jmatucd wrote:
There are good reasons why the Americans rebelled against your dictatorship
The american revolution almost never got off the ground, there was a great deal of support in the colonies for the british monarchy circa mid 18th century.
Your government was born in weakness, and ours in strength. We have a much better hand to play.
Socialism has always arisen when the rich and poweful get to big for their own good. In that sense, socialism always forms in strength, the strength of people rising up to overthrow their oppresors. Communist ideas originated during the darkest days of the 1840's when famine was running through out europe and people were dying left and right from exposure and starvation, and no one who could do anything about it gave a crap.
The big misconception conservatives have, and have done a good job pushing is that socialist forms of governement are inheritly evil and oppresive. That's purely false and designed to incite fear amongst people. So called "communist" countries are nothing more than totalitarian or authoritarian countries. It's been the implementation of socialism where things have always gone wrong.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...