I think the problems aspies face are so vastly different from the problems other minority groups face that it isn't too constructive to try to compare them.
Most significantly, aspies are disliked as individuals, without anybody even considering that they might be part of any group.
The vast majority of the people who dislike aspies have never heard of asperger's, and I've personally been around people who were aware of asperger's who didn't like me any better than anybody else, for the same reason as everybody else.
I doubt if any of the "mental health professionals" who are supposedly knowledgeable about asperger's spend time with aspies when they're not getting paid to.
Sure, the enlightened liberals aren't any better in how they treat us, but neither are the conservatives and the libertarians any better than the liberals. Rednecks or hippies, Unitarians or Pentecostals, urban or rural, it don't matter. Nobody's on our side.
We're just individuals that other individuals don't like, don't trust, and don't consider worthy of respect.
Unfortunately, the same trait's that make aspies unappealing make us less than influential. It's difficult to imagine an aspie equivalent to Martin Luther King, or even the gay or black person that people grudgingly like, and attitudes start to change.
I wish I had some good ideas on how to make things better, but I don't.
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...