Zara wrote:
bloodshot wrote:
As a non-American who frequent American forums, I am tired of hearing Americans complaining about having to be American.
Your nation has been the no.1 contributor to human advances, technology, business and arts wise. Overall America's influence on the developed world is a positive one. Would you prefer if the Soviets had won the Cold War instead?
HAS. China is quickly catching up to us in economic power and if things don't seriously turn around soon, they'll start being the dominant force in the world.
I don't disparage America's positive works in the world in history, but to be fair, there's been little of that so far in the 21st century. Our biggest exports so far to the rest of the world has been war and little to show for it. Osama Bin Laden eluded us Afganistan, and we made ourselves look like fools in Iraq and we're leaving both in unstable situations.
You'd think maybe we could have used our military might in more constructive ways like ending the Dafur massacres, killing off the Somali Pirate gangs or preventing North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons... but no, we'd rather go on wild goose chases across the middle east and exhaust ourselves while our enemies just continue strengthening themselves.
The world will quickly miss the days of Pax Americana, should China ever replace America's spot on the sphere of influence. China is a nation with no concept of human rights, democracy and freedom of speech, and no hopes of reforms. While it's economy is booming, it has contributed nothing to the scientific advancement of mankind. Every modern technology in China are either cheap knock offs, or obtained through coercion. The Chinese laws force all foreign business to "share" their technical know-hows since not only their level of innovation is lacking, they don't have the slightest respect for intellectual property.
I agree on your critique on America's intervention policies. Your nation have produced a great deal of great minds, but also quite a few terrible politicians, sadly.