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28 Mar 2009, 8:00 am

ascan wrote:
Anubis wrote:
We do normally think of Britain as belonging to white European peoples, but Britain was built on immigrants, just as many other nations were. Why are people so hostile now?

And historically each influx of immigrants brought turmoil and bloodshed. You see, I could just as easily say Britain was built on the industry of warfare, but that doesn't make war especially desireable at present, does it?

I see that was the only part of my post you could pick holes in. Oh well.

Historically, up to 1066. Now we're more tolerant, generally, and despite tensions it's possible to tolerate foreign cultures. It will only get violent if the divisions are deepened by immigrants who are more loyal to their former nationalities and those discriminate and alienate them.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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28 Mar 2009, 8:03 am

Zyborg wrote:
Let me explain.

If huge minority of American evangelical fundamentalists settled in my country and wanted to turn it into Jesusland, I will oppose their presence. If white Bosnian and Tatar moslems was about to create islamist state in my country, I would support them being deported.

It is not matter of colour. It is matter of ideology.

Quite, although there are those who would have it so. We need to integrate Muslims as a functioning, accepted minority, whilst stopping Islam from spreading too much and encouraging an Islamic reform movement.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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28 Mar 2009, 8:36 am

Why is it that black people were once considered on the level of chimpanzees and now are much more accepted as human equals? Why is it that Japanese were considered yellow buck toothed barbarians and now are fully accepted into world society as intelligent highly skilled people? Why is it that Jews were kept in ghettos and disdained in normal society and now are rated as amongst the most gifted people? All humans are basically of the same capability but ignorance and superstition separates different groups on the basis of color and nationality. Oppression of any kind creates merely more counter oppression. There must be a way to live together peacefully. It will not be discovered by aggression.


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28 Mar 2009, 8:37 am

Anubis wrote:
Zyborg wrote:
Let me explain.

If huge minority of American evangelical fundamentalists settled in my country and wanted to turn it into Jesusland, I will oppose their presence. If white Bosnian and Tatar moslems was about to create islamist state in my country, I would support them being deported.

It is not matter of colour. It is matter of ideology.

Quite, although there are those who would have it so. We need to integrate Muslims as a functioning, accepted minority, whilst stopping Islam from spreading too much and encouraging an Islamic reform movement.

State should not encourage or discourage religious faith. But state should definitely discourage fundamentalism. People should have right to be idiots if they want to. But not as long as they are showing idiocy down throat of rest of society.


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28 Mar 2009, 8:52 am

Ultra nationalists are not exempt


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28 Mar 2009, 9:21 am

Some people believe in the formation of Eurabia. Europe will unite with the arab world (northern Africa, the middle east), to form a block known as "Eurabia" while China sides with Russia.


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28 Mar 2009, 9:33 am

Dussel wrote:
The most of this people had never a look into the Treaties!

Quite likely as they're written to be indecipherable to the layperson.

Dussel wrote:
No - because of EU-law, on which the UK has an exemption, for certain professions are set wages. So you do not have a general minimum wage, but minimum wage e.g. qualified brick layer etc. The UK insisted on an exemption and to bring the stuff through the Council of Ministers the other EU-Member States accepted.

Even if you set minimum wages for specific trades, then individuals from less prosperous parts of the EU are always going to be available to work at that wage, and thus drive locals out of the market. A minimum wage is just that, a minimum, not a desireable level of payment. Moreover, you've got exchange rate issues across the EU, as not all members use the Euro. How's that accounted for?

Dussel wrote:
No one forces you to travel long distances for work. Actually Paris is easier to reach from London than Edinburgh ...

But the system you're advocating is based on the idea that labour will move freely between states. In assuming that, and facilitating it, you're putting more individuals in a position where they'll have no option but to travel to get work. And yes, both Paris and Edinburgh are easy to get to from London, but not everyone lives in London, or works within commuting distance of the stations at Paris or Edinburgh. On top of that, I doubt most can afford £100+ a day to travel that route.

Dussel wrote:
And there is no corruption in Whitehall?

Well, at least they've not had the auditors refuse to sign off their accounts for the last decade.

Dussel wrote:
So you are against the right of product liability? Or of fair competition? Or of minimum standard for food and water? Or of basic working conditions? Or of travelling freely? Or of appealing to a court really independent from political influence? Or to appeal against a law in breach of human rights?

Individual countries got on fine legislating before the EU, and I'm sure they'll get on fine when it goes the same way as the USSR.


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28 Mar 2009, 9:39 am

Sand wrote:
As a British citizen where do you get the right to speak for all Americans?

I don't need a right. I'm just giving an opinion that's based on commonsense. If you've got a house, and family ties in the US, it would seem reasonable to assume that, on the balance of probabilities, you'd not be too keen on moving overseas. Obviously some people do, for various reasons, but they are the exception.


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28 Mar 2009, 9:42 am

Zyborg wrote:
Anubis wrote:
Zyborg wrote:
Let me explain.

If huge minority of American evangelical fundamentalists settled in my country and wanted to turn it into Jesusland, I will oppose their presence. If white Bosnian and Tatar moslems was about to create islamist state in my country, I would support them being deported.

It is not matter of colour. It is matter of ideology.

Quite, although there are those who would have it so. We need to integrate Muslims as a functioning, accepted minority, whilst stopping Islam from spreading too much and encouraging an Islamic reform movement.

State should not encourage or discourage religious faith. But state should definitely discourage fundamentalism. People should have right to be idiots if they want to. But not as long as they are showing idiocy down throat of rest of society.

Yes, and that is exactly what encouraging Islamic reform movements would be doing. :)

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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28 Mar 2009, 10:20 am

Islam is also a threat to the U.S. where I live so I’ll put my 2 cents worth in.
I’ll just be frank and state that I see the spread of Islam as a locust which is just what it is.
Yes, I believe that the people of the infected nations have a right as human beings to bring things under control and defend themselves, their way of life, and their nation against the downfall that will come otherwise.


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28 Mar 2009, 12:02 pm

Zyborg wrote:
Delirium wrote:
Zyborg wrote:
sfumato wrote:
OK let´s imagine the muslims are all bad and the christians had to bring them away to get worldpeace.
But the muslims are thinking the same way and they are both sure that they are right.
Aren´t the christians than as bad/good as the muslims? That becomes not clear to me.
And in what should this end?

It is not about christians vs moslems.

If christians behaved like moslems, I would be against them as much.

I am anti-christian.

But conflict today is between moslems and everyone else, including secular people like myself.

I will not allow Europe to end like Bosnia.

Except for the fact that it was mostly the Serbs f***ing over the Bosnians.

Pick a better example next time.

If not Bosnians had attempted to created islamist state, that would not have happened.

I will not accept islamist state being installed through democratic vote or secessionism.

If moslems installed sharia laws in your country, will you accept it?

Except the Bosnians were moderate Muslims and their reasons for separating were ethnic, not religious. The Serbs started the whole sordid affair.

I don't post here anymore. If you want to talk to me, go to the WP Facebook group or my account.


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28 Mar 2009, 1:20 pm

ascan wrote:
Dussel wrote:
The most of this people had never a look into the Treaties!

Quite likely as they're written to be indecipherable to the layperson.

1) You have within the EU a written set of rules how the EU shall be run, whilst UK-law does not give hind who shall be appointed as Prime Minister (except that the monarch shall do it), nor which competences this person has.

2) Law has his own language, but this does not speak against the EU - or do you think that the wording of act of Settlement 1701 or the Parliament Act 1911 (to name two constitutional laws of the UK) is easier in its Language to understand than the EU-Treaty?

ascan wrote:
Dussel wrote:
No - because of EU-law, on which the UK has an exemption, for certain professions are set wages. So you do not have a general minimum wage, but minimum wage e.g. qualified brick layer etc. The UK insisted on an exemption and to bring the stuff through the Council of Ministers the other EU-Member States accepted.

Even if you set minimum wages for specific trades, then individuals from less prosperous parts of the EU are always going to be available to work at that wage, and thus drive locals out of the market.

Oh - and why Yorkshire Men are not driving Londoners from their job for lower wages? You can't blame the EU for the failure of the UK-Government to impose here reasonable rules. You have in other countries collective contracts and any employer is bound to pay those people the wage set-up in this contracts.

The terms of this contracts are regularly made law. This is possible by EU-law. Blame Whitehall, not Brussels!

ascan wrote:
Moreover, you've got exchange rate issues across the EU, as not all members use the Euro. How's that accounted for?

Again: Blame Whitehall! It is the UK's decision not to enter the Euro-Zone, so what the EU has to do with this?

ascan wrote:
Dussel wrote:
No one forces you to travel long distances for work. Actually Paris is easier to reach from London than Edinburgh ...

But the system you're advocating is based on the idea that labour will move freely between states. In assuming that, and facilitating it, you're putting more individuals in a position where they'll have no option but to travel to get work. And yes, both Paris and Edinburgh are easy to get to from London, but not everyone lives in London, or works within commuting distance of the stations at Paris or Edinburgh. On top of that, I doubt most can afford £100+ a day to travel that route.

I am surprised that is new for you to move home. You may like to learn that within the EU any EU-Citizen has the right to settle according to his wishes.

ascan wrote:
Dussel wrote:
And there is no corruption in Whitehall?

Well, at least they've not had the auditors refuse to sign off their accounts for the last decade.

The Audit-System is set-up in way that only if all account are in proper order they could be signed. This means that the signature has the whole budget to be denied, even if only of recipe for paper clips for €0.50 has been lost. This rules are reasonable, but also give each year this mad headline. ... nts_en.htm

and the most recent report: ... 569525.PDF

A quite interesting reading against the myths of EU-Accounting.


If the EU-Regulation would apply for UK-Government accounting, mostly like no single budget since Henry VII would get an OK.

ascan wrote:
Dussel wrote:
So you are against the right of product liability? Or of fair competition? Or of minimum standard for food and water? Or of basic working conditions? Or of travelling freely? Or of appealing to a court really independent from political influence? Or to appeal against a law in breach of human rights?

Individual countries got on fine legislating before the EU, and I'm sure they'll get on fine when it goes the same way as the USSR.

"Product liability"? The Supply of Good and Services Act 1984 was only introduced to comply with EU-Regulation. Prior the whole mess was not only unregulated, but gave the buyer according to Common Law doctrines an extreme high burden of proof.

"Fair competition"? Which legislation really exist in UK not impossed by the EU?

"Working conditions"? It UK still denies its worker and employees the full of extent of the EU-Regulation (again one of most shameful opt-outs)!

"Court really independent from political influence"? How appoints judges in the UK? On which recommendation?

"Appeal against a law in breach of human rights"? Which UK-court can declare an Act of Parliament illegal?


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28 Mar 2009, 1:54 pm

Zyborg wrote:

In many European nations, native population will soon be minority. Moslems are procreating at faster pace. There is generally tension between moslems and native population. Moslems are raping, killing and robbing native youth in places where there is concentration of them.

Do you think Europeans have right to defend against moslems, or do you think that is racist?

Im amazed at how contemporary Russians have begun to identify strongly with being "white europeans" despite being among the most racially impure people in Eastern Europe. You DO realize Zyborg, that Islam was present in Russia BEFORE christianity!
What if prince Vladimir I had decided to become a muslim instead of an orthodox christian? I have mixed feelings about this because most muslims in Russia are Turanian people who's land was stolen by the Tsar's. :? If Russia becomes mostly "Eurasian"(a racial mixture of white and mongoloid)is that such a terrible thing? :roll:


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28 Mar 2009, 2:02 pm

Haliphron wrote:
Zyborg wrote:

In many European nations, native population will soon be minority. Moslems are procreating at faster pace. There is generally tension between moslems and native population. Moslems are raping, killing and robbing native youth in places where there is concentration of them.

Do you think Europeans have right to defend against moslems, or do you think that is racist?

Im amazed at how contemporary Russians have begun to identify strongly with being "white europeans" despite being among the most racially impure people in Eastern Europe. You DO realize Zyborg, that Islam was present in Russia BEFORE christianity!
What if prince Vladimir I had decided to become a muslim instead of an orthodox christian? I have mixed feelings about this because most muslims in Russia are Turanian people who's land was stolen by the Tsar's. :? If Russia becomes mostly "Eurasian"(a racial mixture of white and mongoloid)is that such a terrible thing? :roll:

Actually most of the objections to Muslims is not racial but cultural. The culture of fundamentalist Muslims with sharia law is objectionable for its harsh treatment of women and strict requirements for religious observation. Christians in general are much looser in conformation to religious dogmas.


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28 Mar 2009, 2:03 pm

Haliphron wrote:

Im amazed at how contemporary Russians have begun to identify strongly with being "white europeans" despite being among the most racially impure people in Eastern Europe. You DO realize Zyborg, that Islam was present in Russia BEFORE christianity!
What if prince Vladimir I had decided to become a muslim instead of an orthodox christian? I have mixed feelings about this because most muslims in Russia are Turanian people who's land was stolen by the Tsar's. :? If Russia becomes mostly "Eurasian"(a racial mixture of white and mongoloid)is that such a terrible thing? :roll:

what do you mean by that? what do you measure racial purity by?

not a bug - a feature.


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28 Mar 2009, 2:16 pm

Haliphron wrote:
Zyborg wrote:

In many European nations, native population will soon be minority. Moslems are procreating at faster pace. There is generally tension between moslems and native population. Moslems are raping, killing and robbing native youth in places where there is concentration of them.

Do you think Europeans have right to defend against moslems, or do you think that is racist?

Im amazed at how contemporary Russians have begun to identify strongly with being "white europeans" despite being among the most racially impure people in Eastern Europe. You DO realize Zyborg, that Islam was present in Russia BEFORE christianity!
What if prince Vladimir I had decided to become a muslim instead of an orthodox christian? I have mixed feelings about this because most muslims in Russia are Turanian people who's land was stolen by the Tsar's. :? If Russia becomes mostly "Eurasian"(a racial mixture of white and mongoloid)is that such a terrible thing? :roll:

I don’t think Zyborg cares if there were Muslims in Russia before Christians, or if things would have been differently if Vladimir the1st would have been a Muslim instead of Christian. He made it perfectly clear that his problem is with extremism of every religion, not just Islam. The reason he brought this up was because he doesn’t like the fact that Muslims are trying to install Sharia law in Europe, like in Bosnia for example.