slowmutant wrote:
Magnus wrote:
Doubt is the constant companion of faith. Faith is a virtue. It's a higher level of human cognition. You should have offered that earlier, Magnus.
Gollum and Frodo.
I got it, I got it, I got it ! !!
Both are necessary to destroy the illusion/delusion of objective knowledge/wisdom, the ring, with which believe that one can know/see everything without being "seen"/part of the picture oneself.
Frodo, "mine not to reason why; mine just to do or die", is faith.
Gollum, obsessed, but finally disappointed by, the knowledge that he thinks he will find in the darkness under the mountains, is doubt.
Gollum essential at the end, to do what faith/Frodo can't quite do alone, because has become too attached to the ring/delusion of "perfect" objective knowledge.
Just two weeks ago it was doubt that enabled me to work out what faith is, what purpose it serves. And since then faith is enabling me to do something I've been trying and failing to do for almost 20 years, when doubt/questioning was all that "counted".
Definitely companions.
Both of them essential for wisdom. ( either of them without the other; pretty insupportable!)
Last edited by ouinon on 16 Oct 2008, 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.