Also I'll volunteer why I'm into crypto at the personal level - it seems like one of the few places left where competence matters (simple 'win or lose') and where competence isn't immediately overruled by popularity, height, or status. What I mean - if I do well at work there's no guarantee of a raise or advancement (I'm one of those mid 40's white collar professionals who lives with his parents because he doesn't make enough money to meaningfully live on his own) and I'm at a small company, the big ones with HR and head quarters are even more like this (add needing DEI classes).
So far I haven't had any exchanges tell me 'The gains you made were perfectly legal but we did some research and found out that you were unpopular in high school or the girls found you weird / non-conformant so you have to return your gains to the exchange otherwise we're forced to take you to court'. If there's any chance that I can make my way without needing to perpetually lick boots and rim or completely sell myself out to conform for conformity's sake (pass shibboleth) I'm jumping on it.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.