eamonn wrote:
I have decided to become a muslim of the fundamentalist wahabe strain and am happy that i have truly found Allah after all my ungodly doubts. Allahu akbar la Allah illa Allah.
BTW this is not an invitation for you racists to tackle my religion or make Islamophobic and racist remarks, im simply stating my beliefs not calling for a debate or an ungodly criticism of my religion.
Okay, fine...but you better plan on having a few unannounced visitors...like the SAS or maybe a CIA rendition team!;)
Assuming you are serious, why get mixed up with the Wahabbis? They are probably going to die off in the next couple decades anyway. Why not join a group that can just hang out at their mosque, do their 5 daily prayers, go to Mecca, and get along with the people around them? Such groups do exist, but I wouldn't know how to find one near you. @:-)>
Last edited by Sean on 06 Jan 2006, 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.