MrMark wrote:
Johnnie wrote:
I understand what a surplus means...
Well, clearly you don't. Go take a course in economics.
Just because somebody told you what to think doesn't change the fact the country hasn't had a sulplus as long as I've been alive.
Using your logic if you went grocery shopping on friday and could only afford enough food for 4 days instead of 7, you would have a surplus of food for 3 days
on the 4th day you would have enough to eat and after that nothing to eat.
You can't see past a time block like most people who live paycheck to paycheck or base their spending on their monthly income. A 1 year block of time is not really much different than a 1 week block of time or a 1 month block of time. You are limiting your thinking to a fixed block of time because that is what you have been trained to do.
Bill Gates has a surplus, has more than enough money to last a life time so can give some away because it's extra money, he has a surplus of money.
Go take a course in economics
I could have used one at 10 years old, but was in the hands of a dysfunctional school system run by bimbo's, so figuired it out on my own and retired at 45
How's your net worth doing, must be great considering you have the financial skills to run a country.