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06 Jan 2006, 7:29 pm

Here is what I found on Kansas School Board.


Rationale of the State Board for Adopting these Science Curriculum Standards

We believe in the best interest of educating Kansas students that all students have a good working knowledge of science: particularly what defines good science, how science moves forward, what holds science back, and how to critically analyze the conclusions that scientists make.

Regarding scientific theory of biological evolution, the curriculum standards call for students to learn about the best evidence for modern evolutionary theory, but also to learn about areas where scientists are raising scientific criticisms of the theory. These curriculum standards reflect the Board's objective of: 1) to help students understand the full range of scientific views that exists on this topic, 2) to enhance critical thinking and the understanding of the scientific method by encouraging students to study different and opposing scientific evidence, and 3) to ensure that science education in our state is "secular, neutral, and non-ideological."

From the testimony and submissions we have received, we are aware that the study and discussion of the origin and development of life may raise deep personal and philosophical questions for many people on all sides of the debate. But as interesting as these personal questions maybe, the personal questions are not covered by these curriculum standards nor are they the basis for the Board's action in this area.

Evolution is accepted by many scientists but questioned by some. The Board has heard credible scientific testimony that indeed there are significant debates about the evidence for key aspects of chemical and biological evolutionary theory. All scientific theories should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered. We therefore think it is important and appropriate for students to know about these scientific debates and for the Science Curriculum Standards to include information about them. In choosing this approach to the science curriculum standards, we are encouraged by similar approach taken by other states, whose new science standards incorporate scientific criticisms into the science curriculum that describes the scientific case for the theory of evolution.

We also emphasize that the Science Curriculum Standards do not include Intelligent Design, the scientific disagreement with the claim of many evolutionary biologists that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion. While the testimony presented at the science hearings included many advocates of Intelligent Design, these standards neither mandate nor prohibit teaching about this scientific disagreement.

Finally, we would like to thank the Science Curriculum Standards Committee for their commitment and dedication in their work towards the standards.

See the Kansas School Board does not make Intelligent Design the Standard for any teacher to have to teach nor in the end it neither prohibits it teaching either.

That is what should have been the debate.

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08 Jan 2006, 3:29 am

Can you remind me of the statements in the original bible regarding the location of earth please Kevv?
No I don't have it on me and I don't know what they are.
I do remember specifically that Netwon, Gallileo and Copernicus made statements directly against the church at that time. I think it is something to do with earth being in the Centre of the universe. Now the "counter-revoltution" has progressed to a point where it is making one final stand against Charles Darwin.

What Scientific theories do you like Kevv?

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08 Jan 2006, 5:13 am


There is truly nothing I can find in the Bible that states where the earth is or at than this that God created the Heavens and the Earth as it is written in Genesis chapter 1 and 2.

I think Galileo and the others where showing the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way instead.

I like Scientific theories that are simple to understand if possible which is not too many if any. Though I try to understand them all. I am trying to Understand String Theory and such theories like that.

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09 Jan 2006, 3:33 am

kevv729 wrote:

There is truly nothing I can find in the Bible that states where the earth is or at than this that God created the Heavens and the Earth as it is written in Genesis chapter 1 and 2.

I think Galileo and the others where showing the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way instead.

I like Scientific theories that are simple to understand if possible which is not too many if any. Though I try to understand them all. I am trying to Understand String Theory and such theories like that.

Many scientists are trying to understand it as well.

For Gallileo's sake and every other scientists reputation, religion should embrace new knowledge rather then trying to attack the person. The Catholic church has learned its lesson.

Now I will display my intentions.
What do you believe in and what do you know Kev?
I don't know what it means to believe in something but I know when I have found the probable truth.

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09 Jan 2006, 5:49 am


You are right We all should embrace new and even old knowledge in science even in religion together without attacking each other in the end.

I believe in a God that did create all in one way or another even by letting it to happen. So I believe in Creation but the Earth as being as old as science believes how old the Earth is in the end. God may have let Us evolve in some way to Our present form or God may have let Satan loose on the Earth then to allow him to create the other Homo groups of beings then. Maybe Science can explain it one way this has become My way of seeing what I see in the end. It to Me had to take some being (God) to what share what in this universe is all about. Whenever God created Us that God created Us in His Image and Likeness and Drive to Understand what is around Us in the end. He like Us are Thinking Beings and that what Drives Us to try to Understand Who We are and What We are in the end. We know live in a Time of Great and Expanding Knowledge but what do We truly do with it in the end. We are always trying to Learn but We keep making the same type of Mistakes over and over in the end. Many may say that Science can enlighten Us but We are just beginning in this Understanding and have a long ways to go to truly Understand what is around Us and even to Understand even Ourselves (Humankind) in the end. Mankind Lives in a interesting time for Humankind truly a being of such Knowledge and Understanding of Who We are and What We are in the end. Since I believe in a God He is also apart of Us and We are apart of Him. He Share His Greatest gift LIFE and with LIFE as such a gift that has been given to Us even with Our flaws this what truly makes Us Who We are in the end. God is the greatest Scientist in the Universe I beleive. God Share Life with Us and We have done truly nothing to Deserve it in the end. I think Mankind has just and keep on Rebelling against it all with not truly Understanding what has been done for Us in the end. We take so much for granted We think to Highly of Ourselves as a People as Humans that We truly will never Understand the Knowledge Of LIFE and what LIFE is and what LIFE truly means for all of Us in the end. Mankind has great potential and yet in the end We waste it in the end for sure.

Come on My children lets All get Along Okay.