twoshots, that is absolutely false. There is not one good reason why something wouldn't become an argument here, and I will debate you to the death over that.
If everything here became an argument, it couldn't be the case that threads ever died because the last statement ever made in a thread would have to have become an argument. It follows that either the last post in each thread is vacuous, or it did not become an argument.
The fact that the last post in each thread is not vacuous is self evident. QED
Or maybe the threads never die, but will all be necroed at the rapture.
RE: eating babies; like you're one to talk.
* here for the nachos.
twoshots, that is absolutely false. There is not one good reason why something wouldn't become an argument here, and I will debate you to the death over that.
If everything here became an argument, it couldn't be the case that threads ever died because the last statement ever made in a thread would have to have become an argument. It follows that either the last post in each thread is vacuous, or it did not become an argument.
The fact that the last post in each thread is not vacuous is self evident. QED
Or maybe the threads never die, but will all be necroed at the rapture.
RE: eating babies; like you're one to talk.
It's the rapture one, you know it is.
RE: eating babies; They taste so good with BBQ sauce!
Hmm... Christian existentialism and open theism. Reminds me of a friend I have. He wants to be a theologian one day, and he likes Kierkegaard and Greg Boyd.
Makes sense not to care though, they are another person's terms. Obviously, in order to work along Christian existentialism it'd be good to get a strong grasp on the existentialist thinkers, such as Soren Kierkegaard, Paul Tillich, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Nikolai Berdyaev, even perhaps some atheist existentialistic thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Max Stirner(I love Max Stirner), Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, etc. Greg Boyd is probably the best source on open theism though, as he is a well-known modern scholar, and considered the best modern open theist by most people I think.
There is nothing wrong with us. Perhaps you should look nearer to home. The people on this forum are generally not poorly educated or gullible people. Perhaps you should pitch your message to those who are stupid or have a low education level; you will get more suckers to swallow your nonsense. Try Texas, from what I've read that place is backwards and full of gullible idiots who would welcome your message.
I've left WP indefinitely.
Yeah, I've got several of those names on my reading list, which is currently backlogged about six months. My sisters and I love Ayn Rand's works as well, but it simply can't be reconciled with Christianity. Great books, though.
I'd say there is nothing wrong with anyone who doesn't launch into personal insults in reply to a non-insulting questions. Attacking people is a moronic way to convince someone you're right. Or don't you notice that you get fired up when it happens?
I generally find what you believe to be a little sad, since atheists have always seemed too scared to make a leap of faith and believe in something that can't be proved. But have I called you stupid, uneducated, gullible, a sucker, backwards, or called what you said nonsense?
Show a little respect, you only insult yourself with this sort of thing. You're doing exactly what all the crazy-ass religious people you hate do.
...from a WP friend's MySpace page:
The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
Makes perfect sense.
I'd say there is nothing wrong with anyone who doesn't launch into personal insults in reply to a non-insulting questions. Attacking people is a moronic way to convince someone you're right. Or don't you notice that you get fired up when it happens?
I generally find what you believe to be a little sad, since atheists have always seemed too scared to make a leap of faith and believe in something that can't be proved. But have I called you stupid, uneducated, gullible, a sucker, backwards, or called what you said nonsense?
Show a little respect, you only insult yourself with this sort of thing. You're doing exactly what all the crazy-ass religious people you hate do.
You are quite right! I should not give in to using sarcasm despite whatever ridiculous things people say. I do so to vent my frustration at their ignorance and their perverse desire to indoctrinate others. Such people seem impervious to reason and close their ears and eyes to knowledge that disagrees with their beliefs.
When someone gives irrational orders like "PLEASE MAKE JESUS CHRIST YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND CONFESS YOUR SINS TO HIM IN PRAYER. HE WANTS TO SAVE YOU FROM HELL AND SATAN" my blood pressure goes up and I know there is no reasoning with such people. Perhaps I should simply ignore them? I don't know. It only adds fuel to the flames when they seem to think that something is wrong with everyone else who doesn't share their delusion.
Since they cannot be reasoned with, the question is what to do with people who have poisonous beliefs who attempt to proselytise? In another newsgroup I take part in there are some Muslims who speak exactly the same way "Read the Koran and pray to Allah blah blah or go to hell". They too are impervious to everyone's replies. It is an unmoderated usenet forum too so some of the replies are extremely obnoxious.
I guess the only sensible thing to do is ignore them. But when a philosophy or belief system is poisonous it should not really be ignored, it tends to spread. Fundamentalist, violent Islam is on the increase world wide. Ignore it at your peril. Similarly fundamentalist Christianity is a poison, though not as bad as Islam. Christianity only tends to persecute none believers and gay people, whereas fundamentalist Islam dominates every aspect of life making everyone's lives a misery.
I've left WP indefinitely.
I cracked up when I read that, it's an apt parody. And it's parodying my religion, so take it for what it's worth.
Try the same thing I do to the uhh, atheists (Gotta pick on you, I don't have debate partners from other belief systems IRL. I used to have Wiccan and a Buddhist to talk to.) I run into: Be a friend, speak softly, and ignore the shouting. I figure, they're looking for a fight, so if I don't present one, they'll either leave or start to wonder why. Hopefully both, sometimes.
As for the poisonous ones, I don't know the answer. When they are of my own faith, I try to reign them back, but I just don't have a good answer. Mostly I keep an eye on them, and analyze their tactics for weaknesses.
In the case of Islam, I pray, watch for weaknesses, and keep my rifle oiled. The genius thing about Islam is that they've figured out they can take over a democracy from within. They immigrate, become citizens, breed like meth-addicted rabbits, and then vote Sharia into law. It scares the crap out of me, even though they take decades to make it happen.
Although this will sound bad, it might benefit the world if Islam got into a fight with Hinduism. Violent Islam fits my definition of evil, and Hinduism is pretty bad on the human rights thing, mostly because of the Karma-justified caste system.
Bah, I don't have an answer. No logical answer would fit my faith, I'd have to deny one or the other. One works on a world-wide scale, one works on a personal scale. Applying one to the other will result in a slaughter.
Yeah, I've got several of those names on my reading list, which is currently backlogged about six months. My sisters and I love Ayn Rand's works as well, but it simply can't be reconciled with Christianity. Great books, though.
Not a fan of Ayn Rand, actually.
(please let's not start an argument about waving red flags in front of bulls... it's just an expression)
Who are you calling a bull?
I've left WP indefinitely.
First you claim Christianity as your religion, then you say that you didn't come here to argue...
Well, make up your mind; which is it?
Thats because arguing wasn't the point. What was said was valuable information that could save your very being.
How to Know God Personally through Jesus Christ
Does God Exist? Here is proof he does. ... 2godMANp2w
(please let's not start an argument about waving red flags in front of bulls... it's just an expression)
Who are you calling a bull?
uh...lets see by the way you have been acting um... you!
How to Know God Personally through Jesus Christ
Does God Exist? Here is proof he does. ... 2godMANp2w
Religion is the opiate of the masses, if you knew anything about history you will know that religion has only ever been used, not only as a motivator to have many weak-minded people doing what few powerful people ask, but also as an excuse to cover up for someone's delinquency. Example: their are a countless amount of preachers, saying - "oh god forgave me... blah, blah, blah." Of course they fail to realize the logic behind random acts of fate and instead place all their emotions in a deity, which is ridiculous, its something that only exists for people with no sense of purpose or will to act on their own accord.
Another example: Christian nations (almost entirely in western Europe) start fighting with on another over land, women, and alcohol (mostly). Then all of a sudden - Mr.Pope removed his index finger from his anus and says: "Hey, lets go fight some turban wearing people because they have a darker complexion and use a much older alphabet than we do." "then promise me you'll never have sex" (which is true Templar's or Hospitaliter's were not allowed to masturbate or have intercourse at any point in their lives.), So off they go to Jerusalem tear down the dome of the rock, and put in its place temple of Solomon, (correct me if im wrong, my memory is a bit vague of the exact names). What's interesting is that the only reason they went their was to allow christian pilgrims access to "the holy land", which is LUDICROUS, because the Europeans and Arabic peoples were at peace and trading with each other in rather peaceful and gentlemanly manner, before the pope got sand in his vagina.
I could go on and on and on and on and on and on, about this but it pisses me off that the human race is so gullible to believe that their is some greater being in another cosmos who will grant you all your wishes, and pardon all your wrong doings, if you do his bidding.
Seriously, if you need some spiritual enlightenment or religious thingamajig wot not , Buddhism is probably the only religion out there where you do things to help yourself and others, not to follow any preset deity. And not harm them, or work unknowingly for someone's benefit. And before you think: "oh wtf this guys just a total hypocrite", well the only reason i say that is because its the only logical thing that any religious person could believe in....... oh but wait, I'll go to hell because your god doesn't exist... hmm. 'OK', i see your logical thinking and scientific ramifications, all pointing to the fact that's obviously NOT POSSIBLE.