z0rp wrote:
Accelerator, Correct me if I'm wrong, but basically what you're saying is that scripture isn't meant to be taken literately but you enjoy reading it, as you do Greek mythology.
Sorry so slow to respond.. I thought yours was a good post.. well worth getting back to.. but I seem to be over-subscribed to too many topics at the moment.
I haven’t read Greek myths since I was a kid.. so I don’t remember them that well anymore..
I enjoy scripture.. because I can relate to what it is saying.. which in short is.. the system we presently live under stinks. Our leaders are mostly acting like fools.. our system of justice is often unfair.. and biased towards the rich and powerful.. and organized religion is a con-trick that is being run like a business.. and is not even necessary.
However.. I try to take into account that atheists don’t believe any of this........... do they..?
A great deal of organized Christianity has little.. or nothing.. to do with the bible.. apart from that the book is against what they say and practice.
Try asking a Christian.. “What does the bible say that is good about organized religion.?”
If they are honest.. they can only reply.. “Nothing”
z0rp wrote:
If that's the case I couldn't agree more, although the reason I have to use the title Atheist is because in this world there literately are people out there who do take these stories literately and it's frightening.
I can sympathize that in the States religious fundies are more in your face.. which causes a back-lash of atheism..
This is why the bible was written.. to tear down organized religion.. and its unrealistic beliefs and practices.. which still continue down to this day..
So it is safe to say.. “God is on your side”.. (the atheists).. in this sense.
In Europe we don’t see signs of O.R so much. The British are not very interested in organized religion.. our churches are almost empty.. and are being closed down. In the Netherlands.. it is rare to encounter a religious fundie as well. This seems to be more of an American problem….… All I can say is… God help you....
z0rp wrote:
To me it is frightening to see people arguing about whether Santa, Yahweh or Zeus existed, it's pure stupidity if not just ignorance. I don't feel anyone should actually take old stories and myths as literal fact. But as you asked, is it rational to say you disbelieve in Mercury the Messenger, well technically yes but it's silly to actually say such a thing. But still many people take it as a serious topic and even might be offended if you suggest debating their view.
This why I am an anti-theist.. and why I am in disagreement with both theism.. and atheism.. because they are both disputing.. seriously.. whether mythological figures existed or not.
It sounds very strange.. to me.. to hear people saying they either believe.. or disbelieve.. gods exist.. in our time.
In the bible the writers speak of a knowledge of God.. not a belief that God exists..
They then go on to define God as being the spirit of loving kindness.. righteousness.. justice.. peace.. wisdom.. truth and freedom.. which is clearly a spirit that exists in human hearts and minds.......... not a deity.
In Buddhism the god concept is done away with altogether.. while in the bible.. it gets artfully redefined to being a spirit inside mankind…
We all have good and bad in us.. and the writers choose to express this using symbols.. like God.. and Devil. Our good and bad deeds “create us”.. they make us into the person we are.
Basically Buddhism and the bible say the same thing.. but in a different way.
As for the fundie christians being mad..
Most people are mad in one way or another.. it is impossible to live in this world and remain sane for long.
The way we are destroying our environment is madness.
The way we elect strangers to act like gods and to rule our lives is madness.
The fact that people go around attacking each other is madness.
And spending every day posting on WP is madness..
Need I continue.. ?
Everyone is mad in their own way..
If people are offended by hearing what is true.. then that is their problem..
“Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended, for the
taking of offence is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.”
Ecclesiastes 7:9
z0rp wrote:
I'm an Atheist because I believe these stories shouldn't be taken literately as most who read them do.
Which is the point I’m making when I – provocatively maybe - claim the bible was written by atheists..
According to the definitions of an “atheist” given here.. this is true.
The writers themselves make it clear that the bible stories are symbolic.. cryptic riddles.. and have nothing to do with supernatural events (miracles).. or beings. One just needs to read carefully.
Many Christians seem to have poor reading comprehension though.. There are many who read the stories of Abraham.. Moses.. and Jesus.. as if they were history.. which is a grievous error.
They are symbolic accounts.. of what occurred spiritually.. meaning.. inside hearts and minds.
“For example, it is written that Abraham acquired two sons, one by the servant girl and one by the free woman; but the one born by the servant girl was actually born in the manner of the flesh, the other by the free woman through a promise.
These things stand for a symbolic drama; for these two women mean two covenants, the one from Mount Si'nai, which brings forth children for slavery, and which is Ha'gar. Now this Ha'gar means Si'nai, a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the world today, for she is in slavery. But the world above is free and she is our mother.”
Galatians 4:21