How did you learn what racism is?
-property values will plunge
-the city crime rates will surge
-graffiti will appear
-city will stop fixing stuff because the tax base will evaporate
-city services will be cut, pay for city workers will be cut
-homes will deteriorate because people can't afford to maintain them
-school achievements will plunge marking the school district as "poor"
Highland Park, Pontiac, Hamtramack, Detroit are a few examples.
...Sounds like a good defense that any sensible person would read and say 'nope, not moving there'.
I don't see what's wrong with avoiding living in an area such as the hypothetical one you mention above.
Or any area where such a scenario is likely.
Yes, you are an honest person.
I think there's another point worth addressing - that of cultural background.
Again - this will depend on where one lives.
As said, I live in a white area, and was raised in a white area.
I have no shame of this - and I most certainly shouldn't be ashamed of my background.
The cultural background of where I live is white Christian. Not everyone is Christian (almost none are) - but the background is Christian.
Such a background gives an element of predictability in the sense that reactions to certain topics (and what is discussed at all) will be more predictable.
If I'm discussing an issue with someone of the same background, their reaction to my statements will be more in line with my own views than a black Rastafarian's reaction - which could be very different indeed.
Let's assume new neighbours moved in either side of me; one is a white family from the next town, the other a black family whose background/heritage isn't local.
At best I'd give a reserved 'hello' to my black neighbours when they're in the back garden hanging out the washing etc.
I'd likely chat to my white neighbours, and if conversation was pleasant, I'd possibly invite them round for tea & biscuits.
The local white family will be aware of the cultural tropes etc I live under. But not the black family.
I wouldn't take the chance of one of the black family members going mad in my house as a product of me saying something that offends them (which is far less likely with the white family members, due to the reasons stated above).
I stick to my own. Maybe this makes me racist.
I call it self-preservation.
But again - remember I don't come from a multicultural area. Which I'm glad of.
I'm proud of the fact that I have a cultural identity - and I'm not going to dilute it in the off-chance one of my views offends someone of a race I'll likely never meet.
Black people in the UK, originally from West Indies, tend to assimilate quite well to British culture. They value education and personal advancement. They were heavily influenced by British culture even while living in the West Indies.
The children of these people tend to be at least as British as the whitest Brit.
I happen to know a Consulting Physician who is as black as tar skin-wise. But he is a Brit through and through, to the point where he's stuffy like a stereotypical upper-crust English person, with RP-type pronunciation.
He is also socially conservative.
Another thing:
What's constantly heard - especially so in the US - is 'we want equality'.
This has to be balanced with accepting equal responsibility for affairs/issues.
Equality isn't synonymous with having the same as what the 'haves' have.
I was once in the US, and an acquaintance took me through a black neighbourhood.
I say a black neighbourhood as everyone in it was black, and he informed me that every house was occupied by blacks.
The place was a mess. Gardens were disgusting, streets were horrible, house fronts were appalling, as a white person I was stared at: it was a horrible, disgusting experience, and I'd rather have been in Kabul.
Equality could begin with having self-respect - and respect of one's property.
I mean:
1) Keep your garden tidy/take pride in it
2) Keep your house clean
3) Tidy your street often
In general, keep up appearances.
This is only a start - but would certainly help.
If you tidied your own neighbourhood you'd take issue with someone making a mess of it.
There's also manners, restraint, and respect.
And controlling aggression.
The phrase 'white flight' could be seen as very insulting. The counter could be 'black smack' - black people should control their violence/aggression. White flight against black smack? Absolutely. Why should I hang around to have a higher likelihood of being punched/stabbed? Maybe as a human being you should learn to act respectably.
Are all blacks like this? No.
Just as all white people aren't perfect examples of civility.
But statistics are statistics.
Until black communities take pride in their community/themselves, show some manners/respect, and learn to control their aggression, I have no interest in going near one.
Stop blaming society for your failure to control your anger, or keep your streets clean.
I still don't see myself as racist.
Most people, even in the worst areas, have that "respect." They keep their houses neat and tidy. I know from experience. I've known people in bad areas.
It's the low percentage of people who don't control their aggression, who don't show respect, and who don't keep their houses neat and tidy, who make it seem like EVERYBODY in the neighborhood is like that.
Additionally, there is the strong tendency for municipal authorities to, let us say, keep these neighborhoods low on the priority list for such maintenance as retarring roads and sidewalks.
You've just visited these areas; have you known anybody who actually lives in these areas?
White flight is a symptom of racism in itself, and there's no defense of that.
This is their defense:
-property values will plunge
-the city crime rates will surge
-graffiti will appear
-city will stop fixing stuff because the tax base will evaporate
-city services will be cut, pay for city workers will be cut
-homes will deteriorate because people can't afford to maintain them
-school achievements will plunge marking the school district as "poor"
Only because the most affluent - who tend to be white - jump ship. If they would stay and support their community, rather than use their new neighbor's ethnicity as a pretext to leave, then those cities wouldn't go into social and economic decline. It's the fault of white flight for a downward economic and social spiral.
Why should they?
Also, you are not obligated to stay in your community. Ideally, you strive to better yourself and move up in the World. Property prices plunging obliterates your future prospects of doing so through no fault of your own.
Well it would if you made the choice by assuming since more black people live here than there probably is elsewhere instead of just looking up the crime statistics available for that area. Race does not need to factor in to the decision.
I can name 10+ nearby cities that have transformed from middle class white to black ghetto cities.
I just moved my aunt out of one. She bought her home 25 years ago for about 120k now it's worth 40k.
What happened? Well, its a 30% black neighborhood now, which means whites are fleeing, and it will be 90+% black eventually.
When the transformation happens, you can lose your home equity fast. Rich/Middle class will not move there.
As all the left wing sites remind us, blacks are poorer, less educated, and have lower incomes, which translates into less money to repair their homes, less money for city services. So, put a fork in that city -- it's done.
Wealth attracts wealth, poverty attracts poverty.
White flight is a symptom of racism in itself, and there's no defense of that.
No? No justification? That's silly. There's plenty of justification. Let's start with the neighborhood groceries, which will change radically once the neighborhood changes. Have you ever lived through such a change?
Well it would if you made the choice by assuming since more black people live here than there probably is elsewhere instead of just looking up the crime statistics available for that area. Race does not need to factor in to the decision.
I can name 10+ nearby cities that have transformed from middle class white to black ghetto cities.
I just moved my aunt out of one. She bought her home 25 years ago for about 120k now it's worth 40k.
What happened? Well, its a 30% black neighborhood now, which means whites are fleeing, and it will be 90+% black eventually.
When the transformation happens, you can lose your home equity fast. Rich/Middle class will not move there.
As all the left wing sites remind us, blacks are poorer, less educated, and have lower incomes, which translates into less money to repair their homes, less money for city services. So, put a fork in that city -- it's done.
Wealth attracts wealth, poverty attracts poverty.
White flight is a symptom of racism in itself, and there's no defense of that.
No? No justification? That's silly. There's plenty of justification. Let's start with the neighborhood groceries, which will change radically once the neighborhood changes. Have you ever lived through such a change?
Also other changes happen too:
- pawn shops open
- payday loan stores open
- grocery stores are replaced with convenience stores
- malls close
- bullet proof enclosures appear in your bank, gas station, and stores to keep workers safe
- bars go up on windows/doors of homes and businesses
White flight is a symptom of racism in itself, and there's no defense of that.
This is their defense:
-property values will plunge
-the city crime rates will surge
-graffiti will appear
-city will stop fixing stuff because the tax base will evaporate
-city services will be cut, pay for city workers will be cut
-homes will deteriorate because people can't afford to maintain them
-school achievements will plunge marking the school district as "poor"
Only because the most affluent - who tend to be white - jump ship. If they would stay and support their community, rather than use their new neighbor's ethnicity as a pretext to leave, then those cities wouldn't go into social and economic decline. It's the fault of white flight for a downward economic and social spiral.
You are incredibly unrealistic. You blame one side 100% and the other side 0%. That's incredibly unfair.
Here's a story for your consideration. Rosa Parks didn't leave. Civil rights legislation gave her the ability to leave and she decided to stay and help the people left behind who could not afford to leave. She could afford to leave and decided to stay. Very laudable.
One night she comes home to find a young African American man in her home, robbing her. The young man looks at her and asks, "Aren't you Rosa Parks?". She admits that she was the famed civil rights activist. The young man robs her anyway, and before he leaves he punches the aged icon in the face. After that, Rosa Parks gives in and moves to a safe neighborhood.
So, according to you, Rosa Parks is to blame. Rather judgmental, aren't you?
Part of the reason neighborhoods go bad is because of White Flight.
Part of it is the responsibility of the new residents.
Both play an equally paramount role in the disintegrations of neighborhoods.
But this was more like what occurred in the 50's through 70's. It's not occurring as much nowadays. Many mixed, middle-class neighborhoods have sprung up in Queens, NYC. I happen to live in one of those. I don't think 10% of the people of the area are white. Especially young white people. Most of the whites, actually, are older people.
No. We don't have barred-up windows in stores. We have a couple of bodega-type places---but they were there when the neighborhood was more white. We have a couple of 99-cent stores. But 99-cent stores are in all neighborhoods nowadays, except for the very richest areas.
Part of it is the responsibility of the new residents.
Both play an equally paramount role in the disintegrations of neighborhoods.
But this was more like what occurred in the 50's through 70's. It's not occurring as much nowadays. Many mixed, middle-class neighborhoods have sprung up in Queens, NYC. I happen to live in one of those. I don't think 10% of the people of the area are white. Especially young white people. Most of the whites, actually, are older people.
No. We don't have barred-up windows in stores. We have a couple of bodega-type places---but they were there when the neighborhood was more white. We have a couple of 99-cent stores. But 99-cent stores are in all neighborhoods nowadays, except for the very richest areas.
I'm glad your neighborhood is safe. So is mine, despite the fact that the projects I grew up in are still there, a few blocks away. This is still a pretty good neighborhood. This is NOT true of the East New York neighborhoods I taught in. I wouldn't live there under any circumstances. They are nightmares. Nightmares you choose to ignore, for some reason. Why? Policing those neighborhoods is a nightmare. Blame the police all you want. They neither created these neighborhoods, nor can they be reasonably expected to clean them up. That's not their job. Yes, they were created in the forties and worsened in the 60's - 70's. So? That doesn't mean they're not there. That doesn't mean the concept of the "permanent underclass" is invalid. It's an incredibly tough nut to crack, but it doesn't mean it's not real.
Maybe not, just totally clueless.
A view based on statistics - not hatred - isn't clueless.
If anything, it is informed.
And the data is simple: the less time I spend in the company of blacks, the less likely it is i'll be stabbed/attacked.
Nope, still clueless.
If you can't, you're committing an ad hominem and are in violation of WP rules/forum guidelines and will be reported for trolling.
Maybe not, just totally clueless.
A view based on statistics - not hatred - isn't clueless.
If anything, it is informed.
And the data is simple: the less time I spend in the company of blacks, the less likely it is i'll be stabbed/attacked.
Nope, still clueless.
If you can't, you're committing an ad hominem and are in violation of WP rules/forum guidelines and will be reported for trolling.
I disagree. I think you are just too sensitive and I can agree that you may be clueless.
Maybe not, just totally clueless.
A view based on statistics - not hatred - isn't clueless.
If anything, it is informed.
And the data is simple: the less time I spend in the company of blacks, the less likely it is i'll be stabbed/attacked.
Nope, still clueless.
If you can't, you're committing an ad hominem and are in violation of WP rules/forum guidelines and will be reported for trolling.
I disagree. I think you are just too sensitive and I can agree that you may be clueless.
...and why am I clueless?
-EDIT- note the replies to my points are no longer replies to my points but personal comments.
What I wrote is true. If it bothers you, well, tough.
If you're incapable of discussing an issue, you've failed.
Look, everyone is racist to some degree, even if you are unaware of it. It is all because of social and environmental influences. Feel uncomfortable around certain people who aren't of your ethnicity? A level of racism. Going SJW or buying far left crap will probably make you even more racist, just like becoming more right wing does. Best way to deal with it is to either become aware of these prejudices and find a solution to it without overcompensating.
That's the nature of autism.
That's why NT people say, "You lack common sense!".
I've been called dumb , stupid, lack common sense 1000s of times.
Kind of weird you speak like this on an ASD site.