DentArthurDent wrote:
ARRRGH how I hate this simplistic garbage, in this day and age are we really still replacing 'I dont know' with 'God'.
Just one question, if the big bang theory (and I admit that I have trouble getting my head around it) is so implausible because something comes from nothing, please someone that agrees with this presentation explain where god came from. And no, in the context of this presentation he has always been will not cut it.
My reasoning is.. first.. I would drop the symbolism..
Then we can think in terms of energy.. rather than God..
That energy has always existed,.
I find the two are interchangable.
To speak in comparisons..
At night.. while sleeping.. we become unconscious..
Metaphorically speaking.. we slip into neutral gear.
A state of paradox.. we exist.. as a physical presence.. and yet while unconscious.. our experience is.. we don’t exist at all.
All conscious information ceases.. that is.. until we begin dreaming.
It’s like a mini “death” state.. we go though every night.
The same can be said for energy,
When.. it is in “neutral gear”.. its energy is potential.. and in this sense.. we can say… it doesn’t exist..
In the same way as we experience "not existing".. while unconscious.
Yet the potential does exist.. in both cases.
Now.. if we make a switch.. and call energy…. “God”.. again.
Then we have.. That which has always existed.. and always will.. which is an idea.. represented by a symbol.
So.. there is nothing to be created..
Nor anything which can be destroyed.
Just a paradox… something that both exists… yet doesn’t.
Anyway.. that's how I go about understanding it..
“The distinction between natural and supernatural, in fact, broke down; and when it had done so, the burden of intolerable strangeness which this universe imposes on us by dividing it into two halves and encouraging the mind never to think of both in the same context. What price we may have paid for this comfort in the way of false security and accepted confusion of the thought is another matter.”
C.S Lewis