Why use guns for killing
Do you know what the only guaranteed way of dropping someone right in their tracks is? A shot to the CNS. While shots to the organs are lethal they do not guarantee incapacitation right off the bat. So it could take anything from 2 shots to even 15. Obviously the wise thing to do would be to shoot until he's no longer a threat. Why should any of us take your word for what constitutes "reasonable force"?

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Do you know what the only guaranteed way of dropping someone right in their tracks is? A shot to the CNS. While shots to the organs are lethal they do not guarantee incapacitation right off the bat. So it could take anything from 2 shots to even 15. Obviously the wise thing to do would be to shoot until he's no longer a threat. Why should any of us take your word for what constitutes "reasonable force"?
In Iraq there were people that withstood more, and from rifle fire to boot, and sometimes they still weren't out of the fight until they were hit by a sniper's .50 cal!
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."
- Unknown
"A fear of weapons is a sign of ret*d sexual and emotional maturity."
-Sigmund Freud
aSKperger wrote:
You shoot until the threat is neutralized. Not necessarily dead but unable to pose further threat whether that takes one round or the whole magazine or cylinder full.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
2 shots should suffice if your good at aiming one in the chest and one in the head.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2009
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Hitting someone in the sternum, causing secondary projectiles of bone through the heart along with the bullet, and hitting the spinal chord on the way out when the adrenaline is flowing is not as easy as it sounds especially if the target is moving. A shot to the brain isn't always quite such an exact science either. Look at Gabrielle Giffords- she got shot in the head at contact range and should have been dead on the spot but the bullet hit at the precise spot and angle to be survivable (any little change in how it hit would have definitely killed her even with all the medical help she had on scene and the hospital).
Not all vital "10-ring" shots guarantee instant death or even incapacitation. Just because they have no chance of surviving a wound does not mean they can't fight a little longer. Your 2 shot suggestion has no legal authority nor real world applicability. I suggest you try shooting under stress (maybe learn to shoot first?) before making such an asinine suggestion.
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."
- Unknown
"A fear of weapons is a sign of ret*d sexual and emotional maturity."
-Sigmund Freud
Interesting article on mass murders not involving guns:
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_ ... pons_.html
Often with fire. Revolutionary War veteran Barnett Davenport is widely considered the first mass murderer in U.S. history. On the evening of Feb. 3, 1780, Davenport burst into the bedroom of his employer, Caleb Mallory, and began to bludgeon Mallory and his wife with a club. When the club broke in two, Davenport beat the couple to death with Mallory’s gun. If Davenport had stopped there, he would be remembered as just an ordinary killer; most criminologists define mass murder as the killing of at least three people in a single incident. After beating the Mallorys to death, however, Davenport burned the house down, killing their three grandchildren.
Hundreds of other mass murderers have perpetrated their crimes without automatic firearms. Frenchman Pierre Riviere killed his mother, sister, and brother with a bill hook in 1835. In 1932, Julian Marcelino, a Filipino immigrant of relatively small stature, managed to kill six and wound 15 on a Seattle street using only a pair of blades. In 1915, Monroe Phillips shot seven dead and wounded 32 with a shotgun in Georgia.
Guns aren’t even the most lethal mass murder weapon. According to data compiled by Grant Duwe of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, guns killed an average of 4.92 victims per mass murder in the United States during the 20th century, just edging out knives, blunt objects, and bare hands, which killed 4.52 people per incident. Fire killed 6.82 people per mass murder, while explosives far outpaced the other options at 20.82. Of the 25 deadliest mass murders in the 20th century, only 52 percent involved guns.
The U.S. mass murder rate does not seem to rise or fall with the availability of automatic weapons. It reached its highest level in 1929, when fully automatic firearms were expensive and mostly limited to soldiers and organized criminals. The rate dipped in the mid-1930s, staying relatively low before surging again in the 1970s through 1990s. Some criminologists attribute the late-century spike to the potential for instant notoriety: Beginning with Charles Whitman’s 1966 shooting spree from atop a University of Texas tower, mass murderers became household names. Others point out that the mass murder rate fairly closely tracks the overall homicide rate. In the 2000s, for example, both the mass murder and the homicide rates dropped to their lowest levels since the 1960s.
A mass murderer’s weapon of choice depends somewhat on his victims. Attacks with guns, fire, knives, and bare hands are far more likely to be directed against family and acquaintances than total strangers, while mass murderers prefer to use explosives against people they don’t know. Also of note: Those who use firearms in a killing spree turn the gun on themselves 34 percent of the time, while only 9 percent of mass-murdering arsonists take their own lives.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
John_Browning - Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:40 am yes I agree
AceOfSpades- reasonable force was figured out for situations, when I scratch your car and you hit me with brick 28x. That's psycho diagnose, not reasonable force. Or we argue, you slap me and I shoot you. Not reasonable force. So it is there in order to force us to think. Not act like animals, not act like as*holes. Not act "I have gun, I have right"
or one in kneecap and guy lays there like old socks. But I have a gun, I am stressed, I do not know to control, so I shoot and shoot and shoot, who cares.
John_Browning Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:05 am
so what, shoot as long as you feel in danger? I know people who feel constantly in danger, even at sleep.
We haven't brought anything invalid unless you've re-defined the term. We have reality and you have emotion based wishful thinking.
How ironic it is such comment coming from a person who admits he would rather be a criminal than giving up his gun. Maybe the argument you brought, if any, is 'valid' in your little delusional mind.
Figure of speech; I should have stated it more factually.
To make the rhetoric sound stronger? This proves beyond doubt you are the one who is unable to distinguish opinions from facts.
I was partially wrong; they do not have it issued to them for practice but it is at least subsidized.
Ok. I stand corrected that there are ammunition for practice. But note the last sentence you quoted - the rounds are not to be taken outside the shooting range.
Evidently the Swiss gun law includes this.
It is, however, quite common to see a person serving military service to be en route with his rifle.
Conditions for getting a Carrying Permit
Transporting guns
Guns may be transported in public as long as an appropriate justification is present. This means to transport a gun in public, the following requirements apply:
The ammunition must be separated from the gun, no ammunition in a magazine.
The transport has to be direct, i.e.:
For courses or exercises hosted by marksmanship, hunting or military organisations,
To an army warehouse and back,
To and from a holder of a valid arms trade permit,
To and from a specific event, i.e. gun shows.[10]
In other words, no carrying of a loaded gun in public. Either you are also advocating this or you are just cherry picking regarding the assault rifle issue.
We haven't brought anything invalid unless you've re-defined the term. We have reality and you have emotion based wishful thinking.
How ironic it is such comment coming from a person who admits he would rather be a criminal than giving up his gun. Maybe the argument you brought, if any, is 'valid' in your little delusional mind.
Figure of speech; I should have stated it more factually.
To make the rhetoric sound stronger? This proves beyond doubt you are the one who is unable to distinguish opinions from facts.
I was partially wrong; they do not have it issued to them for practice but it is at least subsidized.
Ok. I stand corrected that there are ammunition for practice. But note the last sentence you quoted - the rounds are not to be taken outside the shooting range.
Evidently the Swiss gun law includes this.
It is, however, quite common to see a person serving military service to be en route with his rifle.
Conditions for getting a Carrying Permit
Transporting guns
Guns may be transported in public as long as an appropriate justification is present. This means to transport a gun in public, the following requirements apply:
The ammunition must be separated from the gun, no ammunition in a magazine.
The transport has to be direct, i.e.:
For courses or exercises hosted by marksmanship, hunting or military organisations,
To an army warehouse and back,
To and from a holder of a valid arms trade permit,
To and from a specific event, i.e. gun shows.[10]
In other words, no carrying of a loaded gun in public. Either you are also advocating this or you are just cherry picking regarding the assault rifle issue.[/quote]
Is there a point to this rant or is it just residual bitterness from the gun vs. bomb discussion?
Um, let me guess.....
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
Ok, now that I look at aSKperger's post again, I think I got too aggressive and misunderstood him on the reasonable force thing and replied rashly to that. Now that I think about it, I don't think you intended to say that it's our idea of reasonable force. I still think you're ignorant and condescending as f**k but I'm willing to own up to the fact that I got your intentions wrong in that case.
Last edited by AceOfSpades on 30 Jul 2012, 11:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
And his tone is civil? Saying we're acting like as*holes for merely supporting gun rights? That and the flame baiting? Whatever, at least I can own up to my own assholery. I put a lot of effort into explaining the reasonable force and wounding thing, would've been nice if you kept those parts and edited out the more aggressive stuff...
A pepper spray would probably be enough to stop the intruder. A Molotov cocktail would be more interesting.
I.E. a direct comparison between the efficacy of gun vs spray in the hands of a lone woman trying to protect herself and her baby from a big nasty male attacker.
What exactly was the point of posting if you didn't consider the use of a gun, in a scenario comparing gun vs spray on a thread about killing people with guns?

See the clip again. The women was inside the house and complained to the police that some man was 'banging outside the door'. The motivation of the man is not told in the clip and he was NOT charging the woman.
Stopping a determined (and unarmed) charging attacker is not a representative scenario for self defense. There are many cases where non lethal means and martial arts trainings suffices. There are cases even an assault rifle is not enough.
I think the fact, that police and security personnel is equipped with batons, tear gas, taser and other stuff verify this quite enough. Firearm is the last option used in specific situations.
But some people think of firearm as the first, last and only option. But we are not soldier at warzone, so we should consider the nonlethal options first.
AceOfSpades- if you don't like my tone or do not understand what exactly I mean by my posts, please ask. I know I have my specific express style, so my thoughts are not always clear.
Should does not mean will.
In most cases, two probably will do the trick. In some cases, one will be plenty. In others, you might have to empty your magazine.
A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
You'll gain your just reward.
We'll not rest until the purge is complete
You will reap what you've sown.
I think the fact, that police and security personnel is equipped with batons, tear gas, taser and other stuff verify this quite enough. Firearm is the last option used in specific situations.
But some people think of firearm as the first, last and only option. But we are not soldier at warzone, so we should consider the nonlethal options first.
You use non-lethal if time and circumstances allow. There usually isn't time to consider, reflect, or use an iPhone app to find out what to use. When in doubt go heavy right off and spare the risk of non-lethal not working. The attacker is on the wrong, not me for protecting myself.
Sometimes, depending on where I'm going, I carry pepper spray in addition to a pistol. If I have time to chose and the threat appears to be less than lethal I'd rather pepper someone than put holes in them any day. There's always my fist or foot, too, but if I'm facing a gun or someone up close with a knife or tire iron the gun is coming out and they have about 2 seconds at best to reconsider before the fireworks start. I always have a can of pepper spray in the car.
Also keep in mind that cops and security personnel usually have help nearby or sometimes are partnered up with someone. The typical CCW person may be toally on thier own and not have the luxury of mistakes when it comes to neutralizing his attacker.
No, you support only the gun rights that suit your immediate needs without regard to the realities of the world we live in or other people's rights. You know there are ARMED predators of society out there but you want to keep their would be victims disarmed. That's called being a criminal enabler plain and simple.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson