making it that way. Also perhaps those who stay in this country should also fit our best interests, it means a lot of corporate elites should have their citizenship revoked for hogging resources, evading taxes, moving work over seas in the name of cheap labor because they can't bear to pay their employees a decent wage or abide by having safe working conditions. Also if we need to help the people already here what are we doing gallivanting around in the rest of the world and using our resources trying to be the world police?....I thought that was the U.Ns job, not that they do a great job but I thought they where supposed to be the world affairs people.
You won't find me disagreeing on much of that, I think step one with Mexico is to legalize all drugs which would strip these criminal cartels of their and thus power but that would mean a few alphabet soup agencies(and couple other we've never heard of and probably don't even have names) would have to divest from their illicit activities and fund their black budgets some other way. I think we should stop giving aid to corrupt foreign governments, Mexico was essentially a one party state until 2000 and the PRI are back in power again anyway with Pena Nieto.
Securing the border is imperative, immigration needs to be metered and managed responsibly so it doesn't overwhelm the system or upset or displace the QOL of the native population. Big business exploits this and the way to punish them is to take it away. The reality is if we allowed everybody in the world to move here then we'd have like a billion people moving here and it and it wouldn't be America anymore, open borders is an impossible suicidal policy. Resources are limited, we need to take care of our own people first. If I were one of the 1% then perhaps I wouldn't care since I'd be immune from the consequences and would maybe even benefit on the back end of it.
Our military shouldn't be fighting anybody else's wars and we should start respecting the golden rule as to our foreign policy a bit more and start thinking about the effects of actions even if well intended. I don't like the UN either, the US is the biggest contributor to its budget too. Our founders warned us about entangling alliances; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all is the way to go. Leading by example is the best way to spread our ideas, make this country great and the world will follow.
Well of course everyone in the world can't move here...that is why I think it is important the U.S starts looking at its impact on the world and role in world poverty. I mean this is part of why I can't just coldly say 'deport em all back to mexico' because I know in a lot of ways the conditions south of the border can be partially blamed on our corporate elite, history of stealing North America probably never gave effective reparations or anything, and the war on drugs...its like we perpetuate the conditions down there then complain because people won't stop coming north of the border. So if the U.S wants to effectively address immigration it will have to end our contributions to the heinous conditions down there in my opinion.
The issue does need addressing, as well as border secured(though that terminology is a bit strong for me I mean its not like an armed invasion its desperate people trying to sneak across a border) but simply building a wall and trying to go isolationist is the cowardly band aid solution...with the way this country has more or less contributed to the over all problem in various ways.
You see the problem with US foreign policy but solution isn't more interventionism, we've created pretty much all our own problems and I think the world would be better off if we disengaged in a lot of areas and there is the cold hard fact that we just can't afford it anymore. I'd rather prioritize our own citizen's welfare above that of the MIC or whoever. Lead by example, think about the example we set now, it's not hard to see why countries might want WMDs.
The Mexican State's economic plan, one quarter of Mexicans moved to the United States, and send back $22 Billion dollars a year.
Mexico does not have to provide jobs, education, healthcare, and they tax the money sent back.
The Mexican Government publishes pamphlets about how to cross the border, and how to evade American Laws.
This is an intentional Reconquista of lands lost in 1845, Texas then the Treaty of Guadeloupe - Hidalgo, which lost New Mexico, Arizona, California. That is where most illegals go.
The goal is takeover by majority vote. It is also a base for economic invasion of the rest of the country.
Mexico is only world class at breeding more Mexicans. They lack everything, food, water, economy, and are ready to send another quarter north just to deal with a growing population.
Leaving for America, sending money back, and taking American jobs in and out of Mexico is the economic plan.
El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Columbia, and points south are joining in.
We are up to 10% illegals, 31 million. The rate of increase points to another 100 million in a decade.
The United States will not survive being a third illegal.
So it is time for us to leave, and give this land to anyone who wants it, or build a wall and enforce our laws.
Not sure whether this has come up, the preceding thread is TL;DR however you may recall that recently a great many children and adolescents appeared in the US, arriving from Honduras (and travelling from Mexico).
So later I read somewhere (not sure how true but believable) that some time back, authorities in California sought re-election by deporting all the Honduran nationals who had arisen to positions of leadership in the local gangs. These gang leaders, finding themselves back in Honduras, simply seized control of local governments, most famously San Pedro Sula. So now these places have become nightmare dystopias where children can't survive and the parents told them to seek refuge in the US even at the considerable risk of dying in the attempt.
Just to show how complex the problem actually is, but yes many immigration problems are a consequence of earlier actions on the part of various US parties either public or private.
The Obama Program, people who arrived in the US as children, would be given citizenship. Over the next year over a hundred thousand showed up.
Then the main wave hit, millions crossing the border, who being the poor street kids of south America, looked for the Border Patrol to turn themselves in, and get food, shelter, medical care, education, in detention.
Even if they get deported, they get several years of food, clothing, shelter, before they get to court.
A child alone is hard to deport, as some safe place in Honduras must be found. At 18 they cannot be deported to Mexico, they have to be sent to their country of origin.
As a Lawyer must be appointed, this is Lawyer Welfare.
The last amnesty was based on legalize those here, and seal the border. The seal the border part was skipped.
Now the majority of Americans say, end immigration, or at least restrict it to the highly skilled, seal the border, and deport all the illegals. We card people to buy tobacco or alcohol till 28, we can demand ID to vote, get a drivers license, rent a place to live, get a job. We have a surplus of no skills workers, we do not need any more.
$22 Billion a year is sent out of the country, in cash through Western Union. There is no record of source, if taxes were paid, or bank records.
If I ran a business like that the IRS and FBI would be kicking in my door.
Slaughter houses and corporate farms never get raided, but if I do not check my lawn service, I could get a $10,000 fine.
If they cut my grass twice I am a serial offender.
America is a country of laws not bribes, Mexico everything takes bribes. Stopped by the police, offer to pay the fine, right then. Want a phone line or water turned on, be willing to pay special friends who can help you.
American Government seems to like their new special friends who give them gifts.
Both parties have ignored the will of the people, not kept promises, and seem to steal everything.
Trump may be worthless, but he is our last chance of making the government respond to the consent of the governed.
The population of South America is going to double, unless we do something, they will come here.
The core of world problems is population growth is happening in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and stable to declining in developed countries. Letting a billion move to America is not an answer. Three billion would come. We could have more people than India and China combined.
We have a high standard of living because of our culture, they have third world conditions and over population because of their culture.
Poor countries run on sex. In Mexico the age of consent/marriage is twelve, and it is not rape if you offer to marry her. A rape conviction usually takes a dead body. 90% of rapes and murders are never prosecuted. In the rare case of convictions, lacked bribe money, people go to jail till they are forgotten, then released after a year or two.
El Chapo who just bought his way out of jail sent his pregnant girlfriend to America, where she gave birth to another citizen.
It would not be hard to make being an illegal impossible. Countries are refusing to take those we release from prison. They refuse to set up to receive children being deported. They do not want any of them back. Countries are dumping their problems on America.
Ending tourism, education visas, immigration, money transfer, USAID Programs, would get their attention.
Otherwise we are the dumping ground for South American rejects.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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Oh, MY----I strongly disagree!! In THIS country, most Republicans are against abortion and same-sex marriages, and people vote for THEM, all-the-time!!
They still dont like abortion and SSM but mainstream conservatives are seeing them as a lost causes best quietly forgotten about in favor of more immediate issues.
Scott Walker's the mainstream non-Bush candidate, right? He was doing interviews about his desire to pass a constitution amendment banning gay marriage as recently as a month ago.
I feel quite sorry for moderate Republicans, they just don't have anyone who represents them. Well, except Clinton.
Why even bother turning back legalization of gay marrige....I mean seriously not only would it enrage tons of people, but imagine all the paper work and cost to taxpayers that might go into it to undo already existing same sex marriges, doesn't bureaucracy cost tax payers money? Not to mention then that make it an oppressive law because you denying a certain population segment a right they have been granted....they'd have to entirely remove marrige or its discriminatory lol.
We won't go back.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Oh, MY----I strongly disagree!! In THIS country, most Republicans are against abortion and same-sex marriages, and people vote for THEM, all-the-time!!
They still dont like abortion and SSM but mainstream conservatives are seeing them as a lost causes best quietly forgotten about in favor of more immediate issues.
Scott Walker's the mainstream non-Bush candidate, right? He was doing interviews about his desire to pass a constitution amendment banning gay marriage as recently as a month ago.
I feel quite sorry for moderate Republicans, they just don't have anyone who represents them. Well, except Clinton.
Why even bother turning back legalization of gay marrige....I mean seriously not only would it enrage tons of people, but imagine all the paper work and cost to taxpayers that might go into it to undo already existing same sex marriges, doesn't bureaucracy cost tax payers money? Not to mention then that make it an oppressive law because you denying a certain population segment a right they have been granted....they'd have to entirely remove marrige or its discriminatory lol.
Though there are people who entertain that very idea. Someday, we'll look back at them, and class them with the racist fanatics who wanted to reverse civil rights for blacks.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
"This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, Aliens, who belong to the families of Ambassadors or Foreign Ministers."
Diplomats, tourists, and those here illegally were barred from Citizenship by birth.
No need to change the Constitution, just enforce it.
You're reading more into that than was actually said. From here, it sounds like he is talking about excluding just the children of diplomats.
If the parents are Mexican Nationals so are the children.
What about United States v. Wong Kim Ark? What about Plyler v. Doe?

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
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Countries other than the USA which grant citizenship to anyone born within their borders include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan. The only country in the Americas which doesn't is Colombia.
Mostly countries I want nothing to do with emulating, Canada will have to change this policy eventually as well but they have the added benefit of not sharing a border with a third world country. They better hope its never Americans coming over the border since there wouldn't be a Canada much longer. Jus soli is a pretty ridiculous policy and not one possible with the modern entitlement state; sure we could have open borders if we had no social security, no food stamps, no public schools, no minimum wage laws, no labor protections, no public anything, otherwise you have to manage and make sure who enter this country fit our best interests. People that whine about needing all this cheap labor should realize what they're saying is that American workers are paid too much and receive too many benefits because that is what is ultimately being achieved by these scab workers. The great Chicano activist Cesar Chavez shared a similar opinion, unrestricted immigration punishes the poor and dwindling middle class while the rich benefit. We need to help the people already here before we start worrying about inviting even more of the world's problems here.
As if it just popped up as a third world country and the U.S's historical invasive actions didn't play a role in making it that way. Also perhaps those who stay in this country should also fit our best interests, it means a lot of corporate elites should have their citizenship revoked for hogging resources, evading taxes, moving work over seas in the name of cheap labor because they can't bear to pay their employees a decent wage or abide by having safe working conditions. Also if we need to help the people already here what are we doing gallivanting around in the rest of the world and using our resources trying to be the world police?....I thought that was the U.Ns job, not that they do a great job but I thought they where supposed to be the world affairs people.
You won't find me disagreeing on much of that, I think step one with Mexico is to legalize all drugs which would strip these criminal cartels of their and thus power but that would mean a few alphabet soup agencies(and couple other we've never heard of and probably don't even have names) would have to divest from their illicit activities and fund their black budgets some other way. I think we should stop giving aid to corrupt foreign governments, Mexico was essentially a one party state until 2000 and the PRI are back in power again anyway with Pena Nieto.
Securing the border is imperative, immigration needs to be metered and managed responsibly so it doesn't overwhelm the system or upset or displace the QOL of the native population. Big business exploits this and the way to punish them is to take it away. The reality is if we allowed everybody in the world to move here then we'd have like a billion people moving here and it and it wouldn't be America anymore, open borders is an impossible suicidal policy. Resources are limited, we need to take care of our own people first. If I were one of the 1% then perhaps I wouldn't care since I'd be immune from the consequences and would maybe even benefit on the back end of it.
Our military shouldn't be fighting anybody else's wars and we should start respecting the golden rule as to our foreign policy a bit more and start thinking about the effects of actions even if well intended. I don't like the UN either, the US is the biggest contributor to its budget too. Our founders warned us about entangling alliances; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all is the way to go. Leading by example is the best way to spread our ideas, make this country great and the world will follow.
Well of course everyone in the world can't move here...that is why I think it is important the U.S starts looking at its impact on the world and role in world poverty. I mean this is part of why I can't just coldly say 'deport em all back to mexico' because I know in a lot of ways the conditions south of the border can be partially blamed on our corporate elite, history of stealing North America probably never gave effective reparations or anything, and the war on drugs...its like we perpetuate the conditions down there then complain because people won't stop coming north of the border. So if the U.S wants to effectively address immigration it will have to end our contributions to the heinous conditions down there in my opinion.
The issue does need addressing, as well as border secured(though that terminology is a bit strong for me I mean its not like an armed invasion its desperate people trying to sneak across a border) but simply building a wall and trying to go isolationist is the cowardly band aid solution...with the way this country has more or less contributed to the over all problem in various ways.
You see the problem with US foreign policy but solution isn't more interventionism, we've created pretty much all our own problems and I think the world would be better off if we disengaged in a lot of areas and there is the cold hard fact that we just can't afford it anymore. I'd rather prioritize our own citizen's welfare above that of the MIC or whoever. Lead by example, think about the example we set now, it's not hard to see why countries might want WMDs.
No one should have WMDs I don't think....why so we have the means to obliterate the planet and human race should a war ever be fought using them? Also it would be good if all our citizens welfare was prioritized rather than a focus on the upper class and wealthy elite.
Also its not just our foreign policy and interventionism there is also corruption on the end of our government, as well as large corporations causes problems and of course the war on drugs..ending the negative influence these things have on the rest of the world is hardly more interventionism, that would actually be less.
We won't go back.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
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Mexico does not have to provide jobs, education, healthcare, and they tax the money sent back.
The Mexican Government publishes pamphlets about how to cross the border, and how to evade American Laws.
This is an intentional Reconquista of lands lost in 1845, Texas then the Treaty of Guadeloupe - Hidalgo, which lost New Mexico, Arizona, California. That is where most illegals go.
The goal is takeover by majority vote. It is also a base for economic invasion of the rest of the country.
Mexico is only world class at breeding more Mexicans. They lack everything, food, water, economy, and are ready to send another quarter north just to deal with a growing population.
Leaving for America, sending money back, and taking American jobs in and out of Mexico is the economic plan.
El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Columbia, and points south are joining in.
We are up to 10% illegals, 31 million. The rate of increase points to another 100 million in a decade.
The United States will not survive being a third illegal.
So it is time for us to leave, and give this land to anyone who wants it, or build a wall and enforce our laws.
Why is a wall necessary to enforce laws? Not to mention how much would building and maintaining the wall cost taxpayers? let alone the cost of keeping armed guards posted to man the wall? sounds expensive....not to mention its still a cowardly band aid solution. Who is the us you are referring to anyways? I guess you and your group that warrants the 'us' can leave and people who want to stay can...seems better and less ugly than a big wall.
We won't go back.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,806
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Mexico does not have to provide jobs, education, healthcare, and they tax the money sent back.
The Mexican Government publishes pamphlets about how to cross the border, and how to evade American Laws.
This is an intentional Reconquista of lands lost in 1845, Texas then the Treaty of Guadeloupe - Hidalgo, which lost New Mexico, Arizona, California. That is where most illegals go.
The goal is takeover by majority vote. It is also a base for economic invasion of the rest of the country.
Mexico is only world class at breeding more Mexicans. They lack everything, food, water, economy, and are ready to send another quarter north just to deal with a growing population.
Leaving for America, sending money back, and taking American jobs in and out of Mexico is the economic plan.
El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Columbia, and points south are joining in.
We are up to 10% illegals, 31 million. The rate of increase points to another 100 million in a decade.
The United States will not survive being a third illegal.
So it is time for us to leave, and give this land to anyone who wants it, or build a wall and enforce our laws.
Why is a wall necessary to enforce laws? Not to mention how much would building and maintaining the wall cost taxpayers? let alone the cost of keeping armed guards posted to man the wall? sounds expensive....not to mention its still a cowardly band aid solution. Who is the us you are referring to anyways? I guess you and your group that warrants the 'us' can leave and people who want to stay can...seems better and less ugly than a big wall.
Ah, but the Donald said Mexico would pay for the wall, and would be happy to do it.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Some sections of the border are walled. California is mostly wall. The Border Patrol does not work for free.
A lot of the border through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, has listening devices buried, that can recognize all the locals vehicles. In some places they listen for the sound of tunnels being dug. There is also night vision and drones.
A whole lot of people are caught crossing the border. Detaining them is expensive. Picked up a mile from the border, it can take years to deport them.
A wall is cheaper than millions in detention, court costs, appointed lawyers. Of those who get through, a lot are serving long prison terms for violent felonies. Besides prison costs, a quarter million for ten years, there was the cost to the victim of the violent felony.
From the pictures of overcrowded California prisons, the majority seem to be of Mexican decent.
Building a wall is cheap compared to the costs we are paying now, which have been going up.
Making it impossible for illegals to live here only takes checking ID, with an instant deportation for those who cannot prove a legal right to be here.
When the police stop me they demand ID, and if I do not have it it is a trip to jail. Illegals have a special deal?
When you cannot rent a house, register a vehicle, or send money out of the country without ID, it will be less possible to be an illegal. Alabama did this, lots of people left.
We do have a fairly open border, lots of people come over just to go shopping. It is easy to get a tourist visa.
Those who cross in the desert at night could not face the Mexican Border Police, warrants, jail breaks, or the American side, has been deported many times, Felon, not a Mexican.
Robbery, rape, murder follow the migrant trail. Often the victim is a migrant. Often along railroad tracks there is evidence, blood, DNA, fingerprints, that do not show up in our database. Just a new citizen showing up leaving a trail of destruction. The same DNA, fingerprints at many crimes, till some felony arrest matches it to an illegal.
The social cost of illegals is high. Walls are cheap.
A lot of the border through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, has listening devices buried, that can recognize all the locals vehicles. In some places they listen for the sound of tunnels being dug. There is also night vision and drones.
A whole lot of people are caught crossing the border. Detaining them is expensive. Picked up a mile from the border, it can take years to deport them.
A wall is cheaper than millions in detention, court costs, appointed lawyers. Of those who get through, a lot are serving long prison terms for violent felonies. Besides prison costs, a quarter million for ten years, there was the cost to the victim of the violent felony.
From the pictures of overcrowded California prisons, the majority seem to be of Mexican decent.
Building a wall is cheap compared to the costs we are paying now, which have been going up.
Making it impossible for illegals to live here only takes checking ID, with an instant deportation for those who cannot prove a legal right to be here.
When the police stop me they demand ID, and if I do not have it it is a trip to jail. Illegals have a special deal?
When you cannot rent a house, register a vehicle, or send money out of the country without ID, it will be less possible to be an illegal. Alabama did this, lots of people left.
We do have a fairly open border, lots of people come over just to go shopping. It is easy to get a tourist visa.
Those who cross in the desert at night could not face the Mexican Border Police, warrants, jail breaks, or the American side, has been deported many times, Felon, not a Mexican.
Robbery, rape, murder follow the migrant trail. Often the victim is a migrant. Often along railroad tracks there is evidence, blood, DNA, fingerprints, that do not show up in our database. Just a new citizen showing up leaving a trail of destruction. The same DNA, fingerprints at many crimes, till some felony arrest matches it to an illegal.
The social cost of illegals is high. Walls are cheap.
Gotta say, I'm sure looking forward to taconacht.

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The Atlantic: Can the Republican Party Survive Trump?
Interesting article ^
Interesting article ^
As a former Republican ( I'm a conservative with libertarian leanings ) I welcome the destruction of the GOP. They are not relevant any more, nor are they a viable alternative to rampant 'liberalism'.

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.
The Republican Party deserves to die. Money buys an establishment that runs a program that is not what the voters want.
The public, not just Republicans, has a majority that call for ending immigration, or only letting the highly skilled in, shutting down the borders, and getting rid of illegals. About 57% of a broad recent poll.
The Party takes money from chicken farmers, slaughter houses, meat packing, and lawyers. All of them are making bank on illegals.
To get Party support, the appointment of Ambassadors becomes a Party Right. There are a lot of appointed positions, that is where the money and payoffs are. I remember Brownie as head of FEMA who could not even find New Orleans. I am sure he did find a lot of money for the Party.
Who will head the Department of Labor is worth a lot to business.
Trump scares them because he could appoint anyone, who might just fire people who do nothing.
People who could not teach Middle School, get high government position's. Once employed it becomes lifetime.
Who in government service gets promoted has to do with political appointments.
In the south Fundies takeover the School Boards, University Boards, and control education. They might control the do nothing Department of Education. The whole thing is a political payoff.
Trump doing what the voters want is their worst nightmare. Trump would appoint people who could do the job.
Birthright Citizenship is another issue Trump got from the American People, who by a majority do not think it should apply to tourists and illegals.
Not enforcing the laws is another form of payoff.
Everyone with eyes can see that there are a lot more Mexicans around, working on more jobs. Thirty million illegals get noticed.
The INS, The Department of Labor, seem blind. The Building trades pay to import illegals.
Republicans and Democrats are the sides of a coin. They split up government jobs.
When computers hit it reduced manpower in every industry, except government, where head count went up.
Trump is a threat to the whole system.
This is what the American People want.
Trump is not a real Conservative, he does not want to cut Social Security. True, and he is the only one.
Trump's platform is what the majority of the people said they wanted.
Overall, 57% support for his platform before it became his.
All the bribers, fixers, and bloodsuckers are upset. Once they lose their grip on government, they will not get it back.
Trump is making a Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party. Him and one other have the proxies to vote out the Board of Directors. He has the votes, the money, the plan.
Those who do not like it can leave, the new Party will drop the outdated platform, and layout a realistic vision for America. A United Party will elect Trump.
The loss of Fundie votes will improve the party, I remember when they left the Democrats over Civil Rights. Then it was the Pill, abortion, people having sex, same sex people having sex, and gays praying to Their God. The Constitutional Amendment to prohibit Gay Prayer was the last straw.
Votes lost will be replaced by people who have stayed away from the whole Westborough Baptist Church thing.
Small business people with a desire to be less regulated than General Motors, people who remember when America was fun.
Trump is a Force of Nature. He reminds me of a story about Andrew Jackson, after his death one of his slaves was asked, will Massa Andrew go the heaven? "He will if he wants to," she replied.