ironpony wrote:
Just out of curiosity, how come in American politics, progressives believe that people have the right to bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion, but not when it comes to whether or not to get covid vaccinations, and conservatives do not believe in bodily autonomy for abortion but do for vaccinations?
I don't see any connection.
My body is my own.
The government can't tell me to be vaccinated against my will.
I'm not injecting anything into my body unless it's my choice, with my doctor's agreement.
I wouldn't let the government make this decision on my behalf.
The same thing applies with pro-choice and abortion.
I'm not having a baby in my body unless it's my choice, with my doctor's agreement.
I wouldn't let the government make that decision on my behalf either.
I don't see what the difference is.
Bodily autonomy means that a person controls their own body, rather than elected officials.
* Yes I am vaccinated but that's because it was my choice, not because it was forced.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.