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16 Dec 2008, 6:14 pm

^^as long as it is done properly (i.e. trying to make the well-off, intelligent people to procreate more and the dysfunctional, pathological ones to abstain from procreating)

not a bug - a feature.


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16 Dec 2008, 11:33 pm

slowmutant wrote:
Or is the suggestion only viable when your sex gets the cream and utterly untenable when it is suggested that your own entire sex should be relegated to second class?

It isn't gender equality you want, it's gender reversal. Feminizing men and masculinizing women. Why is it that when women claim to hate men, they end up becoming more like men?

You are completely wrong about what I want, and wasting your time in any attempt to convince me you know my wants better than I do.
I do not want to be masculinized, conforming to some benchmark set by some other gender/sex is not my notion of equality. It's not up to me to dictate the 'feminine/masculine' qualities or ratios in men/males, that is up to individual men/males to decide for themselves.
I have never claimed that I hate men. I've no idea what this gable about becoming 'more like men' is on about.
Ounion wrote:
So would you agree that capitalism, industrialisation/new technology, political/philosophical thought in Europe, and the destabilisation of religion, all contributed to measures which wherever they spread to, or were applied, have turned out to be the most effective brakes on population growth rates, ( other than war or disease )? ie. women's control over their own bodies and thus of reproduction.

I not agree with the above statement.
Do you have figures for that?

Not to hand, I also do not have figures for an increased ratio of urban to country dwellers as industrialisation progressed, nor figures to hand proving there is an AIDs epidemic in African continent. Victorian England experienced a rise in population growth at a time when literacy was higher than ever. Do you doubt the high population growth during Victoria's reign or that the rate of literacy was higher than at any previous time in British history? I'm not going to go find figures for these things, they are common knowledge. If you doubt them, I welcome you to check them for yourself.
There is a prevalent myth, in our technological society, that birth control technology came to us with modern medicine. This is far from the truth, as modern medicine did almost nothing prior to the 1950's to improve on birth control devices that were literally more than a millenium old. It is important to look at this heritage if we are to understand the birth control movement. ...

Women rarely had a formal or absolute right to decide unilaterally when to bear children.

What has this to do with anything? If you honestly believe this means the kind of birth control we are referring to could exist in the absence of the technology to produce them, that's not something I know how to discuss sensibly.
Just because it seems unlikely not to have occurred given the situation, ( which is in fact exactly my point ), does not mean that feminist demands were not, are not, the system's own check on population growth rates, which were inherent in the changes themselves, ( whether technological, economic/financial, religious, etc), right from the start.

The fact that there is no reason whatsoever that I can see that this would be plausible or possible might have some bearing on my doubt.


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16 Dec 2008, 11:44 pm

Magnus wrote:
a short blurb from pandds rant
You posited a premise that requires either that there not have been rampant homosexuality in ancient Greece, or that ancient Greece was a hot-spot of feminism and/or female equality. I posted comments that posit that neither of these conditions are met (and hence your premise is factually incorrect). Whatever has jealously got to do with any of that?

Either you didn't read my post or didn't understand it.

I understand cause and effect. You cited feminism as the cause of increased homosexuality. That homosexuality was more widely practiced in some society or other where feminism was not widely practiced at all, provides a real-world counter-evidence of such a causal correlation. It's not the only one. Some of the most gender stratified and oppressive of women societies in the world practice universal male homosexuality. Such real-world examples and facts are inconsistent with your assertion that feminism is the cause of homosexuality.
I didn't say that there was not rampant homosexuality in ancient Greece. Females didn't seek equality with males because they served different roles and appreciated one another.

No feminism, plenty of homosexuality. This does not support your premise that homosexuality is caused by feminism.
Also, humans resemble the common chimp much more so than the bonobo.

Not sexually (as I described).
Bonobos aren't as matriarchal as once believed. The females use sex to subdue male aggression. They submit to the males.

Er, no they manage the males.
The culture is much more harmonious than the common chimp who adhere to a hierarchy under the alpha male. They engage in war which is more like humans and also hunt. Bonobos do not hunt nor are they interested in the social structure of hierarchy.

Not interested in social structure hierarchy? :roll:

Bonobos are also bisexual. Common chimps rarely engage in homosexual sex because it is tabboo with them just like incest.
When they do engage in the act it is fast and sort of violent.

As I have already described, bonobo sexual behavior is more similar to ours than ours is to the common chimp.


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17 Dec 2008, 4:13 am

pandd, how much have you read on chimpanzees? Humans are not more like the bononbo, although I wish we were. Humans are aggressive and live in a hierarchy. Bonobos have a very loose social structure. They are peaceful because the females submit to all males, not just the alphas.

You don't understand the difference between men preferring men over free bisexuality practices in more equal societies. Go get a book and read about bonobos and the sexual practices of men and women in ancient Greece. I'd hardly say that homosexuality in countries that are culturally patriarchal view it the same way more matriarchal societies do. I never said homosexuality was caused by feminism. Re read my post.
I simply questioned whether feminazis make women less attractive to males and so men now prefer exclusive relationships with other men so they don't have to deal with whiny, power hungry b*****s. :lol:

As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.


Last edited by Magnus on 17 Dec 2008, 4:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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17 Dec 2008, 4:14 am

greenblue wrote:
Feminism could have played a small role into population control, although that is a speculation from my part. I mean, the issue is that women don't have to get married if they don't want to, they don't have to have kids if they don't want to, the increase of independent women may have a bit to do with it, however, even if that is so, I don't see nothing wrong with population control, anyway, rather a good thing, or am I missing something?

I also think that humane, non-violent, non-eugenics-based population control is a good thing. But some responses on this thread are making me wonder if it is actually more threatening to ( some ) people than feminism, ( which seems pretty weird/incomprehensible to me, seeing how overpopulation is a real problem ).

I think that reduction in population growth rate is brilliant, just what we need, and yet apparently it is a heresy, ( a slur on feminism or something ), to associate feminist politics with such a phenomenon. :? 8O :?

It seems totally obvious to me that women being increasingly in control over their own bodies has had a huge effect on population growth rates ( reducing them wherever feminist principles have got a toe hold ).

Last edited by ouinon on 17 Dec 2008, 1:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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17 Dec 2008, 4:23 am

pandd wrote:
Victorian England experienced a rise in population growth at a time when literacy was higher than ever. Do you doubt the high population growth during Victoria's reign or that the rate of literacy was higher than at any previous time in British history? I'm not going to go find figures for these things, they are common knowledge.


It was women's reproductive and sexual rights, ( as opposed to "welfare", which did not give them equality ), radical feminism, ( women being in charge of their own bodies and therefore of reproduction ), which turned the tide. And those didn't come along until the end of the century.


Last edited by ouinon on 17 Dec 2008, 6:14 am, edited 3 times in total.


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17 Dec 2008, 4:28 am

I'm not at all surprised about the numbers of women with less of a libido. After a hard day's work (in or out of the home) and being all touched-out from contact with the kiddos, at times it is difficult to view sex as enjoyable. Sure, it feels good but a lot of times it seems like one more thing on the daily to-do list.

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17 Dec 2008, 10:29 am

I disagree.
My teacher is a feminist. She has twelve children although kicked her husband out for cheating on her again. Before she just accepted it, that he would always be 'friends' with his secretary.
I am a feminist. But a feminist in a way that I refuse to be treated any different in human rights than men. We should all have the same choices and the same freedoms. However male and female biology differ and this affects the choices we do make. But this doesn't affect feminism. Feminism has been developing even since the suffragists, before the rise in population growth reached its peak. It was simply woman competing to stop being treated like a different being, like all supressed souls eventually want to do. It goes back to the biblical ages when woman were seen as second class citizens. There was a revolution amoungst the woman and the men were powerless to stop it. :D
I am feminist, and I would love to get married and have kids (although it probibly will never happen due to my AS and I havent found the right man), but not til i'm older of course. I'm only 16.

I'm a girl people!
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17 Dec 2008, 10:55 am

monkees4va wrote:
My teacher is a feminist. She has twelve children


not a bug - a feature.


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17 Dec 2008, 3:22 pm

Magnus wrote:
pandd, how much have you read on chimpanzees?

Not so much as I'd like although often more than others would like, although this is true of anything that interests me.

Humans are not more like the bononbo, although I wish we were.

With regards to sex and sexuality humans are closer to bonobos than to common chimpanzees.
Human and bonobo sexuality are closer to each other than human sexuality is to common chimp sexuality.
Sex for common chimps is restricted by non-receptivity of females outside of specific times in their fertility cycle. Unlike humans and bonobos where the female is biologically receptive at all times.
Chimpanzees predominately engage in sex for reproductive purposes, unlike bonobos and humans where sex has much more social utility.
Male common chimps strive to manage access to females for reproductive purposes, female common chimps do not routinely use sex to manage their social relations, unlike humans and bonobos.
Homosexual activities do not routinely figure in the normal sexual practices individual common chimps seeks out, not so for humans and bonobos.
It follows from the first of these items that human and bonobos are more sexually alike than chimps. The first and second items are very closely related. Common chimpanzees are frankly sexually simple, they screw for reproductive purposes, for both humans and bonobos sex has much greater utility, crucially it has social utility, and sociality is much more complicated than plain old reproductive sex. Common chimps have one dimensional, mono-purpose sex, outside reproduction they do not really have sexuality in the same way bonobos and humans do. Ever heard of common chimpanzees exchanging good for sex as humans and bonobos have been observed to do? Ever heard of common chimps having an orgy as humans and bonobos have been known to do? How often do female chimpanzees get it on with other females? Yet this is far from an unheard of behavior in humans in bonobos.

Humans are aggressive and live in a hierarchy. Bonobos have a very loose social structure. They are peaceful because the females submit to all males, not just the alphas.

Humans are not exceptionally aggressive, in fact we are highly cooperative. Bonobos are not free from conflict. They just happen to also be socially cooperative to a greater extent than common chimpanzees. Like humans, bonobos have more complex and advanced peace-making and social problem solving skills and practices. None the less bonobos (like humans and chimpanzees) are highly competitive. Bonobo society is most certainly not free from all hierarchy, and human societies very often are less attentive to hierarchy than common chimp societies. Females in chimp societies are less socially networked and cooperative, bonobo females more closely resemble the kind of women's knitting circle female politics and networking very commonly found in humans. Especially older bonobo females have established alliances, mess with one, you mess with the group. Male bonobos do not stick together so much as their female counter-parts and hence the females are able to manage them.
You don't understand the difference between men preferring men over free bisexuality practices in more equal societies.

You stated homosexuality was caused by feminism, if you feel you left out some important details then it's up to you to provide those details if you want anyone to accept your argument/premise.

Go get a book and read about bonobos and the sexual practices of men and women in ancient Greece.

Did you have a particular book in mind?
I'd hardly say that homosexuality in countries that are culturally patriarchal view it the same way more matriarchal societies do.

I would hardly say they view it differently. This is probably because I know that there are no known confirmed matriarchal societies among humans so there is no evidence that any matriarchal human society ever had any views to be different or similar to the extant view of some extant human society.
I never said homosexuality was caused by feminism. Re read my post.

I'll do better than merely read them, I'll re-quote them for your benefit.
Maybe feminism is responsible for so many men preferring men now.

All the evidence I am aware supports the view that in ancient Greece more men preferred men to women and there was no feminism. Further in some of the most sexually stratified and male dominated societies known to humans, there is strong evidence of wide-spread preferences amongst males for male-to-male sexual activity. In fact in some of these societies, men are rather nervous about sexual contact with females.

I simply questioned whether feminazis make women less attractive to males and so men now prefer exclusive relationships with other men so they don't have to deal with whiny, power hungry b*****s. :lol:

Er, no, you referred to feminism. Now you are babbling about feminazis. One thing I have noticed is that when sexist males simply want to regress to sexism and inequality for their own self-centered reasons, it soon becomes clear on examination, that their arguments and criticisms are baseless, non-factual and/or inane, and very often from this point (if it did not start there) they devolve to silly name calling, stereotyping, and other crap that only serves to further discredit their arguments.


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17 Dec 2008, 3:51 pm

ouinon wrote:
I also think that humane, non-violent, non-eugenics-based population control is a good thing. But some responses on this thread are making me wonder if it is actually more threatening to ( some ) people than feminism, ( which seems pretty weird/incomprehensible to me, seeing how overpopulation is a real problem ).

Which responses are those? I must not have paid much attention.
I noticed at least one poster seems to feel population growth reduction is negative, but they were not reluctant in any way to associate feminism with it.

I think that reduction in population growth rate is brilliant, just what we need, and yet apparently it is a heresy, ( a slur on feminism or something ), to associate feminist politics with such a phenomenon. :? 8O :?

It seems totally obvious to me that women being increasingly in control over their own bodies has had a huge effect on population growth rates ( reducing them wherever feminist principles have got a toe hold ).

Is someone arguing that feminism is unrelated to population growth, or a cause of it? :?


If you were aware I was correct in stating that without highly reliable and readily accessible birth control, population growth decreases do not correlate so the same way to increases in literacy and education (as the example of Victorian England demonstrates), then why did you ask me if I had any figures on it?
It was women's reproductive and sexual rights, ( as opposed to "welfare", which did not give them equality ), radical feminism, ( women being in charge of their own bodies and therefore of reproduction ), which turned the tide. And those didn't come along until the end of the century.

Really? So in that case, we will not find societies where females are more oppressed than in Victorian England, yet have experienced decreases in population growth corresponding to increases in literacy and education, coupled with the availability and easy access to modern (commercially produced and distributed) contraception? Thinking about some of the modern, extant societies where (unlike in Victorian England) it is unheard of for females to appear in public with their hair visible, or to leave their home without the permission of a male, yet where there have been increases in education and literacy, and modern contraception is accessible, are you certain if I go and check I will not bring back figures demonstrating a decrease in population growth in at least one such society, despite the society being more oppressive to females and female rights than Victorian England?

Can you please explain how if a society stopped oppressing females, experienced increased literacy and education, yet had absolutely no access to contraceptions with the same high reliability as modern commercially produced and distributed contraception, they would reduce their population growth rates? Does everyone just stop having sex (because unlike men, no respectable women and nice girls do not like to do "it") if women are not oppressed and can read and write good?

Are you suggesting that the accessibility of modern commercially produced and distributed contraception is irrelevant to decreases in population growth, because feminism, increased literacy and education, independent of accessible and highly reliable contraception, can alone explain the decreases in population growth to which you refer?


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17 Dec 2008, 4:10 pm

pandd, here is my original post that you hacked up

I think feminism is so backward. I don't understand why women don't embrace their femininity rather than try to act and compete with males.
Perhaps this is what ounion is referring to? Women acting like men is confusing and sets the sexes against each other. There is nothing wrong with a woman staying at home to raise children. I think our society would be better off if we gave more respect to women in their natural role.
Women should be more submissive to men and show some respect. And men should appreciate women as well.

Think about how silly it would be if we lived in a matriarchal society and men decided to establish equal footing by becoming nurturing and taking care of babies at home. Then they started to wear dresses and such. Laughing Maybe feminism is responsible for so many men preferring men now.

We are different. Of course it would be ideal to cultivate both are male and female sides, but until then we should respect each other's differences and roles in society. I bet that if women in the 60's weren't made fun of for being full time moms, they wouldn't have felt the need to go out and prove anything. Of course they shouldn't have let their egos become so fragile that they felt they had to prove something. All they proved was that they spawned a bunch of needy people who now see consumerism as the only source of solace in the deep void that indifferent parents created in their child's hearts.

Bonobos are not more like humans in terms of sexuality. If we were we would have sex with children, females would be screwing all men not just one special one they find, bisexuality would be the norm, and marriage would not exist.

As for your ideas about ancient Greece, Lesbos was a matriarchal island. The word lesbian comes from that. Women were not in power like the men in Greece when bisexuality was acceptable, but they were respected for their natural female role as a mother and nurturer to the family. It was not like modern feminism at all. The sexes did not compete like we do now.

As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.



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17 Dec 2008, 5:15 pm

ouinon wrote:
Sand wrote:
I just wonder why it is assumed that women are not particularly eager about sex.

It is not an assumption. It is such an established fact, ( as I already explained very clearly above ), that huge pharmaceutical companies are planning on making a lot of money out of it.

The sexist attitude, ( which is that men are the norm, against which women are measured ), is that women should/must want sex as often and as much as men, and if they don't they are dysfunctional, so let's give them a pill for it, rather than accepting that 33%-46% of women are very often ... etc, etc, etc, not that interested in sex.

And I still don't see in what way this is relevant to the topic under discussion.

Speak for yourself ouinon. Women are conditioned to pretend like the dont really like sex so that when a woman agrees to have sex with her husband/bf, she makes him think that she's doing him a favor and that he owes her something in return.
Marriage as institution is treated as a business transaction in most societies, AND by conservatives in western countries. Women are taught, possibly by their mothers, to use sex as a form of currency to exchange for material goods from the man. But it does seem like Most aspie women have subnormal sex drives. Biology has shewn that a womans sex drive is more variable than a mans, and that when women are ovulating is when their sexual urges peak. I HAVE noticed however, that there are certain mental abnormalities-mainly personality/mood disorders-such that women afflicted by them have EXTREMELY strong sex drives; sometimes stronger than most men. A good example of this is bipolar disorder; when bipolar women get manic they are notorious for their promiscuity. :P

Last edited by Haliphron on 20 Dec 2008, 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Dec 2008, 7:03 pm

Magnus wrote:
pandd, here is my original post that you hacked up

It is very interesting that you feel such a need to posit inaccurate characterizations on the communication of others, perhaps your case would be more convincing if you put all that wasted effort into arguing it rather than railing against the person arguing it.
I did not hack up your post. You stated that I needed to read your post as though I were inaccurate my description of what you posted, so I posted the relevant statement. Plain and simple. I think that your real objection to being associated with what you actually and quite clearly claimed, is that even you now realize how very contrary to the evidence your suggestion was.

I think feminism is so backward. I don't understand why women don't embrace their femininity rather than try to act and compete with males.
Perhaps this is what ounion is referring to? Women acting like men is confusing and sets the sexes against each other. There is nothing wrong with a woman staying at home to raise children. I think our society would be better off if we gave more respect to women in their natural role.
Women should be more submissive to men and show some respect. And men should appreciate women as well.

Think about how silly it would be if we lived in a matriarchal society and men decided to establish equal footing by becoming nurturing and taking care of babies at home. Then they started to wear dresses and such. Laughing Maybe feminism is responsible for so many men preferring men now.

We are different. Of course it would be ideal to cultivate both are male and female sides, but until then we should respect each other's differences and roles in society. I bet that if women in the 60's weren't made fun of for being full time moms, they wouldn't have felt the need to go out and prove anything. Of course they shouldn't have let their egos become so fragile that they felt they had to prove something. All they proved was that they spawned a bunch of needy people who now see consumerism as the only source of solace in the deep void that indifferent parents created in their child's hearts.

There it is in bold, plain and simple, you are positing feminism as causal of so many men preferring men now, and this is clearly not consistent with the facts, such as the much more wide-spread preference of men for men in ancient Greece and of the wide-spread preference of males for males (over females) even today in some very sexually stratified societies with a complete absence of feminism.

Bonobos are not more like humans in terms of sexuality. If we were we would have sex with children,

It is more common for humans to have sex with pre-sexually reproductive young than it is for chimps. So again another instance of humans being more similar to bonobos than common chimps. The reason for this is because of a similarity I have already cited and pointed to the importance of. Unless you are having sex for some purpose other than reproduction, there is little point to having sex with someone who is not sexually mature ie capable of reproduction. If a species only routinely uses sex for reproduction, why ever would it have sex with children? If a species members routinely engage in non-reproductive sex then it follows that they will not necessarily restrict their sexual engagements to reproductively mature individuals.
females would be screwing all men not just one special one they find,

Do you know what more similar means? Are you aware it does not mean identical? I have stated that humans are more similar in sexual behavior to bonobos than they are to common chimps. Plenty of human females (and males) have sex with more than just one special person they find. In fact there is no culturally universal stereotype for this particular trait in humans, so it is not a trait one can compare to stereotype traits in non-humans. The fact is, at the base there is a major similarity of great importance, (not all details are equally relevant). The reason bonobos are so promiscuous is because unlike chimps, yet just like humans, they pervasively and routinely use sex for non-reproductive purposes.
bisexuality would be the norm, and marriage would not exist.

What rubbish. Bisexuality occurs quite readily among bonobos and humans, far more readily and often than among chimps. As for marriage, do chimps get married? No, so humans are no more different to bonobos than they are to common chimps in this area.

We have many similarities between human and bonobo sexuality and so far you've not come up with a single example of any behavior in this area where we are in fact obviously more similar to common chimps than bonobos, (the best you can do is come up with details where we differ from both these animals), yet you still insist we are not more similar to bonobos in this area than we are to common chimps.

I find your argument unconvincing to put it kindly.
As for your ideas about ancient Greece, Lesbos was a matriarchal island. The word lesbian comes from that.

I am aware of the Lesbos mythos. If you think for a moment that it is relevant, then you need to think a bit harder. The many Greek cities where homosexuality was routinely practiced were not all located on this iconic island were they? And in fact whatever was the case on Lesbos we know that there was no tradition of modern feminism universal to all these city states where male homosexuality was a socially idealized norm. Of course these societies form just one example. I have already stated that yet other examples of societies without anything resembling feminism yet with more pervasive male preferences for males over females exist. How on earth do you think pointing out the (very common knowledge) origins of the word lesbian patches up the obvious factual holes in your theory that these examples demonstrate?

Women were not in power like the men in Greece when bisexuality was acceptable, but they were respected for their natural female role as a mother and nurturer to the family. It was not like modern feminism at all. The sexes did not compete like we do now.

How does that prove that modern feminism is the cause of increased male preference for males? It does not.

Last edited by pandd on 17 Dec 2008, 7:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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17 Dec 2008, 7:23 pm


As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.



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17 Dec 2008, 8:10 pm


Last edited by claire-333 on 24 Dec 2008, 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.