postperson: you HAVE to make fun at some of it, because taking it so seriously is what gets you into trouble. Sure religious faith is based on those writings, but it is NOT the be-all and end-all of everything. If it was, why would we even be discussing this?
And as for JohnnyBeGoode's quote that all the scholars who wrote the bible (I mean the individual books; there was no bible before 312 CE) having 'degrees up the wazoo', where in history does it say that there were Universities giving degrees in theology back in 2nd, 3rd and 4th century Rome and Greece? Scholars from Plato to Homer to those that wrote those 'scriptures' had their knowledge to back them up, but there were no degrees back then. Universities didn't hand out degrees until the middle ages (around the time of Nostradamus and Galileo), and only the Universities (if there were any) that were run by the churches would have handed out any. Don't forget, any knowledge up until the 17th or 18th centuries had to be passed on by the church, because anything else was seen to be heresy, and against the word of God. Even the words of the old Greek scholars themselves were frowned upon until fairly recently. There are still parts of the US that only teach god's word, and nothing else; and that is in the 21st century.
Pagans are people too, not just victims of a religious cleansing program. Universal harmony for all!!
Karma decides what must happen, and that includes everyone.