SporadSpontan wrote:
techstep - You may be right about that. I guess we can't know. But I guess it's about which way of thinking is of most use to us. By thinking that everything is mapped out it may help us to accept circumstances that arise when we feel we can't do anything about them. But by thinking that we are constantly in control of our choices it gives us a freedom to at least try to improve our situation.
God grant me the
Serenity to accept
the things I cannot
change, Courage to
change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know
the difference.
Exactly, and I think this seven line slice of wisdom is exactly how to read it - better whatever you can, listen to your most positive and proactive urges, the part of yourself that you think is the most transcendent and brings the most light to your own life - use it. I think part of really finding myself as an adult seems to have revolved around a revelation that I had a few weeks ago. For the longest time in my life I thought that I could bend, break, bust anything about myself that wasn't socially acceptible or that caused confusion about my intent, confusion about my true self, and like it was up to me to rectify the situation and anything I couldn't manually work like that - I had to wallow in shame over that failing. I used to have anxieties about missed chances, would I have met the partner of my dreams had I just turned left instead of right a few minutes back? Is there some stupid arbitrary rule I'm failing by using 'my' logic? Would it have worked differently if I had either socially conformed better, or been a soft rock fan, or been a Christian like certain people told me I should have been?
The revelation I had is this - I do have a center zone where what I do refreshes me, recharges me, invigorates me, makes life worth living. When I wander off that center zone - I'm not only bleeding energy and growing more and more tired, whatever I'm trying to be outside that zone I can put herculean effort into, gain an inch, wake up the next morning, and its gone. Understanding that then I came to the realization that to guide myself properly in life, forget all the little bits and pieces of advice that people give this is the core of it - I'm built to function a certain way, be at my best in a certain way, and I have to obey that frame regardless of what people may think. I never understood or perhaps fully believed that to a point, I thought I was whoever the heck I decided I was - not the case. Understanding predestiny as well at least helps seal the deal on the 'what ifs'.
I probably should be more careful on sharing that theory though - it helps me because I've always tended to be way too hard on myself, for other people in the other direction who may misuse it - probably not the healthiest thing.