The Difference Between The Civil War and WWII

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29 Jan 2018, 4:19 pm

RainbowUnion wrote:
The first version is called the Stainless Banner, the second the Bloodstained Banner.

Perhaps Jefferson Davis should have just used a tampon.

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.



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29 Jan 2018, 4:23 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
RainbowUnion wrote:
The first version is called the Stainless Banner, the second the Bloodstained Banner.

Perhaps Jefferson Davis should have just used a tampon.

Thing is, by then the Confederacy was finished. Physically destroied, economically ruined, and the flower of Southern chivaliry lied dead and mauled on the battlefields.

"It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good-will. I continued as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile was at the thought of his immolation."

Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado


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29 Jan 2018, 4:31 pm

RainbowUnion wrote:
DarthMetaKnight wrote:
RainbowUnion wrote:
The first version is called the Stainless Banner, the second the Bloodstained Banner.

Perhaps Jefferson Davis should have just used a tampon.

Thing is, by then the Confederacy was finished. Physically destroied, economically ruined, and the flower of Southern chivaliry lied dead and mauled on the battlefields.

... and it all happened because the Confederates were a bunch of weak cowards.

Why didn't they release the slaves? They were afraid of doing hard work. They were afraid of black men due to their sexual insecurity. They thought that "their women" would run away with black men.

Slavery was driven by weakness and cowardice. Meanwhile, Abe Lincoln was tough as nails.

Synthetic carbo-polymers got em through man. They got em through mouse. They got through, and we're gonna get out.



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29 Jan 2018, 5:07 pm

Since no one was good enough to enlighten me as to why the "Rebel" flag is despised by some, I did some preliminary research on my own...
Conclusion: Nasty... 8O


Since moderators routinely remove/hide videos and pictures after a period of time, the documents defining the design parameters/concept can be found here: ... signed-it#.8ObNmIoco

If this is fake news I'd like to know about it, but it seems to me to be definitive...
Woha! 8O


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29 Jan 2018, 5:11 pm

RainbowUnion wrote:
Pepe wrote:
RainbowUnion wrote:
Raptor wrote:
TwinRuler wrote:
I do believe the Civil War was to free the Blacks from Slavery. The main right The South fought for, was the right for Whites to own Blacks, as slaves. That, of course, was the main State Right!


Not jokes are so last century there Johnny.

"The Confederacy started
When racist rednecks farted
The mentally ret*d
The Confederacy!

They belong in a museum
But nobody would want to see em
They smell like curdled cream
The Confederacy!"

What have I stumbled into here?! 8O

I don't want to get between you too dudes, but I will point out that "not" wasn't a "joke"...
It was a comment, assuming I properly understand the context here between you two guys...
The context is "hate", I believe? 8O

Whatever. I'm delighted the war left the south rich in nothing but widows, ruins, and amputees. If only it had also the added benefit of permanent social changes to the South too. Like the execution of the slave owners for their crimes and then simply giving all of their money and property to their slaves.

There was an attempt to bring about social changes: it was called Reconstruction. Blacks were allowed to run for - and win - public office, and be appointed to government posts, public education benefited both blacks and whites, and racist terrorist organizations like the KKK were ruthlessly dealt with. Unfortunately, the north was persuaded to end Reconstruction, ending with it empowerment for black Americans, and the rise of the racial caste system - right below the white class system. On top of that, white southerners were able to rewrite the history of the era, making theirs a fight for states rights rather than slavery, and were able to demonize Reconstruction and all involved in it, while making the poor, poor whites victimized and set upon (sound familiar?) Now, that's not to say that every white southerner was guilty of this, as there were heroic figures like Newton Knight who had carried out a non-stop guerilla war within Mississippi against the Confederacy with a band of Confederate deserters and escaped slaves, took part in Reconstruction, and married a black woman and sired mixed race children when such a thing was illegal in Mississippi.
To get a dramatized view of Newton Knight's story, I suggest renting Free State Of Jones.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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29 Jan 2018, 5:24 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:

... and it all happened because the Confederates were a bunch of weak cowards.

And your opinion is strengthened by your impartial, emotionally well balanced presentation... :mrgreen:


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29 Jan 2018, 5:31 pm

Pepe wrote:
Since no one was good enough to enlighten me as to why the "Rebel" flag is despised by some, I did some preliminary research on my own...
Conclusion: Nasty... 8O


Since moderators routinely remove/hide videos and pictures after a period of time, the documents defining the design parameters/concept can be found here: ... signed-it#.8ObNmIoco

If this is fake news I'd like to know about it, but it seems to me to be definitive...
Woha! 8O

Sounds legit to me. That is the way Southerners did write in those days.

"It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good-will. I continued as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile was at the thought of his immolation."

Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado


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29 Jan 2018, 5:36 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
RainbowUnion wrote:
Pepe wrote:
RainbowUnion wrote:
Raptor wrote:
TwinRuler wrote:
I do believe the Civil War was to free the Blacks from Slavery. The main right The South fought for, was the right for Whites to own Blacks, as slaves. That, of course, was the main State Right!


Not jokes are so last century there Johnny.

"The Confederacy started
When racist rednecks farted
The mentally ret*d
The Confederacy!

They belong in a museum
But nobody would want to see em
They smell like curdled cream
The Confederacy!"

What have I stumbled into here?! 8O

I don't want to get between you too dudes, but I will point out that "not" wasn't a "joke"...
It was a comment, assuming I properly understand the context here between you two guys...
The context is "hate", I believe? 8O

Whatever. I'm delighted the war left the south rich in nothing but widows, ruins, and amputees. If only it had also the added benefit of permanent social changes to the South too. Like the execution of the slave owners for their crimes and then simply giving all of their money and property to their slaves.

There was an attempt to bring about social changes: it was called Reconstruction. Blacks were allowed to run for - and win - public office, and be appointed to government posts, public education benefited both blacks and whites, and racist terrorist organizations like the KKK were ruthlessly dealt with. Unfortunately, the north was persuaded to end Reconstruction, ending with it empowerment for black Americans, and the rise of the racial caste system - right below the white class system. On top of that, white southerners were able to rewrite the history of the era, making theirs a fight for states rights rather than slavery, and were able to demonize Reconstruction and all involved in it, while making the poor, poor whites victimized and set upon (sound familiar?) Now, that's not to say that every white southerner was guilty of this, as there were heroic figures like Newton Knight who had carried out a non-stop guerilla war within Mississippi against the Confederacy with a band of Confederate deserters and escaped slaves, took part in Reconstruction, and married a black woman and sired mixed race children when such a thing was illegal in Mississippi.
To get a dramatized view of Newton Knight's story, I suggest renting Free State Of Jones.

I already knew all that. Thats why I said Permanent social changes.

"It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good-will. I continued as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile was at the thought of his immolation."

Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado


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29 Jan 2018, 5:47 pm

RainbowUnion wrote:

Sounds legit to me. That is the way Southerners did write in those days.

An interesting parallel between Confederate and Nazi white supremacist attitudes...
No wonder neo-Nazis embraced the KKK...


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29 Jan 2018, 6:57 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
... and it all happened because the Confederates were a bunch of weak cowards.

Why didn't they release the slaves? They were afraid of doing hard work. They were afraid of black men due to their sexual insecurity. They thought that "their women" would run away with black men.

Slavery was driven by weakness and cowardice. Meanwhile, Abe Lincoln was tough as nails.

Your attempts at trolling are actually amusing as hell. Let's have some more!! !

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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29 Jan 2018, 7:21 pm

Raptor wrote:
Your attempts at trolling are actually amusing as hell. Let's have some more!! !

He is not a troll...
"Just a very naughty boy..." as Monty Python would say... :mrgreen:
Young and governed by his emotional needs to maintain existential equilibrium/relevance...


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29 Jan 2018, 7:29 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
The Second World War was about stemming the Nazi tide, first and foremost. And also about stemming Japanese expansionism. I believe the motivation might not have always been altruistic.

But who cares? We got rid of the Nazis, and we stemmed the Japanese tide.

This is the nub of it.

The allies fought to defend themselves from Axis aggression.

No body even ever claims that the Allied war effort was a response TO the Holocaust.

The Axis started the war first. And THEN (after conquering Europe) the Nazis set up the machinery of the holocaust (the system of camps, and etc)afterward. And most of the victims of the Holocaust were from the occupied countries, and not from within the borders of Germany itself anyway. Hitler wouldn't have even been able to commit the subsequent crime of the Holocaust if he had not first committed the crime of military aggression. The OP has the carriage before the horse. Not saying that most German Jews and German political prisnoers weren't murdered by Hitler, I am saying that of the victims of the Holocaust only a tiny percent came from Germany itself.

As I understand it, there were some rumors about the concentration camps, but nothing even remotely close to the actual events.

To some degree, the Nazis learned the lessons they used in their concentration camps from the Croatians treatment of the Serbs. Things like cremating people while they were alive.



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29 Jan 2018, 7:32 pm

DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Fun Fact: The confederate battle flag looked like this for a while.
The whiteness on the flag represents the purity of the white, Aryan race.

They stopped using that flag because it was mistaken for a surrender flag. lol:

Also, Confederate money had slaves on it.

That doesn't actually seem to be a dollar bill.

If you look at closely it seems to be a savings bond, or a war bond. You were supposed to able to collect ten dollars from them "six months after the signing of a peace treaty between the United States and Confederate States of America" ( ie six months after the South wins the war and is recognized as an actual country you will be able to cash this bond in!).

I'm still waitin'! :D


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30 Jan 2018, 6:21 am

Raptor wrote:
TwinRuler wrote:
I do believe the Civil War was to free the Blacks from Slavery. The main right The South fought for, was the right for Whites to own Blacks, as slaves. That, of course, was the main State Right!


The Civil War was fought over White supremacy, and nothing else. How do I know this? Because the Confederates themselves explicitly said so. When the Confederate States instigated the Civil War, several of their state legislatures issued documents modeled after the U.S. Declaration of Independence, called “Declarations of Causes”, enumerating their casus belli.
Georgia's mentioned slavery 34 times.
South Carolina's mentioned slavery 17 times.
Texas' mentioned slavery 22 times.
Mississippi's, a study in brevity, mentioned slavery 7 times.

“We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable. That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations...”
The Confederate State of Texas, 2 February 1861

The founding fathers of the Confederacy were absolutely unequivocal; the sole reason for the Civil War was White supremacy, period. This is not 'fake news', but well-documented historical fact. To claim otherwise cannot be ascribed to anything other than willful ignorance or an idiotic preference for fantasy over reality.


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30 Jan 2018, 9:13 am

Piobaire wrote:
To claim otherwise cannot be ascribed to anything other than willful ignorance or an idiotic preference for fantasy over reality.

I have an open mind about this...
I'm from Oz, so we didn't learn about the American Civil War in school...
But to say "willful ignorance" is patently willful stupidity... :mrgreen:
You made a good point...
Don't spoil it with emotional and willful extravaganza... :wink:


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30 Jan 2018, 5:43 pm

Raptor wrote:
DarthMetaKnight wrote:
... and it all happened because the Confederates were a bunch of weak cowards.

Why didn't they release the slaves? They were afraid of doing hard work. They were afraid of black men due to their sexual insecurity. They thought that "their women" would run away with black men.

Slavery was driven by weakness and cowardice. Meanwhile, Abe Lincoln was tough as nails.

Your attempts at trolling are actually amusing as hell. Let's have some more!! !

Did you know that it was actually legal to be a serial rapist in the ole South if you owned the women you were raping? This was actually encouraged because a pregnant slave would fetch $600-$800 more. Now I have a hypothesis that the South is so fkked up because this allowed the mass dissemination of criminal genes from the white masters to their mixed offspring.

"It must be understood, that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunato cause to doubt my good-will. I continued as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile was at the thought of his immolation."

Edgar Allan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado