feral botanist wrote:
Some other good information from the Drudge report.
Drudge Report Stokes Iran Fears With Fake Missile Photo Featuring Jar Jar Binks
http://gizmodo.com/drudge-report-stokes ... 1791918585One of the never-ending characteristics of leftist Trump Derangement is the complete inability to recognize a joke.
"The Drudge Report published a peculiar image on its homepage this morning featuring the Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks peeking out over a set of photoshopped ballistic missiles. The headline read “Iran Rattles,” indicating that the story was meant to be taken seriously."Um, no. Those photoshopped Iranian missile pictures have been going around for ages -- there are a million of them. Gizmodo doesn't recognize a joke when it sees one, unlike Drudge readers.
"Of course, there’s a chance that the Drudge Report was indeed aware that Jar Jar Binks was hidden in the photo, but it’s worth noting that the site is not typically known for its humor."Gizmodo (and the left generally) demonstrates that it has absolutely no clue about Drudge's style. I hardly ever see the site unless a link somewhere points me to it, but even I know that Drudge is famous for funny picture combinations -- that's one of his shticks. The site
is known for its humor, especially with pictures.
"It’s also worth pointing out that the original image with a dozen missiles was inspired by a 2008 Iranian government blunder [yeah, that's it, it was a blunder!], when the state was caught using a photoshopped image of its missile tests. As the Atlantic Wire reported, people began humorously editing the photo to an even greater extent, eventually adding the Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks."In other words, everybody knows about these fake Iranian missile pictures, and has been mocking them for eight years. But somehow Drudge continuing the mockery is "serious."
Summary: Gizmodo outs itself as another fake news site run by a bunch of clueless idiots.
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