Say NO to racism!
You should hear the NWO answer to over-population, basically their idea is to murder about 75% of the world's population in a halucaust. There are concentration camps in America, they were used on Japanese Americans during WW2.... All major UN nations have death camps ready to go.... PM me and I can discuss this in better detail, but it'd take me a while to explain it all though.
1) Snake, do you have any links to websites where you're getting this stuff? Back when I posted as McJeff I tried to figure out where all this New World Order stuff was coming from.
2) The topic creater's two posts are copied word for word from a comic on a Christian White Supremist website called King Identity.
3) Racism? If you want to talk about a word that has completely lost any semblance of meaning it once had, it's racism/racist. I got banned for being "racist" against Muslims. Even though what I suggested was that Islam be insulted every time a muslim preaches womens inferiority or the extermination of homosexuals or another race, which has nothing to do with race and is purely reactionary rather than aggressive.
2) The topic creater's two posts are copied word for word from a comic on a Christian White Supremist website called King Identity.
3) Racism? If you want to talk about a word that has completely lost any semblance of meaning it once had, it's racism/racist. I got banned for being "racist" against Muslims. Even though what I suggested was that Islam be insulted every time a muslim preaches womens inferiority or the extermination of homosexuals or another race, which has nothing to do with race and is purely reactionary rather than aggressive.
If I misunderstood something you said about islam to being racist against arabs then I apologize. I'm against all religions (even extreme atheism), but I don't claim that some religions are more acceptible than others. Some good has come from all religions. Islam is no different than Christianity in that the initial message behind both religions were positive messages, however, extremists have taken those messages and warped them into hate and bigotry.
As for the NWO, the evidence is all around us. Even mathematically. Seven liberties, seven seas, seven spikes on the crown of the statue of liberty, seven continents, seven "deadly sins" (seven is a major masonic number), the pyramid with the eye on the back of the dollar bill, I mean we're surrounded with masonic symbologies, most of which came from various theologies throughout time. I learned of the NWO long before Bush was in office, just look at the human rights abuses that UN blue helmets are committing around the world. I mean all the pieces are falling into place like clockwork, it really should be obvious. Everything from setting up a Bank of America in China down to electing a former NAZI officer as the new pope. String theories tie it all together.
I'm white too, my best friend is black. I listen to some rap, Akon, NAS, Snoop, Tupac, I also like James Brown, and I like Bob Marley. I just don't think the answer is so cut and dry as pampering historical victim groups and demonizing historical dominant groups. Your rhetoric has no semblance of equality, as you prefer to think it does, instead it's just switching the tides.
Not kissing someone's ass because of their minority status doesn't mean your racist. You can respect someone's culture without sucking their dick. You sound like one of these pc freaks that would flip out if a white cop arrested a black murderer, and go on calling the cop a racist, even though the guy isn't being arrested because he's black, he's being arrested because he murdered someone. But in your mind the cop is racist JUST because he arrested a man who just so happened to be black, right?
*name that reference!
How does stereotyping aid survival? Do you mean generalising from experience in order to learn to avoid certain like nausea-inducing plants or white hot metal? Stereotyping seems to use generalisations based more on hearsay, though presumably trusting the warnings of others about plants, hot metal or predators may once have been a useful asset since distorted. Also the characterisation of an entire ethnic group could be based on experience of one or possibly a few unpleasant individuals and generalising from this experience, rather than simply hearsay. Or an unbalanced media presentation of only some of the pertinent facts (again similar to hearsay, but with an element of "witnessing" something visually). Anyway, basically I agree with you concerning your opposition to racial hatred.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
Last edited by AlexandertheSolitary on 15 Feb 2007, 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
What statistics and tests were used to justify the claim? I realise you did not say you agree with the statement about women. I was just curious. How large a sample did they use? What are their criteria for intelligence? Personally I suspect that on average more of my own gender (males) are of lower intelligence (inverse sexism, I know, but we all have our prejudices. Besides, I am partially being deliberately provocative). The education system has frequently in the past been slanted in our favour, ie those times when there were no or few female students, higher education and the medical or legal professions were discouraged, illegal or inconceivable, teachers and other employees obliged to abandon jobs after matrimony. Nowadays university retention rates for women seem higher (anecdotal. There is insufficient data to compute There is insufficient data to compute. Delete, delete delete. EXTERMINATE, exterminate exterminate).
And yes, killing people for their views, however repugnant, is wrong, and a practice of totalitarian regimes, Cybermen and Daleks. Actually I think the reasons of the latter two may differ slightly.
Research could potentially be used to argue any case, including the case that I am the Master and you WILL obey me.
Sorry, I do not know what came over me. Basically I think that racism and sexism are unjustified and irrational assumptions based on insufficient evidence and a tendency to make assumptions and generalisations, but that those who hold such irrational and frequently hate-permeated views should not really be killed, just exiled. (Sorry again. The threat of deportation may have contained humour, though obviously not for those concerned).
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
Gargoyletae is not a racist. It was the third person plural (they, them) that was used in reference to racists by her/him, and your use of the second person was not justified by the evidence from the post.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
Rush said it best in the song sub-divisions:
Growing up it all seems so one-sided
Opinions all provided
The future pre-decided
Detached and subdivided
In the mass production zone
Nowhere is the dreamer or the misfit so alone
Are you sure that you do not mean "equity" or "dignity" rather than "antiquity"? What have ancient times, thoroughly interesting though they were and remain, to do with giving basic rights to people regardless of ancestry? Also slavery has been used by a range of people in history, though I grant you that focussing on instances in one context may be unhelpful. Slavery certainly still persists, though not just in the African context; the treatment of many women migrating from eastern Europe entrapped into enforced prostitution amounts to slavery.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."