Please, stop this forum turning into a place where people can pour out their opinionated views. Keep a wide mind, and stick to the topic! These are not views, but facts: Islam- part of the actual word meaning "peace", is not a violent religion, and has a no more records of violence by extremists ( don't call them fundamentalists, as fundamentalists mean they base actions on the foundations of the religion, and founder Mohammed (May Peace Be With Him) was definitely not the violent sort) than Christianity or Judaism has- Jihad actually means struggle, which if any major religion is to survive, warfare is sometimes necessary. Look at the Roman Empire, and the Just War of Christianity. (opinion here: it's not a just war, but anyway).
Sorry, I'm the one getting off topic, excuse me.
In answer to the topic, through historical attitudes, perhaps Islam is the most friendly towards us on the spectrum- medieval Christians were more the sort to lock up or burn anyone with vaguely unusual behaviour declaring them possessed by the devil . The people who did this were not a minority extremist group like in Islam today, but a majority extremist group. The compassion of Jesus Christ had temporarily been forgotten within Christianity- hence the term- the "Dark Ages". Western society had no idea what was really going on in the world at this stage in history. During the same time within Islam, if you still followed the word of Allah through Mohammed his messenger, no matter your state of being, you were equally regarded within the rest of humankind.
Today, I believe, with the exception of the extremists, both religions are equally accepting as a whole. Extremist focus on certain passages within texts, i.e. like in the bible with St Paul being all against women, but Jesus Christ never was. Some Christians focus on that only, and take it to extremes: Extremism. And in Islam about killing the "infidel" , but the next passage or so says " if to kill one man it as if you have killed all humankind". Extremists ignore that, and take the rest to feed their violent nature.
Personal experiences with either religion discriminating against someone here, don't relate it to a religion. Most people, no matter their beliefs- will always discriminate. It's the way of a materialistic society. And if Islam is therefore less materialistic ( I believe so) then they are perhaps the most accommodating. More Christians than Muslims are yet to emerge from the Medieval form of thinking.
Last edited by AW on 25 Oct 2010, 8:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.