Aradford wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Aradford wrote:
Jesus was just a symbol and the bible is just a guideline for life. It's not real.
I guess we'll just take your word for it.
The pages are real... that's about it.
It's up to you to make it real by living it, but things get taken too far (the gay marriage debate and religious people holding up signs that say GOD HATES FAGS).
Philosophers have been arguing over the existence of God for 2000 years and no argument has been valid enough. Arguing inevitably leads to some kind of contradiction in the systems logic system; always.
Okay, Christianity is not about heterosexuality. It's just not. That's a side issue. Christianity is about believing that Jesus is God's Son. If you look at the fire-from-Heaven judgment and total destruction of the ancient city of Sodom, you'll understand that it irks God when men stick their penises inside other men. It
also annoys God when men cheat on their spouses, or have sex with people they're not married to. So, Christianity is about ALL OF US -- gay and straight, male and female, Jew and Gentile -- submitting what we'd naturally do to the will of God. If you think that's unfair, go to Him about it.
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.