What someone has said about abortion on another forum.

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01 Feb 2021, 2:20 pm

League_Girl wrote:
Fnord wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
... People that decide to hate on dead beat parents, I think "so they would rather have the kid be abused then by them? Okay." Some twisted logic there.
To me, a "Deadbeat Parent" is one who abdicates his or her responsibilities for his or her child's welfare -- someone who simply stops acting like a parent.  Which is worse: abuse or abandonment?  Both can result in the child's death (Right-to-Life people: Take Note!).  I have wondered what my life would have been like if I had been put up for adoption, and I even wrote a story about a person who was abandoned at birth (it is making the rounds of publishers); and while I am grateful that my mother "chose life" (she did not have much of a choice back then, anyway), I still feel some sense of grief that my mother was in a situation where she had to make that choice.  May her soul rest in peace.
You put the baby up for an adoption or if your partner wanted to have the baby and you didn't want one, you have the option to walk away.
In this country, if a man can be genetically linked to a child, that man can be sued for child support.  Even legally "Anonymous" sperm donors have been caught in this trap.
League_Girl wrote:
I will never understand people who say they were forced to have a baby. What do they mean by forced?
Maybe "coerced" is a better term; but when The Law says "If you have an abortion, you go to jail", coercion is indistinguishable from force.
League_Girl wrote:
What stopped them from putting their baby up for an adoption? ...
I have often wondered that about my own parents and me.
League_Girl wrote:
And another option is don't mention you have once made a child if you are so afraid of getting judgement. Just because you put sperm into an egg or birthed a child does not make you a parent.


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01 Feb 2021, 4:14 pm

By "forced" they could mean by religion and abortion is against their family religion or get disowned. But is putting the baby up for an adoption against their religion as well?

What about just leaving their kid with their siblings to raise when the parent clearly never wanted their child?

There are other options out there than abortion.

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01 Feb 2021, 4:20 pm

'The Church', i Visit in the Past; Perhaps i'll go Back, Perhaps
i Will Not; 'Those' Who Attempted to Seat me Between Two Rows
of Unmasked Pandemic Killing Ignorance Has Lost All Moral

Authority on the Sanctity
of Any Life; With me at Least...

Other Than That the World Health
Organization And Science Makes it
Clear Getting Rid of Legally Safe Medical
Abortions, Family Planning, With Safe and
Effective Contraception; Accessible And Free For All...

All of What 'the Catholic Church' SpreadS in Ignorance...
Particularly, in Third World Countries in Human Suffering...

This Way oF iGnorance And Might Makes Right over Reality

Actually Increases the Amount of Human Suffering, Injury,
Permanent Maiming, And Yes, Actual Deaths; True an Abortion
Is A More Humane End than Ending Up Suffocating Among Garbage in a Dumpster

(In 'Gehenna')

And How Shall We Measure the Suffering of Being Neglected and Abused By Parents
Who Just Are not Either Bred and Or Born to Be Nurturing Parents to Raise a Healthy Human Being...

Yeah, Ask Someone About
Their Family Life Early

When they Say

They Wish

They Had Never Been Born...

Into Such a Cold, Cold World,
Never Gardened With Love to Feel
The Warmth Others Feel So Free that

Comes From Warm Unconditional LoVE iN Trust...

Comfort Of Parents to Garden That Life This Way Loving For Them...

Homosexuality is Seen Throughout the
Animal Kingdom; It's Part of the Balance of
Life And So Is Abortion; Neither Are Evil; They

Are Both Part of Living in Balance With the Rest of

Nature; And Yes, Other Than Reducing Population's In Environmental Stress, They

Are Apples and Oranges to Compare; Yet Still Fruits of Life as Life Comes and Goes

As Nature

Is the

Real God of
What We Do or
Do Not Do Most

What is Evolved to Be Now For Real...

'The Golden Rule' Needs Revision; How About
Walking In Someone Else's Shoes; How About Trying

to Understand Things Like Some Folks Have a Guided Missile

In Their Pants; And Others Are Dripping With Fruits From the Tree...

And Some Folks

Just Ain't Got no

Love; Not A 'Nurturing'

'Bone' in their Body; Not

All Folks Are Cut Out to Breed...

There are so many Other Ways to Help the Whole
of Humanity Survive Like 'Drones' Building an
Information Highway for Love to Spread...

Other than That And This
'The Church' Recommends

In 'That Bible' That People At Best Don't
Even Get Married to Live a Free Spiritual Life
to Serve Others Greater; Yep That's What the
Catholic Church Said on Sunday as i continue
To Study the Labyrinth of Good and Evil it Spreads;

Yet Only Virtually as Such Online Now Pandemic Safe;

Yet, It's True, In Terms

of Homosexuality and

Reproduction, Who is the

'Real Original' 'Father' of All the

Children Elton John Helped/Still Helps Sire

In Romance of Passion In Hot Love Song Nights...

Who Controls 'the Hands' that Read "50 Shades of Grey"...

Is It at A Real Man

With Something

to Use in his Pants: No...

Life Ain't Black and White...

Grow And See the Colors of Hell; And SHades of BLacK in Heaven...

There is the Material Reduction of Science And Church That Attempts

To Both Paint Life in Discrete Concrete Ways of Measurement Still Now

When Ironically, Neuroscience Shows We Basically Hallucinate Our Realities

Based on Past Hallucinations Our Minds Co-Create For What

We Believe our own Realities Are Now; or Shall We Attempt to

Understand Why Some Folks Who Go To Church

Believe that Trump is a Savior; No that's

Not Where i am Going to Find Answers

to Life's Problems; only Potential Solutions




A Safe Social Distance....

For my Soul to Keep Breathing

Free, Both Literally And Figuratively True...

i Always Hear "It's God's Law" See It's in 'This Story', Thousands of

YearS OLD... It's True, There are Many Stories And Stories Do Still Rule Most

In Dark
And Light
Where Up

Is Truly Down

Where Heaven iS iN Death,

And Life Begins With Death,

And We Are Not Worthy Born

in This Life Now to Even BREaTHE Naked Born as is FREE...

Sanctity of Death; Religions of Death, Indeed Over Life....

Even Truly Believing They Can And Will/Do Bring Back A 2000 Year-Old Little Brown Dude,

Or So, in A Wafer of Bread For Flesh; And Wine For Blood LITERALLY STILL NOW FOR REAL;

Isn't It


Plain to See; No,

There Are Bitter Flavors

To Bond With Always

For those Who Walk in Darkness of Breath...

'The People of Darkness' 'Have Seen A Great Death', Indeed... FOR REAL

'THeir' Really only Hope in Life, Death; Is CueAnon Nonsense any More 'Sane':

No, Just Plain NO... Yet Society Naturally Accepts 'REAL Human Insanity' And Approves

oF iT ALL And Claims It's 'Gold';

Yet As Always Fool's

Gold 'For Real'

Same Old

Colors of

Trump Trump;

Yet it is the



Making Life

Nightmares and Dreams for Real...

Welcome to Oz And Wonderland;

'THE Stories; All the "Powerful Players"...

Hehe, or Create, Enjoy, Your Own 'Renaissance Fair'

Yet Don't Expect Anyone 'From Church' to Visit...

Meh.. SaMe Old Story...



New Story... Now

Every Step A New Dance;

Every Word A New Song;

Who Even HasThe Minutes

In A Day To Reproduce, When Ya Create Something New...

Nah; i don't even Need Any Birth Control; Not Everyone Enjoys Life more than Sex And That Too...

Yet The More Who Do, Overall, Nature Currently Will Be Greater In Balance With Human Nature;

Perhaps We Will

Even get to stay...

So Many Flavors...

Yet, Folks Remain

So Dam Salty About the Ice Cream... Still Free...

All This Heaven; Yet, Some Folks Still Choose '5th Avenue '

And ALL its 'Bosses'....


Or Dead...

If 'The Church'

And Politically Associated

State In Bed In Loving Bonds

Of Negative Empathy


Ever Gets 'THeir Way'

Of THiS ADDitional Ignorance...

'They' Will only Pave the Road of Life With More Human Blood And
Suffering; Is that Anything, New Under the Sun; No, Yet More Rational Minds

May Prevail...

If They
Get Out
And Continue to Vote...

Oh, The Democracy, Oh,
A Real Savior, When Employed By All...

-Tom SaWYeR

~It's Kind oF A 'Rush' to Live THiS WaY

Like Rushing A Pandemic Away Early
Last Year in January Through February;

A Covid-19 Pioneer then too...

iN 2020 Visions

And A


Shark' too..

All 'Human GameS' iN PLaY...

Fascinating, Just Fascinating

YeT AGAiN OnlY iN A Capacity

And Social Distance oF aN Anthropology Observer Participant Now...

Human Conditions, Will Also Become As Scary As Imagination in Dark Creativity Comes True...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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01 Feb 2021, 4:34 pm

aghogday wrote:

'The Church', i Visit in the Past; Perhaps i'll go Back, Perhaps
i Will Not; 'Those' Who Attempted to Seat me Between Two Rows
of Unmasked Pandemic Killing Ignorance Has Lost All Moral

Authority on the Sanctity
of Any Life; With me at Least...

Other Than That the World Health
Organization And Science Makes it
Clear Getting Rid of Legally Safe Medical
Abortions, Family Planning, With Safe and
Effective Contraception; Accessible And Free For All...

All of What 'the Catholic Church' SpreadS in Ignorance...
Particularly, in Third World Countries in Human Suffering...

This Way oF iGnorance And Might Makes Right over Reality

Actually Increases the Amount of Human Suffering, Injury,
Permanent Maiming, And Yes, Actual Deaths; True an Abortion
Is A More Humane End than Ending Up Suffocating Among Garbage in a Dumpster

(In 'Gehenna')

And How Shall We Measure the Suffering of Being Neglected and Abused By Parents
Who Just Are not Either Bred and Or Born to Be Nurturing Parents to Raise a Healthy Human Being...

Yeah, Ask Someone About
Their Family Life Early

When they Say

They Wish

They Had Never Been Born...

Into Such a Cold, Cold World,
Never Gardened With Love to Feel
The Warmth Others Feel So Free that

Comes From Warm Unconditional LoVE iN Trust...

Comfort Of Parents to Garden That Life This Way Loving For Them...

Homosexuality is Seen Throughout the
Animal Kingdom; It's Part of the Balance of
Life And So Is Abortion; Neither Are Evil; They

Are Both Part of Living in Balance With the Rest of

Nature; And Yes, Other Than Reducing Population's In Environmental Stress, They

Are Apples and Oranges to Compare; Yet Still Fruits of Life as Life Comes and Goes

As Nature

Is the

Real God of
What We Do or
Do Not Do Most

What is Evolved to Be Now For Real...

'The Golden Rule' Needs Revision; How About
Walking In Someone Else's Shoes; How About Trying

to Understand Things Like Some Folks Have a Guided Missile

In Their Pants; And Others Are Dripping With Fruits From the Tree...

And Some Folks

Just Ain't Got no

Love; Not A 'Nurturing'

'Bone' in their Body; Not

All Folks Are Cut Out to Breed...

There are so many Other Ways to Help the Whole
of Humanity Survive Like 'Drones' Building an
Information Highway for Love to Spread...

Other than That And This
'The Church' Recommends

In 'That Bible' That People At Best Don't
Even Get Married to Live a Free Spiritual Life
to Serve Others Greater; Yep That's What the
Catholic Church Said on Sunday as i continue
To Study the Labyrinth of Good and Evil it Spreads;

Yet Only Virtually as Such Online Now Pandemic Safe;

Yet, It's True, In Terms

of Homosexuality and

Reproduction, Who is the

'Real Original' 'Father' of All the

Children Elton John Helped/Still Helps Sire

In Romance of Passion In Hot Love Song Nights...

Who Controls 'the Hands' that Read "50 Shades of Grey"...

Is It at A Real Man

With Something

to Use in his Pants: No...

Life Ain't Black and White...

Grow And See the Colors of Hell; And SHades of BLacK in Heaven...

There is the Material Reduction of Science And Church That Attempts

To Both Paint Life in Discrete Concrete Ways of Measurement Still Now

When Ironically, Neuroscience Shows We Basically Hallucinate Our Realities

Based on Past Hallucinations Our Minds Co-Create For What

We Believe our own Realities Are Now; or Shall We Attempt to

Understand Why Some Folks Who Go To Church

Believe that Trump is a Savior; No that's

Not Where i am Going to Find Answers

to Life's Problems; only Potential Solutions




A Safe Social Distance....

For my Soul to Keep Breathing

Free, Both Literally And Figuratively True...

i Always Hear "It's God's Law" See It's in 'This Story', Thousands of

YearS OLD... It's True, There are Many Stories And Stories Do Still Rule Most

In Dark
And Light
Where Up

Is Truly Down

Where Heaven iS iN Death,

And Life Begins With Death,

And We Are Not Worthy Born

in This Life Now to Even BREaTHE Naked Born as is FREE...

Sanctity of Death; Religions of Death, Indeed Over Life....

Even Truly Believing They Can And Will/Do Bring Back A 2000 Year-Old Little Brown Dude,

Or So, in A Wafer of Bread For Flesh; And Wine For Blood LITERALLY STILL NOW FOR REAL;

Isn't It


Plain to See; No,

There Are Bitter Flavors

To Bond With Always

For those Who Walk in Darkness of Breath...

'The People of Darkness' 'Have Seen A Great Death', Indeed... FOR REAL

'THeir' Really only Hope in Life, Death; Is CueAnon Nonsense any More 'Sane':

No, Just Plain NO... Yet Society Naturally Accepts 'REAL Human Insanity' And Approves

oF iT ALL And Claims It's 'Gold';

Yet As Always Fool's

Gold 'For Real'

Same Old

Colors of

Trump Trump;

Yet it is the



Making Life

Nightmares and Dreams for Real...

Welcome to Oz And Wonderland;

'THE Stories; All the "Powerful Players"...

Hehe, or Create, Enjoy, Your Own 'Renaissance Fair'

Yet Don't Expect Anyone 'From Church' to Visit...

Meh.. SaMe Old Story...



New Story... Now

Every Step A New Dance;

Every Word A New Song;

Who Even HasThe Minutes

In A Day To Reproduce, When Ya Create Something New...

Nah; i don't even Need Any Birth Control; Not Everyone Enjoys Life more than Sex And That Too...

Yet The More Who Do, Overall, Nature Currently Will Be Greater In Balance With Human Nature;

Perhaps We Will

Even get to stay...

So Many Flavors...

Yet, Folks Remain

So Dam Salty About the Ice Cream... Still Free...

All This Heaven; Yet, Some Folks Still Choose '5th Avenue '

And ALL its 'Bosses'....


Or Dead...

If 'The Church'

And Politically Associated

State In Bed In Loving Bonds

Of Negative Empathy


Ever Gets 'THeir Way'

Of THiS ADDitional Ignorance...

'They' Will only Pave the Road of Life With More Human Blood And
Suffering; Is that Anything, New Under the Sun; No, Yet More Rational Minds

May Prevail...

If They
Get Out
And Continue to Vote...

Oh, The Democracy, Oh,
A Real Savior, When Employed By All...

-Tom SaWYeR

~It's Kind oF A 'Rush' to Live THiS WaY

Like Rushing A Pandemic Away Early
Last Year in January Through February;

A Covid-19 Pioneer then too...

iN 2020 Visions

And A


Shark' too..

All 'Human GameS' iN PLaY...

Fascinating, Just Fascinating

YeT AGAiN OnlY iN A Capacity

And Social Distance oF aN Anthropology Observer Participant Now...

Human Conditions, Will Also Become As Scary As Imagination in Dark Creativity Comes True...

Beautiful. You aren't beating around the bush

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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01 Feb 2021, 4:46 pm


Hey, i Have Asperger's
Syndrome, i CaLL iT As i See
It; Always Have Always Will Now

(Bi-Polar Helps Creativity...
Not too High, Not too Low, too)

As LonG As i Breathe At

Least And Yes;

HeHE ALways

Been SmART

Enough Not to Get

In Any Real Trouble...

"Just Beating Around 'The Bush' too"...

So Many Ways to Be And Do Life Art When

Wit Meets Clever And has Fun too..;)

-Bugs Bunny

Don't Know About

Anyone Else, Yet i am

Loving This Living Rabbit Condition

And All Holes i Continue to Dig in New Fun....


OBTW, Thank You,

In Terms of Real Social Reciprocal

Communication... Not To Forget That Human Part too...

-'Oracle And Architect Holding Hands' ~Such A Tight Rope Act of Dancing Indeed..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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01 Feb 2021, 7:57 pm

League_Girl wrote:
By "forced" they could mean by religion and abortion is against their family religion or get disowned. But is putting the baby up for an adoption against their religion as well?

What about just leaving their kid with their siblings to raise when the parent clearly never wanted their child?

There are other options out there than abortion.

Adoption is the path I would have chosen if I were in that situation. But I can't support an Alabama-style total ban, or the "fetal heartbeat" laws.

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01 Feb 2021, 8:59 pm

I will repeat my opinion on abortion:

Science should take up the matter, and develop incubators for underdeveloped fetuses. This should eliminate the "problem", right?

Unfortunately, the far right wants to force themselves on everyone and determine how women handle a pregnancy, as a part of trying to force their "rules" on the world.

Unfortunately, the far left wants to not have any trace of an unwanted pregnancy alive in this world.

I'm not kidding here. I've seen both opinions, and I'm not exaggerating at all.

And they say we are evolved???

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01 Feb 2021, 9:25 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
I'm very staunchly Pro-Life and I feel that every human life is worth living. God should decide who's to live and who's to die.

Screw god on this topic. If they have that power to make this decision they can make the fetus survive outside. Otherwise, people should not push their god onto other people.

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02 Feb 2021, 4:36 am

old_comedywriter wrote:
I will repeat my opinion on abortion:

Science should take up the matter, and develop incubators for underdeveloped fetuses. This should eliminate the "problem", right?

The first steps towards eliminating the “problem” would be 1) compulsory sex education including on contraception, 2) increased access to contraception. This has been proven to reduce the number of abortions.

If there was a way of removing zefs from wombs that was less invasive than an abortion then that would dramatically reduce the demand for abortions, but it would massively increase the number of unwanted children. A substantial amount of money would be required to maintain the incubators and then raise the resultant children.

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02 Feb 2021, 4:58 am

magz wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
magz wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
There’s nothing wrong with abortion, as long as the person receiving the abortion consents.

The “if you don’t want kids then don’t have sex” attitude is silly. It suggests that children are a punishment for having sex. If someone accidentally gets pregnant, or deliberately gets pregnant and then changes their mind, they should not be condemned to keep carrying a zef they don’t want.

With all the respect - sex produces babies and adults should be aware of that fact before engaging. Abortion should not be considered a replacement for properly applied contraception (like it used to be in Soviet Union).

But what gives people the idea that there is any significant amount of adults using abortion as a replacement for contraceptive methods?
"If someone accidentally gets pregnant, or deliberately gets pregnant and then changes their mind" - that does not discourage risky behaviors.

We shouldn’t be using children as a deterrent for “risky behaviours”.

1 in every 200 women who are sterilised (“tubes tied”) will get pregnant. 36 in 200 who use male condoms will get pregnant.

Almost everyone, given the choice, would rather use contraception than abortion, as it tends to be less invasive. But millions of people don’t have access to contraception, or aren’t educated about it. And some people may even think that they want to conceive, and then experience a change in circumstances (bereavement, unemployment, relationship break-up, illness/disability) or simply a change in mind.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - it is irrational to be opposed to abortion while being in favour of meat eating. And for zygotes and embryos, it is irrational to be opposed to abortion if you are in favour of products that kill bacteria.


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04 Feb 2021, 7:49 am

The_Walrus wrote:
magz wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
magz wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
There’s nothing wrong with abortion, as long as the person receiving the abortion consents.

The “if you don’t want kids then don’t have sex” attitude is silly. It suggests that children are a punishment for having sex. If someone accidentally gets pregnant, or deliberately gets pregnant and then changes their mind, they should not be condemned to keep carrying a zef they don’t want.

With all the respect - sex produces babies and adults should be aware of that fact before engaging. Abortion should not be considered a replacement for properly applied contraception (like it used to be in Soviet Union).

But what gives people the idea that there is any significant amount of adults using abortion as a replacement for contraceptive methods?
"If someone accidentally gets pregnant, or deliberately gets pregnant and then changes their mind" - that does not discourage risky behaviors.

We shouldn’t be using children as a deterrent for “risky behaviours”.

1 in every 200 women who are sterilised (“tubes tied”) will get pregnant. 36 in 200 who use male condoms will get pregnant.

Almost everyone, given the choice, would rather use contraception than abortion, as it tends to be less invasive. But millions of people don’t have access to contraception, or aren’t educated about it. And some people may even think that they want to conceive, and then experience a change in circumstances (bereavement, unemployment, relationship break-up, illness/disability) or simply a change in mind.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - it is irrational to be opposed to abortion while being in favour of meat eating. And for zygotes and embryos, it is irrational to be opposed to abortion if you are in favour of products that kill bacteria.

It's not that hard to concieve people care more about people than animals. Also bacteria won't grow to become babies.

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04 Feb 2021, 9:09 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I'm very staunchly Pro-Life and I feel that every human life is worth living. God should decide who's to live and who's to die.

Hi, then I hope you are a true beliver and use most of your free time to help all that follow your creed that need help bc they have kids they cant take care of. If not, shame on you for uttering something thoughtless about something you lack understanding for the implications of what you utter.

I do agree quite strongly that every human is precious and has a right to live, if they do not with intent try to destroy others value of life.

Go out in the nature, enjoy the beauty and wonder. Then consider that everything you see, everything, fight with poison and teeth and claw, kill for food, kill for space, and then consider if this God of yours who created this decides anything descent for anything or care at all.

I would claim that the conclusion is that we all have to help each other survive as best we can and give support when its needed bc obviously no decent entity care except other humans.

(pick the one suiting you)

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04 Feb 2021, 9:58 am

The article seems more or less to tell what I consider to be how this is and should be thought about.

Last part of article:
Look, let's get real: abortion has been a part of human culture as long as there has been human culture, because women, like or it not, have always made choices about when they should and should not be pregnant (actually a very common phenomenon in many species). For ages, we have trusted women to make this choice. It's only in recent centuries, thanks largely to patriarchal religions like Christianity, that society has stopped trusting women to make these choices about pregnancy and child-bearing that we have evolved to make. Yeah, that's why nature gave us the uterus and not you dudes. Sorry, but it's time to start trusting women again. Deal with it.
As long as humanity cant and hopefully won't alter our biology, much that is said about abortion is confusing and frustrating. Our biology is hardwired for most of us to seek out the opposite sex, have a deeper relation than dump and run, form a family and have this deep connection we can have during intercourse. This is what our genes program us to do. And most humans will have a depressive and horrible life locked away from this. So this idea of zip up or cross your legs as hypothesis is not going to solve everything, and no one has a clue on how to solve it without the right for females to have the only say in the matter and give education and easy access to contraception. Most people that argue for the opposite belive they have a say in things they morally dont have a say in. Deal with it indeed.
What we all have a right to do is think, and talk, and thus be abele to find agreement not fitting for all, but fitting for most of us.

(pick the one suiting you)

Gaffer Gragz
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04 Feb 2021, 10:03 am

What we have to do is let women decide for themselves what they will and will not do with their bodies.

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04 Feb 2021, 2:13 pm

Kerch wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
magz wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
magz wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
There’s nothing wrong with abortion, as long as the person receiving the abortion consents.

The “if you don’t want kids then don’t have sex” attitude is silly. It suggests that children are a punishment for having sex. If someone accidentally gets pregnant, or deliberately gets pregnant and then changes their mind, they should not be condemned to keep carrying a zef they don’t want.

With all the respect - sex produces babies and adults should be aware of that fact before engaging. Abortion should not be considered a replacement for properly applied contraception (like it used to be in Soviet Union).

But what gives people the idea that there is any significant amount of adults using abortion as a replacement for contraceptive methods?
"If someone accidentally gets pregnant, or deliberately gets pregnant and then changes their mind" - that does not discourage risky behaviors.

We shouldn’t be using children as a deterrent for “risky behaviours”.

1 in every 200 women who are sterilised (“tubes tied”) will get pregnant. 36 in 200 who use male condoms will get pregnant.

Almost everyone, given the choice, would rather use contraception than abortion, as it tends to be less invasive. But millions of people don’t have access to contraception, or aren’t educated about it. And some people may even think that they want to conceive, and then experience a change in circumstances (bereavement, unemployment, relationship break-up, illness/disability) or simply a change in mind.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - it is irrational to be opposed to abortion while being in favour of meat eating. And for zygotes and embryos, it is irrational to be opposed to abortion if you are in favour of products that kill bacteria.

It's not that hard to concieve people care more about people than animals. Also bacteria won't grow to become babies.

Zefs aren't people, and aborted zefs also won't grow to become babies.


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04 Feb 2021, 2:28 pm

I don't really care what someone wants to do with their reproductive organs.

No one gets upset when a women gets her reproductive organs removed for one reason or another, or when a guy masturbates. Men masturbating kills millions of viable, healthy sperm and women getting their ovaries removed kills thousands of viable, healthy ova that could have become a viable, healthy human.

Humans have spontaneous abortions, AKA miscarriages, all the time anyways. No one yells at women or their bodies for having that type of abortion. Nature already aborts organisms it doesn't seem viable or useful, so there's no issue with women taking that into their own hands if a woman's body can decide that for her at any time.

If "God" didn't want abortion he wouldn't abort organisms in the womb nor give humans the tools to do that themselves. "God" is not some helpless entity watching in horror as his creations do things that displease him, he can stop abortions from happening any time he wants to, and he has chosen not to do so.