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22 Apr 2009, 6:39 am

Shadowgirl wrote:
I'm with you there. Abortion is murder and a horrible sin against God.

So I can assume you are just as vehemently against...

- Any war fought ever
- The death penalty
- Those that would bomb abortion clinics
- Hunting
- Eating meat
- The United States
- The drug war
- Christianity
- Money
- Opponents of gay marriage

Because if you're saying that life is precious, and should be protected at all costs, you should be against every single one of the things I listed. If you aren't, you're just picking and choosing, which makes you full of ****.

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22 Apr 2009, 6:44 am

Shadowgirl wrote:
Sand wrote:
Shadowgirl wrote:
Sand wrote:
Shadowgirl wrote:
I'm with you there. Abortion is murder and a horrible sin against God.

It really is amazing how many people who are afraid of offending God when His punishments are always carried out by people. People scare the hell out of me but God is an imaginary bad tempered clown.

Hey now that's blasphemy.

Why, thank you. I'd hope so. No lightning bolt so far.

Don't need a lighting bolt you know? Your life will reflect it later if you don't repent.
The devil uses those tricks on you people which makes me sad that you listen to the father of lies.
I'll pray for people like you to see the light and the truth one day.

This is where I call you an arrogant (some four letter word). Do you not see the glaring discrepancy in the words coming out of your mouth and your tone?

"Oh it's cool guys, you'll burn in hell is all."

I'm agnostic, but I'm about as close to positive as I can get that there is no such thing as the Devil, Heaven, or Hell (it's just absurd). But feel free depriving yourself of valuable life experiences in the name of that sweet afterlife.


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22 Apr 2009, 9:00 am


I am not, as some claim,
A local resident. Many provinces
Less obscure than this, in this game,
Require my attention.

You have been, to put it mildly,
Less than kind to my last representative.
Your proclivities vary wildly
From being rather clever, as a species,
To behaving with incredible stupidity.
You cannot even properly dispose of your own feces.
Your planet was unusually abundant
In everything to help you do well,
But your slavery to your own fertility
Is rapidly sending it to hell.
In one respect, you have improved.
A larger part of your population
Has realized I am not behooved
You spend your time to kiss my ass.
But, otherwise, you stay benighted.
Your appetite for cruelty is undiminished.
Your greed, taste for blood...I'm undelighted.


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22 Apr 2009, 11:16 am

Shadowgirl wrote:
Don't need a lighting bolt you know? Your life will reflect it later if you don't repent.
The devil uses those tricks on you people which makes me sad that you listen to the father of lies.
I'll pray for people like you to see the light and the truth one day.

You do know that there are a lot of non-christians on this forum right? You can talk about god all you want, it won't apply to our views of abortion. Abortion is a personal choice of the woman, not some invisible man that may not exist.

Humans are intelligent, but that doesn't make them smart.

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22 Apr 2009, 12:36 pm

What I find interesting is the lack of standards for applying religious judgement on the subject.

#1 Most christians find abortion morally wrong.
#2 Many christians find the morning after pregnancy prevention pill morally wrong. It can flush out a recently fertilized egg.
#3 Many christians find in vitro fertilzation perfectly fine and "pro family. But there are hundreds of thousands of these frozen embryos and they often get destroyed or go to research after a successful pregnancy.

Both #2 and #3 involve some fertilized eggs being prevented from implanting correctly (or intentionally discarded) in the mother. Yet you'll often have religious people making different judgements on them.

Politically, it would be very damaging for the anti-abortion movement to go after #3 because they'd be splintering their own "pro-family" coalition.


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22 Apr 2009, 2:02 pm

vibratetogether wrote:
Shadowgirl wrote:
I'm with you there. Abortion is murder and a horrible sin against God.

So I can assume you are just as vehemently against...

- Any war fought ever
- The death penalty
- Those that would bomb abortion clinics
- Hunting
- Eating meat
- The United States
- The drug war
- Christianity
- Money
- Opponents of gay marriage

Because if you're saying that life is precious, and should be protected at all costs, you should be against every single one of the things I listed. If you aren't, you're just picking and choosing, which makes you full of ****.

Unfortunately, christians are People and cherry picking moral values is WHAT people do!

And Shadowgirl: believe what you want but preaching will get you nowhere with those of us here who dont share your beliefs. Gods existence is NON-falsifiable and invoking God in arguments does NOT prove your point. What really bothers the sh*t out of me is the fact that christian fundamentalists are more concerned with well being of unborn children than they are with children who are already born! That combined with the fact that there ARE anti-abortion atheists suggests that these christian opponents of abortion have an agenda that they're using religion to justify.


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22 Apr 2009, 2:12 pm

Haliphron wrote:
vibratetogether wrote:
Shadowgirl wrote:
I'm with you there. Abortion is murder and a horrible sin against God.

So I can assume you are just as vehemently against...

- Any war fought ever
- The death penalty
- Those that would bomb abortion clinics
- Hunting
- Eating meat
- The United States
- The drug war
- Christianity
- Money
- Opponents of gay marriage

Because if you're saying that life is precious, and should be protected at all costs, you should be against every single one of the things I listed. If you aren't, you're just picking and choosing, which makes you full of ****.

Unfortunately, christians are People and cherry picking moral values is WHAT people do!

And Shadowgirl: believe what you want but preaching will get you nowhere with those of us here who dont share your beliefs. Gods existence is NON-falsifiable and invoking God in arguments does NOT prove your point. What really bothers the sh*t out of me is the fact that christian fundamentalists are more concerned with well being of unborn children than they are with children who are already born! That combined with the fact that there ARE anti-abortion atheists suggests that these christian opponents of abortion have an agenda that they're using religion to justify.

But that's the agenda of all religions. When you stick your fingers up God's ass and pull the strings that make His jaw move in time to your words, nobody can argue with Him because those are God's words.

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25 Apr 2009, 9:11 am

ok boots your'e saying women should keep their legs shut. remember you live in GLASGOW!! !! ! have you ever been to the town. go to silver or the catty and all you have to do is tilt your head 2 degrees and you can see the full lot. no offence to women but that is honestly what its like.

Cheesy Dance Tunes FTW


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25 Apr 2009, 9:53 am

vibratetogether wrote:
Shadowgirl wrote:
I'm with you there. Abortion is murder and a horrible sin against God.

So I can assume you are just as vehemently against...

- Any war fought ever

Not every war is an offensive war. Are you saying that being against murder means that someone is a pacifist?

- The death penalty

They are not remotely the same thing. Those who get the death penalty earn it -- aborted fetuses haven't done anything wrong yet.

You can argue that the death penalty is unevenly applied and that other punishments are more appropriate and less final -- but that is another argument.

- Those that would bomb abortion clinics

You got this one right.

You do realize that the vast majority of pro-lifers agree with you on this point, right?

- Hunting

Killing animals =/= killing humans.

- Eating meat

Killing animals =/= killing humans.

- The United States

8O Why are you equating the US with murder? And why do you assume that this idea is so non-controversial that there can be no disagreement with it?

- The drug war

That's law enforcement, not murder. In any case, if you think that the "drug war" is being fought improperly, that's another argument. You can't just assume that everyone will automatically agree with you on this, even if you have good arguments for your position.

- Christianity

8O 8O 8O
Given that "thou shalt not murder" is a Christian commandment, how can you pretend that saying this makes any sense whatsoever?

- Money

8O 8O
Would you mind trying to make sense?

- Opponents of gay marriage

8O 8O
What does opposing gay marriage have to do with murder in any way whatsoever?

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton


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25 Apr 2009, 10:08 am

Pogue wrote:
What I find interesting is the lack of standards for applying religious judgement on the subject.

#1 Most christians find abortion morally wrong.
#2 Many christians find the morning after pregnancy prevention pill morally wrong. It can flush out a recently fertilized egg.
#3 Many christians find in vitro fertilzation perfectly fine and "pro family. But there are hundreds of thousands of these frozen embryos and they often get destroyed or go to research after a successful pregnancy.

Both #2 and #3 involve some fertilized eggs being prevented from implanting correctly (or intentionally discarded) in the mother. Yet you'll often have religious people making different judgements on them.

Politically, it would be very damaging for the anti-abortion movement to go after #3 because they'd be splintering their own "pro-family" coalition.

I find #3 quite doubtful. Many Christians hold to an interpretation that fertilized eggs are people, in which case any in vitro procedure in which they were discarded would be as bad as several abortions. Those who don't hold this interpretation might reasonably support it, but it's hard to see why they wouldn't adopt instead. From a Christian perspective, adoption solves the infertility problem much more neatly. Not only do you get a kid, but the kid gets parents.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton


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25 Apr 2009, 10:29 am

Abortion is a natural thing... It's been around longer than we have. Animals abort their offspring by murdering them soon after birth. It is still an abortion, the refusal to give support to offspring at that time and looking after themselves.

For those who say we aren't animals, they are wrong. For if this was true, we wouldn't have the instinct to mate, socialise, enjoy sports (an advanced version of hunting) Animals learn, after all, we can teach them stuff. They learn, they know. Although we may not be able to translate how something works, humans and animals are not different. They hunt, we hunt, they eat, we eat. The list goes on.

Ever heard the strong are favoured over the weak?

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25 Apr 2009, 10:33 am

I'll try and respond, but understand that we're looking at these issues through the "sanctity of life" filter. Not necessarily the greater good, but the sanctity of life, all life.

Not every war is an offensive war. Are you saying that being against murder means that someone is a pacifist?

You and me might agree that abortion serves a greater good, just as we might agree that certain wars are necessary, but the pro-lifers claim that every life is precious, it would not be a far stretch to see war as the greatest waste of life.

They are not remotely the same thing. Those who get the death penalty earn it -- aborted fetuses haven't done anything wrong yet.

Well, I personally take offense to the phrase "earn". Even as an agnostic, I don't feel it is our place to judge others in such a manner. As for the sanctity of life angle, if life is precious, all life is precious, even the life of someone who has performed the most despicable deeds.

You do realize that the vast majority of pro-lifers agree with you on this point, right?

This is likely true, but those who are incredibly vocal of their pro-life views, as opposed to merely holding the viewpoint, I can see them being sympathetic to the bombers.

Killing animals =/= killing humans.

We're not qualifying what life is sacred. If life is sacred, all life is sacred, especially in any semi-conscious form. A cow is one of God's creatures, amirite? Personally, I understand the natural inclination to put humans over other species, because we are humans, and it's a survival of the species sort of thing. However, from a philosophical viewpoint, I think it's rather arrogant to value human life over animal life.

Why are you equating the US with murder? And why do you assume that this idea is so non-controversial that there can be no disagreement with it?

Any objective view of the history of the United States would conclude that we have done some of the greatest evil in this world. Much of the world stays poor because of us. I could go on to simply say "Vietnam" or "Iraq", and feel that I've made my point well enough.

That's law enforcement, not murder. In any case, if you think that the "drug war" is being fought improperly, that's another argument. You can't just assume that everyone will automatically agree with you on this, even if you have good arguments for your position.

The drug war ruins lives, and yes, it is the cause of thousands (very conservative estimate) of pointless deaths.

Given that "thou shalt not murder" is a Christian commandment, how can you pretend that saying this makes any sense whatsoever?

Just as I love the principles of America, but recognize the evil that she has done, I have great respect for some of the moral underpinnings of Christianity while at the same time recognizing that the historical result of this religion has been immense human suffering.

Would you mind trying to make sense?

I'm making a lot of sense. Money is the root of all evil. It is greed that cause much of the conflict in the world.

What does opposing gay marriage have to do with murder in any way whatsoever?

Nothing to do with murder, but much to do with valuing life. Even if you think homosexuals are "icky" or have a hard-on for Christian monogamy, I think that if you value life, merely the existence of stable families to lovingly raise children should be enough to get you on board. The massive number of foster children that need homes is horrible, and standing in the way of them being placed in loving families is incredibly evil, imo. I know I'm mixing gay marriage and gay adoption, but I think they go hand in hand.


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25 Apr 2009, 1:03 pm

vibratetogether wrote:
I'll try and respond, but understand that we're looking at these issues through the "sanctity of life" filter. Not necessarily the greater good, but the sanctity of life, all life.


You and me might agree that abortion serves a greater good,

I would not agree with that.

Well, I personally take offense to the phrase "earn". Even as an agnostic, I don't feel it is our place to judge others in such a manner. As for the sanctity of life angle, if life is precious, all life is precious, even the life of someone who has performed the most despicable deeds.

You have to do more than just cause someone's death to get the death penalty here in the US, so yes they do earn it. And part of the severity of the death sentence is that all life is precious -- thus you can't earn death without doing something terribly evil.

This is likely true, but those who are incredibly vocal of their pro-life views, as opposed to merely holding the viewpoint, I can see them being sympathetic to the bombers.

Having sympathy for someone is totally different from agreeing with them or being like them. You mentioned having sympathy for those, such as serial killers, who get the death penalty. That doesn't make you a serial killer.

We're not qualifying what life is sacred.

You might not consider humans fundamentally different from animals, that doesn't mean that everyone else will agree with you.

just as we might agree that certain wars are necessary, but the pro-lifers claim that every life is precious, it would not be a far stretch to see war as the greatest waste of life.

Any objective view of the history of the United States would conclude that we have done some of the greatest evil in this world. Much of the world stays poor because of us. I could go on to simply say "Vietnam" or "Iraq", and feel that I've made my point well enough.

There have been more or less about a million abortions per year in the US since roe v wade. The best estimates I can find for Iraq war deaths total around 100K - 1M deaths for the entire war. Vietnam had 2.5M - 5M over about 16 years. The rate of death is not worse for these 2 conflicts, although it is for such massive and terrible wars as WWII. On the other hand, WWII lasted only 6 years and then stopped. Abortion isn't stopping. The implication that war is worse than abortion from a pro-life point of view is wrong -- even if we don't consider the potentiality of a just war.

I don't think you can justify saying that the US keeps the rest of the world in poverty, and I don't think an objective view of what the US has done would rank us at the top of a list of terrible deeds. Have you heard of the Holocaust, or the purges under Stalin?

Your argument ignores anything good the US has done, as well as anything bad that any other country in the world has done.

The drug war ruins lives, and yes, it is the cause of thousands (very conservative estimate) of pointless deaths.

Drugs also ruin lives and kill people.

In abortion, you are balancing a life and a convenience, generally speaking. With the drug war, you are balancing many lives against many lives.

I don't want to get too much into the drug war, since I don't have much in the way of either knowledge or opinion on it.

Just as I love the principles of America, but recognize the evil that she has done, I have great respect for some of the moral underpinnings of Christianity while at the same time recognizing that the historical result of this religion has been immense human suffering.

Like any sufficiently large group of people, Christians have been the cause of some suffering. But you ignore the vast amount of good she has done, and any attempt to equate her with murder is simply fallacious.

I'm making a lot of sense. Money is the root of all evil. It is greed that cause much of the conflict in the world.

1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Money isn't bad, it's just a medium of exchange. Greed is bad. I still don't see how opposing abortion translates into supporting greed.

What does opposing gay marriage have to do with murder in any way whatsoever?

Nothing to do with murder, but much to do with valuing life. Even if you think homosexuals are "icky" or have a hard-on for Christian monogamy, I think that if you value life, merely the existence of stable families to lovingly raise children should be enough to get you on board. The massive number of foster children that need homes is horrible, and standing in the way of them being placed in loving families is incredibly evil, imo. I know I'm mixing gay marriage and gay adoption, but I think they go hand in hand.

What is your definition of valuing life, then? Supporting views you happen to agree with?

I have to object to your phraseology here: "Even if you think homosexuals are "icky" or have a hard-on for Christian monogamy". Would you like it if I were to ask you about having a "hard-on" for homosexuals or accused you of thinking Christian ideals on monogamy are "icky"?

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton

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26 Apr 2009, 11:07 am

Ancalagon wrote:
I find #3 quite doubtful. Many Christians hold to an interpretation that fertilized eggs are people, in which case any in vitro procedure in which they were discarded would be as bad as several abortions. Those who don't hold this interpretation might reasonably support it, but it's hard to see why they wouldn't adopt instead. From a Christian perspective, adoption solves the infertility problem much more neatly. Not only do you get a kid, but the kid gets parents.

A harris poll in 2007 found 76% of americans support in vitro. If you have 80% of americans identifying as christian then you certainly have "many" christians who support it. You might even find a majority, I dont know.

It's a disconnect because to many people in vitro is "pro family" and they dont take it much further than that. Of course, nature aborts as many as half of fertilized eggs before they implant and the US government itself defines pregnancy as a successful implantation but christians often see fertilization as the standard. Its a mixed message from christians.


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26 Apr 2009, 11:49 am

I remember when it was called 'test tube babies' and considered an abomination by playing God. Strange how quickly views can change.

Last edited by claire-333 on 26 Apr 2009, 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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26 Apr 2009, 11:55 am

Pogue wrote:
A harris poll in 2007 found 76% of americans support in vitro. If you have 80% of americans identifying as christian then you certainly have "many" christians who support it. You might even find a majority, I dont know.

It's a disconnect because to many people in vitro is "pro family" and they dont take it much further than that. Of course, nature aborts as many as half of fertilized eggs before they implant and the US government itself defines pregnancy as a successful implantation but christians often see fertilization as the standard. Its a mixed message from christians.

I think it's more likely that few know anything about the details of in vitro fertilization. There's also somewhat of a spectrum of views about abortion, many more see a 9 month old fetus as a person than see a fertilized egg as one.

I doubt highly that anywhere near all of the 80% self-identifying christians take it seriously enough to base their opinion of abortion and/or in vitro on it.

I don't think there is a serious discrepancy here, and what discrepancy there is is probably mostly based on ignorance (although there is the possibility of some theorizing that God imbues souls on implantation as well).

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton