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14 Apr 2012, 7:03 pm

TM wrote:
CloudLayer wrote:
TM wrote:
CloudLayer wrote:
Um, how did I prove your point?

Hahahahaha you prove my point! "I can get more people to cooperate to threaten other people with physical sanctions than you can" is how the social construct works. The entire concept of jail is "We have more physical might in our combined beings than you do in yours, so we will lock you up".

Yes, that is the entire concept of jail, and it works. It prevents people from abusing their physical power, same as it keeps tigers in pens (debatable whether THAT should happen, but it does).

Cooperation is an extremely potent tool of dominance. Again, what is so funny and how am I proving your point?

Except Jail doesn't work, it just makes people make inclined to hide their crimes rather than not commit them. Cooperation to exert physical force over another person, is no different than 1 person exerting physical force over 1 other person, it just depends on preference. So me stating that on a 1 vs 1 level, a woman can never be an equivalent man's equal in capability to exert physical force and you countering with "social cooperation means we can gang up on you" kind of proves my point, that in order to compete women have to gang up.

Um, men constitute the vast majority of both the lawmaking and law-enforcing populations (politicians, police). They (these groups, regardless of their gender makeup) "gang up" using laws to keep 350-pound WWF-viable rapists and murderers from running society. Laws are dependent on human cooperation, toward which humans have an innate tendency, hence our long-ago evolution of language and everything that came along with that. How am I proving your point here.

The weak will always gang up on the strong, just look in the "rich people are getting richer" thread. Its not due to a desire to cooperate, its due to a realization that "I'm a weak person, I need to gang up on people to have a chance" its the grown up equivalent to the people who get 4+ people together to bully one person at school. The strong should run society, the strongest minds combined with the strongest might, as it is now the weak dominate the strong. It's not how nature intended and its why this planet is being consumed by human beings at a rapid pace.

Both very high levels of testosterone, normally associated with strength and very low testosterone levels normally associated with weaker individuals are associated with lower intelligence levels.

Steroids and abnormally elevated levels of testosterone have been shown to kill brain cells, result in violent behavior, as well as increase suicidal tendencies.

Nature does not care if human beings are strong or weak.

Humans create culture and culture provides the ability for physicality no longer to be the main determining factor in survival, or reproduction, as was the case before agriculture, civilization, and the domestication of homo sapiens, through these cultural devices.

Someone brought up Bill Gates. That is an excellent example of the prowess of intelligence over any alpha male advantage provided by physicality.

Bill Gates, in school, by physicality alone, was measured as a wimp, however, his intelligence provided the ability for him to express alpha male behavior, through intelligence, and intellectual bullying of his subordinates on his rise to become a billionaire. It required no "strong armed" tactics, by either him or his associates.

It wouldn't have worked as well on the construction crew, but modern culture provides many opportunities where physicality runs second to intellectual prowess.

Steve Jobs is another good example. Nothing about his physicality suggested physical strength. His mind, his determination, and creativity did not require any time in the gym.

Both individuals became Billionaires without biceps, and both were alpha males, by strength of their minds, not their bodies.

The laws of the jungle never completely disappear, but mental strength has surpassed physicality as the major factor for success in modern culture. The fact that many woman lead corporations and run countries, even a few undeveloped countries, is evidence that brute physicality is not a requirement for ultra success, with the addition of culture in the human primate mix.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is not the norm among political leaders; one need look no further than 70 year old Nancy Pelosi, and see that this alpha male thing, is nothing like what it was in the past. However there is no doubt that Pelosi was the alpha individual, in what she was able to accomplish, regardless of physical prowess.

Strength is a relative issue among primates; put a 250Lb black belt champion up against a grown male chimpanzee, naked, toe to toe in a fight, and the chimpanzee will more than likely cause great bodily harm as a much smaller,much stronger and more agile primate, with no fancy martial arts training. The difference, the chimpanzee is a wild primate; not a domesticated primate.

However that strength and agility, means nothing in surving as a primate in culture, where intellect has become more important than physicality, in many subsistence opportunities.

Adolph Hitler, for all practical intents and purposes was a wimp in terms of physicality, but as a human being he inflicted an astronomical amount of damage on stronger individuals, through ideology, that has no requirement for muscular strength. An incredible human tool, where the only cultural requirement is language and knowledge, that can be of benefit or danger for others.

Per my previous posts the cultural device of the pill and legal elective birthcontrol has become the great equalizer for women. Culture already provided the opportunities for subsistence generating jobs that did not require physicality, as it relates to strength. The ability to escape caring for a child, a 24-7 activity, made the difference.

Cooperation among human beings is evidenced in prehistory as what made the difference in human survival.

There is evidence that those whom were extremely aggresive as man became domesticated, and further cooperative as a social animal, were destroyed, because cooperation was the requirement for success with the advent of agriculture. This resulted in a level of selective breeding through these cultural changes, that demasculinized human beings as a species.

The prison system continues this unwitting purpose, although, people that do not cooperate with the norms of society, are locked up, rather than killed, at least for the most part. One cannot reproduce in jail, so this has an unwitting impact on selective breeding as well.

There is evidence everywhere one looks that the domestication of human beings continues; now as extensions of machines where very little physical activity is required to the evidenced detriment of basic human health.

Nature could care less if humans are healthy, wealthy, strong, weak, or wise, or destroy the rest of the world, with their technological advances through culture. It is what it is and what we make of it.

The only answer to return to physicality as a sole means of dominance, is to move back in with our primate cousins, and see how that works out, after 12,000 years of domestication.

The prison population might be more likely to surive, but until culture disappears, physicality as it relates to strength is no longer the overall determining factor for success, for either women or men.

If one cares more about the rest of nature, than human beings, giving up culture would be the appropriate thing to do. But it's too late, humans as a species are no longer cut out for it, as a result of cultural influenced breeding for domestication for the last 12,000 years, that continues as we speak.

The greatest evidence of continued domestication in the US, is all types of crime have been steadily decreasing since 1991. Even with evident economic stresses, the tendency towards crime and violence, per the agressive nature of human beings, is continuing to decrease.


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14 Apr 2012, 7:20 pm

I don't think TM or AspieRouge can denie the fact that this girls could knock them or me out with just one hit she is a very good MMA fighter.



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14 Apr 2012, 7:47 pm

Ragtime wrote:
CloudLayer wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
TM wrote:
I stopped showering back in 1998 because I decided that any woman who cared wasn't worth it...


Why didn't I think of quitting work back then, for the same reason?

There is something to be said for mutual accommodation, as opposed to getting relationship-ready with an "arms-closed" (inflexible, unwelcoming) approach.

would you shave all your body hair for a woman?

You think you're proving something, but you're not. Why, you ask? Because my answer will be the same as with virtually any request my woman has for me to fulfill: "Let's meet each other halfway. I'll do what you want, and you'll do what I want -- whatever we mutually decide is acceptable to agree on each of us doing -- and then we'll both be happy." That's how healthy, flexible relationships work.

Meeting each other halfway... I have a question. Let's say your spouse controls all your finances and has the final say on everything you do as a couple. Does this sound like meeting each other halfway? You are prescribing this arrangement are you not?

In relationships, meeting each other halfway is about mutual agreement, and mutual satisfaction in that agreement. It's about finding our middle ground, not someone else's. When we're happy, and a third party comes in and gripes about our arrangement... that would be you.

I'm not griping about your arrangement, I'm pointing out that you held your marriage arrangement up earlier in this thread as morally superior, stating that feminists (the subject of this thread) are "choosing to openly defy God" by not following your reading of the Christian text on the topic of marriage and men being the "head of the household." I am countering your argument.

14 Apr 2012, 8:08 pm

Joker wrote:
I don't think TM or AspieRouge can denie the fact that this girls could knock them or me out with just one hit she is a very good MMA fighter.

And I'm sure plenty of male MMA fighters could knock her out with one hit! But she'd be no match for one of those huge beefcakes on the cover of Musclemag.

As far as the Glamazon goes, WWF is totally fake. Nothing but a spectator sport.

Last edited by AspieRogue on 15 Apr 2012, 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.


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14 Apr 2012, 8:15 pm

CloudLayer wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
CloudLayer wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
TM wrote:
I stopped showering back in 1998 because I decided that any woman who cared wasn't worth it...


Why didn't I think of quitting work back then, for the same reason?

There is something to be said for mutual accommodation, as opposed to getting relationship-ready with an "arms-closed" (inflexible, unwelcoming) approach.

would you shave all your body hair for a woman?

You think you're proving something, but you're not. Why, you ask? Because my answer will be the same as with virtually any request my woman has for me to fulfill: "Let's meet each other halfway. I'll do what you want, and you'll do what I want -- whatever we mutually decide is acceptable to agree on each of us doing -- and then we'll both be happy." That's how healthy, flexible relationships work.

Meeting each other halfway... I have a question. Let's say your spouse controls all your finances and has the final say on everything you do as a couple. Does this sound like meeting each other halfway? You are prescribing this arrangement are you not?

In relationships, meeting each other halfway is about mutual agreement, and mutual satisfaction in that agreement. It's about finding our middle ground, not someone else's. When we're happy, and a third party comes in and gripes about our arrangement... that would be you.

I'm not griping about your arrangement, I'm pointing out that you held your marriage arrangement up earlier in this thread as morally superior, stating that feminists (the subject of this thread) are "choosing to openly defy God" by not following your reading of the Christian text on the topic of marriage and men being the "head of the household." I am countering your argument.

No, I didn't. I hold the Bible as morally superior to human wisdom. And my statement about feminists "choosing to openly defy God" was a general one about the way they behave and the way they recommend others behave:

Andrea Dworkin:
"Marriage is an institution developed from rape as a practice."
"Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies."
"Every woman's son is her potential betrayer, and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman."
"Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks."

Ti-Grace Atkinson:
"The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist."

Catharine Mackinnon:
"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman."
"All heterosexual intercourse is rape, because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent."

Hillary Clinton:
"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, fathers, and sons in combat."
(Not the dead soldiers.)

British Labour Party politician Harriet Harman:
"There are not enough airports in the country for all the men who would want to leave if I were Prime Minister."
(Imagine the backlash if this was said about a particular ethnicity, or about women.)

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.


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14 Apr 2012, 8:18 pm

The only problem with that is that the bible God sucks at morality.

Feminists have earned morality points.



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14 Apr 2012, 8:23 pm

Vexcalibur wrote:
The only problem with that is that the bible God sucks at morality.

Feminists have earned morality points.

Well, abortion-on-demand is a major issue for feminists, but that doesn't earn any morality points IMO.

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.


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14 Apr 2012, 9:13 pm

Ragtime wrote:
CloudLayer wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
CloudLayer wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
TM wrote:
I stopped showering back in 1998 because I decided that any woman who cared wasn't worth it...


Why didn't I think of quitting work back then, for the same reason?

There is something to be said for mutual accommodation, as opposed to getting relationship-ready with an "arms-closed" (inflexible, unwelcoming) approach.

would you shave all your body hair for a woman?

You think you're proving something, but you're not. Why, you ask? Because my answer will be the same as with virtually any request my woman has for me to fulfill: "Let's meet each other halfway. I'll do what you want, and you'll do what I want -- whatever we mutually decide is acceptable to agree on each of us doing -- and then we'll both be happy." That's how healthy, flexible relationships work.

Meeting each other halfway... I have a question. Let's say your spouse controls all your finances and has the final say on everything you do as a couple. Does this sound like meeting each other halfway? You are prescribing this arrangement are you not?

In relationships, meeting each other halfway is about mutual agreement, and mutual satisfaction in that agreement. It's about finding our middle ground, not someone else's. When we're happy, and a third party comes in and gripes about our arrangement... that would be you.

I'm not griping about your arrangement, I'm pointing out that you held your marriage arrangement up earlier in this thread as morally superior, stating that feminists (the subject of this thread) are "choosing to openly defy God" by not following your reading of the Christian text on the topic of marriage and men being the "head of the household." I am countering your argument.

No, I didn't. I hold the Bible as morally superior to human wisdom. And my statement about feminists "choosing to openly defy God" was a general one about the way they behave and the way they recommend others behave:

To say someone "openly defies" something implies that they recognize the moral authority of that thing.

The people who made the statements you list aren't openly defying God because they have not professed to recognize the moral authority of the Bible and certainly not of your reading of it that you take to mean that men are superior and heads of household.

You have made statements throughout this thread denigrating feminists without a willingness to understand the core beliefs of feminism. From wikipedia:

Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.[1][2] In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

Equality for a group which has less than equality, basically.

Notes on the following statements, aside from the fact that they cannot be evaluated by imposing religious beliefs the speakers do not hold on the speakers:

Andrea Dworkin:
"Marriage is an institution developed from rape as a practice."
"Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies."
"Every woman's son is her potential betrayer, and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman."
"Romance is rape embellished with meaningful looks."

From the wikipedia page on Andrea Dworkin:
Catharine MacKinnon, Dworkin's longtime friend and collaborator, published a column in the New York Times, celebrating what she described as Dworkin's "incandescent literary and political career," suggested that Dworkin deserved a nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and complained that "Lies about her views on sexuality (that she believed intercourse was rape) and her political alliances (that she was in bed with the right) were published and republished without attempts at verification, corrective letters almost always refused.

Ti-Grace Atkinson:
"The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist."

She was apparently a lesbian woman (I just looked her up, having never heard of her) and this was part of her discourse on lesbianism. Most feminists who are not (exclusively) lesbian would probably not find this statement of hers to be relevant to their understanding of feminism.

Your relationship with your wife is indeed a private affair and it is great when people can be happy but you have mentioned it during this thread along as part of your denigration of feminism (the topic of the thread), so I am responding to the information you present as part of your argument against the morality of feminism.

Catharine Mackinnon:
"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman."
"All heterosexual intercourse is rape, because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent."

The following link explains that both the Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon quotes listed her are NOT things they said.

Hillary Clinton:
"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, fathers, and sons in combat."
(Not the dead soldiers.)

The point being made in this statement is that the dead are dead, it's the survivors that suffer. A common point about death and not exclusive to feminism. She is pointing out that since the majority of soldiers throughout history have been men, the able adults who did not go to war but who are affected by the men's deaths have been, inordinately, women. Among other points that you cut off about them being rape victims, which they inordinately are in war also. I looked up the speech and it was a speech to an international audience about domestic violence. She was using the allegory of domestic violence being like war in order to draw political support in a way that everyone would find relatable, no matter how bad the situation in their country was, to the cause of stopping domestic violence (I am assuming because she was concerned that in light of more public problems like war going on in some countries, issues like domestic violence which are "secret" wars played out in the walls of houses might not be given the attention they sorely need.)

British Labour Party politician Harriet Harman:
"There are not enough airports in the country for all the men who would want to leave if I were Prime Minister."
(Imagine the backlash if this was said about a particular ethnicity, or about women.)

The "imagine the backlash of this was said about a particular ethnicity or women" does not work in cases where the situation is as shown by this chart: ... iament.htm

"There are currently 145 female MPs, out of a total 650 members of parliament.."

There is gross inequality along gender lines in politics and the opposition that a female politician faces simply being a female politician, let alone one who points out the gross gender inequality that exists (i.e. feminist), is a fact.


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14 Apr 2012, 9:27 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
Joker wrote:
I don't think TM or AspieRouge can denie the fact that this girls could knock them or me out with just one hit she is a very good MMA fighter.

And I'm sure plenty of male MMA fighters could know her out with one hit! But she'd be no match for one of those huge beefcakes on the cover of Musclemag.

As far as the Glamazon goes, WWF is totally fake. Nothing but a spectator sport.

The disgusting beefcakes on the cover of muscle mags are so hypertrophied that they can't walk across a parking lot without getting out of breath. She wouldn't have to fight them; she'd just have to walk away.


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14 Apr 2012, 9:29 pm

Ragtime wrote:
Vexcalibur wrote:
The only problem with that is that the bible God sucks at morality.

Feminists have earned morality points.

Well, abortion-on-demand is a major issue for feminists, but that doesn't earn any morality points IMO.

It's a step up from 'kill everyone in the city except for the young girls, and keep the young girls (whose families you killed in front of them) as sex slaves.'


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14 Apr 2012, 9:36 pm

Ragtime wrote:
Vexcalibur wrote:
The only problem with that is that the bible God sucks at morality.

Feminists have earned morality points.

Well, abortion-on-demand is a major issue for feminists, but that doesn't earn any morality points IMO.

The right to life ends at birth

Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do

14 Apr 2012, 9:41 pm

LKL wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:
Joker wrote:
I don't think TM or AspieRouge can denie the fact that this girls could knock them or me out with just one hit she is a very good MMA fighter.

And I'm sure plenty of male MMA fighters could know her out with one hit! But she'd be no match for one of those huge beefcakes on the cover of Musclemag.

As far as the Glamazon goes, WWF is totally fake. Nothing but a spectator sport.

The disgusting beefcakes on the cover of muscle mags are so hypertrophied that they can't walk across a parking lot without getting out of breath. She wouldn't have to fight them; she'd just have to walk away.

Not all of 'em! The point is that there are a lot of really huge guys who are both physically strong as well as heavy. Martial arts are NOT magic. And if the difference in strength and body weight between the assailant and the intended victim is sufficiently great, the victim will lose. Which is what would happen if she tried to fight Mike Jenkins(who is 6'6 and 388lbs), winner of the 2011 Worlds Strongest Man contest, he could easily put her in the ER if he chose to do so.


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14 Apr 2012, 10:07 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
Joker wrote:
I don't think TM or AspieRouge can denie the fact that this girls could knock them or me out with just one hit she is a very good MMA fighter.

And I'm sure plenty of male MMA fighters could know her out with one hit! But she'd be no match for one of those huge beefcakes on the cover of Musclemag.

As far as the Glamazon goes, WWF is totally fake. Nothing but a spectator sport.

Beth Pheniox made a career wrestling men in high school and was never pinned plus I know it is fake and it's called WWE they had to change it because the WWF animal rights group made then change to WWE because of copy right infrigment but still she would own you girl power fa life.


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14 Apr 2012, 10:24 pm

Ragtime wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
TM wrote:
ValentineWiggin wrote:
TM wrote:

I wasn't thinking of homeless in regards to economic status but in regards to hygiene.

We were discussing shaving (I believe) when it was brought up, this being a thread about feminism and (at the moment) sex roles, specifically.
How is the removal of body hair an issue of HYGIENE for one sex, but not the other?
Would men be the MORE unhygienic, then, since they have more of it, on average?

TM wrote:
I do find it funny that you jumped right to economic status, when the more apt interpretation would be a person who is wearing filthy clothes, hasn't showered in weeks or days not seen a dentist in years, I mean since we were speaking of aesthetics.

Those things have to do with hygiene, not aesthetics, per se, so I really had no idea what you were talking about, given,
as I said, there's no rational reason as to why women having a smaller amount of body hair is more unhygienic than men having a larger amount.

Could you clarify?

It's a question of hygiene, because the function of armpit and crotch hair is to act as a sponge for sweat and other things. Not sure if that's what its intended to do or if its just a side effect. Eww disgusting. On that note, I remove most of my body hair regularly and given some of the "reveals" here, I'm guessing I as a man is less hairy than quite a few of the women in here. Body hair in general is disgusting.

The greater point of it all, which went right over your head when you dove into the semantics of the whole thing was that, Hyperlexican's moronic comment that "any man who cares ain't worth my time" was similar to the whole "the outside doesn't matter" thinking, which is BS to begin with. Hence why I brought up the homeless person to illustrate that people say such things but they are platitudes. It's like "the customer is always right" the truth is the customer is generally a moron.

i dated more than one homeless man. i practice what i preach. :lol: nice try though.

the reason why a man would not be worth my time if he cared about that hairiness is because the only objection to it is aesthetic. a man who needs for me to maintain myself and primp for him by shaving is not worth my time.

Is there some broader truth you're trying to indicate to us, or just one woman's experience?

he accused me of having a double standard and accused me of speaking in platitudes. did you want there to be something more to it?

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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14 Apr 2012, 10:26 pm

Ragtime wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
TM wrote:
I stopped showering back in 1998 because I decided that any woman who cared wasn't worth it...


Why didn't I think of quitting work back then, for the same reason?

There is something to be said for mutual accommodation, as opposed to getting relationship-ready with an "arms-closed" (inflexible, unwelcoming) approach.

would you shave all your body hair for a woman?

You think you're proving something, but you're not. Why, you ask? Because my answer will be the same as with virtually any request my woman has for me to fulfill: "Let's meet each other halfway. I'll do what you want, and you'll do what I want -- whatever we mutually decide is acceptable to agree on each of us doing -- and then we'll both be happy." That's how healthy, flexible relationships work.

it's good that you know how a healthy relationship should work. so you would also understand that dominating your wife does not fit into your description of a "healthy" relationship.

if she wanted you to shave all your body hair off, would you do it?

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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14 Apr 2012, 10:39 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
if she wanted you to shave all your body hair off, would you do it?

your gonna give me nightmares D:

Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do