Morlock wrote:
-The Carrot: Eternal reward for following it.
-The Stick: Eternal punishment for those who do not follow. Some people convert just for "fire insureance" (safety from Hell) even if they're skeptical about the rest of it.
Sense of Urgency: Your decision must be made NOW because you might die tomorrow! You cannot wait to die and then see if there is an afterlife. This ensures the church can influence you within your lifetime.
-Faith: The Bible states that you cannot prove or disprove the existance of God (though some try to). This ensures that you cannot argue a christian out of his belief.
-The Will of God: God, being an entity of infinite power, created morality, and thus is beyond all moral judgement by mortals. When good things happen, believers pray to God to thank Him. When bad things happen, they pray to God thanking Him that they were not worse.
-Pity for Nonbelievers: Believers feel sorry for the poor damned atheists and attempt and pray to bring him/her into the fold.
-Satan: this is a convenient scapegoat for all wrong things, since God in His infinite wisdom allowed Satan to influence stuff and people here.
This is not complete, but as far as I can tell Christianity is a belief defended on all fronts. Once it burrows into a person's psyche, there is not return. If any of this seems contradictory its because what the Bible says and what believers say often do contradict.
it's not the religion that's's the sheep that are intent on following.
which is why i love the whole shepherd over the flock analogy with christians....cause they are sheep (as well as muslims, buddhists, scientologists, and anyone else who believes in a deity).
/equal oppertunity offender
//i'm gonna rot in hell anyways and be butt-raped, right?
///peace to everyone no matter if you like to play pretend or not.
I don't really understand how you could place Christianty with the other worldly religions. Christianty is not in the same listings. All the rest are just cults. They aren't going to get you anywhere. I piety you.