thomas81 wrote:
TM wrote:
So in your world it's cool for a guy to indicate that he's going to throw a fire extinguisher at your head, but not cool to prevent him from possibly killing you. Note that the as*hole was in the middle of a morally superior mob using violence, wielding chains and crowbars etc. Come at any sensible person with a crowbar and if they have a gun they'll put a bullet in your skull.
Picking up fire extinguisher =/= shooting point blank range in head with pistol
can you say disproportionate force?
In this case the cops lost any facade of responsible policing when they deliberately ran over his body as can be seen in the video.
Picking up a fire extinguisher, acting as if one is going to throw that fire extinguisher at someone's head = giving them the right to defend themselves from having their head potentially crushed, or their car broken into so that the violent rioters could murder them with the chains, lead pipes and crowbars they were carrying. Driving over his corpse was a way for them to escape, and get a measure of revenge I'm sure after a man who egged on a crowd of rampaging wildmen.
thomas81 wrote:
TM wrote:
If you threatened me with bashing my skull in with a fire extinguisher amongst a mob of angry people wielding chains and crowbars, I'd be inclined to do the same.
Then I really hope for the sake of your fellow citizens you aren't a police officer and never become one.
Self defense, if you have a reason to believe that a person is going to enact violence to your being, then you have the right to respond in kind. I do find it funny that taking into consideration the moral pedestal the left puts itself on, it seems to be the side most inclined to throw bricks.