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Are you Christian?
Yes 42%  42%  [ 70 ]
No 58%  58%  [ 96 ]
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Emu Egg
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26 Mar 2007, 3:14 pm

Yes, I'm a Christian. I'm a born-again Christian. I was once not into religion from childhood age to teen age, but I got started believing in God when I was 19 years old, and I got into religion as a 20 year old. Now that I'm 21 years old, I'm religious.

Sea Gull
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26 Mar 2007, 4:12 pm

Poor calandale! There's so much more to the faith.

I learned to pray for people for healing. I have been God's catalyst for healing over 50 people, some of whom were considered terminal. When my own back starts aching, I just reach around and pray healing for it myself.

I make my own blessed oil and holy water for giving away. It is simply prayer and blessings. I have heard of people getting healed off it.

I asked God for wisdom and He came through with what the Bible calls "Word of Knowledge" and Word of Wisdom." He literally talks to me. Sometimes He gives me little snapshots which are called prophecies, so I can heal people of stuff they didn't even ask for.

People with traumas can be healed by Jesus. I was re-exposed to the adolescent traumas I went through about two months ago by going to a lecture about Aspergers in School. As the flashbacks came up, I asked Jesus to speak truth to that trauma. He did and gave me peace & calm, one at a time.

I dispatch ghosts and demons with a word. If witches attack me (as has happened), I can break their power and pray for their salvation. I also cleanup businesses and churches.

I'm popular even among normals! I share all this with any Christian who wants to do this as well. See my website below.


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26 Mar 2007, 4:21 pm

faith healers are a crock and an insult to real medicine and a detriment to society. it's almost as disgusting as those people who claim to be psychic and claim to talk to the dead.


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26 Mar 2007, 7:42 pm

skafather84 wrote:
faith healers are a crock and an insult to real medicine and a detriment to society. it's almost as disgusting as those people who claim to be psychic and claim to talk to the dead.

Randi is a personal hero of mine.

I have a signed copy of his dictionary of pseudoscience.

He's right up their with Carl Sagan and Issac Asimov

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26 Mar 2007, 8:45 pm

for the most part, they have a right to believe whatever they's when they get involved in the lives of others (by enforcing laws that are purely the gay marriage ban) or start making claims like talking to the dead or faith healing that i feel crosses the line.

and yeah, james randi is awesome. i love the million dollar challenge....and the sylvia browne clock.


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26 Mar 2007, 10:13 pm

I am, even though I don't like to say "Christian", I prefer to say "Roman Catholic" whenever I am asked of my religion. I go to church and since this is the middle of Lent, I need to go to confession!

Fish Fridays are lame!

Sea Gull
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26 Mar 2007, 10:23 pm

James Randi is a devout Humanist and pretty smart. His challenge depends upon the scientific method alone, which cannot prove deep space astronomy, subatomic physics or healing prayer. He is willing to sacrifice those fields of science to "get" all spiritual endeavors. I on the other hand do accept statistical inference as part of science.

He has been good at ferreting out frauds. That's good. He has made sweeping generalizations from the frauds he found in order to justify his Humanist faith.

Your religious zeal is to be expected, since you have not examined your faith for flaws. The Humanist "comparative religions" studies don't examine Humanism, which would come off badly compared to the rest of the religions. Both Buddhism and Humanism don't have a god.

First, Humanists killed at least 80 million people in the 20th century. The Humanist faith is responsible for the high rate of suicide, drugs, venereal disease and drop outs in the youth. It is responsible for opening the door to witchcraft in our society, since the faithful either can't accept it's real or they are using it for influence. Humanist leaders like Hitler and Castro used witchcraft to stay in power. The faithful have opened the door to Islam, trying to form an alliance against Christianity with them. But they kill the Humanists along with the Christians.

In the Humanist faith, "the good of Humanity" is all, people ain't zip. That's why Bill Clinton could sincerely help the feminist cause, while raping women.

I gave up on that religion before I committed suicide because of it. It's a dead end. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, cares for us individually. He gave us the chance to be transformed by the power of God, to enable us to live a better life. He gave us signs and wonders to prove He is still around. I won't defend a lot of the crap that is done by supposed followers, because they are not sincere.

Statistically, I see about 80% healing rate on arthritis, which is incurable by Humanists. I see a 50% healing rate on cancer without surgery or poisons. But since we will never meet, you Humanists can dismiss me as a liar for the sake of your faith.


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26 Mar 2007, 10:32 pm

Faith is truly powerful - I'll give you that. But is it not better unbounded by servitude?


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26 Mar 2007, 11:57 pm

TimT wrote:
James Randi is a devout Humanist and pretty smart. His challenge depends upon the scientific method alone, which cannot prove deep space astronomy, subatomic physics or healing prayer. He is willing to sacrifice those fields of science to "get" all spiritual endeavors. I on the other hand do accept statistical inference as part of science.

He has been good at ferreting out frauds. That's good. He has made sweeping generalizations from the frauds he found in order to justify his Humanist faith.

Your religious zeal is to be expected, since you have not examined your faith for flaws. The Humanist "comparative religions" studies don't examine Humanism, which would come off badly compared to the rest of the religions. Both Buddhism and Humanism don't have a god.

First, Humanists killed at least 80 million people in the 20th century. The Humanist faith is responsible for the high rate of suicide, drugs, venereal disease and drop outs in the youth. It is responsible for opening the door to witchcraft in our society, since the faithful either can't accept it's real or they are using it for influence. Humanist leaders like Hitler and Castro used witchcraft to stay in power. The faithful have opened the door to Islam, trying to form an alliance against Christianity with them. But they kill the Humanists along with the Christians.

In the Humanist faith, "the good of Humanity" is all, people ain't zip. That's why Bill Clinton could sincerely help the feminist cause, while raping women.

I gave up on that religion before I committed suicide because of it. It's a dead end. Jesus Christ, on the other hand, cares for us individually. He gave us the chance to be transformed by the power of God, to enable us to live a better life. He gave us signs and wonders to prove He is still around. I won't defend a lot of the crap that is done by supposed followers, because they are not sincere.

Statistically, I see about 80% healing rate on arthritis, which is incurable by Humanists. I see a 50% healing rate on cancer without surgery or poisons. But since we will never meet, you Humanists can dismiss me as a liar for the sake of your faith.

hitler was a devout christian who wished his SS soldiers had the self-sacrificing quality of the militant muslims. castro is a communist....all communists are worthless. not to mention he's not a humanist. he's a roman catholic.

witchcraft doesn't watch way too much tv.


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27 Mar 2007, 12:07 am

Avatar of the Grey activates "Fallacy Break"!

Your religious zeal is to be expected, since you have not examined your faith for flaws. The Humanist "comparative religions" studies don't examine Humanism, which would come off badly compared to the rest of the religions. Both Buddhism and Humanism don't have a god.

So what? Morality comes the innate "pack programming" embedded in our DNA. The best proof of this lies in those where the programming goes nuts - sociopaths. When the programming fails these individuals are unable to function properly in society because they lack the ability understand the emotions of others - another piece programming necessary for packs to function and completely worthless to lone animals. (Ever seen a cougar cry because "I'm a horrible monster for killing"?) Sociopaths are literally loners for life.

First, Humanists killed at least 80 million people in the 20th century.

Violating your religious doctrine by holding men responsible for the crimes of their fathers?

While I usually don't hold men responsible for the crimes of their fathers or fellow followers of their religion I'll make an exception for you since you throw mud at the other camp.

Christianity is responsible for some of the most insane events in human history. The Inquisition is a good place to start, running around burning and burning "witches" and "warlocks" for minor temperature variations.

Next stop, the wonderful world of the Crusades - setting the tone of relations between the Arab world and the west centuries to come by such wonderful acts as

JULY 15 1099
Over the course of that afternoon, evening and next morning, the crusaders murdered almost every inhabitant of Jerusalem. Muslims, Jews, and even eastern Christians were all massacred. Although many Muslims sought shelter in Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Jews in their synagogue by the Western wall, the crusaders spared few lives. According to the anonymous Gesta Francorum, in what some believe to be an exaggerated account of the massacre which subsequently took place there, "...the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles...". Other accounts of blood flowing up to the bridles of horses are reminiscent of a passage from the Book of Revelation (14:20). Tancred claimed the Temple quarter for himself and offered protection to some of the Muslims there, but he was unable to prevent their deaths at the hands of his fellow crusaders. According to Fulcher of Chartres: "Indeed, if you had been there you would have seen our feet coloured to our ankles with the blood of the slain. But what more shall I relate? None of them were left alive; neither women nor children were spared".

You butchered over 90% of the population of Jerusalem in the course of 24 hours. Wonderful job, Hitler would be jealous. (We'll get to him shortly)

Humanist leaders like Hitler.....

[quote=George Orwell]Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past[/quote]

This seems to be the case with the meme "Hitler was an Atheist."

Hitler was a Roman Catholic, baptized into that religio-political institution as an infant in Austria. He became a communicant and an altar boy in his youth and was confirmed as a "soldier of Christ" in that church. Its worst doctrines never left him. He was steeped in its liturgy, which contained the words "perfidious jew." This hateful statement was not removed until 1961. "Perfidy" means treachery.

In his day, hatred of Jews was the norm. In great measure it was sponsored by two major religions of Germany, Catholicism, and Lutheranism. He greatly admired Martin Luther, who openly hated the Jews. Luther condemned the Catholic Church for its pretensions and corruption, but he supported the centuries of papal pogroms against the Jews. Luther said, "The Jews deserve to be hanged on gallows, seven times higher than ordinary thieves," and "We ought to take revenge on the Jews and kill them." "Ungodly wretches" he called the Jews in his book Table Talk.

Hitler seeking power, wrote in Mein Kampf, "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work." Years later, when in power, he quoted those same words in a Reichstag speech in 1938.

Three years later he informed General Gerhart Engel: "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." He never left the church, and the church never left him. Great literature was banned by his church, but his miserable Mein Kampf never appeared on the index of Forbidden Books. He was not excommunicated or even condemned by his church. Popes, in fact, contracted with Hitler and his fascist friends Franco and Mussolini, giving them veto power over whom the pope could appoint as a bishop in Germany, Spain, and Italy. The three thugs agreed to surtax the Catholics of these countries and send the money to Rome in exchange for making sure the state could control the church.

Those who would make Hitler an atheist should turn their eyes to history books before they address their pews and microphones. Acclaimed Hitler biographer John Toland explains his heartlessness as follows: "Still a member in good standing of the Church of Rome despite the detestation of its hierarchy, he carried within him its teaching that the Jews was the killer of god. The extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of god. ..."

Hitler's Germany amalgamated state with church. Soldiers of the vermacht wore belt buckles inscribed with the following: "Gott mit uns" (God is with us). His troops were often sprinkled with holy water by the priests. It was a real Christian country whose citizens were indoctrinated by both state and church and blindly followed all authority figures, political and ecclesiastical.

Hitler, like some of the today's politicians and preachers, politicized "family values." He liked corporeal punishment in home and school. Jesus prayers became mandatory in all schools under his administration. While abortion was illegal in pre-Hitler Germany, he took it to new depths of enforcement, requiring all doctors to report to the government the circumstances of all miscarriages. He openly despised homosexuality and criminalized it. If past is prologue, we know what to expect if liberty becomes license.

Avatar Of The Grey becomes afflicted with Arthritis!
Avatar Of The Grey retreats with a vow to finish this at a later time!

How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!


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27 Mar 2007, 3:56 am

TimT wrote:
Where's South Park mentioned in the Bible?

It isn't mentioned, but I live in a place (Houston, Texas) that is generally half Catholic, half Southern Baptist--both on the conservative side.

And South Park is a show that would likely be considered evil by religious conservatives.


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27 Mar 2007, 9:20 am


By the way, nice post Randal. Oops, I mean Flagg. Roland. Whoever you are. x)

Sea Gull
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27 Mar 2007, 12:41 pm

calandale wrote:
Faith is truly powerful - I'll give you that. But is it not better unbounded by servitude?

In this world, you're gonna have to serve somebody. You serve the government with taxes and obedience to get the benefits the government offers. Likewise school. Likewise God or the devil -- but not both. The nice thing about obeying God is that His yoke is easy, His burden is light. There's a lot of church folks who have added their own religion to the faith that is not necessary.

Sea Gull
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27 Mar 2007, 1:35 pm

Flagg wrote:
Avatar of the Grey activates "Fallacy Break"!

Morality comes the innate "pack programming" embedded in our DNA. The best proof of this lies in those where the programming goes nuts - sociopaths.

First, Humanists killed at least 80 million people in the 20th century.

Humanist leaders like Hitler.....

[quote=George Orwell]Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past

This seems to be the case with the meme "Hitler was an Atheist."

Hitler was a Roman Catholic, baptized into that religio-political institution as an infant in Austria. He became a communicant and an altar boy in his youth and was confirmed as a "soldier of Christ" in that church. Its worst doctrines never left him. He was steeped in its liturgy, which contained the words "perfidious jew." This hateful statement was not removed until 1961. "Perfidy" means treachery.

In his day, hatred of Jews was the norm. In great measure it was sponsored by two major religions of Germany, Catholicism, and Lutheranism. He greatly admired Martin Luther, who openly hated the Jews.

Avatar Of The Grey becomes afflicted with Arthritis!
Avatar Of The Grey retreats with a vow to finish this at a later time!

Jesus can heal your arthritis. When I was out on my Salvation Army canteen doing hurricane relief work two years ago, I would go down the line and heal anyone with arthritis. It was kinda fun.

As for Christians turned Humanist, Joseph Stalin was also baptized in an orthodox church. The main difference between Hitler's socialism and Stalin's was what constituted "the Good of Humanity" and how to get there. But that was enough for them to go to war against each other. The dictators nodded to the churches that the people respected to secure their power. According to William Shirer, Hitler took over the churches, one denomination at a time, so they couldn't resist his program.

Martin Luther made a mistake when reading the Latin Bible. It speaks of "the Jews did this" and "the Jews did that" without understanding it was speaking of the leaders of the Jewish state of Israel. He overlooked the fact that Jesus Christ was actually Yeshua the Messiah, a Jew! So were all twelve disciples! So was the Palm Sunday crowd. Satan took advantage of that mistake to rally the Christians against the Jews -- as well as the Slavs, Gypsies and homosexuals. The Christians worldwide now understand this and know the Jews will be the chosen race once again at the end times. My wife became a Christian because her Jewish ancestors were helped out of Nazi territory by Christians. The Humanists were their enemies.

A good book on the Crusades is "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades" by Robert Spencer.

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27 Mar 2007, 2:17 pm

The physical effects of faith healing have never been proven. Personally I believe that arthritis can be 'cured' temporarily, or subdued, by any belief that's strong enough in the sufferer. Emotional and mental stimulus temporarily override the light pain. A person who believes that faith healing is impossible, for instance, would probably not notice any change. It's normally referred to as a placebo effect.

I will say though, that even though I'm jewish and really -really- --really-- get tired of some southern christians telling me that I'm going to hell, or trying to convert me or what-not, so on and so forth, when all was said and done the people that helped me most during Hurricane Katrina were the churches. Christians tend to be good people, from what I've noticed; even if I sometimes wish they'd stop sending me fire and brimstone phamplets and butchered new testiment baby-bibles.

Then again, perhaps it's just that good generic southern hospitality.


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27 Mar 2007, 2:49 pm

TimT wrote:
Jesus can heal your arthritis. When I was out on my Salvation Army canteen doing hurricane relief work two years ago, I would go down the line and heal anyone with arthritis. It was kinda fun.

i really hope someday you see the lies that you're believing now. you probably won't...but i hope for your sake you do.