marshall wrote:
Evidence that getting rid of these programs is going to make people more free? What makes you think we are not economic slaves in the first place? Give a person a choice between not starving and "freedom", they will choose not starving every time. Libertarian "freedom" is a bunch of BS. It's an empty and utterly meaningless platitude to people who have to exist in the real world. The assumption that most people on welfare "choose" to be dependent on it when there simply aren't enough living-wage jobs to go around is frankly pretty insulting, almost sociopathic.
It really frustrates me that you have such great communication in so many threads, but when it comes to libertarian values, you spew venom in some trance of hostility.
Many people have given their lives for libertarian "freedom".
I see just as many job postings now that I saw before this depression, so I don't buy the statement that there aren't enough jobs to go around. What I see is a lot of people who aren't willing to work for lower wages than they earned in a prosperous economy.