thatrsdude wrote:
Being vegetarian doesn't make you less of a murderer, you just don't support those who are. Once an animal's dead, it doesn't make any difference if you eat it or not. I have nothing against vegetarians as long as they don't force their beliefs onto me, and I've never met any that have. You don't like it, don't eat it. But animals eat other animals, so why is it any different if we eat them? But that's just my opinion.
Yeh im not saying its wrong to NOT be vegetarian (if i was then that wood make me kinda a hipocrit, cos im not - there just woodnt be enough that i coud eet if i was) but im just saying its a bit ridiculous to say that its wrong to BE a vegitarian. And no, ive never met a vegitarian whose tried to force there beliefs on me eether. I think the only case where thats probably ever happened, is fundamentalists of religions that vegetarianism is part of
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