Nebogipfel wrote:
There is a scene in the 2013 time travel movie, About Time, where the protagonist goes back to makes changes to the timeline at a point in time prior to his Son's conception. He gets back to the present to find his Son is a different person. This illustrates why it's irresponsible to make any changes to the past, unless you're operating in an alternate universe.
If you were operating in an alternate universe, it might still be unwise to prevent events from running their course, because Hitler might have filled a void that prevented something as bad or worse from coming along. The Nazis did a great job of discrediting their system of government. Their example caused Britain and the United States to drop their own Eugenics programs, and certainly gave everyone after 1945 a huge incentive to be proactive in trying to make Liberal democracy work.
Without Hitler's example, perhaps one of the nascent fascist movements that existed in Britain and U.S wouldn't have fizzled out as they did. It's impossible to tell. That's why you shouldn't screw around with the past.
Plus, Germany's national soul was cleansed of the Nazi cancer. Had Hitler not lived, ruled, and died with his ideology, many Germans might still be carrying that inside them.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer