The perfect society cannot exist so long as humans are in charge of it, and I'm not just saying that because there's an orange walrus in the Oval Office who somehow manages to drunk tweet while being sober. No, even an objectively great leader of any country is still incapable of providing us with the unattainable perfection we seek. Objectively, the most perfect perfect would be one in which everyone is happy and is willing to make the sacrifices to achieve and maintain that end. The problem is, no one wants to make sacrifices they don't have to, especially if there's no short-term benefit. That's just not human nature.
Perhaps the ideal word system would be the communism Marx advocated for. One where everyone is equal. And no, contrary to popular belief, he wasn't an advocate for fascism, but for freedom. Unfortunately, we do not live in a world where anything that resembles communism can exist without it being forced on the population. If people didn't choose it, then they are not truly free. Also, in that scenario someone needs to be above the system to enforce it, and if someone is above the system, it is not communism. Alas, few would be willing to give up personal wealth and property without a fight and you could count me in the camp who would refuse to give it all up, so the communism Marx advocated for just isn't realistic, let alone feasible.
For me, personally, I think the ideal system would be halfway between socialism and capitalism. Like, where big corporations aren't oppressing everyone, there are no BS identity politics on either end of the political spectrum, people can enjoy true religious freedom short of killing people (because that should never be allowed no matter one's belief), and freedom of identity and sexual orientation, but also where we can still have stuff and binge on all our favourite media and products. But, what I've outlined is not realistic either. It's a world where we can have our cake but eat it too, but that just isn't possible as far as I know, and I have a BA of sociology.
Every kind of society known to us requires sacrifices, even Capitalism. The difference is we're so used to the sacrifices of capitalism that they either don't feel like sacrifices anymore, or we acknowledge them but can't be bothered to do anything about them. And why should we? It is true that we are slaves to the system, but we're comfortable being slaves to it, so much so that we'd rather stay where we are than try something different where we will likely have to make sacrifices we aren't used to. I do think Marx is right that Capitalism can't be sustained indefinitely, but it has way more longevity than he anticipated and even now there's no sign that it's in immediate trouble. The choice is ours, but shaking up the status quo is a pain, so...meh.
Last edited by Tross on 23 Dec 2017, 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.